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单词 Lie in
1. Lie in (oron) the bed one has made. 
2. Lie in a comfortable position .
3. I like to lie in at weekends.
4. I'm perfectly content just to lie in the sun.
5. We lie in the sunshine for hours, getting a tan.
6. We're going to lie in the sun and roast for two weeks.
7. It was a Sunday, so she could lie in till almost lunch time.
8. Maturity does not lie in how old you are, but how strong you are to take on responsibilities.
9. I trapped a lie in my throat.
10. Don't lie in the sun for too long.
11. It's a holiday tomorrow, so you can lie in.
12. Their plans for a comeback now lie in ruins.
13. All their hopes lie in him.
14. Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament?
15. The time had come for her to lie in.
16. Don't lie in bed all morning!
17. I can have a lie in tomorrow. Whoopee!
18. She was prepared to lie in order to achieve her ends.
19. Normally,() a woman will lie in a few hours before the birth of her child.
20. The islands lie in a wide arc just off the mainland.
21. A lot of national parks lie in the areas inhabited by minority nationality people./lie in.html
22. The Rocky Mountains lie in the west part of America.
23. You ought to lie in tomorrow and catch up on your sleep.
24. Police officers lie in wait for the gangs who stalk their prey at night.
25. I lie in bed, flattened by gloom.
26. Popular opinion is the greatest lie in the world. Thomas Carlyle 
27. The broken bricks now lie in the living room.
28. I would lie in bed, listening to my parents whisper about them.
29. To have a stomach and lack meat; to have meat and lack a stomach; to lie in bed and cannot rest; are great miseries. 
30. Students were paid substantial sums of money to do nothing all day but lie in bed.
1. Lie in a comfortable position .
2. I'm perfectly content just to lie in the sun.
3. We lie in the sunshine for hours, getting a tan.
4. It was a Sunday, so she could lie in till almost lunch time.
5. A lot of national parks lie in the areas inhabited by minority nationality people.
6. The Rocky Mountains lie in the west part of America.
31. To further reduce eye movement, patients lie in bed, quiet, for up to a week.
32. The only differences lie in the detail and complication in the two cases.
33. He hates to lie in bed, and follows us around like a puppy.
34. The islands lie in an arc in the eastern Caribbean.
35. The major differences may lie in the degree of the problems and the possibilities for solutions.
36. I lie in the meadow, or I kiss your child I draw on feeling banked up for that time.
37. More than 800 men died and their bodies still lie in what has become Britain's most sacred maritime war grave.
38. Let the seeds lie in the open for a day before planting them.
39. However, control of the reproduction of images did not lie in the hands of the photographers.
40. For a few moments the clouds open and we lie in the heat of a hazy sun, our efforts justly rewarded.
41. Many detailed provisions to protect the integrity of the record lie in this area.
42. This would explain why such faults tend to lie in certain directions.
43. It may not actually lie in the water, but it still lies within the boundary of the lateral water hazard.
44. A further clue may lie in the interpretation of accountability in the business world.
45. The creative process does not lie in the act of dreaming, but in the communication of a dream.
46. The old enemies, undefeated, have devised new strategies; new assailants lie in ambush.
47. Were this not all, the new sources of energy lie in regions devoid of infrastructure and population.
48. The roots of the law of confidence lie in equity and it is almost entirely case law.
49. Both of these topics lie in a future somewhat beyond the early lunar-base era covered in this chapter.
50. His or her work must inevitably lie in an area where public anger, resentment and guilt are rife.
51. No one would deny that the origins of some learning difficulties do lie in the child.
52. We all lie at one time or the other, impulsively or intentionally, magnanimously or maliciously. We lie in personal relationships, social conversations, work places for good or bad reasons. Dr T.P.Chia 
53. All I can do is lie in bed, listening to the howling wind and staring at the grey northern sky.
54. The roots of the trouble lie in Republican policies that women see as threatening. Symbolic gestures and tokenism are inadequate remedies.
55. One plausible area for explanation might lie in the experience of material security or insecurity.
56. He kept thinking how nice it would be to lie in a hot bath and soak out the cold and the dirt.
57. Swallow's interests away from work lie in such outdoor activities as skiing and hillwalking, as well as playing squash.
58. Often the clues to meaning lie in subtle implication rather than in explicit statement.
59. This ongoing professional development is based on the fundamental premise that solutions and strategies lie in teachers' own expertise and experience.
60. After four weeks they still had not got used to the gravelly voice and the song that seemed to lie in it.
61. The chief obstacles to Ecotopia lie in the economic, political, cultural and ideological levels.
62. Pray heaven she might find the courage to endure the horrors that must lie in store!
63. Whatever it was that he could not bring to mind must lie in the past.
64. Lewis asked his wife to lie in an attempt to cover up the murder.
65. Give expression to the noble desires that lie in your heart. Gordon B Hinckley 
66. Some areas are viewed more than once during this 16-day repeat cycle because they lie in an area of overlap between adjacent orbits.
67. The main geological evidence for a major ocean impact would lie in tsunami wave deposits.
68. The origins of Gironella's peculiar assemblages lie in his childhood.
69. The truly scientific mind can also be open to forms of truth which lie in the area of personal life and relationships.
70. His/her specific interests may lie in the political, social, cultural, strategic or economic dimensions of the subject.
71. The poor girl was absolutely infatuated with him, not knowing that his tastes lie in quite a different direction.
72. You swim a few laps, lie in the sun, eat a burger.
73. The reasons lie in its complex physical chemistry, and central to this is its atomic structure.
74. Particular interests lie in masonry structures, light-weight steel building systems, cladding, energy management and auditing, and energy awareness.
75. The shortcomings of such an approach lie in the preoccupation with social phenomena which are directly observable.
76. That was her claim, but what followed was a complete lie in terms of the manifesto pledge.
77. Never lie in bed at night asking yourself questions you can't answer. Charles M. Schulz 
78. She will lie in the soapsuds, humming to herself, till two in the morning.
79. We would lie in bed together, listening to the sounds of Paris outside.
80. And even if one wanted to at a bird observatory, one would find it difficult to lie in.
81. The immorality of capital punishment does not lie in the sympathy level of a particular convicted murderer.
81. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
82. The basics of good nutrition lie in what is readily available in your house for you to consume.
83. Everyone lies except the fool - people lie in different circumstances for different reasons. Dr T.P.Chia 
84. Their withered skeletal bodies lie in half-opened coffins beneath sheets of glass.
85. It is observed that the maria and the large unfilled basins tend to lie in the equatorial regions of the Moon.
86. So the best cure might lie in shortening the period when that is possible.
87. Ultimately, the answers lie in the hard fact that racism and sexism remain powerful currents in our national life.
88. That night I lie in my own bed, so glad to be off that train.
89. Those who survived the battle Lie in the hulks in chains.
90. Some 800 grams of plutonium lie in the sediments of the Mururoa lagoon, according to official estimates.
91. The answer may lie in making a distinction between local prominence and overall discourse prominence.
92. The real distinction doesn't lie in the fact of ownership, but in control.
93. The resolution of problem behaviour must lie in the successful unlearning of such behaviours.
94. She ventured at last to sit back on her heels, let her hands lie in her lap, and listen.
95. Other days, she would draw the curtains in their room and lie in bed with a cloth pressed to her forehead.
96. Sometimes you lie in bed at night, and you don't have a single thing to worry about...That always worries me! Charles M. Schulz 
97. Some real bargains lie in wait amongst the never-ending maze of stalls.
98. Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness. People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness. Anne Frank 
99. If instead the traveller goes along the y axis to Libreville, Quito is found to lie in the x direction.
100. The roots of case management lie in social case work.
101. President to lie in state while he was still alive.
102. Our battalion would lie in ambush on the mountainside.
103. Hang a hammock; lie in it.
104. The British Isles lie in northwest Europe.
105. Let him not lie in the bondage of night.
106. The risks lie in the effectiveness and efficiency of a spending spree.
107. Two young male lions lie in the grass of Botswana's Okavango Delta.
108. Yet China had already begun to emphasize exporting. The reason may lie in John Maynard Keynes's analysis of mercantilism.
109. I'll do a rectal examination. Don't be afraid. Please undress and lie in a knee - chest position.
110. His greatest danger now lie in the unknown denizen of the water.
111. He likely survived only because the race doctor had him lie in a plastic kiddie pool filled with ice water.
111. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
112. He could do it that way, he could lie in wait for Dennison in his car.
113. Donggang ( county - level city ) locate in Chinese coastline northernmost, lie in the southwest of Dandong.
114. " Drunk be damned, " cried the captain. " He can lie in the gutter for all I care.
115. While they crouch in their dens , or lie in wait in the thicket?
116. They have something to tell us, as the fallen heroes lie in Arlington whisper the ages.
117. Dont lie in bed all day. Get up and do some work.
118. Patients lie in a large tub of warm water that is linked to an electronic device.
119. Doctor : Probably, if you lie in bed for two days and drink more water.
120. gell-mann and others thought that the answer had to lie in the nature of forces between quarks.
121. Wolong's new - born panda cubs lie in rows in bassinets, as in a maternity hospital.
122. The teachers and the students lie in opposite position . They act in the dissimilitude role.
123. The mucous cells lie in the anterior part of the foregut and cloaca.
124. Can" go to the hair turn" carry out the democracy?Mao Zedong lie in the memorial hall, how would hinder the democracy?Break wind! You are all imperialistic henchmans!
125. This is a land where ancient rice-terrace amphitheatres lie concealed in thick mountains, and thousands of far-flung islands lie in wait for the intrepid explorer's beach towel.
126. By the eighteen thirties, cotton planters believed that without slavery, the whole economic system of the south would lie in ruins.
127. Nor It'seems was she ever intended to lie in a supine position.
128. Yangshan gold deposit lie in depressed area of Gansu province.
129. In conclusion, Xu Guangqi's achievements lie in his efforts to summarize, test, popularize as well as innovate then Chinese traditional manure technology.
130. The causes lie in short of understanding of CVA, ignorance of overall analysis.
131. Reasons for thermo bimetal's corrosion lie in direct dielectric corrosion and stress flaw corrosion.
132. Fashion and nobleness don't lie in over - complicated structures.
133. Instead, the rebels prefer to lie in wait until humanitarian organizations like WV deliver the food. Then they brutally take the food by force, often killing or maiming the innocent.
134. The difference of expression in Pathological scar and normal skin lie in hypodermal fibroblast and blood capillary endothelial cell had obvious difference.
135. The source of the anomaly may lie in this region rather than in the highpressure film.
136. So does a whole world, with all its greatnesses and littlenesses, lie in a twinkling star.
137. Humanity, there is nothing left for you to boast of , for your boasting and hope lie in putting to death all that is your own and seeking the future life that is in Christ.
138. The answer, in part, may lie in the fact that Sarkozy even got such proposals on the docket, implying his fellow G20 members realize that knee-jerk resistance to reform is no longer an option.
139. She let her hand lie in his a moment , smiling up at him adorably.
140. The answers to these questions lie in the business books that many literary editors so casually toss out.
141. The achievements of this thesis lie in the comprehensive analysis,() carding and construction of edification education.
142. The budget law is old, but it does not lie in its outmoded clauses. The spirit that democracy and constitutional ideas of the restraining government fails to soak into it.
143. The future of agriculture will eventually lie in bioengineering and other highly advanced technologies.
144. For firing of the mixture in the cylinder every time spark occurs, the air-fuel ratio must lie in a fairly narrow range.
145. Most of the new discoveries lie in deep waters that will remain beyond national jurisdiction.
146. They lie in shallow water to escape the predatory attentions of fish.
147. Beneficial area of litho - stratigraphic traps lie in the sequence - base level and beside the sequence boundary ( SB ) .
148. The characteristics lie in the aspects of semantic types, morpheme types and whether as independent sentences.
149. To take cover or lie in or as if in a kennel.
150. He and Dorothy would lie in wait the following day and cudgel her to death.
151. The answers may lie in a close reexamination of the fossil evidence.
152. Surprisingly, the key to such an anesthetic may lie in the metabolite of a sex hormone.
153. But if any man hating his neighbour, lie in wait for his life, and rise and strike him, and he die, and he flee to one of the cities aforesaid.
154. The danger doesn't lie in the hypothetical disasters of revolution, but in conventions impeding progress.
155. Conclusion:Main high risk factors lie in antepartum and intrapartum. It is anoxia that major cause to affect child's intelligence development, especially chronic hypoxia in uterus.
156. Surfactant is the name given to the lipid secretions that lie in the alveoli.
157. Unconsciously, ZhaoBoGong drink a few cups, befuddled, just a lie in bed asleep.
158. What dangers and rewards lie in wait beyond the Dark Portal?
159. The Spratly Islands lie in an area thought to be rich in oil and gas. The region also has vital shipping routes.
160. The soldier hollowed out a foxhole in the ground to lie in.
161. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace ; they find rest as they lie in death.
162. All the secrets lie in the treetop, white papers, dust and footprints.
163. " Melly Hamilton , I never heard such a lie in all my life!
164. High dimensional video data lie in a very low dimensional manifold.
165. Nicolas Rossignol is one of the best examples of a new generation of Burgundy wine makers whose great wines lie in the future rather than the past, entering the fray in 1994.
166. They lie in shallow water to escape the predatory attentions of bigger fish.
167. In this basis, I analyze focally that discrimination's root lie in system. "
168. The genius lie in a backlog, the cleverness lies in diligence.
169. The soldier hollowed oat a foxhole in the ground to lie in.
170. Here the changes lie in constantly trying out new wirings of the Enigma plugboard.
171. The graves of the seven lie in the nearby churchyard.
172. Bayern Munich or Milan lie in wait and Ronaldo has no preference over their last - four opponent.




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