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单词 Labor union
1, The group became the spearhead of the labor union movement.
2, Unlike a business corporation or labor union, a charity may not sponsor or support a political action committee.
3, He is a mere tool of the labor union.
4, Boycotted as part of a labor union action.
5, He helped to form a labor union.
6, Four is to enhance labor union buildup developments.
7, They are endeavoring to protect labor union rights.
8, Article 2 A labor union shall be a juristic person.
9, Elect labor union member of committee and budget investigates member of committee a candidate.
10, This fallacy is still the basis of many labor union practices.
11, The execution of collective bargaining right of labor union is helpful in buffering conflicts and defusing differences between labor and management in a peaceful and non-facedown way.
12, Article 39 The public property of a labor union shall not be subject to confiscation.
13, The labor union has ordered its members to work - to - rule.
14, Hereby apply for to establish labor union and need to pay 2% of total amount of monthly wages, and 60% in which belong to the company union .
15, China wows bars labor union independent of the party Communist Party.
16, The delegacy of labor union is that labor union has the rights or qualifications to be the representative of the members and employees' benefits which affirmed by the law.
17, Article 29 A labor union and any of its officers or members shall not.
18, To lead the mass work of the labor union and the Communist Youth League.
19, At present, part of's labor union filed an arbitration application in accordance with the law.
20, In the course of a strike, the labor union shall not disturb public peace and order, or inflict an injury on the lift, property or personal freedom of others.
21, In the spring of eighteen ninety-four, a labor union organizer went to George Pullman's town. He was Eugene Debs, leader of the American Railway Union.
22, This person needs something more like a medieval crafts guild than the labor union of 1860-1980.
23, Dole now backs a ban on PACs,(http:///labor union.html) soft money contributions and the use of dues to finance labor union donations.
24, The flight attendants meeting in Sydney this morning have authorized their labor union to take further action.
25, The very idea of it is gone, blanked out, from the disconnected halves of our labor union brains.
26, Those employees were entitled to health and welfare benefits under a labor contract between Santa Fe and the labor union.
27, Now that Obama is in full re-election mode, the labor union bosses seem to be ratcheting down the rhetoric of their anti-trade demagoguery, at the behest we assume, of Obama’s advisers.
28, Including salary bonus tax adjustment (Adjustment to tax payment for employee benefits , employee labor union dues, employee education expense.
29, As for its overall guideline, it is executed by majordomo, and guided by a committee representing British Government, Arts, Technology, Industry and Labor Union.
30, As one of the collective labor rights, right of collective bargaining is owned collectively by labor and used by the labor union which is the representative of the labor.
31, I would hate to see the negotiations go sour , because the last thing we need is more trouble from the labor union. What do they want this time?
32, Article 38 When a debtor of a labor union goes bankrupt, the said union shall have the preferential right to claim against his property.
33, The society management is monitored by the individual sport association, such as the main labor union, Communist Youth League, Feme League, and almost 500 sport committees and sport clubs.
34, The author analyzes why the Taiwanese labor union movement presents highly militant masculinity on two levels.
35, Nobady will lay off with the permission of labor union.
36, The budget management of Labor Union is the key link of its financial management.
37, Without full agreement of the Labor Union, nobody will lay off.
38, The National Labor Union was created to pressure Congress to make labor law reforms.
39, This year, the French General labor union has organized 3 strikes.
39, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
40, At the personal management stage, the work of the personnel managers is a management officers and workers' welfare, and with the legal procedure of labor union.
41, He says he will seek a true partnership with Chrysler workers and labor union numbers.
42, United Mine Workers labor union President Cecil Roberts said more regulation isn't needed, just better enforcement.




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