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单词 inherit
释义  Related topics: Finance, Humanin·her·it /ɪnˈherɪt/ ●●○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]BFGET to receive money, property etc from someone after they have died 继承(遗产)inherit something from somebody He inherited a fortune from his grandmother. 他从祖母那儿继承了一大笔财产。 inherited wealth 继承的财富► see thesaurus at get2  [transitive]GET if you inherit a situation, especially one in which problems have been caused by other people, you have to deal with it 接手,接过,承担〔由别人造成的问题〕 The present government inherited a closed, state-dominated economy. 现任政府接手了一个封闭的、由政府主导的经济制度。3  [transitive]CHARACTER/PERSONALITY to have the same character or appearance as your parents 经遗传得到〔父母的性格、外貌〕inherit something from somebody Mr. Grass inherited his work ethic from his father. 格拉斯先生的职业道德遗传自他父亲。 I inherited my mother’s curly hair. 我遗传了母亲的鬈发。4  [transitive]GET to get something that someone else does not want anymore 接收〔别人不再需要的东西〕inherit something from somebody We inherited the furniture from the previous tenants. 我们从先前搬走的房客那里接收了这些家具。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusinherit• Who will inherit the house when he dies?• She inherited the money from her mother.• The ten richest women in the UK all inherited their wealth.inherit something from somebody• Jones inherited $2 million from an elderly woman he had once helped.• Janice inherited her good looks from her mom.• I inherited this mess from my supervisor who got fired.• We inherited the furniture from the previous tenants.From Longman Business Dictionaryinheritin‧her‧it /ɪnˈherɪt/ verb [transitive]1LAWto receive money or property from someone after they have diedShe will inherit her father’s entire fortune when he dies.inherit something from somebodyWe built the house on land inherited from our uncle. —inheritor noun [countable]How will the inheritors invest their money?2to start being in charge of something that was previously controlled by another personThe incoming president inherited a healthy economy.inherit something from somebodyProblems he inherited from his predecessor led to the bank’s later troubles.→ See Verb tableOrigin inherit (1300-1400) Old French enheriter “to say that someone will receive your property after death”, from Latin hereditas; → HEREDITYin·her·it verbChineseSyllable   etc Business to have Corpus money, someone from property they receive after




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