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单词 Pause
1. There was a brief pause in the conversation.
2. He slipped out during a pause in the conversation.
3. Shall we take a pause here?
4. We had to pause frequently for breath.
5. After a pause he continued his story.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. There was a pause in the talk when Mary came in.
7. There will be a brief pause in the proceedings while the piano is moved into place.
8. He came to a pause in reading and then went on reading.
9. He made a short pause and then went on reading.
10. Government sources said there would be no prolonged pause in the war.
11. She read the whole text without a pause.
12. After a pause, she said 'Yes.'
13. There was a momentary pause.
14. His words were followed by a pregnant pause.
15. 'We need proof, sir.' Another pause. Then, 'Very well.'.
16. "I don't know," he said after a long pause.
17. Let's pause for a cup of tea.
18. After a long pause , she went on.
19. Press the pause button .
20. After a brief pause, they continued climbing.
21. Pause for two beats and then repeat the chorus.
22. There was a long pause before he spoke again.
23. After a pause, he gave a studied answer.
24. Press pause to stop the tape.
25. Let's pause for a cup of coffee.
26. They pause and chew their pencils.
27. We were waved through customs without a pause.
28. There was a pause while Alice changed the tape.
29. I made the classic mistake of clapping in a pause in the music!
30. For a man who held that to take even an ant's life is evil , the offering of a million lives gives one pause.
1. Shall we take a pause here?
2. There was a pause in the talk when Mary came in.
3. I made the classic mistake of clapping in a pause in the music!
4. There will be a brief pause in the proceedings while the piano is moved into place.
5. He made a short pause and then went on reading.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. For a man who held that to take even an ant's life is evil , the offering of a million lives gives one pause.
7. Government sources said there would be no prolonged pause in the war.
31. After a long, awkward pause someone asked a question.
32. Just pause to think before giving me your answer.
33. He stopped, and there was a pregnant pause.
34. There was a long pause before she answered.
35. She spoke for an hour without a pause.
35. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
36. After a short pause, they continued walking.
37. There was a pregnant pause before she replied.
38. Weather conditions were bad enough to give pause to even the most experienced climbers.
39. All this plethora of sight , and feeling, and thought occurred on the instant . There was no pause of the realities wherein he moved.
40. In the pause that followed, I noticed that he was shaking.
41. There was a pregnant pause before she answered my question.
42. After a pause Alex said sharply: "I'm sorry if I've upset you".
43. Let me pause on these matters for a time before I make a decision.
44. She spoke for three quarters of an hour without so much as a pause.
45. There followed a pregnant pause in which both knew what the other was thinking but neither knew what to say.
46. It's an interesting suggestion, but we need a bit longer to give pause to it.
47. He made a long pause, plainly overcome by the thought.
48. Popular resistance to the measures should give the government pause.
49. After a short pause Maria went on with her story.
50. David waited for a pause in the conversation so he could ask Joe his question.
51. After a little pause, he went on with his speech.
52. There was an almost imperceptible pause as she gathered her breath to speak.
53. Hidden hostilities have given you pause for thought.
54. An awkward pause swelled in the room.
55. While exercising, pause to determine your heart rate.
56. The breadth of this holding gives one pause.
57. This was more like a pause in the struggle.
58. Tony and I pause to watch.
59. The momentary pause had turned suspicion into certainty.
60. Both machines have a pause button for interruptions.
61. It was unusual for Hal to pause so long.
62. There was a pause, the automatic doors unclenched.
63. But the pause gave hope to others.
64. We worked for four hours without a pause.
65. I said after a short pause.
66. There was a longish pause.
67. High real estate prices have given potential buyers pause.
68. A long pause, then the pointer went to fifty.
69. He could do one poem with sixty verses without pause, and Sir Emmanuel would listen and marvel at his ability.
70. Rubberneck, the beating stopped, a pause, peeked out between his fingers.
71. He found names in the catalogue that made him pause with a strange contained excitement.
72. After a short pause to watch us, she passed on surrounded by the Lord Lieutenant of Dorset and other local dignitaries.
73. It can be marked by very low pitch, even on lexical items, loss of amplitude and a lengthy pause.
74. There was a long pause while he picked his teeth and looked down into the seat of his chair.
75. But in 1874-not ten years earlier or later-city and nation endured a painful pause in the march of progress.
76. Pause here for gorilla joke: A man is walking down Oxford Street with a gorilla on each arm.
77. There was a long pause during which Julian, instantly defensive, took stock of the situation.
78. They would pause for breath, swear, and then come together again, their fists up, moving in.
79. The pause became so long that Paula looked anxiously at her passenger, his face illuminated by the headlights of oncoming cars.
80. However, we might pause to speculate how the above formulation of the Keynesian labour supply function came about.
81. The George Street precinct is a great place to pause, enjoy the frequent street entertainment and watch the world go by.
82. It gave him pause, but soon enough he had his own retort.-Yeah, right.
83. Apparently they did, for there was a long pause before the door hissed open.
84. But it gave you some pause to think of what else might be crawling around there.
85. Yet the offer seems to have given Burton no pause.
86. He tactfully looked the other way and did not pause in his stride.
87. Astonished Humberside airport workers watched the bosses pause only to check their briefcases and take souvenir snaps of their twin-engine plane.
88. She felt it pause in her belly and then shoot out from her chest and from the top of her head.
89. I pause a moment beside an ancient grove of beech trees, tended no longer now, though their presence and calm remain.
90. Let us pause, for a moment, to note what that would entail.
91. Just a few words, but there was a nod of understanding, the briefest pause, before the two men stood.
92. We do well to pause for a moment to watch their development and observe the positions their leaders took.
93. Others may pause before the tomb of Dante, who died in exile from Florence.
94. There was a brief pause, then the caller tried again.
95. There was a long pause as we all tried to hold back the giggles.
96. Remember when we talked about the pause button on a video camera?
97. Just as the pause edges towards the ridiculous he reaches into his jacket for this packet of cheroots.
98. The brief pause while he slipped off his clothing was like agony; then he was next to her, hard and demanding.
99. Le Coq Blanc - a pause from haymaking to admire their fine cockerel. 2.
100. The pause was long enough to re-establish some sort of equilibrium between them.
101. My stomach muscles are tight. Dixie and the breadhead pause at the bottom(), then turn to face each other.
102. When I took my children to bed at night they would pause to look through a little knee-high window which lit the stairs.
103. The clanging made Noddy pause for a moment which allowed Geoffrey to get out into the front path.
104. Next time the phone rings or there is a knock on the door, just pause for a moment instead of reacting immediately.
105. The other pair of feet moved round to join the pair by the driver's door ... long pause.
106. There was a momentary pause, and then the sentence he had typed was repeated in soft tones through the right-hand earpiece.
107. It consisted of a contoured handgrip fitted with a top-mounted fire button and a side mounted pause control.
108. Patience is born when we create a pause between our experience of a feeling and our response to that feeling. Allan Lokos 
109. There was a pause in which Bandeira visibly deployed his forces.
110. Then he reached the banquette, and without a pause, scooped up the parcel in his right hand and raced on.
111. Then there was this pause on the line, and neither one of us said any-thing.
112. They may need to pause for a minute after each picture, since after-images tend to persist.
113. Here we must pause to acknowledge that Morgenthau does not always advocate a scientific approach as he did in Politics among Nations.
114. However, the fact that the far right won more votes than the far-left should make everyone pause and reflect.
115. Between Athlone and Dublin Sebastian talked almost without pause of what had happened since we last hung out together.
116. Every few seconds, Jody hits the pause button, freezing a frame to show them how out of position they are.
117. Pause for a second or two, then creep towards the door.
118. Algernon Peckham glanced at him, and there was a momentary pause before he moved on to speak to James Pegg.
119. Balvinder Singh dropped me outside during a brief pause in the rain.
120. But there was a brief and uncharacteristic pause before he continued.
121. Any pause in progress towards the objective is a matter of reneging on electoral promises.
122. Jeffries spoke for well over an hour, without pause, without notes, as fluent and long-winded as Fidel Castro.
123. We pause in front of chalkboards hung on the wall delineating the controlled transactions that govern this universe.
124. I pause on the steps to listen to the words.
125. There was no pause among them,() no need to conjure either the memory or the boat itself.
126. His eyebrows rose slightly at her scarcely hidden hostility, and there was an awkward pause.
127. The bombs stopped as suddenly as they started but the hollow screams of anti-aircraft shells continued without pause.
128. There was a long pause, one more breath, and that was all.
129. Knowing what Edmund has done to his real father might have given Cornwall pause before proclaiming himself the next one.
130. A pause: the speaker, though absent from our midst, has a fine grasp of the audience.
131. Until the armoured regiment had crossed its start line, the armoured infantry would pause momentarily in forward holding areas.
132. Never go straight on from one candidate to the next without pause for reflection, nomatterhow rushed you feel.
133. When the school bus pulled up, there was the usual avalanche of nine children, and then a pause.
134. After an unnaturally long pause Constance became aware of this.
135. Every few minutes, she would pause to look me over, to see if there were hard lines that needed rearrangement.
136. Even seemingly innocuous turnstile-exits with interlocking horizontal bars give my sister pause, however.
137. At last, when there was a brief pause, Woodruffe cleared his throat.
138. The fact that he was suddenly not perfect made her pause over the salad of prejudices she was starting to admit to.
139. Their sparring for position of least-favoured son gave me pause for thought.
140. He would pause only to take a meal in the dining-room, where he would sell his pens to visiting salesmen.
141. Pause and pace yourself Most of us leave no time in our day for ourselves.
142. There was a pause in the conversation as everyone turned to say hello to Paul.
143. I need not pause to explain that crime is not a disease. It is criminology that is a disease. G.K. Chesterton 
144. Everything freezes on the court, like some one has hit the pause button and suspended the characters in a movie.
145. You eye the pepper mill, pause and pick the tablecloth.
146. Their faces were blue, and their stillness not a mass death but as though a momentary pause in group exercise.
147. Charles didn't respond and after a frozen pause, she collapsed into a chair and burst out crying.
148. There was to be no pause for reflection, nor - much less - for a changeover from military to civilian rule.
149. Here we need to pause to think about what we mean by spacetime.
150. Although the aims of these events were far from revolutionary, they gave the supporters of Francoist orthodoxy particular pause.
151. The tendency of great things to be accomplished in dreadful spaces should give architects and decorators pause.
152. Dixie and the breadhead pause at the bottom, then turn to face each other. Dixie wipes a raindrop from his brow.
153. The best he could do to simulate this pause for reflection, was to use repetition at certain points.
154. There was a long pause on the other end, and for a moment Quinn thought the caller had hung up.
155. After a long pause he looked up and saw the stones held tightly in their hands.
156. Subjects might pause out of habit at points where it would be appropriate for them to pause when reading aloud.
157. It has affected me and made me pause for thought.
158. Let's pause for a moment, while I ask you to imagine the smell of newly baked bread or freshly percolated coffee.
159. But before I duck in, I pause a moment to gaze at the rapidly changing color of the sky.
160. After a long pause, she nodded and the story emerged of a stillbirth she had experienced in her early twenties.
161. I pause here to point out that items such as dressings are available on prescription.
162. Back to the other chair, and so on - moving every time you pause for thought.
163. There was a long pause, then, before it observed that some-thing was falling down toward it from the orbiting ship.
164. We clung together, breathless, until we had to pause for breath.
165. Stop and think Let's pause for a moment and think about this issue of arguments and the learning process.
166. She did not pause for a jacket, or to leave a note.
167. The pause gave Edmund Jason time to adjust to his presence.
168. But I still maintain that most bedding planes show evidence of a pause in sedimentation, if not actual erosion.
169. For in the sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause. William Shakespeare 
170. Then there was a long pause during which Sophie drank her coffee and avoided looking at her companion.
171. The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. Mark Twain 
172. He approached from downwind, forcing the flames to pause against the blast from his rotors.
173. He comes to the end of one and without pause is off on another.
174. Then pause for a cold root beer in a turn-of-the-century saloon.
175. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain 
176. You may not agree with the ratings, but it does give pause to reflect on various destinations.
177. In 1897, after an uncommonly long pause of more than four years, an eleventh son was born.
178. Used to input a value to select an option, specify a parameter, terminate a pause etc.
179. I struggled, but he did not even notice. Without a pause, he moved down the stairs.
180. In Qatar Mr Bashir could have pause for thought.
181. Pay attention pause at the end of each cadence.
182. We've been asked pause a reality check.
183. The inexorable work goes on, without end, without pause.
184. Habt ihr diese lange Pause bewusst so gewaehlt?
185. You should pause and ponder now.Sentencedict
186. An opposition spokesman said he hoped the agreement would give them pause for thought about the futility of violence.
187. Additionally, you can magnify a funny line by using the pause to accentuate your physical delivery.
188. The object image position is determined freely by random pause of brushwork.
189. She had no renal colic, haematuria, pyuria or pause in urine stream.
190. The heavy snowfall gave Tom pause about going out for the movie.
191. There was a pause. Then Ursula broke into faltering challenge.
192. There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates in front of us.
193. After a pause she smiled apologetically and said, " I never really liked these things. "
194. The idea of never allowing any pause, any intermission, is wrong.
195. They're forcing you to pause and analyse certain arrangements you regard as unchanging.
196. After a short pause, the device management applet should load and display the login screen.
197. Unlike seals, they cannot swim indefinitely and must pause after foraging.
198. Noticed the bee's momentary orienting pause before heading back to the hive.
199. Pause and visualize the action as if it were already completed.
200. During this melancholy pause , the turnkey read his newspaper with a waggish look.
201. They pause a moment to take stock of the figures hurrying about them in the dark.
202. And in his moment's pause the father jumped forward, grasping for the detonator.
203. Pay attention to the pause at the end of each cadence.
204. To pause to relocate a scent . Used of hunting dogs.
205. You pause, lean back, look her body up and down once playfully, and say " Hi. "
206. After a pause he added'sir. " in a dilatory , grudging way.
207. These actions, which have aroused universal and unreserved disapproval, must nevertheless give us a pause.
208. She fairly gasped in her excitement, not willing to pause in her tirade.
209. The sun apparently again a day in pause, then return to overdo friendly intercourse north ambulation.
210. When we read the text, we should pay attention to sentence stress, pause and liaison.
211. Dad, why did the athlete pause for a while after he lifted the barbell up?
212. Ending in a syntactic and rhythmic pause . Used of a line of verse or a couplet.
213. Before treating this problem mathematically we may pause and ponder its physical origin.
214. I pause among the surging pedestrians to ease my weary feet.
215. Maggie Jacobs: [ after a pause. mumbles ] They're brothers.
216. In the North there is a shorter pause, so conversations tend to and forth perceptibly faster.
217. A long mourning period, perhaps six months or more, will a pause in the political dogfight.
218. These actions, which have aroused universal and unreserved disapPageRankoval, must nevertheless give us a pause.
219. This made Chang Su - su pause , and she stood there hesitantly, craning her neck to watch.
220. After a short pause, he added, " They've promised to take you there in a sedan - chair.
221. Skip Tracks Backwards and Forwards, Play, Pause, and Eject are all standard.
222. The burly soldier pause at the foot of the blockhouse.
223. Seldom within the genealogy is pause given to consider individuals.
224. Electronic pause control temporarily stops the tape movement during recording or playback.
225. Can I get a timeout [http://], please? A pause? One brief halftime?
226. They pause and corkscrew in our vicinity for years before moving along.
227. " Trivia,'she said after a pause. " Yes. You may call me Trivia. "
228. Stooping , holding their silver lamp above us, long they lookand deeply . Long they pause.
229. They would do well to pause and ponder upon their new responsibilities.




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