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单词 Assumption
1. It is very likely that your assumption is wrong.
2. His actions were based on a false assumption.
3. We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.
4. The most frightening assumption in this world is that most people assume you are intelligent.
5. Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based.
6. I work on the assumption that people are rational beings.
7. A lot of people make the assumption that poverty only exists in the Third World.
8. Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty.
9. This is an invalid assumption.
10. I would question the validity of that assumption.
11. The whole argument rests on a false assumption.
12. We mistook assumption that the price would fall.
13. Their assumption of an air of confidence fooled nobody.
14. Your assumption is wrong.
15. There is an assumption that a state will protect its citizens. That is the very reason for the existence of states.
16. There is an underlying assumption that younger workers are easier to train.
17. The assumption that growth in one country benefits the whole world is highly dubious .
18. We are working on the assumption that the techniques are safe.
19. We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion.
20. We are working on the assumption that the rate of inflation will not increase next year.
21. The underlying assumption is that the amount of money available is limited.
22. The sales forecast is predicated on the assumption that the economy will grow by four per cent this year.
23. We're working on the assumption that the conference will take place in Canada, as planned.
24. The revolutionaries' assumption of power took the army by surprise.
25. Traditional economic analysis is premised on the assumption that more is better.
26. My calculations were based on the assumption that house prices would remain steady.
27. There's an unspoken assumption in the department that Sue will take over the post when Ian leaves.
28. These calculations are based on the assumption that prices will continue to rise.
29. The company's expansion was predicated on the assumption that sales would rise.
30. I set the table for eight people( ), on the assumption that Jo would come.
1. It is very likely that your assumption is wrong.
2. His actions were based on a false assumption.
3. We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.
4. Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based.
5. A lot of people make the assumption that poverty only exists in the Third World.
6. Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty.
7. This is an invalid assumption.
8. I would question the validity of that assumption.
9. We mistook assumption that the price would fall.
31. His views are grounded on the assumption that all people are equal.
32. They make the naive assumption that because it's popular it must be good.
33. Their assumption that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.
34. This project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was expanding.
35. The project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was expanding.
36. The government have retained the support which greeted their assumption of power last March.
37. We are working on the assumption that the conference will take place as planned.
38. The underlying assumption is that women are inferior athletes.
39. The underlying assumption appears to be one of integration.
40. However, the third assumption is more contentious.
41. But they are making the assumption that people eat.
42. And upon that assumption capitalism was based.
43. It is clear that Dworkin does make this assumption.
44. The market clearing paradigm is reasonably robust and the Rational Expectations assumption is here most plausible.
45. It works on the assumption that each side is willing to move from its starting point during the negotiations.
46. It is notable that all the papers on policy themes in the issue make the assumption that economic efficiency is the goal.
47. The outstanding results they continue to produce would seem to confirm the validity of the first assumption that they are naturally gifted.
48. And, on the assumption of the superiority of socialist organisation, the victory would go to the proletariat.
49. But the false assumption is that everybody can be reclassified as a wealth creator.
50. This highlights the key role played by the perfect capital market assumption.
51. It is an almost universal assumption that a conservation policy is a set of conservation techniques - and very little else.
52. This highlights the second major difficulty with the theories, the general assumption that there is a unitary dimension of arousal.
53. When the basic concepts have been established the assumption of certainty will be removed.
54. Their bowed shape can be justified on the assumption that both inflation and unemployment become increasingly unpopular the higher they are.
55. This makes the assumption, of course, that the plants have not changed their habits since they were fossilized.
56. A projection can be made only on the assumption that current levels or trends continue.
57. I start from the assumption that we are interested in what is done in any communicative act.
58. The assumption was that she would bring in a number of new people whose loyalty she could count on.
59. The gold watch presented at coming of age marks the assumption of an adult role.
60. The assumption that large authorities are costly and bureaucratic is wrong, according to the Regional Council.
61. They operated under the assumption that there could be no real division between family and work, that the two overlapped endlessly.
62. Second point: is the constructivist's fundamental assumption not justified if knowledge is our subject of study rather than successful behaviour?
63. Inpart it is directed at particular features of the standard treatment - notably the assumption of an aggregate production function.
64. There is a basic assumption in international law - and in common sense - that a state will protect its citizens.
65. To show that this assumption is false I need, of course, to supply an alternative explanation.
66. This is a reasonable simplistic assumption, but it is the best that will normally be possible.
67. Eden acted on the assumption that his allies would support him.
68. Odilon Redon questioned the universal assumption that the photographic image was a transmitter of truth.
69. I illustrates the determination of the trade pattern for a given endowment point E under the assumption that X is nontradable.
70. The new assumption we need is a characterization of the decision to enter.
71. One must also question the assumption that single-discipline degrees are themselves immaculately unified.
72. My writing is based on the assumption that the less money you spend, the more authentic your experience.
73. Three beer-befuddled construction workers played softball with my head in a backstreet on the mistaken assumption that I was Tom Tunney.
74. The implicit assumption is that investors can borrow and lend at the riskless rate of interest.
75. At that time we had to make the assumption that the disease was spreading and take action to stop it.
76. The assumption that each character represents an independent meaningful syllable leads to the conclusion that each character represents a monosyllabic word.
77. The underlying assumption is that gradual hormonal decline is bad because some physical functions decline at the same time.
78. For the most part this is a reasonable assumption to make.
79. There was a general assumption, he declared, that nothing that exists, exists without a cause.
80. We should also not make the rather simplistic assumption that co-residence implies a strong bond between relatives.
81. We begin interactions with an implicit assumption that other people determine and control their behaviour.
82. The justification for Gloucester's assumption of power confused contemporaries and has continued to arouse controversy.
83. However, the assumption that productivity must be directly related to biomass or chlorophyll is a fallacy.
84. Clark said the assumption that decomposition creates high levels of alcohol is controversial among pathologists.
85. If the actual number of entry-versions exceeds the design assumption by more than 25%,(Sentence dictionary) the system will be unmanageable.
86. Firstly there is the assumption that a settlement comprises individuals, groups and sub- groups who have conflicting interests and goals.
87. In a sense, the very institution of literary criticism is concrete testimony of this assumption.
88. None had foreseen the assumption of absolute power by one of their own number.
89. Others are dining, on the cautious assumption that a nine o'clock party might not provide adequate food.
90. I rebelled against this assumption, but was constantly reminded of it by my schoolmates and the adults I met.
91. Political theory rests on the assumption that these activities are central to the functioning of a democratic society.
92. The second assumption is also valid if we confine the analysis to a reasonable range of operations.
93. The major deficiency in the Academy plan is the assumption that science suffers from the end of the Cold War.
94. The error lay in a very simple but quite reasonable assumption which everyone made.
95. This is a different basic assumption than what is required for a peak performing team.
96. Honest answers to these questions suggest that the general assumption that growth in one country benefits the entire world is highly dubious.
97. This notion is based on the assumption of a perfect financial market, with perfect knowledge and complete certainty about the future.
98. Now direct experimental evidence has proved the assumption justified, at least when the prey are nauseous chicken eggs and the predators crows.
99. First, the assumption that there is no excess capacity is particularly suspect.
100. The rebuke or the dismissal, then, becomes more fuel for their assumption that things are always being done to them.
101. Another move might have involved challenging some assumption in the protective belt such as those concerning refraction in the earth's atmosphere.
102. This model promoted the assumption that evolution is based on a progressive trend with the human race as its goal.
103. Assumption of risk is rarely applicable except in cases of competitive athletics.
104. However, this may be an oversimplified assumption because the current level of economic activity will certainly influence business expectations and confidence.
105. This definition follows from the assumption that half the labour force establish contracts in even periods and half in odd periods.
106. What do you think is the most sensible assumption and the most questionable assumption of conservatism?
107. This is partly because of the widespread assumption that there would be essential policy continuity under a Gore administration.
108. But when the proof comes it also turns out to rest on the assumption that it is already true.
109. We would all act on the assumption that others were acting in a similar manner.
110. It was his tenant John Combes who revolutionized Reddish, on the assumption that Cray would pay for most of it.
111. He'd made the assumption that Sanchez wouldn't know one way or the other.
112. Such a recommendation, the panel added, was of course based on the assumption that the Reclamation project was still feasible.
113. I challenge this assumption, and question the push into Putumayo.
114. It was easy to see what their basic assumption was.
115. This fact questions any easy assumption about a necessary elitist coincidence of interest amongst the armed services.
116. First, its underlying assumption is that the number of entities that the world consists of is finite.
117. Our amusement at his false assumption seemed to ease the tension between us.
118. The research starts from the assumption that it is a product's competitive edge rather than its design perse that determines its performance.
119. The simple ironic reading is based on the assumption that the high Shakespearian allusions are really inapposite.
120. Obviously this is not a realistic assumption. further, the greater the inter-dependence, then the greater the complexity.
121. The guiding assumption was that the school curriculum should differ according to the ability of the child who would follow it.
122. Electronic commerce depends on the unspoken assumption that computers cooperate efficiently for seamless information sharing.
123. Punctuation marks are classified as separate syntactic categories and grammars and transition matrices based around this assumption.
124. As remarked earlier, to treat the corporate sector as acting perfectly competitively is a particularly unsatisfactory assumption.
125. To make the assumption that JustText was only capable of producing text would be to do it a grave disservice.
126. The underlying assumption of the project is that certain computer-based experiences can help pupils bridge the gap between arithmetical and algebraic thinking.
127. Moreover, the assumption that such differences are inherent has encouraged the development and use of standardised tests to assess child development.
128. There is an assumption that conversational discourse is symmetrical and logical.
129. We rarely sit down to challenge some assumption we have always used.
130. This analysis proceeds on the assumption that resource suppliers are agreeable to these adjustments.
131. The justification for this assumption is that the arbitrage transaction is riskless, and so repayment is guaranteed.
132. We can not adopt a parallel assumption about adult women....
133. Dubos started from the assumption that all organic matter added to the soil eventually undergoes decomposition through the agency of micro-organisms.
134. The fundamental assumption was that Time will always discover and avenge any act of injustice.
135. Fourteen-month-olds, with their innocent assumption that we all want the same thing(), give her biscuits.
136. But this assumption is what an opponent of a holist theory of history needs to defend.
137. The main assumption, below, is that various inferences from style may suggest different levels of stylistic affinity.
138. Carry out your let-down on the assumption that you will have to round again.
139. They have questioned the whole underlying design assumption of the private car as a throw-away product.
140. We imagine that the white race, at least, would not acquiesce in this assumption.
141. The final assumption, which is actually a subcategory of the second assumption, may be a bit more tenuous.
142. The second assumption is that the stream can not move backwards on itself, that is, reverse its direction or join itself.
143. But this is precisely the type of assumption statistical calculations of age-related dependency ask us to make.
144. Questioning the tomb assumption for megaliths does not mean that people never thought of them as burial places.
145. This can be shown to be a false assumption,(http:///assumption.html) however.
146. So does the assumption that the individual working in a department is the primary building block of performance.
147. This is a strong assumption, but it fits well into the approach taken in this study which abstracts from intraindustry heterogeneity.
148. There is therefore a need to question this assumption that aggression is a given element which somehow has to be accounted for.
149. However, such schemes rest on the assumption that the small businessman already has an idea he wishes to develop.
150. Any decision to increase production will also have a built-in assumption that existing supplies will continue unabated.
151. One original assumption here was that legislators are more responsive to demands for expenditure than to public concern for tax levels.
152. We will consider the implications of the failure of this assumption later in the section.
153. For a long time, this was sufficient justification for Friedmann's assumption - as a rough approximation to the real universe.
154. Brawley of the National Cancer Institute said recent data counter the widespread assumption that blacks are underrepresented in cancer treatment trials.
155. There is an assumption in it, and, I contend, the assumption is false.
156. Reddy disagrees with the assumption that such expensive energy supply is necessary.
157. The furore among providers about current government-funding policies which challenge the latter assumption suggests that this is a real danger.
158. On Becoming a Leader is based on the assumption that leaders are people who are able to express themselves fully.
159. Whether this assumption is properly made depends ultimately upon one's conception of meaning and on questionable premises concerning legislative intent.
160. Perhaps, although believing all that requires a leap of faith into the misty chasm of supply-side assumption.
161. Yet it is this very assumption which these writers call into question.
162. We then cross-tabulated status as thus categorized against whether or not teachers had seen the booklet and found our assumption to be correct.
163. While the criticisms vary, the underlying assumption is that overall economic growth has been speeding up.
164. This can lead to the mistaken assumption that the catalogue contains nothing relevant.
165. This assumption will later be relaxed when the nonlinear breakeven case is examined.
166. It is only prepared to make that payment on the assumption that the Business is a going concern without too many problems.
167. The Council tax is based on the capital value of each property, on the assumption that it contains two adult members.
168. We also need to ensure that all children are educated beyond an assumption that mathematics has one correct form.
169. When a crime is reported to the police they do not work on the assumption that anyone could have done it.
170. This assumption makes it easier to understand some of the sudden political changes in south-eastern Britain.
171. This figure is calculated on the assumption that an album retails for just under £7.
172. His upbringing, education and training had been based on the assumption that in any situation his class were the natural leaders.
173. As this model stands it is rather cumbersome even with the simplifying assumption of a constant required rate of return.
174. Therefore, the choice of method depends on which assumption is closest to reality.
175. A scatterplot is needed to assess the linearity assumption underlying each correlation or regression coefficient between pairs of quantitative variables.
175. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
176. In earlier chapters I made the assumption that there was no problem, because individual reproduction was equivalent to gene survival.
177. As the generations go by, under the assumption of blending inheritance, variation is bound to become swamped.
178. But this was based on the assumption that the current tax relief limit of £30,000 would be increased in line with inflation.
179. The strategic order among the major nuclear powers is fragile, however, because it rests heavily on the assumption of nonuse.
180. These interpretations, however, are based on the assumption that there were no effects of subjective risk in Study 2.
181. Yes the Socialists will probably win -- that seems a fair assumption.
182. It is a reasonable assumption that improvements can be made even to the best of schools.
183. More realistic estimates are based on the assumption that fertility will gradually decline to around replacement level.
184. A basic assumption was that they would be the experts on everything.
185. A basic economic assumption in a market economy is the continual adjustment of supply and demand toward an equilibrium point.
186. The policy may be based on an assumption that not many houses are required in the whole district.
187. Politicians seem to work on the assumption that the early bird catches the voter.
188. This mindset's assumption is a perverse conception of culture.
189. The Assumption of the Sand - dune.
190. Mommsen's assumption therefore seems to be completely inadmissible.
191. The validity of this assumption was investigated by Podolry.
192. In some situations, this assumption may not be tenable.
193. To make such an assumption is groundless and valueless.
194. Valuation basisinclude interest assumption and mortality rate assumption.
195. The runs test does not require the normality assumption.
196. This rather saucy assumption failed in being offensive.
197. However, author offers no evidence to substantiate this assumption.
198. The hypothesis of economic man is a most basic assumption prerequisite of western economics theory.
199. The Feast of the Assumption is celebrated on August 15.
200. Finally, the paper proposes the assumption of the betterment and confirms the way of future works.
201. The concept of rationality has been the basic assumption and the indispensable premise of economic theory.
202. If, however , the sample sizes are large enough, we do not need the assumption of normality.
203. And the of actuarial mathematic formula for calculating expectation - of - life under linear assumption of great significance.
204. The assumption of horizontal flow in the vicinity of the drains fails.
205. Economists are working on the assumption of an interest rate cut.
206. Were this to happen,(http:///assumption.html) then the assumption of their parallel axiom would be invalid.
207. This far - reaching assumption about the invariance of physical laws is a foundation stone oftheory of relativity.
208. Under the assumption of equivalent strain a damage constitutive model is established based on Mohr - Coulomb criterion.
209. The knee - jerk assumption of he argues, is that as countries modernise they take on western characteristics.
210. MISO option uses the von Mises yield criteria coupled with an isotropic work hardening assumption.
211. The assumption is made in accounting that a business will continue indefinitely . Measuring Unit.
212. This assumption will be justified by the work of the builder.
213. Had the assumption been strictly compatible, the results would have been identical.
214. Inherent in this proposal is the assumption that growth is regulated by the avialability of carbohydrate.
215. A few theoretical analysis of pragmatics was actually accomplished with certain assumption.
216. Under the convexity assumption on objective function, the globle convergence of this method is proved.
217. According to the characteristic of cooling material, basic assumption and boundary condition are presented.
218. Based on the assumption of no arbitrage, an accurate WACC formula is derived.
219. Its assumption is that punishments serve a function of determent.
220. Based on the analysis on cooling process of stator, basic assumption and boundary condition are presented.
221. With this assumption, she could explain slights that might otherwise have been classed automatically as sexism.
222. It is evident that this assumption simplifies the problem at hand to a great extent.
223. The connection between the assumption and the question or alleged consequent is remote.
224. The theory is based on the assumption of labor homogeneity.
225. The assumption that robots will make humans redundant and replaceable is unfounded.
226. Closer examination, however, suggests that this assumption may not be merited by the evidence.
227. He also challenged the reigning assumption that oligopolies were inherently inefficient.
228. Here, the basic assumption is that firms attempt to maximize profits.
229. The Roman Catholic church also the doctrine of Immaculate Conception and her bodily assumption into heaven.
230. With this assumption, she could slights that might otherwise have been classed automatically as sexism.
231. The supercilious assumption was that on Sunday afternoon I had nothing better to do.
232. Provided we make on further assumption, the Copernican principle leads to a rather similar universe model.
233. The thesis improves the mortality table assumption, amends the assumption of retired population , wage and contribution.
234. The court's assumption of such responsibility had evoked a variety of responses.
235. This corresponds to the basic assumption of demand theory that consumers attempt to maximize utility.http://
236. The assumption that ancient corpses are fair game for science is beginning to be challenged.
237. The former, obviously, has based its argument on a baseless assumption, therefore, it is ill - founded.
238. The assumption was that you would pass out and avoid all of the hassle.
239. The assumption that such violence afflicts only the poor or deserving is both fatuous and misguided.
240. Obviously, such an assumption had to lead to a sexual morality very different from our own.
241. His assumption was that he could equate protein fragments and computer code fragments as logical equivalents.
242. The " logic " of this interpretation of the hypothetical experiment rests on a fundamental assumption.
243. Observed values of potential are adjusted by extrapolation to fit this assumption.
244. Considering unfitness of the assumption , the paper developed a qualification adhered model using UDF ( user defined functions ).
245. That's led to an assumption that current - day topics are out of bounds.
246. I hope that the following pages will bear out that assumption.
247. Recent observations vindicate the assumption: a direct velocity - mass correlation is even tighter than the velocity - luminosity correlation.
248. The legal realists questioned the assumption that judges apply the law impartially, logically,(http:///assumption.html) and uniformly.
249. Our course of study takes as its assumption that ethical principles are unsystematic by nature.
250. This paper studies the wave motion in rubble mound breakwater by discarding the homogeneous assumption.
251. It is based on the assumption that ASL must be structured exactly like English.
252. The assumption of the recumbent position is associated with shoulder pain.




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