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单词 general anaesthetic
释义  ˌgeneral anaesˈthetic British English, general anesthetic American English noun [countable, uncountable]  a medicine that makes you unconscious during an operation so that you do not feel any pain 全身麻醉药 → local anaesthetic I had the operation done under general anaesthetic. 我是全身麻醉后接受手术的。Examples from the Corpusgeneral anaesthetic• Surgery means an operation in which you will be given a general anaesthetic so that you are very deeply unconscious.• Electrodiathermy to cauterize the cervix requires a general anaesthetic and is falling into disuse.• A cone biopsy, which removes rather more tissue, requires a general anaesthetic.• The operation takes around 15 minutes under general anaesthetic.• The girl, who was having a tooth removed under general anaesthetic, developed breathing difficulties.ˌgeneral anaesˈthetic nounChineseSyllable  that makes during an Corpus a medicine unconscious you




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