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单词 Offense
1. Their team had a poor offense.
2. Child abuse is a punishable offense.
3. The best defense is offense.
4. They deserved to lose; their offense was badly planned.
5. The team's offense ran full throttle.
6. No offense, but this cheese tastes like rubber.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. The book might be published without creating offense.
8. The Redskins' offense is stronger than their defense.
9. I avoided giving offense by euphemizing.
10. Harboring criminals is an offense in law.
11. He played offense for the Chicago Bulls.
12. The penalty for a first offense is a fine.
13. give offense to sb.
14. It is an offense to drive a car at night without lights.
15. I meant no offense.
16. The defense had shut down the multifaceted Detroit offense.
17. The best defense is a good offense, Jody figures.
18. I have a better feel for the offense.
19. Call it compassionate conservatism on offense.
20. Insinuation was their best defense, their best offense.
21. Nevertheless, halfback Garrison Hearst is new to the offense.
22. The team's offense is their Achilles' heel.
23. The Dallas Cowboys' offense was ice-cold in the first half.
24. Ordinarily that is an indication the offense is in full flower, blooming all over the bloody place.
25. The Rams acted as facilitators, helping the Niners' offense work on its communication skills.
26. Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense.
27. The Bears are going to have work on their offense this season.
28. He got a six-year jail sentence, a harsh punishment for a first offense.
29. She later claimed that she did not realize she was committing an offense.
30. A globe-trotting, business-building commerce secretary, he operated on the theory that a good defense is a good offense.
1. Child abuse is a punishable offense.
2. The best defense is offense.
3. Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense.
31. We had their offense and defense figured out exceptionally well.
32. Spring focus: Burks was the key to an offense that helped the Giants compile baseball's best regular-season record.
33. In fact, if you have called me on the phone recently and noticed that I seemed distracted, take no offense.
34. Expiatory punishment is arbitrary in character because it does not bear any relationship to the offense.
35. If found guilty, he could be fined $ 500 for each offense.
36. But the most important thing for us is to make first downs,[http:///offense.html] keep their offense off the field.
37. The zone blitz can fluster an offense because it looks nothing like a conventional blitz.
38. You all will write: The defense did its job, and then the rest of it will be about the offense.
39. I can get a rhythm, get a feel for the offense.
40. The offense, however, not only was political but constituted an act of treason against the constitutional government.
41. Battered and bruised as usual, a sizable portion of their offense decimated by injury.
42. But I have a feeling the feminists will take offense.
43. They had taken the initiative, with their offense moving almost at will and defense providing its finest performance of the season.
44. Torture is also routine in criminal investigations, even for the most petty offense.
45. The rookie out of Colorado has a dramatic impact on the offense when he comes into the game.
46. In both halves, the Owls had difficulty setting up their offense and often rushed bad shots to beat the 35-second clock.
47. Agave theft is considered a serious offense in Jalisco and carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison.
48. Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it. Rene Descartes 
49. The reported incidence of this crime rose 28. 6 percent between 1974 and 1983, more than any other major offense.
50. The Seminoles' high-powered offense, which had averaged 42 points and 549 yards per game, was suffocated.
51. The days of that kind of sailor; no offense, are quickly coming to an end.
52. White talked of the progress his team made, the improvement on offense.
53. However, the offense will retain its basic form, a fact with which Abdul-Jabbar is comfortable.
54. The judge ruled that Newman's comments were not an actionable offense.
55. Hostetler served as tour guide, supervising an offense that shed its lingering turnover habit.
56. The penalty is a $250 fine for the first offense.
57. And violence by a husband toward his wife is one obvious offense to the integrity of human life.
58. The maximum penalty for either offense is five years in prison.
59. Older men and women are running motion offense drills, practicing low post moves.
60. These people supposedly cherished cursor keys and took deep offense at their absence on Macintosh.
61. Love is never boastful, or conceited, or rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense.
62. Hitchcock began with three scoreless innings, long enough for the offense to give him a 3-0 lead.
63. Last week in Baltimore, the crafty Ravens came up with a no-huddle offense, which left the Raiders completely flummoxed.
64. They were sharp and deadly and able to cut off anything that the Sparks tried to get going on offense.
65. The Raiders spent most of their bye week adjusting their defense and offense.
66. If you came looking for offense, Orange-ya glad you could change the channel?
67. We wanted to shorten the game and keep the ball away from their offense.
68. Instead he was given 11 1 / 2 years -- an extremely harsh punishment for a relatively small, first-time offense.
69. In the second half, the Mustangs were able to extend their lead to 30 with a more up-tempo offense.
70. Football is a team game; offense and defense must work together to produce the best effort.
71. They wanted to watch the films before explaining how Seattle ripped off 554 yards of offense.
72. Listening to radio broadcasts from abroad is still a criminal offense in this country.
73. Plus the Warriors' new fast-paced offense hardly seems suited for the plodding Marshall.
74. Sometimes the best offense is a ghoulish pretense.
75. No offense is unforgivable unless you make It'so.
76. That dirty old house an offense to the eye.
77. What happens when they decide to play offense?
78. I grieved that he should take offense.
79. Many hackers take offense at being lumped with crackers.
80. Immediately he thought he had committed a fatal offense.
81. Genocide is an offense to all civilized human beings.
82. Negligence can also be a criminal offense.
83. His words gave great offense to everybody present.
84. Poole police said, because this belongs to the members Bide Ya Adams all, so the park is also part of his personal Flowers, "defloration means guilty of theft, we can to prosecute this offense."
85. Therefore, penal code revision bill(seven) 4 regulation rules settled organization, leadership spread to sell movable offense.
86. It is considered an offense to check into a hotel under an assumed name.
87. She's very jealous. She would take offense at sight of her husband's talking with other women.
88. No offense to the ethnic music community, but Wikipedia deserves more credit.
89. The paper proposes some typical decision models of tactical activities in two-vs-two engagement: the cooperation of leader and wingman, defense and offense, weapon launch etc.
90. She has committed an offense at the lotus feet of Advaita Acarya.
91. The best defense against being Google anonymous is a good offense.
92. If I take offense easily, if I am content to continue in a cool unfriendliness, though friendship be possible, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
93. Please don't take offense. I only wanted to tell you what I think.
94. We view this infraction as a speeding ticket, not a capital offense.
95. Purposefully taking advantage of cheaters is a punishable offense, though as long as you purposefully disassociate yourself from the cheater (and preferably report them as well), you should be fine.
96. Any offense that causes a breach in relationships simply cannot be overlooked.
97. But when we chant Hare Krishna without any offense, we relish Krishna, the Reservoir of all pleasure.
98. Compared with intentional homicide, robbery, intentional injury and some criminal acts, criminal consequences and the social impact of the offense has a distinct specificity.
99. A person discovered committing an offense may be summoned verbally.
100. Soldiers will depend on the injury-free, multi-heap that point, no sense of blood, first offense, and measurements of blood to cobble together a re-think.
101. Coach Rick Adelman pointed one - on - one play on offense and their undersized frontline when Yao goes out.
102. Carl von Clausewitz in "On War" stresses the offense is the best defense.
103. To commit an offense or a sin; transgress or err.
104. The officer's violation of a regulation is more of jeopardy than the enlisted man's offense.
105. I shot the sheriff, and they say it is a capital offense.
106. Because it is a serious offense in Nigeria to enter without a valid visa, the victim's illegal entry may be used by the scam artists as leverage to coerce the victims into releasing funds.
107. However, the same offense might be either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on its degree.
108. The treatment process and efficacy, judicial program evaluation, establishing assessment tools, sex offense prevention education, and treatment program evaluation were popular topics recently.
109. In the experimental task 30 second offense is designed and implemented monitoring and alarm display system.
110. The Yankees have a potent offense of their own, and Rays right-hander Jason Hammel will be charged with keeping those bats in check.
111. The standard about accomplished and unaccomplished offense should be determined by the feature of ancient cultural sites or ancient tombs.
112. Participants in the high-power group considered the misreporting of travel expenses to be a significantly worse offense.
113. I cannot let the occasion pass without expressing my emphatic condemnation of your offense.
114. Adding defense and additional angles to Pacquiao's upper - body offense is his frenetic footwork.
115. The specified consequence in the consequential offense can be material consequences or nonmaterial ones.
116. Know affiance No offense against pigeons but they seem , in their current numbers , such an unnecessary bird, he says.
117. If death resulted, apply the most analogous guideline from Chapter Two, Part A, Subpart 1 (Homicide), if the resulting offense level is greater than that determined above.
118. She seldom smiles and takes offense at the least excuse, crying rivers of tears and wailing.
119. In an intergalactic dimension, aliens are on the offense moving in to annihilate mankind.
120. It argued in effect that jurisdiction over the offense is sufficient for trial of an accused by military commission, when the charge includes the offense of unlawful enemy belligerency.
121. The theme how to identify Imaginative jointer of offense is significant and can cause not only imaginative jointer of offense but also some principal theory to be understood more deeply.
122. If you've been fired because of some horrible offense, this may be a moot point.
123. To the two kinds of behavior methods of this offense, "Figure for malfeasant benefits" is the common element of them.
124. So they enter into a plea bargain with the prosecutor — they agree to plead guilty to a lesser offense in exchange for a reduced sentence.
125. No offense is unforgivable unless you make It'so . Use your power wisely.
126. The result is that judges have developed standard rates that are used in both courtroom and station house: so many dollars for such-and-such an offense.
127. Athenian lawmaker ( 7 th century ) whose code of laws prescribed death for almost every offense.
128. The attitude of sex offense and the examination of mass media were the topics less to be reported lately.
129. He is a much better fast break guard as opposed to court offense type of guard.
130. In Fairbanks it is considered an offense to feed alcoholic beverages to a moose.
131. Tax evasion isn't listed as a criminal offense in Liechtenstein's legal code.
132. A departure may be warranted, for example,[http:///offense.html] in a case involving a sex offense committed against a minor or if the offense resulted in serious bodily injury to a minor.
133. By 1500 the Government had made it a capital offense to build a boat with more than two masts, and in 1525 the Government ordered the destruction of all oceangoing ships.
134. This isn't his first offense. He has a rap sheet a mile long.
135. It is a capital offense to inadvertently kill someone while attempting suicide.
136. I hope you will not take any offense at my words.
137. Can he can bear duty the offense of a mendacity marquis now?
138. Plagiarism is a serious offense and is easy to recognize.
139. An infraction is the least serious offense and generally is punishable by a fine.
140. Heresy was a crime against the state. Roman law in the Code of Justinian made it a capital offense.
141. But whether or not it is a prosecutable offense to invade a private meeting in this manner, surely it is a corrupt act.
142. Cheerily , with bluff good humor, careful not to give offense to his guests, he called out.
143. Driving under the influence of alcohol, which increases the probability of traffic accidents, is a serious law-breaking offense.
144. However, conviction of a single misdemeanor ( minor offense ) have no effect on a student's immigration status.
145. The Reasons of difference lays on the different attitude for unaccomplished offense. The former is objectivism, the latter is subjectivism.
146. Between plays the coach was talking to the offense in the huddle.
147. The 19 - year - old's alleged offense: driving an unlicensed taxicab.
148. About impossible crime, our country's criminal law only regards it as unaccomplished offense, and the study on it is rare.
149. How can Tracy say they had no one to run the offense.
150. If those who possessed the right of deliberation committed a capital offense, they could not be tried without the emperor's consent.
151. Its imperiousness is an offense that cannot be avenged without weapons, without tools, without human ingenuity.
152. Some time afterward, the royal cupbearer and baker gave offense to their lord, the king of Egypt.
153. Kidnapping crime includes two concrete composing items : racketeered offense and illegal imprison offense.
154. "Under Kenyan domestic law, there is no entitlement to legal aid for anybody who is not accused of a capital offense," said Singh. "So, suspected pirates have no opportunity to have a lawyer.
155. And resolutely down on fresh milk production and adulteration of the offense.




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