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单词 What is more
1 What is more, it is a big-hearted, generous book.
2 But what is more important? Advertising revenue or quality?
3 What is more they hated each other with a venom and a passion that they could never feel for the Tories.
4 What is more, male gibbons are of little use as fathers.
5 What is more questionable, however, is whether it is possible to extend the direct response approach indiscriminately.
6 This chapter has offered a summary of what is more or less evident when one looks at teachers' lives today.
7 What is more depressing is the way this escape from the facts is beginning to creep into Western discourse on Kosovo.
8 What is more, it is very easy to make mistakes in counting calories.
9 What is more, painful remedies have been most readily accepted from those governments unburdened by past mistakes and old dogmas.
10 What is more, should a component be varied to alter the phase shift, the attenuation also changes.
11 What is more likely is some increase in competition within an imperfectly competitive market.
12 What is more, proper names are normally introduced into discourse by means of descriptive phrases.
13 What is more, owing to various factors, the number of people living alone is growing.
14 What is more, there is duplication of activity on a grand scale.
15 What is more, financial intermediaries may have the expertise to be able to assess just how risky a loan is.
16 And what is more heinous their armies are infested with smallpox!
17 What is more, she had been a committed political activist in a way that only a seventeen-year-old can be.
18 What is more, in the hierarchical algorithm, early rules gain much more credit.
19 What is more, tax increases or cuts in government expenditure are politically unpopular.
20 What is more, both of them have stated that they prefer to work in a rural setting.
21 Yet what is more deserving of anyone's attention than getting the sales orders upon which the survival of the enterprise depends?
22 What is more, it is able to tell others what direction they must fly in order to get food themselves.
23 What is more important is to discover the causes of delay, without which general conclusions are likely to be unhelpful.
24 What is more, emotions are a crucial aspect of how we create our reality.
25 Deck's theories threaten to make over-explicit what is more subtly revealed through metaphor.
26 What is more important -that they achieve their goals or you yours?
27 It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
28 I wouldn't care success oilure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
29 I've been fortunate to find a career that I love and, what is more, I get well paid for it.
30 In their relationship to their government they think of themselves as neither powerless nor, what is more important, alone.
31 What is more, these factors interact with one another and different combinations and sequences will determine what eventually happens.
32 What is more, it could put a major burden on Citizens Advice Bureaux.
33 What is more, I think my vision is an achievable dream, that of conductive education an achievable nightmare.
34 Which option you select depends on what is more important to you, the area or the travel time.
35 What is more, the lawmakers seem ready to move despite the political heat of a presidential campaign season.
36 What is more, the remedy advised is likely to compound the problem.
37 What is more improbable is that the Genetic Supermarket, with its emphasis upon individual choice, will bring this possibility nearer.
38 What is more, in Britain in the 1980s it was the other way round.
39 What is more Big Government than legislating effort in athletic competition?
40 It is ambitious and beautiful; what is more, it acknowledges the importance of being sophisticated for adult business people.
41 What is more several of the children seem to have inherited her command and confidence, with Eva receiving a double portion.
42 Nonsense - it is the quickest way to learn and, what is more, is never forgotten.
43 What is more pleasing is his growing involvement with pupils.
44 What is more she doesn't want to leave her home, a nice little house that she inherited from her parents.
45 What is more, with the momentum his way the president is raising awesome amounts of money for Democratic campaigns.
46 What is more, she said so - in no uncertain terms.
47 What is more surprising is that differentials by housing tenure are even more substantial.
48 What is more, they would get absolutely nothing in benefit entitlement for this purported contribution.
49 What is more, it might, touch wood, even be in a position to implement some of them.
50 What is more, if we look farther afield, our magnificent 100 feet dwindles into insignificance.
51 What is more,(http:///what is more.html) protein from plants can be cheap and need not involve you in too much radical diet change.
52 What is more, most of the peahens choose the same male.
53 What is more, 20 million tonnes of imported coal means another £1,000 million added to the balance of payments deficit.
54 What is more, if people resort to blackmail and other threats, why not throw them into jail?
55 What is more, after Al-Gazali philosophy flourished once again, and not only with Averroes.
56 What is more, immigration policy will clearly be a key issue in 1996.
57 What is more, we have no root name names.
58 And what is more life - affirming than sex?
59 He is handsome, and what is more, very rich.
60 What is more, the skyrocketing price may trigger.
61 What is more, history is a highly practical subject.
62 What is more serious is that we do not cherish the wildlife.
63 Now wh - what is more important, love or silliness?
64 What is more, a powerful resurgence in the carry trade seems unlikely.
65 What is more, Pepin notes, solar gas once embedded in Earth's mantle may have been exhausted long ago.
66 What is more, he acts out those dreams because, unlike a normal sleeper, his brain is failing to paralyse his body.
67 What is more, those who choose not to empathise may enable real monsters.
68 I have tended to dwell in and on the past, but that is not exactly a defense: What is more unhistorical than the sentiments of nostalgia?
69 What is more, the continuing development of information technology has been smoothing the execution of discriminating price strategy.
70 What is more munificent, this reward all roles can enjoy to the account number under!
71 What is more, some experts doubt the usefulness of CRP for patient screening in the clinic.
72 What is more, unwinding the relationship with BoC would not mark a complete retreat from China.
73 What is more, the influence of karst surface of carbonate terrane on red clay formation was analyzed.
74 "He essentially asked me, " says Malinowski, "What is more important, protecting the right of a girl to go to school or saving her life?"
75 She said it, and what is more surprising, she it.
76 What is more important , making money or self-satisfaction ?
77 What is more evident is that every generation showed its apperently intensive distribution of those figures .
78 He learns easily and what is more, he remembers what he has learnt.
79 What is more, Nadine Gordimer's courage and talent to portray the character in the novel should be well recognized as much as the individual's self-development.
80 What is more, the important role of foam acid acidification technique in acidating technology is proved.
81 What is more strange on his body also has micro shrinks the roll film and a Bank of Switzerland bank account password.
82 What is more , the traditional monism mode of thinking contributes to the emergence of cultural radicalism.
83 There was a funny question that is about what is more disgusting than finding a worm when eating apple.
84 What is more, some developed nations regard high-end machine tools, especially five-axis machine tools, as strategic materials and limit their exportation to developing countries.
85 What is more of an advantage, a pill or racism?
86 It is related to whether students take interest in the contents being taught and what is more, to success or failure for a class.
87 What is more, she kept Peter amused with her witty talk and her gentle ways.
88 What is more fearful, the new dissemination technology strengthened the medium authority disassimilation.
89 And what is more, for different nozzles, the length and width of the bubble cloud of the convergent- divergent nozzle are longer than those of the convergent-straight nozzle.
90 What is more, most buyers of HP's machines are consumers, whose demands shift faster and more whimsically than those of corporate customers.
91 What is more essential, the telecommunication equipment is different with the water and electricity warm disposable investment, it needs to promote along with the technology advancement incessancy .
92 The registers and players all use some kind of photocell, but what is more interesting from an Einsteinian perspective is the red beam of coherent light they shoot.
93 What is more, it has the measurement voice output because of using new technique of speech process.
94 What is more, semi-active control has itself special property, so semi-active time delay control algorithm for the system implemented with MR damper is effective and meaningful.
95 And also it is an efficient vector of several plants virus, what is more important, can spread barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV).
96 And what is more worrying is that their are sort of growing.
97 What is more important when comparing these features is that each as unique advantages for certain roll-out situations.
98 What is more, in the child's self-centred world, they are all too ready to shoulder responsibility.
99 What is more surprising is the spider web in between a line of white " English. "
100 What is more, they also make secret technologies for programming human behavior. that are based on mathematical simulation of the Kabbala symbolism.
101 Answer:Understanding the multivocal word in Chinese mainly depends on the context. What is more, to keeping more words in your mind.
102 It's a useful book, and, what is more, not an expensive one.
103 What is more, if carry trades are the rage again due to animal spirits, why is ultra-safe gold at an all-time high?
104 What is more, the camera used in the far infrared, passive system is about the size of a paperback book, while the near infrared's CCD footprint is about the size of a postage stamp.
105 What is more delicious is that we can put steak sauce evenly in the water a special incense rice, so that each have a steak inhaling the aroma, very tasty.
106 What is more, he is not a hard - working student.
107 However, what is more common is the low-level lead exposure that may cause unspecific signs and symptoms and remain undiagnosed.
108 What is more, they seemed broadly like - minded in their outlook.
109 What is more, they will not have to rely solely on the written word.
110 What is more important is that an over - expanded and inefficient army is not combat-worthy.
111 What is more troubling is having no money to meet daily expenses.
111 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
112 What is more, the rhetoric from China seems increasingly confrontational.
113 What is more, data on human density is readily available.
114 What is more interesting is the friendship between cats and dogs.
115 As keeping buildings in a historic block intact is no longer the sole consideration factor, what is more important is the continuity of the cultural background and social linage .
116 What is more, the skyrocketing price may trigger economic crises.
117 What is more , the number of cadres keeps increasing.
118 What is more, the East Mahayana's view and activities against the feudalist autarchy produced huge and profound influence on the folk religion at that time and the following centuries.
119 He is a tractor driver and what is more, a good sportsman.
120 What is more important, tourists'photography is to accomplish ! self - narrative " and! self - identity. "
121 What is more, there is nothing intrinsically immunologically invisible about the molecules that make up the worms.
122 What is more, those who choose not to empathise may enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.




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