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单词 Gene
(1) The gene is passed on to their children.
(2) Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code.
(3) Sickle-cell anaemia is passed on through a recessive gene.
(4) The drug blocks the action of the cancer gene.
(5) The disease is caused by a defective gene.
(6) Scientists have identified the gene that causes abnormal growth.
(7) This mutant gene is thought to cause cancer.
(8) The gene is activated by a specific protein.
(9) Now, the gene they discovered today doesn't account for all those cases.
(10) Researchers are still trying to isolate the gene that causes this abnormality.
(11) We can use genetic engineering techniques to isolate the gene that is responsible.
(12) The project is nothing less than mapping every gene sequence in the human body.
(13) The gene is only part of the causation of illness.
(14) This particular gene is passed down through the male line.
(15) Evidence is accumulating that a defective gene may be responsible for this disease.
(16) Gene has to wear a jacket and tie to work.
(17) They never give Gene any credit for all the extra work he does.
(18) The genetic variation of some plants from their parents results in expansion of the gene pool for a particular species.
(19) Scientists have estimated that a gene pool of at least 300 animals is necessary to maintain a healthy tiger population.
(20) A particular gene is responsible for the inheritance of eye colour.
(21) In addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet[http://], a good education and a decent home environment.
(22) Gene always has the cleanest desk in the office.
(23) Are gene defects relevant at all?
(24) It is far too early to make sweeping statements about gene therapy.
(25) The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome.
(26) By cross-breeding with our native red deer(), the skia deer have affected the gene pool.
(27) Girls in an affected family can also be tested to see if they carry the defective gene.
(28) The disease is under the control of a single dominant gene.
(29) The scientists have intensified their search for the new gene by working harder.
(30) The illness is believed to be caused by a defective gene.
(1) The gene is passed on to their children.
(2) Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code.
(3) It is far too early to make sweeping statements about gene therapy.
(4) The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome.
(5) By cross-breeding with our native red deer, the skia deer have affected the gene pool.
(6) Evidence is accumulating that a defective gene may be responsible for this disease.
(31) The gene is also associated with increased body weight.
(32) Is it amenable to psychotherapy or gene therapy?
(33) Gene clerked at the auction.
(34) Thus gene therapy may be feasible for these patients.
(35) Gene had to go home and feed the dog.
(36) He had suggested that Gene contact me.
(37) Sherman had heard Gene Lopwitz discourse on that subject.
(38) Gene McKinney, sexually assaulted her in 1996.
(39) The glow showed that the gene was active.
(40) Positives could pass on a negative gene.
(41) In truth Gene probably believes that the forces of darkness are gathering, but he also believes in damage limitation.
(42) It is the tension between gene and individual body as fundamental agent of life.
(43) Maybelline spokesman Gene Donati said the company is reviewing the letter and has no further comment.
(44) Doctors at the Necker hospital in Paris delivered a normal copy of the defective gene that caused the condition.http://
(45) Gene tells me that the citizens hold a tulip festival every year and that they also manufacture clogs.
(46) People can stay healthy despite the flaw, suggesting that the normal gene is not essential to a normal life.
(47) Male speaker One of the concerns of gene therapy is that other tissue will be affected.
(48) Clearly, until these questions are answered, gene therapy will be reserved for life threatening diseases.
(49) This sequence of events may represent a model for the dispersal of gene family members throughout the genome.
(50) They in turn act as enzymes, machines that manufacture other compounds in the cells, the gene products.
(51) Few, for instance, are found near the critical regions known as homeobox gene clusters.
(52) In Britain one in ten black people carry the sickle cell gene.
(53) Ablation of capsaicin sensitive afferent neurones was verified by a depletion of calcitonin gene related peptide from the gastric corpus wall.
(54) Deletions of chromosome 17p are found in 75% of colorectal cancers and are highly correlated with mutation of the remaining p53 gene.
(55) Therefore, the genes encoding these proteins were chosen for insertion into the triple gene transfer vector.
(56) In them the gene might have been positively disadvantageous because it left them less socially intuitive.
(57) It looks as if the concept of the isolated gene as a unit of selection is an idealized abstraction from reality.
(58) Gene mutations occur spontaneously and can be induced by mutagenic agents such has high temperature, mustard gas, and radiation.
(59) Furthermore, a rearrangement of the IRF-1 gene was identified in one additional patient with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
(60) The ideal candidate will have experience of protein purification and gene cloning and should have an appreciation of plant defence mechanisms.
(61) Since then much evidence has accrued that p53 is a tumour suppressor gene involved in a wide range of human malignancies.
(62) We were built as gene machines, created to pass on our genes.
(63) It seems likely that they achieve this by integration of the viral genes next to the cellular copy of a cancer gene.
(64) Once isolated, the mutant gene will be the second gene known to increase the risk for the brain disorder.
(65) We didn't need the gene sequence to find most monogenic disorders.
(66) The gene is found on the X chromosome, males being more severely affected than females.
(67) People have to be executed, removed from the gene pool.
(68) The latest twist is provided by the identification of an alternative candidate gene.
(69) They each carry a single spider silk gene in their genetic make-up of some 70,000 goat genes.
(70) This rat wanted to eat ropes the way Gene Kelly wanted to sing and dance.
(71) Then, with luck, all the cells of the animal that develops from that zygote will contain the new gene.
(72) But the industry is rejecting growing calls for legislation to ban the use of gene test results in assessing cover.
(73) This variation in signal intensity may reflect the differences in the cell density of tissues that express the gene.
(74) If that spore contained the mutant gene,[Sentence dictionary] all the cells of the new plant will contain the mutant gene.
(75) Consequently, a Cain gene on an X chromosome can safety kill the Y chromosome and not risk suicide.
(76) They show that the crucial shift to self-fertilization in the cultivated plant involves but a single gene.
(77) The net result was a widening gene pool and an altogether hardier national herd.
(78) Gelsinger died from the treatment in September, in what is believed to be the first death caused directly by gene therapy.
(79) Similar effects on limb outgrowth and Hoxd gene expression were observed in forelimb cultures.
(80) We are considering making a strain of transgenic sheep containing the mutant gene that causes cystic fibrosis in humans.
(81) They are now working to identify the specific gene involved.
(82) In heterozygous females, pre-B cells whose active X chromosome expresses the mutant gene would not terminally differentiate and proliferate.
(83) It seems certain that all eight have been copied, ultimately from a single ancestral globin gene.
(84) A gene has only one criterion by which posterity judges it: whether it becomes an ancestor of other genes.
(85) Those who inherit one gene have an increased chance of acquiring cancers later in life.
(86) The function of this gene is to block the uncontrolled division of cells; it therefore prevents the development of cancer.
(87) Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the gene 62 promoter region.
(88) Any effect that a change in a gene has on its own replication probability is fair game for natural selection.
(89) Schematic representations of the fusion proteins and reporter gene that were used.
(90) Even if all goes well, it is unlikely that gene therapy treatment will be available for at least 10 years.
(91) The other contained a pea gene for the production of a poison called lectin.
(92) The gene pool of the resulting subgroups would be too small to ensure the viability of the population.
(93) Numbers on the top scale indicate nucleotide positions corresponding to the gene 62 promoter.
(94) An account of the development of behaviour within an individual would have to mention a series of environmental influences on gene expression.
(95) Consider the case of a new, supercharged mutant gene that appears in a bacterium.
(96) Research on the family has enabled scientists to identify a defective gene responsible for causing the disease.
(97) The long reach of the gene An uneasy tension disturbs the heart of the selfish gene theory.
(98) For patients with a family history of colon cancer, one in three carried the mutated gene.
(99) A gene has the particular effect that it does only because there is an existing structure upon which to work.
(100) Many more tests Mike Urmston of the Norwich Union says the use of genetic test results benefits most people with gene disorders.
(101) Some women may carry a gene that increases the risk of breast cancer.
(102) Soon the population consists of hermaphrodites and females, the latter possessing the male-killing gene.
(103) The finding that this gene appears to play a role across ethnic groups is very exciting.
(104) Research that will identify a funny gene or chromosome or whatever.
(105) And last year,[] scientists at Rockefeller University identified the gene that appears to be successful in treating obesity in animals.
(106) About 1 percent of the population has the gene from both parents, according to the New York researchers.
(107) If we leap far enough, all the genes will be copies of one single gene in our ancestral population.
(108) It is also among our deeply held convictions that gene switching is the basis of both cell memory and change.
(109) More worrying, the long-finned gene seems to be creeping into broods where it's not wanted.
(110) They inserted an extra gene and ended up with a virus that wiped out all the test animals within nine days.
(111) Now, however, it is possible to identify specific gene components that contain the relevant hereditary information.
(112) Because the disorder is specific to B cells, it may be a candidate for somatic gene therapy.
(113) When her daughter has children, they will also carry the gene and develop the illness.
(114) Scientists believe the suppressor gene can be inactivated by tobacco, viruses, pollution or diet.
(115) They've found a gene which they think could be passed on by parents to their children.
(116) Antibodies raised against the gene product identify a polypeptide with a relative molecular mass of about 400K in all tissues examined.
(117) In familial cases without a gene defect regular echocardiograms are the only practicable screening method.
(118) Just one base wrong in a particular DNA sequence may cause a coding error in the protein formed by that gene.
(119) We are not looking for a single gene which is wholly responsible for a disorder or a behavioural predisposition.
(120) Expectations for Verplank soared after that tour victory in 1985, the first by an amateur since Gene Littler in 1954.
(121) Enough premalignant cells are present in the bulk of stool to permit the analysis of tumour suppressor gene mutations by this technique.
(122) The S. macroura motif shows 65% identity and 82% similarity with the human gene.
(123) It seems possible that this material originates from rare mucosal endocrine cells expressing the gastrin gene.
(124) Perhaps gene therapy could prevent the mutation of the prion gene that causes hereditary brain disease.
(125) Here we describe a novel murine POU domain gene, Oct-11, that is expressed during embryogenesis as well as in specific adult tissues.
(126) There is a good chapter on biotechnology and genetic engineering, with a simple explanation of gene splicing.
(127) Other workers have found ras gene mutations in between 39% and 47% of colorectal cancers.
(128) The simplest viruses rely on the enzymes of the infected cell to perform both protein synthesis and gene replication.
(129) Once a mutation that causes an abnormality is observed, it becomes possible to try and identify and isolate the gene.
(130) While it strikes men twice as often, women can also carry the defective gene and pass it along to their children.
(131) Cells thus provide the key to understanding development because their behaviour brings about embryonic development and is controlled by gene activity.
(132) Even the gene pools in the South are drying up.
(133) Men are defined by their ownership of a single gene.
(134) More important,[http:///gene.html] the modern approach can lead to explanations at the molecular level thus linking gene action to developmental process.
(135) The same gene inherited from a different parent may have a different effect in the offspring.
(136) The gene for membrane cofactor protein is the next target.
(137) They were times of fresh resolve, novel encroachments of the selfish gene.
(138) The pattern arises, we now know, because the gene is carried on the X chromosome.
(139) A beetle can pass only one gene to each of its offspring.
(140) Nevertheless, direct evidence implicating IRF-1 as the critical target gene in 5q deletions remains sparse.
(141) This provides further evidence that the POU domain gene family arose from a series of gene duplications.
(142) We propose that in Raji cells the accumulation of a repressor is prevented, thus allowing gene expression.
(143) If the test shows a woman carries a defective gene, there is a limit to what can be done.
(144) The hunt for the new gene has been narrowed to a region on chromosome 12.
(145) If the gay gene is in the mitochondria, then a conspiracy theory springs to the devious minds of Hurst and Haig.
(146) Men, under these circumstances, would have no broody gene of their own.
(147) The gene affects hair colour, and codes either for orange or for black.
(148) Now they think they can cure the defective gene in the lungs.
(149) The two clusters evolved by duplication of an ancestral gene cluster before the divergence of the human and great ape lineages.
(150) The gene appears to make people have a higher risk of developing cancer.
(151) This may be due to the complete absence of functional Ea and/or non-polymorphism of the Ea gene product.
(152) The phenotypic effect of some particular gene might be, say, green eye colour.
(153) The main point was that the total genetic capacity of a species may increase due to gene duplication.
(154) Because the gene pool for a growing breed is slight, munchkins are generally bred with other cats.
(155) In this procedure part of a gene from the target organism is amplified many millions of times to reach easily detectable levels.
(156) From studies on living organisms it is impossible to learn details of the molecular events in IL-6 induced gene expression.
(157) If successful, gene therapy could eventually offer effective treatment for as many as 4,000 hereditary illnesses, including cystic fibrosis.
(158) But her son's children, although they might carry the gene, won't get asthma.
(159) Some people who get the shot do get flu anyway, he said, but gene rally they get much milder cases.
(160) Defence Minister Gene Louw emphasized that neither was linked to any illegal or criminal activities.
(161) Which is what inspired Smith and his colleagues to try to insert the gene for HbsAg into vaccinia.
(162) Gene Taylor, D-Miss., but it reflected concerns a number of lawmakers voiced Tuesday about constituent complaints.
(163) The finding of the latest gene is reported in the January issue of the journal Nature Genetics.
(164) Just before she flew to nationals, she learned that her father, Gene[/gene.html], had been diagnosed with bladder cancer.
(165) The gene involved makes the dark pigment-melanin-that is responsible for skin colour.
(166) The synthesis of complex structures such as viruses often requires the synthesis and interaction of several gene products.
(167) It will take by then a matter of weeks to determine the complete DNA sequence of such a gene.
(168) Therefore, a gene is by definition the descendant of a gene that was good at getting into future generations.
(169) Discussion Overexpression and mutation of the p53 gene is now well described in large bowel cancer.
(170) A plague of uniformity is sweeping the world, numbing the taste buds and reducing the gene pool.
(171) The defective gene is a version of the tumour-suppressor p53 gene.
(172) The genes themselves don't evolve, they merely survive or fail to survive in the gene pool.
(173) The immediate task was to identify the gene or genes involved in oocyte maturation.
(174) I was able to identify specific gene factors which carry personality traits.
(175) In earlier chapters I made the assumption that there was no problem, because individual reproduction was equivalent to gene survival.
(176) Probably, the presence of a mutant gene just brings an individual one step closer to the possibility of cancer.
(177) Doctors can perform tests to see if a woman carries the breast cancer gene.
(178) In the long term, the loss of genetic diversity will reduce the gene pool available for agricultural crops.
(179) First is the possibility of inheriting a major gene for liability, but not developing the disease.
(180) Anyone who understood what Gene Kelly meant can picture him dancing in the rain.
(181) There is a recessive black gene in the breed as well.
(182) A gene in a splurge - weed cell stands to gain by promoting the reproduction of its cell.
(183) Further work is under way to map the human gene in detail but preliminary results support the localisation to human chromosome 11.
(184) The plans had been challenged by environmentalists on the grounds that gene technology involved unknown safety risks.
(185) There is indeed direct evidence that mechanical stress can generate intracellular signals that regulate gene expression.
(186) Thus a gene for chromosomal fratricide will spread as surely as a murderer will inherit the Earth.
(187) Identification of the gene encoding s-ADH and the eventual search for polymorphisms are awaited with interest.
(188) This result suggests that the 16S rRNA gene is present in one copy per genome.
(189) If they can identify positively the gene which is causing the trouble, then they may be able to correct it.
(190) And her poor son Gene is going blind as well!
(191) The gene transcription level increases with leafage adding.
(192) To investigate the molecular mechanism of IMF deposition, we explored the expression patterns of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene, hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) gene and the polymorphism of LPL gene.
(193) The company used an adeno-associated virus (AAV) to deliver a gene with the aim of suppressing inflammation.
(194) A new study has found that a fat cell gene may reduce the risk of colon cancer in some people.
(195) Objective To examine the function of ornithine decarboxylase antizyme inhibitor ( Oazin ) gene in the mouse development.
(196) Objective : To analyze G 6 PD gene mutation in 168 Cantonese G 6 PD deficient male infants.
(197) It can regulate specific gene expression, cellular secretion and membrane permeability.
(198) AIM:To study the gene structure encoding some antigenic polypeptides of plerocercoid of Spirometra erinaceieuropaei (SEP).
(199) Consider , for example, a woman who knows that her partner has the gene for Huntington's disease.
(200) When the gene was disabled in tiny nematode worms, their nerve cells literally broke.
(201) IntI 1 integrase gene and class 1 integron marker genes were detected by PCR.
(202) Objective To study the relationship between tumor suppressor gene PTEN , P 16, P 15 and primary cervical carcinomas.
(203) The mechanism of this albescent phenomenon was discussed, and regarded that the mutation of temperature sensitive mutant is probably mutually controlled by the nuclear gene and nuclear cytoplasm.
(204) Based on the result of many tests to the disease, the treatment of mixture of Fungicidal and plant gene activator got a significant efficiency.
(205) DEFB gene products are small antimicrobial proinflammatory peptides, and copy number variation (CNV) could reasonably influence susceptibility to infection and inflammation.
(206) The essential and initial problem of gene expression microarray data analysis is to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs), under certain conditions.
(207) The researchers constructed the transposons in such a way that they can carry the therapeutic gene into the target cell DNA.
(208) Result shows the mostly effect genes of the constitution of the old are the body component gene, the kinesiology gene, the nervous genes, the cardiovascular gene.
(209) Genetic analysis indicated that the API gene was genetically delivered to the progeny and non-segregation lines began to appear in T4.
(210) Single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) essay and sequence analysis of the PCR product were used to ascertain the gene mutation.
(211) Backgroud: The acetylation of histones plays very important role in expression of gene.
(212) Conclusion Data from phylogenic trees of H and N gene revealed that the wide-type measles viruses circulating in Zhejiang province in 2005 all belonged to genotype H1.
(213) Jack: Let's take review at Gene Hackman's life and career.
(214) Last October, scientists field-tested a cotton pest called the pink bollworm moth, carrying a test gene for a glowing jellyfish protein.
(215) We have proved that PLUNC gene expressed specifically relative in mouse nasopharynx by RT - PCR .
(216) Objective:To explore the expression and significance of the WT1 gene and proteins in patients with acute myelocytic leukemia(AML).
(217) The Chlamydomonas gene works on the "ON" cells only but it is thought that a protein from a separate microorganism might eventually restore "OFF" cells.
(218) This paper quantitatively analyzes the infinite population dynamics system of the gene pool GA and discusses the influence of the solution space scale on the stability of the gene pool GA.
(219) Objective To identify the mutation gene of a Chinese family with ectopia lentis.
(220) AIM: To study the effect of calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) on contraction and relaxation of iliac artery transduced with CGRP gene by retrovirus vector.
(221) Conclusion Micro-deletion in AZF gene of Y chromosome is one of the major risks for oligospermatism and azoospermatism.
(222) Conclusion Maybe there is no association with E237G gene mutation between asthma and atopy.
(223) Objective: To investigate the association between gene mutations of ion channel gene KCNQ1 and KCNH2 and familial paroxysmal atrioventricular junctional reentrant tachycardia (FPAVJRT).
(224) In monkeys, the team discovered a piece of what could be "junk DNA" wedged in at the start of the gene.
(224) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(225) At the same time, the information of flax biotechnology of anther culture, haploid breeding, utilization of somatic mutation, protoplasmic culture, gene transformation were introduced in detail.
(226) Objective: To investigate the relationship between the transcriptional expression of RASSF1A(Ras association domain family 1A gene) and oncogenesis and the development of endometrial carcinoma.
(227) Methods PCR method was used to detect micro-deletion in AZF gene in 62 oligospermatism and azoospermatism patients and 20 normal male controls.
(228) Thus it can be seen that the secondary structures of 4. 5S RNA gene in enterobacteria are quite conservative .
(229) To investigate erythromycin resistanc e erm 、 mef gene of is olated streptococcus pneumoniae in Suzhou area.
(230) We applied Digoxigenin-labelled probe in gene localization on human chromosomes.
(231) Objective To investigate whether the angiotensinogen AGT(M235T) gene polymorphisms might be implicated in essential hypertension(EH) in Sichuan Hans population.
(232) Using a harmless virus, the scientists introduced the pigment gene into the eyes of color-blind adults.
(233) Electrochemiluminescence technique has became a new gene detection method. It combined the sensitivity of electrochemiluminescence with the stability of traditional biology detection method.
(234) Conclusion The full length variant-specific surface antigen gene from the isolate of G. lamblia has the common characteristics with other previously identified VSPs.
(235) Objectives: To study the association between M235T allele polymorphism in exon 2 of angiotensinogen(AGT) gene and essential hypertension(EH).
(236) The definition of epigenetics is somewhat variable, with some scientists limiting the term to refer to specific molecular mechanisms that alter gene expression.
(237) The morphological and physiological change of syncytium is considered to be the result of soybean gene expression induced by SCN directly.
(238) In quantization step quantization gene is an important parameter in video stream control. The enactment of this parameter is determined by buffer occupancy.
(239) Conclusions Long-chain fatty-acid alcohol oxidase gene expresses in all tissue tested at different levels, so it may be a constitutively expressing gene.
(240) The theory of "kidney corresponding with winter" has substance basis. Its regulating mechanism is related to conarium's regulation to differential expression of gene in testical.
(241) Objective To investigate the association between the G/A variant at position-30 of the glucokinase gene promoter in Yunnan Chinese subjects and type 2 diabetes.
(242) The news coming from the landmark gene therapy clinical trial for Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) continues to be very encouraging.
(243) Objective:To investigate the expression and immunogenicity of E2 gene DNA of eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus.
(244) Restriction enzymes and reverse transcriptase are keys to gene engineering.
(245) Development of the tetracycline ( Tet ) - inducible gene expression system allows genes to be living organism.
(246) Based on these two indicators, the effectiveness on the gene homogenization by one generation of gynogenesis was 3 and 6 times higher than that from one generation of full-sib inbreeding respectively.
(247) Objective: To investigate the mechanism on cytotoxicity of human hepatoma cells SMMC7721 induced by NDV HN gene.
(248) Lastest, oversea researchers had found that there is one missense mutation high relative with NIDDM patients in GCG R gene.
(249) Fowlpox virus(FPV)is the type specie of avipoxvirdae, which can be used as a Virus vector to express foreign gene.
(250) Conclusion: Gene have different degree loses in abnormal chromosome karyogram, result in chromosomal gene linkage not equilibrium and and emergence clinical effect.
(251) Objective To determine the taste-blindness gene frequency of Han nationality juveniles to PTC in Henan Province.
(252) The couples were put into three groups depending on the DNA of the men: men without the gene mutation, men with one copy of the mutant gene and men with both copies of the mutation.
(253) The results will be useful for cloning and functional analysis of the tsl-1 gene.
(254) LIM homeobox gene family is one of the several subfamilies of homeobox genes.
(255) Here we propose a simple but effective web application creating Venn diagrams from two or three gene lists.
(256) Carriers of a gene for a hemoglobinopathy have natural resistance.
(257) HBV gene was examined in the genome of DNAs from larvae of housefly by PCR.
(258) A normal gene that has the potential to become an oncogene.
(259) The ISOObp promoter of PNZIP gene was cloned by adaptor PCR method.
(260) We found the MX2 gene to be significantly less expressed in comparison with normal subjects in the white blood cells of narcoleptic patients.
(261) This made me think of Mississippi Gene too and as the river poured down from mid America by starlight I knew, I knew like mad(), that everything I had ever known and would ever know was One.




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