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单词 influential
释义  in·flu·en·tial /ˌɪnfluˈenʃəl◂/ ●●○ adjective  EFFECT/INFLUENCEPOWERhaving a lot of influence and therefore changing the way people think and behave 有影响力的 He had influential friends. 他有一些有影响力的朋友。influential in Dewey was influential in shaping economic policy. 杜威对制定经济政策有影响力。 a highly influential art magazine 一本极有影响力的艺术杂志► see thesaurus at powerfulExamples from the Corpusinfluential• It is a highly influential art magazine that is widely read by dealers.• Her uncle is a rich and influential businessman.• The program has gained the support of several influential businessmen.• an influential film critic• Although she was not a professional politician, her views were influential in shaping government policy.• Various groups were influential in shaping public policy.• a highly influential member of Hong Kong's banking community• She is probably the most influential member of the finance committee.• Marx was clearly the most influential of all the socialist writers.• Jacobson's one of the most influential people in New York.• an influential religious leader• Galbraith was a highly influential writer on economic affairs.highly influential• The ie has ceased to exist as a legal entity, but the family unit has remained highly influential.• Marxist - Leninist ideas became highly influential among the intelligentsia in the 1920s and have remained so ever since.• In this respect no figure is more characteristic of the twentieth century than the highly influential economist John Maynard Keynes.• Through the Pattens, Joe met many new friends, some highly influential, others merely·flu·en·tial adjectiveChineseSyllable  lot therefore and Corpus a influence changing having of




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