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单词 Approximately
1 The area is approximately 100 square kilometers.
2 There are approximately 12 million migrants with their dependants living in the EU countries.
3 The length of the bay is approximately 200 miles.
4 The plane will be landing in approximately 20 minutes.
5 Total expenditure amounted to approximately £1 million.
6 How much do think it will cost, approximately?
7 The battery allows approximately 135 minutes of talk time.
8 The journey took approximately seven hours.
9 One pound is approximately equal to 454 grams.
10 It cost approximately 300 I can't remember exactly.
11 The journey time to London is approximately four hours.
12 The village has approximately doubled in size since 1960.
13 The conservatory measures approximately 13ft x 16ft.
14 Approximately $150 million is to be spent on improvements.
15 The pies have a shelf life of approximately one week.
16 It takes approximately 365 and a quarter days for the earth to revolve around the sun.
17 The earth turns through one complete revolution approximately every twenty-four hours.
18 Take approximately 60mg up to four times a day,[] unless advised otherwise by a doctor.
19 In 1992 the population of Cairo was approximately 6 500 000.
20 The job will take approximately three weeks, and cost approximately £1000.
21 Holmes calculated a ratio of approximately 2.4:1.
22 The diet plan provides approximately 1,000 calories a day.
23 The classes contain approximately equal numbers of members.
24 Approximately 58,000 soldiers were dead or missing in action.
25 Extracellular osmolal concentration is approximately twice the sodium concentration.
26 These periods contained approximately equal numbers of cases.
27 10,000 men had volunteered by the end of September; thereafter, approximately 1,000 men enlisted each month.
28 Due to a slight technical hitch the concert will be starting approximately half an hour late.
29 In the course of the 1930s steel production in Britain approximately doubled.
30 Officials at the school say they received a bomb threat at approximately 11:30 a.m. today.
1 The area is approximately 100 square kilometers.
2 There are approximately 12 million migrants with their dependants living in the EU countries.
3 10,000 men had volunteered by the end of September; thereafter, approximately 1,000 men enlisted each month.
4 Due to a slight technical hitch the concert will be starting approximately half an hour late.
31 Protein compounds contain approximately I 6 percent nitrogen. 151.
32 The remaining six groups clustered approximately in chronological order.
33 Armed forces police and coastguard services, approximately 300.
34 Approximately 80% of chronic pancreatitis discharges were men.
35 The larger bottle contains approximately 25 applications.
36 A female voice answered approximately a minute later.
37 Turn fritters constantly and cook for approximately 5 minutes.
38 Approximately 800 yards from the beach at Paguera.
39 This would involve the construction of approximately 20 new reactors.
40 The new piece should be thoroughly dried, and tailored to approximately the right shape and size.
41 Approximately half of the assistants also wished to attend an induction course on the general role of a welfare assistant.
42 There are approximately 5,000 such schools, virtually all of which were established by religious foundations.
43 At the time that the land was transferred in 1996, approximately 30ha were under citrus and deciduous fruit orchards.
44 These were approximately contemporaneous invasions; and the legends celebrating their victories were developed simultaneously too.
45 Blood levels decline from this point and finally disappear approximately 5 weeks after birth.
46 The property lies within approximately 150 metres from this improvement but would not be directly affected.
47 Approximately equal amounts of each are powdered and mixed together thoroughly.
48 Each sample contains approximately 2,000 words and the complete corpus contains about a million words.
49 In order to ensure that enough glycogen is present for training, carbohydrates should make up approximately half of your daily diet.
50 Has your salary decreased by approximately the same amount as the loan?
51 Pour the milk into the can until the can is approximately three-quarters full, then add to the pan.
52 If I build a trickle filter, holding approximately 10 gallons, will I be able to increase my stocking level?
53 The oral shield is approximately rounded triangular, often with an acute proximal angle and a distal projection.
54 This law includes amendments to the penal code and the conditional release of approximately 38,000 prisoners.
55 Approximately 50 nutrients, as well as dietary fibre and water, are needed by the body.
56 In 1993 the level of development expenditure is forecast to fall significantly by approximately £150 million.
57 Turn the sliding contact of the potentiometer to approximately mid-position.
58 Still, one dramatic form of this migration can be approximately documented.
59 Approximately one-fifth of all school children are believed to have special educational needs of one sort or another.
60 Customers willing to live on the edge purchased approximately seventy-two thousand units.
61 There is a marked gender difference in first admission rates; the rates for women being approximately one-third higher than for males.
62 Approximately $ 300 million will be directed toward the expansion of hosting operations.
63 Concerts last approximately one hour and can be enjoyed after work or before a main evening festival event.
64 Shape the crawfish mixture into round cakes, approximately 2 ounces each.
65 Using past experience, the networks find correlations between approximately 100 sensory measurements.
66 Add orange zest, tomatoes, and raisins and simmer approximately 10 minutes to form a light sauce consistency.
67 It stands in its own grounds of approximately one and a half acres and from its elevated position has spectacular views.
68 The proximal ventral arm plates are approximately trapezoidal with a wide convex distal edge, they are contiguous with one another at least proximally.
69 Approximately 20 percent of elementary school age children were attending 2,000 ordinary schools by 1933.
70 When the man did not stop to spit or wipe his forehead, each row took him approximately two minutes.
71 Approximately 70 percent of development expenditure was to be financed from foreign assistance and loans.
72 It has been scientifically estimated that a pound of your own body fat provides approximately 3,500 calories.
73 Approximately 90% of deaths from lung cancer and bronchitis are caused by smoking.
74 The Plan expired on June 30, 1988, and was in effect for approximately five years....
75 She is now unable to work and receives benefits, including invalidity benefit, amounting to approximately £90.00 per week.
76 To allow for testing of the analysers in the current project approximately 5% of the corpus has been removed.
77 Our scenario averaged over base load and peak Periods corresponds approximately to a 70 / 30 ratio of coal to gas.
78 The numbers of tenancies expiring each year are approximately equal.
79 My child allowance is approximately thirty-seven pounds a month so mum keeps seven pounds and I have thirty.
80 The school serves a community of approximately 10, 000 people, mostly blue-collar workers who are employed by the pickle plant.
81 In 1998, the residential property tax classification accounted for approximately 59 percent of the city's total tax capacity.
82 Every 100 kilometres had approximately two defensive positions, 200 soldiers and five or six cannon.
83 Every day I earned approximately a dollar and a half.
84 Approximately 70 percent of the course is devoted to design and technology studies and 30 percent to related studies.
85 Gatwick in on the Victoria line, offering a direct link with Hastings, and is approximately 50 miles by road.
86 Such cultures retain viability and continue to proliferate for approximately I week but changing the medium may extend this period.
87 This was approximately one fifth full size, but was a working mock-up rather than a true scale model.
88 This amount was approximately equivalent to half of their annual salary, depending on age and position held.
89 Put the end of the straw in the bag so that it extends approximately two inches inside the bag.
90 In the financial year 1982-83 the sales revenue from the sales of books, music and journals amounted to approximately £60m.
91 Approximately 15 people graduate from the federally funded San Diego Job Corps each week, and 15 replace them.
92 In 1980-81 the highest 10% of earners paid approximately one-quarter of their earnings in direct taxation.
93 Turn the sliding contact of the potentiometer to approximately mid-position. Connect the battery.
94 Armed forces: defence force disbanded in 1981; approximately 300 police.
95 There are approximately 380 postgraduate students, including both students taking postgraduate taught courses and those studying for research degrees.
96 It also provided approximately 40% of the stipends and housing costs of the 11,500 serving clergy.
97 Some felt that the entry fee - on average approximately £300 per yacht - was too much.
98 Approximately 53 % of total revenues were attributable to Web hosting and other enhanced services.
99 Our finding also confirms previous reports that postprandial serum gastrin consists of approximately equivalent concentrations of G17 and G34.
100 In this case high frequencies means anything above approximately half the clock frequency.
101 Turn and continue cooking on the other side, approximately 4 to 5 minutes.
102 The sessions last approximately three quarters of an hour, and are enforced by the Cab Office.
103 The estimated commencement date is 1983, with an anticipated construction period of approximately 2 years.
104 Build for King Edward I, work commencing in 1283 and continuing for approximately four years.
105 Today the mean yearly income of families of students receiving financial aid, she believes, is approximately $ 36, 000.
106 In 1975, a record kill year, approximately 20,000 striped dolphins were killed in the drives.
107 With regard to the diagnosis in approximately 10% of inflammatory bowel disease patients with colonic involvement a definite distinction can not be made.
108 The 76, 244 total attendance was a Street Scene record, up from approximately 65, 000 in 1995.
109 Almost all large modern coal fired boilers utilize pulverized coal because pulverized coal burns approximately like oil or gas.
110 The sampling at the station was performed approximately 2 weeks before the culmination of the spring bloom.
111 Researchers failed to find any correlation, even though milk contains approximately the same number of calories as juice.
112 This treatment was used experimentally approximately 20 years ago, with mixed results.
113 The smallest metropolitan county had, therefore, a population approximately double that of the largest unitary authority.
114 Pimozide is now also being used; it appears to be approximately as effective as haloperidol and may have fewer side effects.
115 The lecture programme extends from October to April and consists of lecture courses, tutorials and laboratory work totalling approximately 260 hours.
116 This group has approximately equal numbers and proportions of isolated and insitu incisors that are digested.
117 Desiccated liver is approximately 80% protein and is easily broken down and absorbed by the stomach.
118 After reactor performance improvements of approximately a factor of one trillion, the break-even point is now in sight.
119 Tenderizing Meats Only approximately one quarter of the cuts from a beef carcass are inherently tender.
120 The initial resit diet processed results for approximately 300 candidates, covering six exams at two levels, elementary and advanced.
121 The mill originally had two sets of fairly small stones of approximately 2' diameter, which have not survived.
122 Approximately 70 relatives and friends have made the trip from Pittsburgh to watch this grad student in biology chase her dream.
123 Despite several restructuring agreements since 1983 the cost of debt servicing continued to consume approximately one-third of export revenues.
124 The present population of Britain also includes approximately 2.4 million people of minority ethnic origin.
125 There is some residual radiation, indicating that atomic weapons were in use approximately five thousand years ago.
126 Under normal conditions, approximately 65 percent of salt and water is reabsorbed at this site.
127 As is to be expected, approximately 75 percent of the children come from poor families.
128 Approximately half had organised or helped with playgroups and a similar number had previously worked as welfare assistants.
129 The vault bar seats approximately 55 persons and is more attractive to the younger drinkers because of its atmosphere and prices.
130 Approximately 100,000 cars clog the narrow streets each day and exhaust gases are eroding the city's ancient monuments.
131 That boosted the reported payroll increase by approximately 75, 000, some analysts estimated.
132 It would appear that the rocker cover is becoming pressurised and oil consumption is approximately one pint per 150-200 miles.
133 Charged approximately 7.50 per hour for the public meeting, and a lesser amount for the exhibition space.
134 When such material is used it must be ensured that it conforms approximately in density and shape with the natural beach material.
135 Of these, approximately 5 % contained errors and were rejected by the system.
136 The mean was approximately 4, and the variance 11, giving a coefficient of dispersion of nearly 3.
137 An elderly person should try to eat approximately half a pound of protein in some form in her diet every day.
138 A control on the front panel adjusts the operating time between limits of less than one second and four minutes approximately.
139 Consequently,[http:///approximately.html] President Roosevelt dismissed the entire batallion of approximately 160 men and disqualified them from further military or government employment.
140 The database of approximately 180 references include audiovisual and print materials held in the school library.
141 Probably several eddies commonly occur simultaneously, as shown in the figure, with an approximately but not exactly even spacing.
142 The total budget for 1992 will be approximately US$3.8 million.
143 It has been estimated that there are approximately 1 million elective offices to be filled.
144 Choledocolithiasis is a relatively frequent problem arising in approximately 15% of patients with stones in the gall bladder.
145 There are approximately 10 9 base pairs in the human chromosome set.
146 To provide an effective working atmosphere, the number of participants will be limited to approximately 50.
147 In 1994, for example, the U. S. Government paid farmers approximately $ 10 billion in grants.
148 I found myself in a rough cubicle with a torn curtain hanging to approximately knee-height.
149 The relative molecular mass of NaCl determined from the elevation of boiling point is thus approximately half that calculated from its formula.
150 She therefore has to use a dialysis machine approximately three times a week.
151 Jubilant, most gave up the idea of protesting in the freezing temperatures again, but approximately 1,000 persisted with their plan.
152 First let us establish how the geodesic equation simplifies when the motion can be described approximately by classical mechanics.
153 In Arizona, approximately 93 % of the freight traffic and 95 % of the passenger traffic is interstate.
154 These two strands have an approximately equal weight in terms of student workload and contribution to the overall assessment.
155 The Bank itself commissioned a study which noted that approximately a third of its projects failed to meet these rigorous criteria.
156 If approximately $ 15, 000 can be raised, SummerFest will even unite modern dance and chamber music.
157 Today, Guinness Import Company employs approximately 120 people and operates through a nationwide chain of wholesalers.
158 The town centre is within easy reach - approximately a six minute walk away.
159 He gave each show approximately one second to catch his attention before he hurried on to a new channel.
160 The random haemoglobin A 1 value was a continuous variable, which was shown in a histogram to be approximately normally distributed.
161 The overall electron transfer from the anion is particularly high and has been calculated at approximately 0.8e.
162 Many of the girls come from the most appalling backgrounds of abuse and violence and approximately 60% are addicted to drugs.
163 Bicarbonate makes up approximately 95 percent of the total CO2 content, but most laboratories are not equipped to directly measure bicarbonate.
164 It is estimated that approximately 500,000 adults in Great Britain suffer from agoraphobia to some extent.
165 Most affected individuals are asymptomatic, but aPProximately one-third will have xanthine stones.
166 Approximately 150 people make up the population of Tibthorpe; their homes with beautiful views over the surrounding countryside.
167 It'should be either approximately normal, bimodal, or skewed distribution.
168 I have it from unreliable sources that the cost of the voyage Isabella originally underwrote for Columbus was approximately $30,[]000.
169 Tip: E is the Euler's constant, which is the base of natural logarithms ( approximately 2.7183 ) .
170 Approximately real length of block shell plate can be rapidly resolved out by application of NUBLine to fit ship lines.
171 Accordingto the Federal Reserve's accounting report, M1 is the approximate of dollarscirculating the globe, which is, approximately $1.5 trillion.
172 You're the engineering team lead on a new PHP project. The requirements are fulfilled, and the preliminary data model is approximately 150 tables.
173 The local replica user network traffic is approximately 50 percent that of a server-based mail user.
174 A 9,000-ton Greek-owned and Panamanian-registered vessel, with its 19 crew, was attacked approximately 450 miles east of Kismaayoon Wednesday afternoon, the statement said.
175 STM is a 13-pound guided munition that is approximately 2 feet long, making it the smallest air-launched weapon in the Raytheon portfolio.
176 The hardness of the experimental steel decreases with the increase of average austenite grain size, which approximately keeps a linear relationship.
177 Cars driving 15, 000km a year emit approximately 101 grammes of sulphur oxide gases (or SOx) in that time.
178 The article approximately has three parts:Part one mostly analyses the result and influence of the "Glorious Revolution".
179 Molecular biologist Irving Weissman at Stanford University, California, injected human brain cells into mouse foetuses , creating a strain of mice approximately 1 per cent human.
180 The incidence of POAF is approximately 33% after coronary bypass surgery and 35-50% after valve surgery.
181 In addition, if the remote operations take approximately the same amount of time to return the first row, then the benefit achieved in enabling asynchrony is maximized.
182 An annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic, ranking below but having approximately the same functions as a consul.
183 As at 31st March, 2002, the Group's cash and bank balances and short-term bank deposits amounted to approximately HK$67 million.
184 When you look up into the heavens with a telescope, you see many nebulae whelloch are like, or approximately like, the perfectly balanced spiral nebula whelloch you see edgewise in Fig. 23.
185 As a result, the new CMOS sensor makes possible a maximum output speed of approximately 9.5 frames per second, supporting the continuous shooting of ultra-high-resolution images.
186 Double cream contains approximately twice the quantity of fat-soluble vitamins as single cream.
187 A constant angle of approximately 35 degrees should be shown, from the front and from behind one sees four tracks.
188 Approximately, we assume their tracks are parallel lines in a synthetic aperture time.
189 The attenuation coefficient shows approximately linear behaviour with frequency over the frequency range used, and the attenuation slope increases with the void content.
190 Blood group O and blood group A were equally frequent and comprised approximately 85% of the men.
191 Code that was compiled without any optimization flags resulted in code that was approximately five times slower, so be sure to always compile with -O2 or -O3.
192 Boeing has built one third of the approximately 250 satellites in geosynchronous orbit today.
193 The approximately 180 judges in the Judiciary a strong collegiate spirit.
194 The radiocarbon test result indicated that this cone-shape tool is Bai a Weilu pin bone, long approximately 12 centimeters, was probably has 10400 years.
195 This kind of unusual elephant feather same material length approximately 0.8 centimeter.
196 The critical humidity level which is at 45% is approximately same for clear and polluted air.
197 A measure of liquid capacity , especially one equivalent to approximately 252 gallons ( 954 liters ).
198 Approximately 70 % of class time is devoted to casework and experiential learning.
199 Of these relapsed patients,[http:///approximately.html] approximately 80 % are P - gp positive.
200 They are told to stop the demonstrations and exercise restraint, but they have little training or access to nonlethal crowd-control equipment. Approximately 1,200 of them have been injured so far.
201 Tail docked at approximately second joint, appears to be a continuation of the spine, and is carried only slightly above the horizontal when the dog is alert.
202 In the news release, the linguists described their discovery as bittersweet: Of the approximately 800 people who speak Koro, few are under the age of 20, meaning the language is endangered.
203 Netty thermal fatigue crack will occurs when two principal stress and two principal plastic strains are approximately equal to each other.
204 The images were obtained ata distance of approximately 526, 000 miles from Saturn and at aSun-Saturn-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 74 degrees. Image scale is 31miles per pixel.
205 Strong westerlies, at times, have been observed near the tropopause over Recife, Brasil, approximately 9o from the equator.
206 In multicolumn text formatting , the process of making column depths on a page approximately equal.
207 Our source also noted that in their contract, A.T. Kearney explicitly states that the base salary will not be increased until January 2013, which is approximately 1.5 years after starting fulltime.
208 The enhanced capability of this antenna is approximately equal to adaptive antenna, but need not iterative procedure, has fast response and good robustness.
209 Suction caisson is an important new style offshore structure foundation. Its ultimate bearing capacity can be calculated approximately on the base of ultimate balance method.
210 When the house lights dulled and the concert was approximately to begin, the mother returned to her seat and unconcealed namely the child was lacking.
211 The algorithm has approximately computational complexity comparing with the back propagation fellow used in the general feedforward three layered LBF networks.
212 It is proved that in electron circular accelerator, the longitudinal distribution of particles in electron bunch can be approximately expressed as hollow distribution.
213 If you do like to use 140 CCPM swash plate setting but do not want to invest in a new radio, you can use a 120 degree CCPM setting combined with an elevator-to-pitch mix of approximately 35%.
214 For a 1.0ns rising edge signal, forward crosstalk won t reach it s maximum level until approximately 760 mm [30 inches] or more of parallelism.
215 Centaurus population is thinly spread across these colonies, now totalling approximately 5 billion human beings.
216 When Stapp introduced Krieger, the crowd of approximately 200,000erupted in cheers and shouted along to Doors favorites " Roadhouse Blues"and "Riders On The Storm. "
217 The CIAS model also can be used for the mixed gas adsorption process, in which the individual equilibrium adsorption capacities of the adsorbates are approximately the same.
218 There are approximately 1000 Kalmyks in the United States, of which 300 are from the Astrakhan area.
219 According to the SBA's California State Profile Report, between 2000 and 2005 California's small businesses became approximately $30 billion dollars more profitable.
220 This paper is proposed that the leaky bucket output process can be approximately described as Interrupted Bernoulli Process (IBP).
221 The nuclear genome contains approximately 50% repetitive DNA sequence in rice. Amplification and introgression of repetitive DNA sequences in the genome of higher eukaryotes are unknown clearly.
222 Pup mortality rates are highly variable, but approximately 40 to 60% of wolf pups die each year.
223 The numbers of the antral follicles of ovaries in both female XO and XX stimulated with PMSG were approximately equivalent.
224 The primary written assignment for this subject is a research paper of approximately 25 pages, on a topic of the student's choice.
225 The mass fraction of n - butene in mixed C 4 from catalytic cracking after etherized was approximately 40 %.
226 EFSA used the highest value of melamine (approximately 2, 500 mg/kg) reported in Chinese infant formula and consumption at the 95th percentile as a basis for worst case scenarios.
227 Treat correctly handle the stuttering and children in diseases such as astrictive stuttering, mostly because of infant's or mental stress, the boy suddenly about 4 percent, approximately 2 girls.
228 The membrane is preferably approximately plane in shape[sentence dictionary], so that a front surface of the showerhead is likewise plane in shape.
229 The mathematic modeling shows that the real oil filling degree and oil saturation is approximately equivalent to the forecasting result and the correlation ratio is more than 80%.
230 Proper unloader setting allows a small amount of continuous bypass (approximately 5% of total flow) to minimize the pressure spike and compensate for nozzle wear.
231 An electric battery was discovered in a rock carbon dated approximately 500,000 years ago.
232 The standard rating cycle for the lift generation system needs to generate at approximately 25% above maximum allowable loaded take off weights.
233 An actual radar antenna pattern plotted by using the method shows approximately no difference from the practically measured results based on solar noise.
234 The not-so-romantically named (101955) 1999 RQ36 -- discovered in 1999 -- measures approximately 510 meters in diameter and is classified as an Apollo asteroid.
235 A nonlinear parametric excitation equation is obtained for ships in longitudinal waves, and the dynamic stability is analyzed when the natural frequency of heave and roll are approximately equal.
236 It required three spools, each containing approximately 900 feet of number 27 Heavy Formvar wire for the primary sections.
237 Approximately one third of all patients with malignant disease have hepatic metastasis.
238 The average impact acceleration and average impact stress of sled train increase approximately in a line with the increase of track deviation.
239 Aoyama: Usually I receive approximately 80 letters per post and internet.
240 The later stage of Rome here refers to the period from the later period of Rome republic (approximately from the second Punic War) to the destruction of the Empire Rome.
241 The first liquid crystal material has birefraction index approximately equal to one half of that of the second liquid crystal material.
242 The real dike pattern can be approximately duplicated theoretically by the superposition of two very simple stress fields.
243 The road, about six kilometers from the aerodrome, "was approximately 600m long and was positioned in the same east-west direction as Runway 27 at Shobdon, " said the report.




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