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单词 Make up
1, Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. 
2, Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind. 
3, Did you make up a story?
4, She takes ages to make up in the mornings.
5, Muslims make up 55% of the population.
6, Make up your mind after thinking it over carefully.
7, Let's kiss and make up.
8, Oh, do stop vacillating and make up your mind!
9, Did you make up?
10, She can't make up her mind which of her many suitors she should marry.
11, Please come back. I want to make up. I want to be your Valentine.
12, We win half the battle when we make up our minds to take the world as we find it, including the thorns.
13, The way Charles tried to make up to the boss was distasteful to the workers.
14, Can't you make up?
15, I have a lot of faults to make up for.
16, The teacher asked the students to make up short dialogues by themselves.
17, Well, make up your mind. Which do you want? This one or that one?
18, Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation.
19, He leans over backwards to make up for what he has lost.
20, I can never make up stories - I have absolutely no imagination.
21, Road accident victims make up almost a quarter of the hospital's patients.
22, Some boys make up to their teachers to get good marks.
23, Children make up a large proportion of the world's population.
24, Why don't we invite Caroline and Mark and make up a foursome?
25, I' ve been prescribed iron tablets to make up the deficiency.
26, No amount of money can make up for the death of a child.
27, Hard work can often make up for a lack of ability.
28, She was dithering and wouldn't make up her mind unless forced to.
29, These arguments make up the case for the defence.
30, It's the story of a young woman who can't make up her mind which of her many suitors she should marry.
1, Did you make up a story?
2, She takes ages to make up in the mornings.
3, Muslims make up 55% of the population.
4, Make up your mind after thinking it over carefully.
5, Let's kiss and make up.
6, Did you make up?
7, The way Charles tried to make up to the boss was distasteful to the workers.
8, It's the story of a young woman who can't make up her mind which of her many suitors she should marry.
9, Can't you make up?
10, The teacher asked the students to make up short dialogues by themselves.
11, Well, make up your mind. Which do you want? This one or that one?
12, I can never make up stories - I have absolutely no imagination.
13, Road accident victims make up almost a quarter of the hospital's patients.
14, Children make up a large proportion of the world's population.
15, Why don't we invite Caroline and Mark and make up a foursome?
16, No amount of money can make up for the death of a child.
17, lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.
18, She had to make up her income as a pianist by teaching piano students.
31, I can't be bothered to make up my face.
32, It's now or never, so make up your mind.
33, How many countries make up the Common Market?
34, He wouldn't make up his mind,but she did.
35, This material will make up into three dresses.
36, They hurried on to make up for lost time.
37, It'll be impossible to make up the lost time.
38, Be your own man. Make up your own mind.
39, It didn't take her long to make up.
40, The pharmacist will make up your prescription.
41, She is coming to make up with you.
42, Can you make up a foursome for tennis tomorrow?
43, Stop jacking me around and make up your mind!
44, They needed to make up ground on their competitors.
45, I'll make up a packed meal for the journey.
46, They're both beautiful-I can't make up my mind.
47, How can we make up ground on our competitors?
48, The maid will make up your room later.
49, What are the qualities that make up her character?
50, Can you make up this dress length for me?
51, The girl got duded up with make up.
52, Why don't you two kiss and make up?
53, Don't dilly - dally ! Make up your mind!
53, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
54, I'll make up the bed in your old room.
55, Can you make up a four at tennis.
56, They have nineteen days to make up their minds.
57, Could you make up a list of all the things that need to be done?
58, Farm workers make up only a small section of the population.
59, Women make up only a small proportion of the prison population.
60, You shouldn't keep chopping and changing like this; you'd better make up your mind right now!
61, This year's good harvest will make up for last year's bad one.
62, We rehearsed all day Saturday, to make up for lost time.
63, Leave the boy alone, he can make up his own mind.
64, Beautiful scenery does not make up for the flaws of this film.
65, Your job will be to make up the customer's orders.
66, She tried to make up for her shabby treatment of him.
67, There's nothing I can do that will make up to you for forgetting your birthday.
68, Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.
69, So all the colours that make up white light are sent in different directions and they separate.
70, You must make up the time you wasted this afternoon by working late tonight.
71, Racial preferences are a way to make up for years of discrimination against minorities.
72, The team will be anxious to make up for a disappointing start to the season.
73, He was a good story - teller and used to make up tales about farmers and animals.
74, We could use the rest of the material to make up some curtains.
75, She's been off school for a month, so she has a lot of leeway to make up.
76, I can't abide people who can't make up their minds.
77, It's only been latterly that we've discovered that it's lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.
78, People over the age of 85 make up the fastest-growing population segment.
79, After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time.
80, Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?
81, Jim has three courses to make up before he can get his degree.
82, Part - time students make up a sizeable proportion of the college population.
83, I won't make up my mind about people; I'm always trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.
84, We're hoping to make up time on the return journey by not stopping at night.
85, We've got quite a lot of leeway to make up.
86, I don't want to have to wait till kingdom come for you to make up your mind.
87, Many have been surprised at the length of time it has taken him to make up his mind.
88, I don't eat breakfast but I make up for it at lunch.
89, North Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country.
90, His parents are trying to make up to him for the restrictions of urban living.
91, For God's sake stop dithering and make up your mind!
92, They'll have to make up time lost during the strike.
93, Ask for an extra compensation payment to make up for the stress you have been caused.
94, Oh come on! Why don't you just kiss and make up ?
95, The company will be forced to pay $6 million to make up the difference .
96, He's got a lot of leeway to make up in his studies after his illness.
97, Can you make up a bottle of milk for the baby?
98, As we can't afford a bigger house we must make up our minds to staying here.
99, He hadn't got quite enough money, but his aunt agreed to make up the difference.
100, I'm sorry I was late. To make up for it, let me treat you to a meal.
101, There is a lot of leeway to make up after the holiday period.
102, Mary got duded up with hair spray and make up.
103, We need one more person to make up a team.
104, He's been working with a vengeance over the past few weeks to make up for lost time.
105, He asked the man behind the counter to make up a box with a mixed selection of chocolates.
106, He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about important issues.
107, They gave me a week to make up my mind.
108, He couldn't make up his mind about what to do with the money.
109, We still need 100 to make up the sum required.
110, We have ten players, so we need one more to make up a team.
111, List the elements which make up a perfect dinner party.
112, He was looking for a way to make up to her for what he had done.
113, You'll have to make up the work you've missed while you were away.
113, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
114, We will find it hard to make up this deficit.
115, I'll have to work hard now to make up for lost time.
116, They should make up with their ex-enemy in the West.
117, How can we make up to you for what you've suffered?
118, We had to wait for the pharmacist to make up her prescription.
119, lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.
120, Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence.
121, Can you make up these papers into parcels of about ten each?
122, Karen couldn't make up her mind whether to apply for membership or not.
123, He's unlikely to make up the leeway at this stage of the race.
124, This length of cloth should make up into two pairs of trousers.
125, We couldn't make up our minds, so we decided to toss for it.
126, I could make up a bed for you on the sofa.
127, Vitamin pills make up what you lack in your diet.
128, I'm trying to make up the time I lost while I was sick.
129, The good days more than make up for the bad ones.
130, In California, Hispanics make up 19.2 percent of the population.
131, How can we make up to you for what you have suffered?
132, The Church of England, with threats of split from within, has still to make up its mind.
133, Five years older than the majority of officers of his same rank, he was determined to make up for lost time.
134, Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday.
135, I think it's very unkind of you to make up stories about him.
136, He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day.
137, The government has refused to make up a £30(),000 shortfall in funding.
138, Leave this notice hanging on your door, asking the servant to make up your room.
139, They'll do all they can to make up the economic losses.
140, The building work is now behind schedule, but contractors are confident that they can make up for lost time.
141, I have £20 000 and I need £25 000 but my parents have promised to make up the difference.
142, She had to make up her income as a pianist by teaching piano students.
143, When you're the boss you can make up your own rules.
144, How can I make up for the way I've treated you?
145, Hispanics make up a large proportion of the population of Miami.
146, The book is there for people to read and make up their own mind.
147, Optic and Cooper make up their spring barley acreage.
148, The greatest thing about the internet is that you can quote something and just totally make up the source. Benjamin Franklin 
149, Have you ever lost someone you love and wanted one more conversation, one more chance to make up for the time when you thought they would be here forever? If so, then you know you can go your whole life collecting days,(http:///make up.html) and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back. Mitch Albom 
150, You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind. Dale Carnegie 
151, It would put added pressure on institutions to make up their holdings by buying in the market.
152, It ain't like football. You can't make up no trick plays. Yogi Berra 
153, People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be. Abraham Lincoln 
154, Moreover, it makes your make up stay fresh day long.
155, Only you must make up your mind to avoid strong drink.




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