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单词 babble
释义  Related topics: Colours & soundsbab·ble1 /ˈbæbəl/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]TALK TO somebody to speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand or sounds silly 含糊不清地说;唠唠叨叨 I have no idea what he was babbling on about. 我不知道他在唠叨些什么。2. [intransitive]C to make a sound like water moving over stones 〔水流过石块〕发出潺潺声 —babbler noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbabble• Don't pay any attention to her - she's just babbling.• He was running around babbling about someone named Tulkeke.• I always thought he was simply babbling, but suddenly he got up and went.• The woman was babbling incoherently and waving a gun.• Victoria babbled like a brook, chasing motes in the sunbeams.• He babbled on and on until everyone had left the room.• Rump steak, his mind was babbling, rump steak.• I blurted and babbled something and neatly slipped into the make-up shop.Related topics: Colours & soundsbabble2 noun [singular]  1  Cthe confused sound of many people talking at the same time 嘈杂的说话声 the babble of a crowded party 拥挤的聚会上嘈杂的人声2. Ca sound like water moving over stones 〔水流过石块的〕潺潺声Examples from the Corpusbabble• A spontaneous cheer went round the ship, followed by a babble of talk as everyone relaxed.• She talked in a babble like the babble of birds, that ghost from the sea, that white she-ghost.• an hour of babble about UFOs• As the happy couple took their places there was a stir and a rising babble behind them.• Then there's nothing but the implacable, soul-less beat, and a subdued babble of shudders and metallic gasps.• The reforms deserve something better than the babble that has followed them from birth.• The babble of conversation was punctuated by the chink of bottles against glasses.• Migrants came in waves with their babble of tongues.Origin babble1 (1200-1300) Probably from the soundbab·ble1 verbbabble2 nounChineseSyllable  to a quickly in difficult way that is Corpus speak




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