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单词 First of all
1. Happiness lies, first of all, in health. 
2. First of all we must identify the problem areas.
3. I felt disbelief first of all, then outrage.
4. First of all, let's set the scene.
5. First of all, I want you to review what we learned yesterday.
6. First of all, answer these questions.
7. First of all, let me ask you something.
8. First of all, draw a square.
9. First of all tell us your name.
10. Well, first of all we can't possibly spare the time.
11. First of all, you should know what profession suits you.
12. First of all, could I begin with an apology for a mistake I made last week?
13. First of all we'd better make sure we've got everything we need.
14. My aim was first of all to determine what I should do next.
15. First of all you have to mix the flour and the butter.
16. First of all, we need to establish the facts of the case.
17. First of all, there are not many of them, and secondly, they have little money and, thirdly, they have few big businesses.
18. First of all we should chase these fears from his mind.
19. First of all they rammed four piles into the ground.
20. Study the examples first of all, then attempt the exercises on the next page.
21. First of all she just smiled, then she started to laugh.
22. First of all, they are unable to follow directions.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. Hedgerows, first of all, are a two-man job.
24. First of all, continued growth!
25. I unpacked all the things he'd bought. First of all, there was G.P.'s picture.
26. First of all, however, the physical principles on which remote sensing is based are reviewed.
27. He did, first of all, tap on the flat door but then, receiving no response, opened it.
28. Threats to parks come first of all from road building and secondly from increasing leisure development, notably golf courses.
29. The temporary bridge was first of all submerged then, like a matchstick, it was lifted up and swept aside.
30. The cut in the interest rates has not had very much impact in California for two reasons. First of all, banks are still afraid to loan.
1. First of all we must identify the problem areas.
2. I felt disbelief first of all, then outrage.
3. First of all, I want you to review what we learned yesterday.
31. Primitivism To look at the mystery of cave art means first of all to look at our own prejudices.
32. Of course, he had, first of all, a desire for personal glory and gold.
33. The programme first of all explains how a Bouncer works on fitness in general and in rehabilitation plus other problems such as arthritis.
34. First of all, is it sensible to think of masculine/feminine as polar opposites?
35. First of all, batch processing is out of the question.
36. First of all she needed to firmly establish the connections.
37. First of all, there are ways that missing husbands can be traced so that the divorce petition can be sent to them.
38. First of all, the mandate would look like a flat tax on each worker.
39. But some people were not happy about the accident. First of all, her boyfriend, Drew Stephens.
40. First of all, the study simply measured total testosterone in the blood of female volunteers.
41. Well first of all I must distance myself from the image that is presented by nearly all introductory textbooks of cultural anthropology.
42. First of all I was put in a two-person cell with bunk beds.
43. I swung my boots up on to the bed and stretched out full length. First of all, I was not dead.
44. I had in mind to give you an overview first of all.
45. First of all I had been subjected to two substantial costs consequent upon some unexplained administrative delay.
46. First of all, detail all your expenses - on a monthly basis - in the left hand column.
47. First of all there is the lack of paradigm consensus among those studying language.
48. First of all, we called it a mutual aid society.
49. First of all, some forward cyclic is needed to initiate the forward movement.
50. First of all, more spatial data are becoming available in digital or computer-readable form.
51. First of all, my dearest man friend died of cancer, aged forty-two.
52. First of all, of course,[http:///first of all.html] great reserves of strength and stamina.
53. First of all , we'd better make sure we have everything we need.
54. Well, first of all, it's too expensive and second, we don't have anywhere to put it.
55. First of all, the service operates strict rules concerning recruitment which are not always suited to radio.
56. First of all, it implies an apprenticeship period in which the craftsman learns control so that he can later abandon it.
57. Dear Bash First of all I'd like to compliment you on such a brill and fabbo magazine.
58. First of all, no map can show all the attributes that may conceivably be required by a user.
59. First of all, the brain controls many bodily functions, either directly via nerve impulses or indirectly via hormones.
60. First of all I want my young reporters to be able to observe.
61. With annoyance calls, first of all, don't carry on a conversation. And secondly, hang up quickly and quietly.
62. First of all, the available evidence is not of the right kind.
63. First of all turn one's back on the bloody war, then qualify for some career.
64. First of all, are we talking of relative or absolute decline?
65. First of all, an orchestra, if it is functioning in the best way, is a creative unit.
66. First of all, the problem must be brought into historical perspective.
67. Vincente frowned. First of all he picked up my clubs, pronounced them useless and advised me to sell them forthwith.
68. First of all, she rang round her contacts in journalism.
69. First of all, all human beings want to live better than they do.
70. First of all, he wears a bandanna because it tames his naturally curly hair.
71. First of all he picked up my clubs, pronounced them useless and advised me to sell them forthwith.
72. First of all, the bureaucrats shop like robots, not like human beings.
73. I thought first of all that I'd wait for the newspaper reports of the killing and use those as an excuse.
74. First of all, how do we find out-or decide-which amounts of which psychological factors are normal?
75. First of all, they host a lot of cocktail parties and receptions.
76. In any case it would first of all be necessary to demarcate the requisite number of super-constituencies.
77. First of all it is difficult for nomads to gather at one place so important events are made to coincide.
78. Now first of all there was no rust on it, no barnacles.
79. First of all he let nothing stand in the way of his true feelings.
80. There is first of all his outstanding and delicate manual skill.
81. Well first of all, it was hysterically funny if you were an adult.
82. First of all, the principle of the supremacy of national parliaments needs to be firmly established.
82. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
83. Well yes actually. First of all, it still costs £21,500 and for the money, almost nothing even gets close.
84. First of all, as many people know, food can affect the rate at which alcohol enters the bloodstream.
85. Helpless Dear Helpless: First of all stop hitting each other before one of you becomes seriously hurt.
86. Have all times and minimum rates of descent worked out on a still-air basis first of all.
87. Now these are not going to be here for very much longer. First of all, the tank is too small.
88. Progress depends first of all on acquiring a better understanding of users and of information-seeking behaviour through user-oriented qualitative research.
89. First of all, he needs extra security, warmth, and engagement.
90. First of all, every italicized phrase allows enormous scope for subjectivity and bias.
91. First of all, like most of us, she held beliefs based upon her parents' marriage.
92. It presupposes, first of all, an acceptance of common values, particularly with respect to the exchanges themselves.
93. First of all, one has to wade up to one's chest carrying camera and tripod.
94. First of all, one of the most striking aspects of the notes is the interest Marx shows in detailed ethnographic description.
95. First of all, he appeared on television like he was some kind of game-show berk, not a businessman.
96. First of all the radar signal was received and retransmitted by the Viking Lander sitting on the Martian surface.
97. There are first of all mandatory exceptions, to be retained centrally by all LEAs and not delegated to schools.
98. First of all, what's your family name, please?
99. First of all sounded the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia.
100. Erin Gruwell: First of all I'm not anybody's mother.
101. First of all, we should straighten out their thinking.
102. First of all, clever use of interest-free overdraft consumption.
103. First of all, consider the design of space usage.
104. First of all, the picture postcard.
105. First of all, inculcate the army ethos and values.
106. First of all, do you have the order number?
107. First of all, fine paper and offset of goniophotometry.
108. Horace Greeley was first of all a successful newspaperman.
109. First of all, toastmaster introduced Mr.
110. First of all I want to discuss Nietzsche's word.
111. First of all, of course, survivability, impenetrability , protection.
112. First of all introduce some new conversation piece.
113. First of all,[http:///first of all.html] we must check the number.
114. First of all, what is the base rate?
115. First of all, why doesn't divination work better then?
116. First of all, we're not hanging out at your fraternity house so try to not to talk like a man-child.
117. He is also, and first of all, the bishop of Rome and, for Eastern Christians, the patriarch of the West.
118. First of all, the button labeled "close door" actually works, and works immediately.
119. First of all, given the procedures margination array element type, adjacency matrix class definition.
120. First of all, putting control valve return spring is compressed, control valves putter move forward with the air valve stem.
121. First of all, Dr. Waite said, marred people have sex twice as often as single people.
122. First of all, we analyzed the heat transfer process thermal contact resistance has great effects.
123. First of all, let me say a thing or two about political correctness.
124. To gain a good settleability, good activated sludge floc must be formed first of all.
125. This article focused on: first of all, from the inventory of assets ratio, inventory turns were two aspects of the Dalian University of Technology Press inventory management analyzed the status quo.
126. First of all, meeting Scott Guthrie and talking to Brad Abrams made me realize those guys are just as fanatics about technology as I am.
127. First of all generally speaking incretin related drugs are more effective for Japanese compared to Caucasians.
128. First of all, the author introduces some basic knowledge about the development of Basel Agreement, SND.
129. Milan will start with excellent credentials, its a feared side and this will be the factor I will discuss first of all with the team.
130. First of all, poetry is always willing to represent ruthful women.
131. First of all, raising the price only can limited many persons living in penury.
132. First of all, the paper makes a pragmatical analysis of the shifting on farmers' income recently around Yang Zhou area, under the influence imposed by the industrial source of there income.
133. He first of all posted the letter to the archbishop.
134. First of all, no meat-eating, and if possible no animal food in any form.
135. First of all I would like to thank Ma for her long-lasting, effortful and successful work for the aims of the German Chinese Academy for Psychotherapy.
136. First of all, the model of speed regulation and vector control idea are introduced. The math model, coordinate vector change and asynchronous machine controllability and observant are discussed.
137. First of all, the risk of short covering is not great.
138. First of all, they made us sign away all of our rights.
139. First of all, live parts cost information must be complete and accurate.
140. First of all, I'm on behalf of all staff and cadres of HAZAN, to express my sincere thanks for your presence here today.
141. First of all, an adjacency list should be established and its composition chiefly includes orientation, capacity, flux and so on.
142. First of all[Sentencedict], the fluid hydrodynamics and mass transfer characteristics on gas-liquid-liquid system in gas agitated extractor with static mixer was experimentally investigated.
143. First of all, the Alpha test of the expansion will not start this week and probably won't start before some time.
144. First of all, your best option for life insurance is term insurance if you're under fifty.
145. This paper is, first of all, a discussion on the relationship between foregrounding and novel, and then an inquiry into the foregrounded features in two types of novels: Modernism and Realism.
146. First of all, within the target-oriented in the plate and guide pin sets, and then slide the sleeve nut plate .
147. "First of all, " replied the boy James A. Garfield, when asked what he meant to be, "I must make myself a man; if I do not succeed in that, I can succeed in nothing."
148. First of all, the paper expatiate the basic methods of work measurement and standard time measurement methods based on the stopwatch.
149. First of all, a quartic equation is obtained by using the rigid tody displacement matrices and some theories of higher algebra according to given five positions of coupler.
150. First of all, the modification coefficients are determined with a view to the machining process, and then the verification is carried out with relative drawing software.
151. First of all, what is a currency option anyway, what are we talking about?
152. First of all, make full use of your time and work hard.
153. Tang: First of all, be clear that the past is a long-term debts accumulated.
154. But first of all, the topic did come up that Kid Icarus would be revived, and that Kid Icarus would be well-matched with a game idea that was particular to my style.
155. First of all, the main route of the transfer of the virus is through sexual intercourse.
156. Article thirty - eighth of its partnership debt, should first of all their property settlement.
157. First of all, the political and economic situation was stabler during the periods of KangXi and QianLong.
158. First of all, the excitations of gearing including stiffness excitation, error excitation and meshing shock excitation are simulated by finite element method and error equivalent method.
159. According to the basic properties of silver grass and research target, first of all, board density(), glue addition and particle type was chosen for the main influencing factors for dual factors test.
160. First of all, this study reviews past unified analyses of modality by Lyons, Talmy and Sweetser.
161. First of all, it is important that you understand how an IUD works in order to understand what is meant by an IUD pregnancy.
162. First of all, optimized with SVD model, and interdependency of terms was taken into account, query and massive-content text were represented in lower-dimensional space.
163. First of all, it introduces a kind of simple and practical numerical quadrature method for calculating the vibration characteristics of wheel system.
164. First of all, this paper makes a study of IPO Under-pricing in the international and domestic stock market.
165. First of all the reason of the pulsar dispersion and several popular de - dispersion algrithms are introduced.
166. First of all, this paper introduces a semantic component model and also makes extension to it.
167. First of all, cascading menus are to be avoided at all costs.
168. First of all, the trend of the dollar to oil pressure.
169. First of all, we must check the delivery schedule ( date of delivery ) of the equipment.
170. First of all, talk about the rise of non - price competition.
171. "He made it pretty clear from day one that he's an American first of all," said Hong Huang, the fashion magazine publisher.
172. First of all, the paper uses Work Load Point assessment system, work breakdown structure and critical path method to build the control and monitor system based on the Work Load Point system.
172. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
173. First of all, concerning the legal relationship between the Civil and Commercial Law.
174. All disputes shall, first of all, be settled amicably by negotiation.
175. In the field of philosophy of science, I. Lakatos is first of all considered a methodologist of scientific research programmes.
176. First of all, the fine qualities of the Swiss people are evident.
177. In 2006, China's Prime Minister Wen Jiabao declared: "I have a dream that every Chinese, first of all children, can afford to drink one kilogramme of milk every day."
178. B : First of all, you should hold an organizing committee meeting.
179. First of all, the refining industry is inseparable from the environmental protection policy.
180. So as to raise the efficiency and economical performance of structure. First of all this thesis analyzed the advantage of CTSS (Combined Theory of Strength and Stability) on stiffened panel.
181. Tang Xianzu was a poet first of all, and then an ideologist and dramatist.
182. But first of all, we must think of a way to distract the attention of Aileen.
183. First of all, you have to drop the preconceived idea that selling yourself is evil.
184. So , first of all, we need to move Snoop Dogg to my table.
185. First of all, we create an image for the masthead graphic on the title page.
186. First of all , just to explain it, a woodchuck is an animal.
187. To strengthen the management of intermediate station, first of all the best stationmaster must be chosen.
188. First of all, it's worth remembering that Perl is a compiled language.
189. First of all, he wanted to imbed in his upcoming high potentials the user application of really advanced investment theory.
190. The first of all the negro minstrel shows came to town, and made a sensation.
191. In this paper first of all it is proved that the mathematical nature of the ordinary moment distribution method is the Seidel iterative method.
192. First of all, every medication swallowed is perceived by the immune system as a "poison, " because there is nothing in nature that would ever present to the G.I.
193. And, in fact, the functionality is that of the square r So this tells us that the radius of the electron orbit, first of all, there is more than one radius.
194. So, let's go ahead and define our variables here, they should be familiar to us. We have the mass, first of all, me m is equal to m e, so that's the electron mass.
195. In practice, popularization of agriculture industrialization in China has met some problems needed to be solved institutionally, first of all, agriculture financial institution arrangement.
196. First of all Iu will oudine the characteristics of our product.
197. I'm interested in coins, but first of all I'm a stamp collector.
198. First of all, if your wedding is before 6 in the evening, you should not wear a tuxedo (black tie) or tails (white tie).
199. First of all, the paper simply sorts the history of the development of utopian socialism and China's history of building a harmonious society.
200. In order to effectively achieve the stratified water, first of all to have a hierarchical set of injection molding technology, but also a guarantee that the technology means to achieve the test.
201. First of all, the yellow swoosh looks like a smile: want to have the best customer satisfaction.
202. Le Havre is also very close from the major cities, first of all[http://], from the capital Paris-2 hours away in train-and as well very close to Rouen.
203. First of all, because Montolivo be able to do any midfield position, so Fu Bote , Connaught, and Shai Burlington and several other main half of the positions will be threatened.
204. First of all, for the versatility of the master-hand robot, we study the basic requirements and technical indicators of its design, and carry out a comprehensive configuration on this basis.
205. First of all, computers can never replace real public museums art galleries.
206. First of all, if the XML documents in your table contain namespaces, then the index definition will need to take that into account.
207. First of all, the history and development of semiconductor memory was briefly reviewed, and some important nonvolatile memories were introduced simply.
208. First of all, we must correct a variety of misoperation .
209. The mam study in this paper is how to enhance the intelligence and universality of an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) First of all, improving the architecture of ITS.
210. First of all, the thesis begins with the concept of news monographic report, analyzing the function of news monographic report.
211. First of all, it is a restaurant and cafe for Oslo but it also has the capability to host concerts and conferences etc and the open floor plan can be subdivided according to temporary needs.
212. First of all, most contaminants in seeds were removed using affinity chromatography according to the specific binding capacity between abrin and galactose.
213. The introduction of talent, first of all require employers through the monetization of housing subsidy to provide housing conditions.
214. First of all, the incense that was w being burned impure.
215. First of all, it has a close study on Discrete Event Driven system, especially queuing system.
216. First of all, raw materials manufactured components comprise the initial input in the entire manufacturing process.
217. Clerk: First of all, we'll design a custom-made work-out plan according to your habits.
218. First of all, developing persuasion, highlighting the advantages of this enterprise.
219. In his view, the most likely action is first of all, Pfizer, because the existence of the company's biggest sales potential, and "the acquisition of Pfizer's most meaningful goal is to Amgen."
220. First of all, education should be consolidated to eliminate the brutality and beastliness in human nature.
221. First of all, you're probably wondering about the impostor s alpha channel.
222. First of all, raw gender wage differentials increased significantly from 1989 to 1997.
223. First of all, all the company's market a difference of opinion.
224. First of all I have to self-examination, regardless of whether you are my self-appointed, or everyone, whether you default.
225. Modern political civilization is first of all more the constitutionalist civilization than the constitutional civilization.
226. As the 3GPP began looking at ways to implement IP in their networks, they found a need to standardize first of all on one implement standard network common protocol for call and session control.
227. Therefore, you should first of all, to work out a comprehensive plan.
228. First of all use a black marker or a felt-tipped pen to draw your characters.
229. First of all, he thinks that modernity is a kind of behavioral system and mode, a kind of social life or the mode of organization and the abbreviation of the industrial civilization.
230. First of all it explains what compatibility is and advocates small, incremental, backwardly compatible changes, while always focusing on future evolution.
231. First of all, the members of the "Trash-Site Safety Council" are not listed, which could make a big difference in the believability of the study.
232. First of all, there must be a correct ideology of judicatory policies, a correct attitude toward crime, exact grasp of the target of criminal law and understanding of lenience and severity.
232. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
233. Shanghai should be built into International Shipping Hub, first of all should build international container deepwater terminal port.
234. "First of all," interposed Laigle, "I demand permission to embalm Blondeau in a few phrases of deeply felt eulogium.
235. First of all, a minimum storage ray triangle intersection was introduced.
236. First of all, we should quickly check up on our fortifications.
237. First of all, you cut costs like a dervish - just to stay solvent.
238. First of all, not enough points in the raw data which can lead to the extreme being overlooked in a long-term time series and affects the accuracy of the model.
239. Paul tells us first of all what he was like before Christ met him on the road to Damascus.
240. First of all Seryozhka sets to work on the lectern.
241. So this is, first of all, even just on an absolute scale, this is way, way larger than the wavelengths we're talking about for baseball.
242. First of all, the two - Hua Zhuangmian overlapping full Baptist moisture on the make - up water.
243. First of all, the design and introduction of new products, do not go with the stream.
244. First of all , they lose sight of their core range. Secondly, they start drowning in complexity. Many business people do not understand the cost value equation of increasing sophistication.
245. First of all, the internal FPI motives of forest and paper enterprises are researched on transaction cost, asset specificity , double markup and optimal output decision making.
246. First of all correct torque will hold the parts together.
247. First of all, starting with the estimate of signal parameter (e. g. amplitude, frequency and phasic), it makes a research in algorithms of direct, subdivide the spectrum,[Sentencedict] high-precision FFT and so on.
248. First of all, it will only look like sour grapes, so there nothing to gain here.
249. Insurance for their children before the adults should first of all for their own insurance.
250. Under the new law, first of all, a student has to prove independent ability to pay, or have a parent, or responsible person cosign.
251. Sayers kept in mind that she was first of all a human being and aimed to be true not so much to her gender as to her humanity.
252. First of all, a software engineer must have an open mind.




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