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单词 Investigator
(1) He was a special investigator for the FBI.
(2) The investigator questioned him and took his fingerprints.
(3) The commission appointed a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry.
(4) Hayes is part-time con artist, part-time investigator.
(5) The investigator, bag man and spiritual adviser.
(6) Luca is the investigator on the case.
(7) It forces the investigator to recast his ideas from the beginning.
(8) But one investigator suspected Russell of being an illegal gun dealer.
(9) Thus the wise medical investigator assesses an apparent difference for biological implications before rushing to statistics.
(10) It transforms the police officer from an investigator and enforcer into a catalyst in a process of community self-help.
(11) A social investigator and lecturer, he established a cross-class liaison with Hannah Cullwick, a Shropshire servant, in the 1850s.
(12) Measures are usually taken to shield the investigator from environmental radiation rather than to prevent the radiation escaping from the source.
(13) The investigator has concluded that they were making a false insurance claim.
(14) Gil Galucci, an investigator with the Alberta regulator, would not discuss the case.
(15) Ching-Hon Pui was a principal investigator of the leukaemia treatment protocols and interpreted the data.
(16) An independent investigator outside the surgical team was not used.
(17) They called in a private investigator to help them find their son.
(18) The chief investigator resigned(/investigator.html), amid allegations of covert and probably illegal operations.
(19) They've hired a firm of solicitors and an investigator to gather evidence.
(20) The investigator, who did not go undercover, interviewed employees to find out whether anyone else had complained.
(21) The investigator dispatched to probe the incident blamed the Tonghaks for the trouble.
(22) She risks life and limb every day in her job as an undercover investigator.
(23) A mathematical theory of statistical predictors and how to assess their accuracy has been developed by the principal investigator and others.
(24) Topical steroid requirement - To allow monitoring, topical steroids were prescribed by the investigator.
(25) Sacks is seeking to reopen a case in which Fuhrman was the lead investigator.
(26) They evolved rapidly and spread widely, and have a range of distinctive characters to help the investigator in his identifications.
(27) For each of these components of primary education the investigator is concerned to improve the quality of initial training.
(28) The subject of the test had to tell the investigator which way the spots were drifting.
(29) William Evans designed pharmacological studies and was a principal investigator on the primary leukaemia protocol.
(30) Gerstein did not know what was in the records, but his chief investigator, Martin Dardis, would.
(1) He was a special investigator for the FBI.
(31) Resource Investigator: the team's contact with its environment, generates ideas and resources; intelligent, stable and introvert.
(32) Applications to fly executive jets were rejected and an attempt to become a government air accident investigator failed.
(33) By the time the accident investigator arrives on the scene, however, the ice has melted and the evidence has vanished.
(34) A crash investigator told the court he'd calculated the speed using a reconstruction and tyre marks left on the road.
(35) To watch and to listen are two important activities for the social investigator studying social behaviour as it really happens.
(36) A remarkable proportion regard the technical investigator as an unwelcome intruder who presumes to usurp the coroner's function.
(37) Economics of nurse training Investigator: K Hartley Nurses are the most expensive single resource in the hospital sector.
(38) No, he thought, like an investigator in the dark, surveying his subject through a one-way mirror.
(39) Fortunately these approaches create difficulties for the faker and also leave clues for the scientific investigator.
(40) Investigator Charles Barnett said all three face felony conspiracy, burglary and explosive devices charges.
(41) When an investigator arrives at the scene of an accident there is a single golden rule: secure the wreckage.
(42) Now the vanished figure is the chief investigator in that slaying, Pablo Chapa Bezanilla.
(43) This convention results in the last authors - who usually include the principal investigator - being dropped from the citation.
(44) The Twiggs hired a private investigator to find their real daughter.
(45) Confirmation of abuse means an investigator found evidence that abuse occurred.
(45) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(46) David Campos, the chief investigator, is troubled by the long delay.
(47) A homicide investigator confirmed this in an interview Sept. 9.
(48) The investigator said the killings were the result of poor procedure by trigger-happy police rather than premeditated murder.
(49) Michael Endo I approach my subjects as an investigator.
(50) Every successful private investigator has a tool box.
(51) Ronald Gray of Johns Hopkins a lead investigator.
(52) The procedural testification , relative to the substantive testification , system provides the theory support and explanation to the investigator testifies in the court.
(53) He left when a reporter and a private investigator were briefly jailed for listening to the phone messages of aides to Britain's royal family.
(54) An investigator needs a lot of encouragement; only then will he progress.
(55) At any time he desired, the investigator could palpate the scalp and find the location of each of the sleeve guides.
(56) At the time, Morris had been making a living as a private investigator for a well-known private detective agency that specialized in Wall Street cases.
(57) Extraction of humic substances from sediments is often the first task that confronts the investigator.
(58) Other studies have demonstrated relatively little effect of parathyroidectomy on anemia in patients with chronic renal failure. Senior investigator Dr.
(59) Eric Kandel is a professor at Columbia University in New York, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Senior Investigator.
(60) "Despite its proximity to Earth, the planet Mercury has for decades been comparatively unexplored, " said Sean Solomon, Messenger principal investigator.
(61) Alternatively, you can always open your own private investigator business.
(62) He's principal investigator of the Large Area Telescope on NASA's Fermi gamma-ray Space Telescope.
(63) Mark Westhusin , who was lead investigator on the project.
(64) The investigator to comes off sentry duty unemployed person's influence in the cities region culture characteristic.
(65) You don't have a license to practice as a private investigator in California?
(66) As the global principal investigator, Dr. Lombardi's role is to oversee all clinical aspects of both trials and making any necessary adjustments as it moves forward.
(67) Experience suggests that investigator might never find the exact cause.
(68) "This is a remarkable sight people get to see all too rarely," said Scott Bolton, Juno principal investigator from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, in a NASA release.
(69) Ryan, a motivational psychologist at the University and lead investigator the four new studies about gaming.
(70) Lifton, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at Yale University School of Medicine.
(71) Look. Miss, I'm the highest paid most sought after private investigator in the greater Boston area.
(72) The investigator was able to deduce the crime and find the criminal.
(73) "Come back in a couple of years," said William J. Borucki, Kepler's principal investigator, "and we'll give you an answer."
(74) Finally the Compliance division put its most experienced investigator, Robert Rice, on the case.
(75) Federal investigator left a skeleton crew to analyze the plane wreckage.
(75) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(76) Bob Olson is a former private investigator and skeptic who began using his investigation skills to research psychics, mediums and the afterlife in 1999.
(77) Prospective climate forecasted climate investigator forecast phenomenon of large - scale 1997 ell Ni Nuo successfully.
(78) "Some animations are clearly more Hollywood than useful display," says Peter Walter, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at the University of California, San Francisco.
(79) Note first how he calls it "the Mulcaire case", mentioning only the private investigator Glenn Mulcaire and thereby neatly omitting to mention the name of his own culpable royal editor, Clive Goodman.
(80) He is the principal investigator of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey – or BOSS – project.
(81) Paul Farrelly MP asked Coulson about Operation Motormouth, an investigation carried out by the information commissioner into the activities of private investigator Steve Whittamore.
(82) So the new form of testification should be put forward at first, and then investigator can testify in the court.
(83) For 42 years, the 5)psychiatrist George Vaillant has been the chief curator of these lives, the chief investigator of their experiences, and the chief analyst of their lessons.
(84) "We have been calling Vesta the smallest terrestrial planet, " Chris Russell, Dawn's principal investigator, said at the news conference.
(85) Judge William Fraser, who is Montpelier's city manager, held one up using the tip of a pen, like a crime scene investigator trying not to taint the evidence.
(86) But a private investigator tracked down her brother, Mike Ford, who was a perfect match.
(87) The investigator was able to uncover new facts about the case.
(88) Internal Affairs Investigator : There's no smoking in this building, detective.
(89) American investigator says, to reducing weight person for food, alimental bulk also is one of factors that affect result reducing weight.
(90) I got two calls in to the private investigator about his mother.
(91) IMS Problem Investigator makes IMS log analysis quicker and easier than ever before.
(92) Last month,an investigator representing Langford told jail officials to search the jailhouse drains if they wanted to find the diamond.
(93) He is Principal Investigator for the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Consortium.
(94) The study's lead investigator was Joachim Hallmayer, M.D., an associate professor of psychiatry at Stanford University.
(95) planethood at different distances from the sun, according to Stern, who is principal investigator of NASA's New Horizons mission, which is sending a spacecraft to Pluto.
(96) Does he play a Washington police officer, a federal agent, a private investigator?
(97) Any medical investigator would accept the pattern already uncovered as evidence of falsification.
(98) "We are on the verge of a renaissance in our thinking about the poles of the Moon, including how water ice gets there, " Anthony Colaprete, principal investigator for LCROSS, said in Nature.
(99) How does a potential shortstop become a crime scene investigator?
(100) If you ask Ned Wright, a UCLA astrophysicist and WISE principal investigator, he'll tell you, "It's really kind of flimsy. It's there, but they don't have super data."
(101) Klym also tried to locate Sladewski himself by calling hospitals and jails, interviewing people and hiring a private investigator.
(102) Dr. David Ferrucci, the principal investigator for the recent Watson Jeopardy! project, was a keynote speaker.
(103) In this paper, the investigator reports the experience about the nursing of a multipara with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and her family by means of the family-centered nursing concept.
(104) And this is how he came to be the sole keeper of The Pie Maker's secret: a private investigator, Mr. Cod met The Pie Maker when his Pie Hole was on the verge of financial ruin.
(105) Photographer, investigator, bystanders should not appear in any scene photographs.
(105) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(106) Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator who was on the News of the World payroll and was used by Goodman, was also jailed.
(107) A reporter and a private investigator at News of the World had already been jailed in 2007 for hacking into voicemail messages left on mobile telephones.
(108) At 26 he joined Harvard's faculty, where he is now a professor of genetics and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator.
(109) According to the anti-graft investigator, MR. Qu, more than 70 officials of the Xiamen Customs Bureau have been charged with criminal offences.
(110) In 1983, Don's father died, and one of the first things his widow did was hire a private investigator.
(111) Investigator Ricardo Mancillas Castillo said he had not encountered a threat against Internet users in his four years based in Nuevo Laredo.
(112) Sadetzkiserved as Israel's principal investigator in the Interphone study, which was conducted over the past several years by 13 countries, mostof them European.
(113) You'll never forget her as Kalinda Sharma, the sharp-tongued, keen-eyed investigator.
(114) She has been an investigator of the Italian Telethon Foundation since 1996.
(115) He's principal investigator of the Large Area Telescope on NASA's Fermi Gamma - ray Space Telescope.
(116) "That's about twice as wet as the Sahara," said Anthony Colaprete, principal investigator of the LCROSS mission.
(117) JAMES L. BURCH is vice president of the Space Science and Engineering Division of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Tex . , and principal investigator for the IMAGE mission.
(118) "This research project is a good fit within Boeing's overall research-and-technology strategy," said Jim Paunicka, a Boeing Technical Fellow and the program's principal investigator.
(119) Private investigator Glenn Mulcaire, who was on the paper's payroll, was also sent to prison.
(120) At that point, Plante took his concerns to the Archives' Office of Inspector General, where an investigator shared Plante's suspicions.
(121) Units of legal affairs: procurator, amanuensis, forensic physician, inspector, bailiff, investigator, rectification personnel, and guard.
(122) We were very lucky today; we found a golden investigator.
(123) Salim Yusuf of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada was the lead investigator.
(124) The woman, whose identity has not been revealed, was held in a sting operation when she showed the rock to a Nasa investigator in Lake Elsinore.
(125) Study objectives, investigator and site information, enrollment plans, drug treatment regimens, randomisation schedules, and visit definitions.
(126) James Ironside is an investigator with the CJD Surveillance Unit in Edinburgh.
(127) This independent Investigator Initiated study was supported by a research grant from Abbott Laboratories.
(128) Launer is a senior investigator and the chief of the Neuroepidemiology Sectionat the National Institute on Aging's Laboratory of Epidemiology, Demography, and Biometry.
(129) Most such foils are types of Faraday cage—named after the 19th-century investigator who did much of the fundamental research on electromagnetism.
(130) Why some people choose to act altruistically is unclear, says lead study investigator Dharol Tankersley, a graduate student in Huettel's laboratory.
(131) A private investigator said he has found people using sick days to go bowling, watch professional football games, attend weddings and even funerals.
(132) ONE thing about being a private investigator, you've got to learn to go with your hunches.
(133) The News of the World seems routinely to have asked a private investigator to hack into mobile-phone mailboxes, which is a crime./investigator.html
(134) A tour Guide should be able to act as an attendant, publicity agent, investigator and defender while accompanying foreign visitors.
(135) "We are ecstatic, " said Anthony Colaprete, LCROSS project scientist and principal investigator at Nasa's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.
(136) Soon, the principal investigator gave up asking me about medical school and instead just asked about my novel, which I took as a sign of double failure.
(137) He is the chief executive of the English soccer players' trades union, the Professional Footballers Association, whose cell phone was hacked by a private investigator hired by News International.
(138) Today, I found out that my overprotective parents hired a private investigator a month ago, who since then has been watching my perfectly normal boyfriend, in case he "tries to rape or kill" me.
(139) This is a major clue to how the brain reorganizes itself during learning, says Graybiel, who is also a principal investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT.
(140) To lay these charges to rest, U.N. Special Investigator on Extrajudicial Killings Christof Heynes hired four independent forensic experts to examine the authenticity of the video.
(141) The lead investigator was Matthew Nock, Ph.D., an associate professor of social sciences at Harvard University.
(142) "It's thrilling to see this treasure trove of stars, " said William Borucki, science principal investigator for Kepler at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif.
(143) According to Howard Branz, principal investigator for the project, the scientists got the idea after hearing a talk from a Technical University of Munich scientist in 2006.
(144) The initiative's principal investigator is Peter Webster of the Georgia Institute of Technology.




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