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单词 Tremendous
1 We went to a tremendous party.
2 The building makes a tremendous visual impact.
3 There is a tremendous difference between them.
4 We're missing out on a tremendous opportunity.
5 I felt a tremendous pressure on my chest.
6 It makes a tremendous difference to me.
7 His stature as an art critic was tremendous.
8 He gave the ball a tremendous boot.
9 They cost a tremendous amount of money.
10 The deckhouse has been staved in by the tremendous seas.
11 It was a tremendous coup for the local paper to get an exclusive interview with Prince Charles.
12 The death of his mother came as a tremendous shock.
13 They were making the most tremendous amount of noise last night.
14 Suddenly, there was a tremendous bang,[] and the whole station shook.
15 A tremendous amount of work has gone into the project.
16 We'll see a tremendous lot of technological changes during/in our lifetime.
17 My friends endured tremendous danger in order to help me.
18 This book was the outcome of a tremendous amount of scientific work.
19 We witnessed tremendous changes in the city.
20 The team members felt tremendous loyalty towards one another.
21 She does her work with tremendous vigour.
22 This new aircraft makes tremendous demands of the pilot.
23 It was a tremendous experience.
24 The drug gives you a tremendous high.
25 I have tremendous respect for Dean.
26 The flood water had caused tremendous damage.
27 I thought it was absolutely tremendous.
28 Although they lost(), the team played with tremendous spirit.
29 Both countries took a tremendous hammering in the war.
30 On the descents, cyclists spin past cars, freewheeling downhill at tremendous speed.
1 We went to a tremendous party.
2 The building makes a tremendous visual impact.
3 We're missing out on a tremendous opportunity.
4 I felt a tremendous pressure on my chest.
5 His stature as an art critic was tremendous.
6 They cost a tremendous amount of money.
7 It was a tremendous coup for the local paper to get an exclusive interview with Prince Charles.
8 The death of his mother came as a tremendous shock.
9 They were making the most tremendous amount of noise last night.
10 On the descents, cyclists spin past cars, freewheeling downhill at tremendous speed.
11 Suddenly, there was a tremendous bang, and the whole station shook.
12 A tremendous amount of work has gone into the project.
13 We'll see a tremendous lot of technological changes during/in our lifetime.
14 My friends endured tremendous danger in order to help me.
15 It will relieve her of a tremendous burden.
16 She struck her opponent a tremendous blow on the jaw.
31 Modern technology catalyzed tremendous economic growth in China.
32 He has a tremendous hold over his younger brother.
33 She was making a tremendous effort to appear calm.
34 The response to our appeal was tremendous.
35 The press has given the show a tremendous build-up.
36 There is tremendous peer pressure to wear fashionable clothes.
37 He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.
38 The news caused tremendous excitement among scientists.
39 Sales have been tremendous so far this year.
40 She dealt him a tremendous blow with the poker.
41 The taxi was going at a tremendous rate.
42 They had the most tremendous row.
43 The supporters had a tremendous air of expectancy.
44 Heart surgery exacts tremendous skill and concentration.
45 There is a tremendous need for more low-cost housing.
46 Brian has got tremendous drive .
47 He'll do very well-he has tremendous drive.
48 It was a tremendous team effort .
49 She delivered her speech with tremendous wit and verve.
50 There was a tremendous crescendo of noise.
51 Although the team lost,[http:///tremendous.html] they played with tremendous spirit.
52 We went to a tremendous party last night.
53 Winning the scholarship gave her a tremendous lift.
54 I felt a tremendous sense of relief and exultation.
55 He had a tremendous physical presence.
56 She's got a tremendous voice, hasn't she?
57 Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone.
58 There was a tremendous lack of communication between us.
59 The president got a tremendous welcome at the airport.
60 Weightlifters have tremendous power in their arms and legs.
61 Suddenly, there was this tremendous bang.
62 Older people have a tremendous breadth of experience.
63 It will relieve her of a tremendous burden.
64 An orchestra playing at full blast is a tremendous sound.
65 Exercising at home alone requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline.
66 She has every right to be proud of her tremendous achievements.
67 He kicked up a tremendous fuss about having to wait.
68 My selection for the team has given me a tremendous lift.
69 They experienced a tremendous sense of awe in the cathedral.
70 I'd just like to sum up by saying that it's been a tremendous pleasure to work with you.
71 Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people.
72 She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force.
73 An economic crisis may have tremendous consequences for our global security.
74 She was clearly in tremendous pain as she was carried off the track on a stretcher.
75 He might feel that leveraging the company at a time when he sees tremendous growth opportunities would be a mistake.
76 Minton is an outstanding boxer[http:///tremendous.html], with tremendous confidence in his own ability.
77 When she eventually returned to work, there was a tremendous backlog of paperwork to catch up on.
78 Climbing the mountain gave him a tremendous sense of achievement.
79 Setting off firecrackers makes a tremendous noise and causes serious air pollution.
80 It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system.
81 I think you're tremendous.
82 It took a tremendous team effort to finish the project on time.
83 We could feel the tremendous heat coming from the fire.
84 The sunrise seen from high in the mountains was a tremendous spectacle.
85 This plan could save us a tremendous amount of money.
86 When you've been climbing alone for hours, there's a tremendous sense of camaraderie when you meet another climber.
87 It all started so promisingly when Speed scored a tremendous first goal.
88 I'm happy for James. He's a much-maligned player but has tremendous spirit.
89 She rose above her difficulties and became a tremendous success.
90 This is a tremendous vote of confidence for the government.
91 One of the effects of dyslexia, in my case at least, is that you pay tremendous attention to detail.
92 Cultivating a positive mental attitude towards yourself can reap tremendous benefits.
93 You won? That's tremendous!
94 She struck her opponent a tremendous blow on the jaw.
95 The windows were shaken by a tremendous crash of thunder.
96 There was tremendous applause when the curtain came down .
96 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
97 The waves were hitting the rocks with tremendous force. The force of an explosion or a storm is how strong it is.
98 At the end of the play the curtain came down to tremendous applause.
99 She was put under tremendous pressure to give the baby up.
100 He brought a tremendous infusion of hope to the people.
101 The neglect that large cities like New York have received over the past 12 years is tremendous.
102 Kevin has done a great job to piece together a tremendous team.
103 He suffered a long series of illnesses with tremendous dignity and fortitude.
104 British athletics received a tremendous fillip when Wells won the Gold.
105 The electronics industry is showing signs of stagnating after 15 years of tremendous growth.
106 She praised her husband for the tremendous support he had given her.
107 By the end of the week, there was a tremendous feeling of togetherness in the group.
108 The anniversary report is acknowledged as a tremendous achievement.
109 Smoking is a tremendous annoyance to non-smokers.
110 He is a tremendous big deal now!
111 She received a tremendous ovation.
112 He made a tremendous bloomer.
113 He has a tremendous appetite for hard work.
114 Socallration losses but also tremendous environmental damage.
115 Linda had tremendous admiration for her boss.
116 Thoughtful, well-reasoned covert action, lawfully reported to Congress, can be a tremendous foreign-policy instrument for a president.
117 Because each film will take up a tremendous amount of computer disk space, only one will be available at a time.
118 Finally, remember that fishing from a punt gives you a tremendous advantage.
119 He has looked a tremendous prospect on both starts to date, and will relish the extra furlong here.
120 We got a tremendous amount of national attention that year.
121 Because officials are so anxious to get good press, there is often tremendous pressure on the government press agent.
122 Above them a tremendous white fireball blossomed, like the unfolding of a vast paper flower, but now blindingly bright.
123 The project aroused tremendous community opposition in the mid-1980s and was initially denied a permit by the California Energy Commission.
124 You gain access to those 4 million square miles, and you gain access to tremendous natural resources.
125 Inevitably London, the greatest centre of mass and conspicuous consumption, dominated with its tremendous appetite.
126 To make more out of it may require a tremendous amount of creative work within the individual disciplines.
126 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
127 I stood in Times Square and looked up at this tremendous billboard for the movie with my face about 30-feet high.
128 Our restaurant business has tremendous financial strength and a very bright future.
129 Some high technology products require a tremendous amount of computer programming during the design phase.
130 There is tremendous scope for MBOs to create value, both for parent companies and private equity investors.
131 The physiotherapists, newcomers who had gotten a tremendous boost from Sister Kenny, championed physical therapy.
132 I eat tremendous amounts of bread and jam and bowls of cornflakes with cold milk - delicious!
133 It creates a tremendous amount of conflict and dissatisfaction within the marriage.
134 It takes a tremendous effort to stop, so: Be determined. Try bribing yourself.
135 Older manufacturing companies are burdened with tremendous health care costs for retired employees.
136 Breathtaking planetary aspects and movements will give your confidence and personal affairs a tremendous boost.
137 Back at that first game... there was tremendous animosity between writers from the two leagues.
138 It is a feat of storytelling that is carried off with tremendous poise and unobtrusive artistic integrity.
139 There is also a tremendous amount of shared support amongst girls themselves.
140 The president holds tremendous advantages as the incumbent, partly because his campaign apparatus has low visibility.
141 It was a tremendous victory for the team, and they sat back and basked in the glory.
142 Both trousers are cut to be loose fitting and this is a tremendous benefit for the fair skinned in hot climates.
143 It will take tremendous political will, courage and humanity to reverse this situation.
144 If Manchester wins, the whole of the North West's economy will enjoy a tremendous boost.
145 Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. Albert Camus 
146 So I had a wonderful time filling in for him, and in the process learned a tremendous amount.
147 This tremendous outpouring can still be found upon the continents on both sides of the break.
148 With ballast weights at each blade tip, the whirling rotor system had tremendous inertia.
149 He had enjoyed himself by our fire, but had caught a tremendous cold as soon as he left the mountains.
150 I have tremendous admiration for anyone who has spent a lifetime in the mining industry, especially at the coalface.
151 Many people come to make the ascent, some to climb its tremendous cliffs, others merely to look at it.
152 The harbor of the naval base seethed with tremendous activity.
153 This book is a first-hand account of the most tremendous enlargement of astronomical science, written by its foremost pioneer.
154 Both games showed the tremendous amount of work needed in the Republic to restore the team to the top in international terms.
155 They continue to carry the burden of tremendous unemployment or underemployment in the countryside.
156 But even more significantly,[http://] the Internet offers a tremendous conduit for information.
157 She was a leader of great character and tremendous personal charm.
158 If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack. Winston Churchill 
159 Economically, the care of AIDS patients will put a tremendous strain on our already overburdened and costly health care delivery system.
160 I would like to thank staff at all levels for their tremendous efforts which contributed to this success.
161 This provided a tremendous boost to the development of London's euro-dollar market.
162 He was now churning out drawings at a tremendous rate.
163 On November 13, 1932, four tremendous explosions blew out the entrances and exits of the two Arizona tunnels.
164 Muddying the issue of how much pirated software is on the Internet is the tremendous amount of software legally available to download.
165 Some expend tremendous energy desperately trying to stop the clock.
166 For the most part, he was filled with a tremendous joy for who would not be, to escape death.
167 This tremendous progress of conventional medicine in the present century has confirmed belief in the treatment by opposites.
168 Placed in the middle of a field of alfalfa, foraging bees will fly tremendous distances to find alternative sources of food.
169 A win over rivals Charlton Athletic today would be a tremendous boost for a demanding ten-match April programme.
170 He was making a tremendous effort to appear calm, if possible to be calm.
171 This proprietary blend shows tremendous depth and concentration, with generous blackberry fruit and hints of chocolate and blueberry.
172 It takes tremendous discipline to control and restrain your desires, emotions and passions, and to make yourself do what is desirable for you persistently. Dr T.P.Chia 
173 Keith Richardson says it was a brilliant performance and they were helped by the tremendous support from the Gloucester fans.
174 Our burden in going forward is tremendous. But our opportunity is glorious. Gordon B. Hinckley 
175 Gordon Richards's star novice created a tremendous impression when beating Dreamers Delight at Doncaster and possesses scope for considerable improvement.
176 Intent on discovering a cure for a certain strain of influenza, Robert Shannon faces tremendous difficulties, both personal and professional.
177 I felt tremendous guilt the whole time, I felt so ashamed of these terrible thoughts locked inside me.
178 Modified viruses could cause famine by destroying crops or cause human and animal diseases of tremendous power.
179 Male birds were cuckolding one another at a tremendous rate.
180 It is a sweeping blow and only one who has seen them in action knows how tremendous it is.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:16:59