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单词 Leguminous
1. These leguminous plants have the capacity to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere through their specialized root nodules.
2. Any of leguminous plants of the genus Lotus.
3. There was greater cover of Leguminous plant communities than that of control; there was not significant difference between Medicago falcate communities and control on the cover.
4. Kudzu is a leguminous annuals, thermophilic heat - resistant, drought - tolerant, adapt mountain grown.
5. Cassia seed, the leguminous plant, is the food material which can be used as medicine and food.
6. The consumption of leguminous plants seems negatively correlated with breast cancer.http:///leguminous.html
7. The results show that the two non leguminous plants, Amaranth and rye grass, could absorb soil nutrients and compete with flue-cured tobacco when they are intercropped.
8. Alfalfa, which is a kind of perennial leguminous caudex, is the best and most important leguminous grass in the world .
9. Leguminous plant has been thinking highly because its high protein content, good palatability, higher productivity, economic and high-performance nitrogen fixation is attracted increasing attention.
10. The soya bean is the seed of the leguminous soya bean plant .
11. Any of several other leguminous plants, such as the rose acacia.
12. The fruit or seed of a leguminous plant such as or or lentils .
13. The leguminous lectin played an important role in the recognition of Rhizobia.
14. Is a protein -rich perennial leguminous plant and the crude protein content of dry matter is always around 20%.
15. Leguminous plant communities had higher species richness than the control of L. chinensis. More than 60% is made up of Gramineae, Compositae and Leguminosae species.
16. Soybeans are leguminous plants.
17. Leguminous tree was the best while plant fruit tree alone was poor for improving soil.
18. Medicago truncatula is an important leguminous model plant that is widely used in physiological, genetic and molecular studies of the legumes.
19. Any leguminous plant having leaves divided into three leaflets .
20. Any of various tropical or semitropical leguminous trees of the genera Tipuana, Pterocarpus, or Dalbergia, having hard reddish or dark wood with a strongly marked grain.
21. The results revealed that the leguminous rhizobia in Pamirs Plateau differed in uses of single carbon and nitrogen sources, antibiotic sensitivity, and dye resistance.
22. In order to increase soil fertility, and to improve ecological environment, screen experimentation of planting different leguminous forages had been taken in Guangxia grapery.
23. Hardseedness is a naturally occurring phenomenon for many plants, especially leguminous species.
24. Rosewood is "taxonomic tree of China, " classified as "red sandalwood is a leguminous plant, about fifteen.
25. The mosaic diseases found on beans, hyacinth dolichos and cowpeas in Guan- zhong Plain in Shaanxi is caused by CMV. The virus belongs to the leguminous systematic group.
26. One excellent example of a symbiotic relationship is found in the root nodules of leguminous plants.
27. The nutritive value of wild grasses from 31 sortal leguminous and 75 sortal gramineous in Guizhou was evaluated preliminarily by applying grey-related method.
28. Alhagi sparsifolia, alfalfa, Halimodendron halodendron and liquorice in different months were isolated to study the population dynamics of endophytic bacteria in leguminous plants in Alar region.
29. It was based on mixed farming and was centered around grazing cattle, leguminous forage and green manure crops, grown in rotation with cereals, root crops and oil seeds.
30. It was very important to take the corresponding fertilization methods according to different forages, because of different characteristics among gramineous grass, leguminous grass and mixed grasses.
31. It is a good leguminous forage germ plasm that has advantage of strong resistance.
32. The percentage of leguminous plant was a significant index for evaluating the ecological benefit in a slope community.
33. The rate of gramineous pasture decreased and the rate of leguminous pasture increased with increased grazing intensity.
34. Rhizobia already assist several important leguminous crops to grow in nitrogen-poor soils, including peanuts, peas, lentils and soybeans, as well as trees such as carob and acacias.
35. Guar gum splits belong to one - year life leguminous plants, grow in India - Pakistan land under halfaridity condition.




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