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单词 Funding
1. Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding.
2. Funding for the new school is unavailable.
3. They hope for government funding for the scheme.
4. Funding for the new building has been temporarily suspended.
5. Half the university research posts depend on outside funding.
6. Most students face the problem of funding themselves while they are studying.
7. When I brought up the question of funding, he quickly interjected that it had been settled.
8. Under the terms of the agreement, their funding of the project will continue until 2005.
9. I'm sorry to say that the project's funding has been cancelled.
10. Interest in the project fizzled after the funding was withdrawn.
11. The council has revised its projections of funding requirements upwards.
12. The basic lack of government funding is at the core of the problem.
13. The funding was withdrawn after they botched up the first stage of the research.
14. Getting funding for the project was far from straightforward.
15. They risk losing the next tranche of funding.
16. Government funding of alternative health care is virtually non-existent.
17. They're at odds over the funding of the project.
18. He has an ingenious scheme to attract funding.
19. Could we get back to the question of funding?
20. The belligerent countries are having difficulties funding the war.
21. The schools are starved of funding.
22. This brings us back to the question of funding./funding.html
23. They received state funding for the project.
24. The gallery closed down for want of funding.
25. Extra funding may be available in certain circumstances.
26. Eight senators sponsored legislation to stop the military funding.
27. Students distributed handbills calling for better funding for schools.
28. Government funding for the arts has been reduced.
29. The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.
30. Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding.
1. Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding.
2. Funding for the new school is unavailable.
3. They hope for government funding for the scheme.
4. Funding for the new building has been temporarily suspended.
5. Half the university research posts depend on outside funding.
6. Most students face the problem of funding themselves while they are studying.
7. Under the terms of the agreement, their funding of the project will continue until 2005.
8. I'm sorry to say that the project's funding has been cancelled.
9. Interest in the project fizzled after the funding was withdrawn.
10. The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.
11. The council has revised its projections of funding requirements upwards.
12. The basic lack of government funding is at the core of the problem.
13. Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding.
14. We now need funding to turn the plans into bricks and mortar.
15. No funding will be available until the technology is completely proven.
16. The worker's concern about cuts in the welfare funding has not abated.
31. Many colleges have seen their funding cut.
32. This raises the question of government funding.
33. University funding was tremendously biased towards scientists.
34. Some restriction on funding was necessary.
35. This hospital is targeted for additional funding.
36. The Senate voted narrowly to continue funding the scheme.
37. Funding is subject to political whim.
38. The project foundered after problems with funding.
39. Any government funding would be temporary in nature.
40. Ian is trying to get funding for his research.
41. Funding of education had been grossly inadequate for years.
42. Government funding is being cut back.
43. The government is funding another unemployment scheme.
44. GM schools receive better funding than other state schools.
45. The issue of funding has yet to be addressed.
46. This project is in urgent need of funding.
47. The school is an obvious candidate for extra funding.
48. Such projects are not financially viable without government funding.
49. Funding is available for approved courses.
50. The company is funding another scheme.
51. The debate centred on funding for health services.
52. College directors have called for more government funding.
53. Funding arrangements are already in place.
54. The museum is worried that government funding will be whittled away.
55. They made a direct appeal to the government for funding.
56. Improved funding is fundamental to the success of the project.
57. The very existence of the museum is threatened by lack of funding.
58. This new funding will come as a welcome boost for the industry.
59. There just remains the matter of funding to dispose of.
60. The loss of respect for British science is correlated to reduced funding.
61. The school has attracted funding from a number of sources.
62. The question which needs to be addressed is one of funding.
63. The club has been given funding for another year, but it's not out of the wood yet.
64. There are huge inequities in the distribution of research funding.
65. It's not vitally important that we get extra funding for the project but it would help.
66. The success of the project depends critically on the continuation of this funding.
67. The cuts in funding will be a disaster for the schools.
68. Successive administrations have failed to deliver adequate funding for education.
69. The government announced today that it is to cut funding for the arts for next year.
70. They could relax safe in the knowledge that they had the funding for the project.
71. We now need funding to turn the plans into bricks and mortar.
72. Any increase in students meant a concomitant increase in funding.
73. You mentioned the need for extra funding. Would you expand on that?
74. Funding of the health service has become a political football.
75. Cuts in funding have meant that equipment has been kept in service long after it should have been replaced.
76. The program is under threat of closure due to lack of funding.
77. Military and nuclear research have received the lion's share of public funding.
78. There have been large cuts in government funding for scientific research.
79. No funding will be available until the technology is completely proven.
80. Work on the project has come to a stop because of lack of funding.
81. It's the same old story of a badly managed project with inadequate funding.
82. The Prime Minister described transferring education to central government funding as "a retrograde step".
82. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
83. Work has temporarily come to a stop while the funding is reviewed.
84. The education director is persevering in his attempt to obtain additional funding for the school.
85. The bridge-building project had problems with funding right from the word go.
86. The worker's concern about cuts in the welfare funding has not abated.
87. The problem is not their lack of funding,() but rather their lack of planning.
88. The reality of the situation is that unless we find some new funding soon, the youth centre will have to close.
89. The decision to withdraw funding represents a failure of imagination.
90. Could we get back to the original question of funding?
91. All the organizations involved have sent urgent appeals to the government, asking for extra funding.
92. It is generally agreed that more funding is needed for education.
93. The funding is subject to approval by the Board of Education.
94. Parliament has voted £20 million extra funding for road improvements.
95. We're funding research into new areas such as law enforcement technology.
96. The hospital manager said the project would be mothballed until funding became available.
97. Business sponsorship must be a supplement to, not a substitute for, public funding.
98. Funding from the World Bank lends credibility to the project.
99. The funding for the project was withdrawn so that really threw a spanner in the works.
100. If we can't get any funding we might as well forget the whole thing .
101. The fine arts have suffered from a lack of government funding.
102. On education funding, Japan performs best but spends the least per student.
103. Both projects are on ice until the question of funding is resolved.
104. The president called for greater funding for housing for the poor.
105. Canada is funding the programme to the tune of $30 million.
106. Scientists now have to compete for funding, and do not share information among themselves.
107. We hope that additional sources of funding can be tapped.
108. Present levels of funding have forced the school to cut its teaching staff.
109. And last but not least there is the question of adequate funding.
110. Because of lack of funding many long-term research projects are being chopped.
111. We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.
112. The project is being held in abeyance until agreement is reached on funding it.
113. The government has refused to make up a £30,[http:///funding.html]000 shortfall in funding.
114. The proposal was a non-starter from the beginning because there was no possibility of funding.
115. Another area that warrants attention is that of funding for universities.
116. By withdrawing the funding, the government signed the project's death warrant.
117. We expect good results soon, if the board can see its way clear to continuing funding the project.
118. The cuts in government funding have had a pernicious effect on local health services.
119. The project suddenly got a new lease of life when the developers agreed to provide some more funding.
120. Some theatres receive a small amount of funding from the state.
121. With scarcely any funding and a staff of six, they were operating on a wing and a prayer.
122. After the election our funding came to an abrupt halt.
123. Unless we get more funding we'll be prevented from finishing our experimental programme.
124. The refusal to grant extra funding to schools in the poorest areas caused a political storm.
125. The procedure for getting funding approval is so bureaucratic!
126. Funding church schools is foolishly promoting bigotry and intolerance.
127. As for funding, you're quite correct, Director.
128. Its target was international funding agencies and their clients.
129. State funding of campaigns is under consideration.
130. The rankings guide Britain's four higher education funding councils in allocating resources.
131. Congress left itself the option of forbidding line-item vetoes of major program appropriations, such as funding more Stealth bombers.
132. The level of funding was 97.3 percent after allowing for expected future pay increases.
133. The funding of capital expenditure is usually spread over the years that benefit will accrue.
134. One other authority has a joint budget with the health authority, funding a crossroads care attendant scheme and health care assistants.
135. While the list of proposed transportation projects is being refined, possible methods to close the funding gap are being considered.
136. Funding delays are the latest controversy to surround the building, which used to be a busy shopping centre off Skinnergate.
137. Perhaps the most crucial recommendation is that relating to the funding that will be available for community care after April 1993.
138. That being so, the vice-chancellors are acting responsibly to explore alternative sources of funding.
139. The first move has been in converting to a project-based resource allocation system rather than funding an overall area of activity.
140. Housing authorities that enforce the policies will qualify for certain categories of bonus funding.
141. Colleges and universities Higher education funding in the proposed budget keeps step with the third year of a four-year agreement.
142. With funding from the Ford Foundation[http://], it created local school districts in three neighborhoods.
143. It is clear that a reduction or increase in funding did not automatically lead to similar changes in each of the schools.
144. The popularity of the drugs has strained federal funding, budgeted at $ 167 million this year.
145. Apply for funding for two hospital support nurses who will work with the consultant.
146. Every county has had to seek additional funding to support placement costs for children who do not have a mental handicap.
147. Elbert cautioned, however, that funding is far from a sure thing.
148. The original proposal was for no guaranteed funding and payment to be in arrears.
149. The comments and criticisms made can be categorized into two substantial debates - funding and management.
150. Congressional criticism of Bush's proposals concentrated on the limited additional funding provided.
151. In short, the start-up company receives not only funding, but valuable advice to help it avoid pitfalls.
152. Audited accounts were demanded by the Government, and funding agencies demanded a more efficient accounting for development money.
153. I receive no Arts Council funding or similar, don't receive paid advertising and rely on competition entry fees and subscriptions.
154. In terms of funding, there's going to have to be some political decision as to how we allocate those resources.
155. More formal funding agreements are also required with local authorities and health authorities.
156. Differences were constantly defined by the polytechnic directors and others in terms of the funding differentials between the two sectors.
157. I have, at the last count, 19 separate applications under consideration by 12 separate funding bodies.
158. Capitalists command disproportionate influence over state agencies and funding for public campaigns.
159. The changes will require funding from INSET. capitation and staffing budgets.
160. Republicans will keep a close eye on funding for education and training.
161. The document envisaged six months of bilateral negotiations over programmes and funding.
162. The universities could coordinate distance learning packages for their graduates in various hospitals(), although this would have funding and manpower implications.
163. The best rule is to conserve energy and to increase funding for research into renewable energy sources.
164. The university had to absorb a $14 million cut in funding.
165. Somewhere in the middle of the conflicting forces Bush must decide whether stem cell research should get federal funding.
166. Sponsorship and additional funding will be sought, to enhance company activities.
167. The main priority will always be to find some route to additional funding for books.
168. In California and Florida, state funding and technical assistance for career academies have greatly expanded the number of such programs statewide.
169. Eighty-four per cent of the funding will take the form of military aid.
170. Senior State Department officials say reduced funding also directly affects policy.
171. They control all the funding so we have to dance to their tune.
172. Funding will depend on the sale of extraneous plots for other developments, not an easy matter in the current climate.
173. Table 4.5 shows the initial destinations of students according to their source of funding for participation in the Advanced Course.
174. Will donors be prepared to provide the extra funds needed for reconstruction or even to continue funding at current levels?
175. They intend to submit funding applications to the Global Environment Facility.
176. Block Funding Under block funding trainees will be divided into five categories or premium levels.
177. Forbes, 48, a multimillionaire funding his presidential bid with his own money, has never held elective office.
178. The plans include changing the bill of rights, restoring police power to ban protests and restricting foreign funding of local groups.
179. Second, most scientific disciplines, including molecular biology and genetics are obliged to seek funding for research from industry.
180. Yet each year they continue to chant the get-tough mantra: more funding, more firepower and stiffer sanctions.
181. Under the new government much of the funding for the performing arts would be cut.
182. Yet as constraints on funding begin to bite a new dynamic is becoming apparent.
183. Dirks relayed this news to some of his clients, who sold Equity Funding Corps shares before the fraud was publicly disclosed.
184. More than 190 theatres and touring companies will receive substantial rises from spring next year, with some having their funding quadrupled.
185. Here, the District had few branches and had failed in its bid to secure funding for its own tutor-organiser.
186. Monetary reform initially dawdled along so slowly that the International Monetary Fund has suspended its bail-out funding.
187. The project's organizers hope the government will continue funding it next year.
188. Meanwhile, funding for road construction, as well as other transportation alternatives, has declined.
189. These lines are used if a company is unable to sell commercial paper, the primary source of short-term funding for corporations.
190. Much more problematic, in practical terms, is the resistance by public bodies to funding what are seen as subversive cliques.
191. It now seems certain that, whichever party comes to power on 5 March(), the latest funding measures will be upheld.
192. Riggs said Clinton administration representatives agreed to the further funding restriction in return for congressional leaders' blessing of the spending bill.
193. Now Mr Fallon is preparing a consultative document so the Churches can comment before the new rules for capital funding are finalised.
194. The largest obstacle facing reservation crime-fighters is a lack of funding for more officers, basic equipment and detention facilities.
195. The education programme is dependent on foreign aid, and the US Agency for International Development had been approached for funding.
196. Local authorities will have until the end of September to put in bids for funding.
197. Now regional health chiefs have decided against funding the service themselves.
198. This line had originally been due to open by the end of 1996, but was delayed by the shortage of funding.
199. The funding of this financing is subject to certain conditions, including the consummation of the Equity Tender Offer.
200. The state's original funding level was $ 3 million, creeping up to $ 5 million and then $ 6 million.
201. But Democratic legislators say the tax cut would cut school funding by more than $ 3 billion.
202. When government cash was withdrawn they applied to several charitable foundations for funding.
203. The Senate approved a plan for federal funding of local housing programs.
204. There are few more cost-effective ways to invest relatively small sums of money than reinstating the support funding for tourism.
205. Debt funding worth £690m for this original acquisition was securitised through a bond issue by Nomura shortly after privatisation.
206. Jones is also determined to increase funding for basic research,[] which he says the previous government allowed to run down.
207. During the month-long crisis which followed, the government was maintained by a series of stop-gap funding measures.
208. As soon as the funding is in place, perhaps this spring, the Perriseaus plan to break ground.
209. We recommended funding for the full amount of their request for acquisition, which was $ 212, 500.
210. Thus Southwark, which exports 70% of adults needing residential care, will not receive adequate funding to pay for future placements.
211. The way in which Gingrich and his assistants went about funding the program suggests a serious form of abuse.
212. Funding will be based on an assessment of individual departments.
213. The City Council unanimously approved funding for the search Wednesday.
214. Sound program support through a combination of funding sources is another evidence of success, too.
215. Mr Clinton has signed appropriations bills funding seven cabinet agencies.
216. Nearly half its projects had a full or partial environmental impact assessment carried out prior to funding.
217. For many years a child from an ethnic background with problems has received twice the average funding.
218. He supports parental notification and opposes government funding, but does not advocate a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
219. Government funding to Social service departments who pay 230-pounds for each resident each week will be cut substantially in April.
220. The Trust has become increasingly aware, as funding becomes available, of the unrivalled educational resource of its properties.
221. Wilson marked it for full funding in his proposed budget.
222. In conducting this review the University has taken into account the feasibility of raising the necessary funding from outside sources.
223. Public agencies get most of their funding from legislatures, city councils, and elected boards.
224. Dame Elaine Kellett-Bowman Will the Minister make absolutely certain that the funding councils use up-to-date figures?
225. We would expand the Smart award scheme for small companies which has been constrained by funding resources.
226. Likewise, voluntary bodies need funding to enable them to bid for contracts.
227. Development budgets are at least 90-per-cent dependent on donor funding.
228. Some districts are gaining monies as a result of the change to capitation funding and others are losing.
229. Unfortunately, he claimed, the main activities of large intergovernmental funding agencies had gone into the latter and not the former.
230. This should also include the cost of funding any additional money required to complete the work.
231. Forum participants agreed that organizational and funding issues must be resolved so that new high-speed communications services can be developed.
232. Funding for public works, including community-based arts projects,[/funding.html] went some way towards alleviating mass unemployment.
233. But the overall basis of academic library funding is changing significantly.
234. What we pressed him to do in Committee was to include in the Bill power to set up a funding council.
235. The university research covers fundamental and applied research in various disciplines and is heavily dependent on direct and indirect government funding.
236. It will probably be used for capital funding rather than running costs.
237. This has led to a departure from the generally accepted principle of state funding for educational projects.
238. Although private funding has bridged much of this gap, declining ticket sales of 35 % have intensified financial pressures.
239. Mersey Barrage Company bosses say the scheme has proved too bold for the funding it needed.
240. Those seeking state funding should have to pledge themselves not to teach intolerance or disrespect for secular law.
241. No university under the current system gets central funding for helping the manufacturing base to adopt new technology.
242. Some local initiatives may yet overcome their funding constraints and make a national contribution.
243. The land is owned by Darlington Council, who are funding the conservation work.
244. Even so, as Table 4.1 shows, wholesale funding remains a comparatively small proportion of total liabilities.
245. In addition, a purchaser should have the necessary funding support to complete the deal.
246. Fixed assets plus net current assets less long-term sources of funding, less shareholders' equity equals the short-term funding required.
247. Funding was made available from the health authority's capital programme with assistance from the council and the Government's Urban Programme.
248. Objective: Funding of rural development programmes, mainly for the poorest Third-World countries.
249. The Inns have further developed their advocacy training and are organising and funding the scheme for all the pupils in their Inn.
250. He expressed anxiety about the public accountability of the funding council, and in particular who was to look after the strategic planning.
251. Aside from the issue of funding beyond the enabling schemes, how were services in the catchment area working after the closure?
252. In the face of mounting budget and funding cuts, they say the income is crucial for survival.
253. Sir Colin has defended the institution's right to obtain diverse sources of funding.
254. The Senate added a $ 16 billion tobacco tax to provide extra health care funding for uninsured children.
255. Ask about funding when contacting departments and check with a university careers service for information.
256. In this era of funding cutbacks and academic brain drains, one must suspend preconceptions.
257. The college is holding a brainstorming session to look at possible funding sources.
258. The aim of the project is to analyse the effects of changes in the funding climate on innovatory research topics.
259. With funding being cut, Pusani's program is in a tight corner.
260. These assessments form a crucial input to the determination of the actual funding allocation to each Local Authority through Block Grant.
261. Additionally, if a young trainee achieves a vocational qualification additional funding can be received for the benefit of future trainees.
262. He says that the council has already had extra funding[/funding.html], how much more do the labour and liberal democrat councillors want?
263. We will reverse cuts in design consultancy schemes and provide additional funding for the Design Council.
264. Other religious schools unwilling to go along with them should no longer expect state funding.
265. Needless to say, additional funding to set up these units is often slow to materialise.
266. Local authorities could be brought into that and such an amnesty would need Home Office funding and improved publicity.
267. We have always argued that the main motivation for government funding of research should be wealth creation.
268. It is possible for such programmes to meet the objectives of organisations such as LEAs and TECs thus attracting additional funding.
269. They tend to be wary of public funding, but accept limits on contributions and expenditure.
270. It is among several which fear possible closure within months unless the new assessment and funding procedures move up several gears.
271. As no formula for capitation funding had been developed fundholders were given budgets on a historical basis.
272. Funding themselves through training remains a problem for many students, given the virtual demise of discretionary grants.
273. They can not explore new avenues for cancer research if there is not sufficient funding to buy equipment or pay scientists.
274. The federal formula for determining funding amounts, Atha says, is based in large part on unemployment rates.
275. Harlow Council has always been generous with civic funding for music and the arts.
276. The funding to do anything, however, must in the long run derive from national resources.
277. Whether we can get funding or not is the crux.
278. Gross says that for the third consecutive year, state legislators saw fit not to increase funding for Woodbourne.
279. It will be seen that the bulk of the funding for the discount market comes from banking sector institutions.
280. He disputed the claim that the funding in any way promoted Inkatha.
281. All relevant factors are taken into account by the funding councils when they decide how to allocate resources.
282. In public sector schools in the late 1980s, shortages of government funding were bringing pressures to charge fees.
282. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
283. The governor threw them a curve when he announced that funding would be cut.
284. The final three phases, costing a total of $ 140 million, will follow if federal funding is available.
285. The remaining government funding requirement was met by sales of national savings certificates to the amount of 2.2 billion.
286. Funding for this network will be provided by the three ministries, regional authorities, and network users.
287. He must also come to an agreement with the customer with regard to performance characteristics, key schedule dates, costs, and funding.
288. With adequate funding and proper policy the book industry could achieve self sufficiency and satisfy national demand, the report says.




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