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单词 Turn up
1 Do you think many people will turn up?
2 What are the odds he won't turn up?
3 Not only did he turn up late, he also forgot his books.
4 No one knows what may turn up tomorrow.
5 You can't just turn up and expect a meal.
6 He is waiting for something good to turn up.
7 Don't worry about the letter-I'm sure it'll turn up.
8 For some obscure reason,[] he failed to turn up.
9 It's a fair bet that they won't turn up.
10 Can you turn up the heat ?
11 Could you turn up the heater, I'm cold.
12 He didn't turn up? What a dirty trick!
13 My children turn up their noses at fresh vegetables.
14 Please turn up the desk lamp a bit.
15 Franklin did not turn up until well after midnight.
16 He's still hoping something will turn up.
17 He didn't turn up until half an hour later.
18 "He might turn up with the cash.""Some hope!
19 It's possible Mira might turn up tonight.
20 It wouldn't be quite the thing to turn up in jeans and trainers.
21 Only Sue and Mark bothered to turn up for the meeting.
22 Two of the competitors failed to turn up for the race.
23 If he doesn't turn up tonight, his name will be mud.
24 I'm not in a financial position to turn up my nose at several hundred thousand pounds.
25 We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.
26 He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work.
27 I waited in for the plumber all morning, but he didn't turn up.
28 He caught a packet from me when he did turn up.
29 She invited a lot of people to the party but half of them didn't turn up.
30 We invited her to dinner but she didn't even bother to turn up.
1 Do you think many people will turn up?
2 What are the odds he won't turn up?
3 We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.
4 He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work.
5 Not only did he turn up late, he also forgot his books.
31 Don't worry, I'm sure a job will turn up soon.
32 When he failed to turn up for training, he was relieved of his duties as captain.
33 That's just like Maisie to turn up half an hour late to her own party!
34 At any moment he may turn up alive and well.
35 The children turn up their noses at almost everything I cook.
36 Turn up the radio!
37 I'm sure your watch will turn up one of these days.
38 If you don't turn up[Sentence dictionary], you turn our arrangements upside down.
39 Turn up your dictionary when you come across difficult words.
40 Well, if you missed the presentation because you couldn't be bothered to turn up on time, that's your hard luck!
41 He failed to turn up for the concert, disappointing the legions of fans waiting outside.
42 See what you can turn up about the family in the files.
43 I can't turn up at a funeral in a pink jacket. What an idea!
44 It wouldn't be quite the thing to turn up in running gear.
45 Bill would turn up the TV in the other room.
46 The evening started badly when the speaker failed to turn up.
47 I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they turn up soon.
48 We might need more food depending on how many people turn up.
49 Don't worry about it - something will turn up, you'll see.
50 There was no reproach about his failure to turn up.
51 The lecturer didn't turn up, so we had to find a stand-in.
52 Objects like this turn up at sales with surprising frequency.
53 Towards the end of the cooking, turn up the heat to brown the outside.
54 It would be irresponsible not to turn up for work without calling.
55 We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7.30, but he failed to turn up.
56 Their suspicions were further fuelled when both men failed to turn up to the appointment.
57 Fortunately he doesn't turn up very often these days.
58 Surprising where you, the opinion-makers, turn up.
59 Most of them turn up chastened the following morning.
60 Money would turn up in a bus station.
61 Caldwell thought media coverage might turn up some leads.
62 These Seventies coup s turn up at auctions like bad teeth at an infant's school dental check.
63 That is being done, so many people may turn up on our doorsteps not with their tanks but with their suitcases.
64 We were advised by the ticket collector to catch an ordinary train, but the train didn't turn up.
65 I had no doubt they'd turn up within a short time, so I went off duty.
66 Turn up minor road for yds, then left through fate into field.
67 It's not fair on the people who turn up on time.
68 A friend failing to turn up for a date may reawaken deep-seated fears of abandonment.
69 And travelling maintenance crews may not turn up from one year to the next because of the immense areas they have to cover.
70 One late autumn afternoon Snowy failed to turn up for his meal[http://], so his master went out to look for him.
71 But the prince got cold feet and failed to turn up.
72 They proceed not to turn up on Monday, the next working day.
73 Interviews with people who profess to enjoy classical music turn up all sorts and conditions of appreciation.
74 They turn up regularly beneath large boulders on any stretch frequented by shore fishermen.
75 Classical music elders may turn up their noses, but so far, the antics are working.
76 What if she changes her mind and doesn't turn up?
77 Martin's threatened to turn up for the wedding in his birthday suit.
78 A trip to Brussels to meet the responsible officials can turn up a mine of information.
79 The 86-year-old had to call an ambulance when her carer failed to turn up.
80 Even if she fails to turn up for her next set of lectures there is nothing we can do but not pay her.
81 The executive might turn up in trainers and the double glazing salesman in a suit.
82 Sexy young blond women, both committing adultery, turn up as victims early on.
83 Janine bought four cream cakes, but her friends didn't turn up for dinner so she ate the lot herself.
84 But a great many of them are deeply damaged and turn up in class with all kinds of emotional and behavioural disorders.
85 This was what they attended conference for, or at least why they bothered to turn up for the speeches.
86 An enterprise as vast as the education service is bound to turn up horror stories daily.
87 People who turn up in the middle of the night and try to break a girl's heart a second time.
88 Voice over Around 1,000 prospective buyers are likely to turn up for tomorrow's sale.
89 The rustling of packaging caused him to sigh and ask the computer to turn up the sound.
90 Carry on to Seacombe Cliff and turn up Seacombe Bottom until you see a stone marker on the left.
91 Organisers - expecting 70,000 to turn up this weekend at Tatton Park in Cheshire - have offered ticket-holders their money back.
92 Some hundreds of striking miners would turn up to picket and to persuade working miners to join them.
93 I'm a little bit cold. Do you mind if I turn up the heat?
94 An internal investigation last year failed to turn up the culprit, according to Disneyland spokesman Tom Brocato.
95 But you wouldn't expect him to turn up wearing an Albert Tatlock-style flat cap!
96 A beautiful pale-auburn fox down to your ankles, with a high collar to turn up.
97 In a map of the cyclone's path they turn up several degrees north and away from Reva's course.
98 Two-thirds of those summoned for jury service do not turn up, some making their excuses,[http:///turn up.html] some not bothering.
99 Even against a country in the doldrums you just can't expect to turn up and automatically win.
100 Now you turn up out of the blue talking about us like we were a Lionel Ritchie lyric.
101 Richard did not turn up until dawn, the first birds chirping over the lush, dewy college lawns.
102 People must turn up at the proverbial factory gates fresh, fit and ready to toil.
103 This is a complete failure because Mitch does not turn up.
104 Add the parsley, chopped tomato and saffron and turn up the heat.
105 Those that did turn up enjoyed the jovial atmosphere and frantic dancing ensued, except at the home-town concert in Middleton.
106 Mind you, not many Mormons would turn up at a Barbican flat at 7.30 clutching two bottles of wine.
107 There was a full turn up of Liberal ministers, with the exception of Lloyd George.
108 He sets up meetings but does not turn up, sends delegates instead, turns up only when not expected.
109 But during this season, which has failed to turn up one bona fide breakaway hit, it seems harder than ever.
110 Similar advantages to the continued existence of other sorts of transposable element will probably turn up when people start looking in detail.
111 The bigger fish will turn up haphazardly to almost anyone.
112 These counterfeit copies have been known to turn up on major auction sites, so do beware.
113 Thousands turn up for parties every weekend and tune in to the national radio show he does with Djaimin.
114 If you are cold, turn up the heat.
115 Turn up again like a bad halfpenny.
116 Turn up the beep volume of the copier.
117 to turn up the treble on the stereo.
118 Respecting game, have to mention naturally depend on electronic game and rise abruptly, and even turn up one's nose at Japanese game industry of the whole world.
119 The tussis that this models after to snifters early phase turn up is especially efficacious.
120 Hawking's main concern was that a fleet of alien spacecraft could turn up wanting to strip mine the Earth for its bountiful resources.
121 I wasted a lot of time for him ( and he didn't turn up ).
122 It's the election season, U.S. jobs are a top political concern, and that means it's time to turn up the heat on China.
123 He can always be depended on to turn up trumps in a crisis.
124 Their first match at Hyde Road was meant to be against Salford A.F.C. on the 10 September 1887, but the "grand opening" of the new ground was a non-event as Salford failed to turn up.
125 But new species also turn up in less exotic places—a slender salamander 30 miles from Los Angeles, or a new genus of tree that grows up to 130 feet tall two hours from Sydney, Australia.
126 We ought not to go jogging along , improvident, incompetent, waiting for something to turn up.
127 His father was, like Mr. Micawber, always waiting for something to turn up.
128 Sleep in 18 degrees Celsius temperature below, also easy to turn up,[http://] not easy to fall into a deep sleep.
129 Some people turn up their noses if you say your father was a miner, or docker.
130 The star attraction didn't turn up and the whole show was a big letdown.
131 No matter how often they turn up, their welcome never wears out.
132 You turn up out of the blue and expect me to look after her?
133 If you are not organized enough to turn up on time for an interview, you immediately give the impression of poor time keeping, and are not likely to be offered a place of employment.
134 Catching German measles at my age was quite a turn up for the books.
135 He doesn't know how to turn up the volume on the hi-fi set.
136 U.S. stocks opened lower Wednesday after the long stock market, major indexes all turn up.
137 How do you want to turn up it for the concreteness?
138 Other veggies reputed to turn up the heat and fortify the body, include: beans, garlic, leeks, onions, parsley, peppers, soybeans, spinach, truffles, turnips and watercress .
139 " He might turn up with the cash. "'some hope ! ”
140 Under the charge of his friend and Senatorial candidate, his mission is to set things straight. But when more people turn up dead, Shaw realizes that he's been framed.
141 We had been waiting for him for a long time, yet he didn't turn up.
142 Macclesfield turn up for tomorrow 's FA Cup tie and stay in the Chelsea hotel.
143 Cue Manta birostris. "Just after high tide you'll see a few manta rays turn up, " says Guy Stevens, a British marine biologist who's been researching the Maldives mantas for the past three years.
144 And if you wanna piss of the meat in concrete, turn up the heat.
145 Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperilling commercial shipping.
146 Turn up the tap, and it abruptly sprays out in a chaotic ( but describable ) torrent.
147 At once I turn up the wick of my kerosene lamp.
148 "I would turn up the pressure on China to reunite the Korean peninsula," said John Bolton, who was the United States ambassador to the United Nations in the Bush administration.
149 Is it okay for me to turn up the heater?
150 Polished concrete floors turn up to form the monolithic kitchen island bench which accommodates a cooking range, commensurate with the clients love for food.
151 Patients who are well enough to turn up under their own steam are well enough to wait to be seen by a doctor.
152 Government officials would turn up at the triennial meetings and, after listening to advice from scientists, conservationists and their own environment ministries, were likely to agree to a "listing".
153 They found 6 main nose types: Roman, Greek, Nubian, hawk, snub and turn up.
154 Surely someone will turn up to accept your interesting proposition.
155 Whenever my life seems dark and I need a sunnier outlook, I just turn up the brightness control.
156 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With oil still gushing unchecked into the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. lawmakers are set to turn up the heat on the offshore oil drilling industry.
157 They've opened offices in the Mainland with Mandarin-speaking partners, and some---including Draper Fisher Jurvetson--are about to turn up the heat and raise funds in the local renminbi currency.
158 Fade out the storm effect here,[Sentencedict] and turn up the music.
159 We once had a guy turn up asking for a prospectus.
160 A farmer comes turn up the soil, scree is thrown a driveway.
161 He would turn up at meetings, but Lord knows where he came from.
162 Pale blues and greens are ideal for relaxing, but you should also add pops of red and pink in order to turn up the heat on your love life.
163 The man turn up in Buenos Aires with an Argentine woman who was not Mrs Sanford.




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