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单词 Wipe out
1. One dose of penicillin can wipe out the infection.
2. Wipe out the bath before you use it.
3. The spill could wipe out the Gulf's turtle population.
4. They managed to wipe out the entire aboriginal population.
5. The government is trying to wipe out drug trafficking.
6. You can never wipe out the past.
7. These stains won't easily wipe out.
8. The plague once could wipe out a village.
9. The disease threatens to wipe out the entire population.
10. One bad harvest could wipe out all of a grower's profits for the previous two years.
11. Nothing could wipe out his bitter memories of the past.
12. We are always ready to wipe out any enemy who dares to attack.
13. Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops.
14. This last payment will wipe out your debt to me.
15. We are determined to wipe out any enemy who dares invasion.
16. It really did wipe out all the plus signs.
17. Or a natural disaster may wipe out my offspring.
18. Early cash withdrawals wipe out the tax-free element, but you still benefit from better-than-average savings rates. 7.
19. It would wipe out farm profits, undermine rural employment and cause environmental degradation in East Anglia, he says.
20. The losses look likely more than to wipe out the projected profits on the ECR90 project.
21. Experts say on 12 October it will wipe out the hard disc of any machine it has entered.
22. Constant logging threatens to wipe out the little that is left of the rain forest.
23. That could quickly wipe out your entire annual interest income of $ 15 to $ 20.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. It took another fifteen years to wipe out the debt completely.
25. In Nogykanizsa, half population is wipe out by plague only one years after building the cathedral.
26. A few low-flying cruise missiles could wipe out an airfield before the mighty jets get off the ground.
27. The man is a fanatic who is determined to wipe out any opposition to the way he conducts himself.
28. First, interest rates may take longer to fall than is hoped. Second, in real terms, lending may fall. Third, bad loans could wipe out much of any improvement.
29. When it comes to cost, an Associated Press article points out the add-ons could wipe out your sandwich savings.
30. On the other hand, to establish a religion that would wipe out all chance of internal troubles.
1. One dose of penicillin can wipe out the infection.
2. The spill could wipe out the Gulf's turtle population.
3. They managed to wipe out the entire aboriginal population.
4. The plague once could wipe out a village.
5. Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops.
6. This last payment will wipe out your debt to me.
31. If that was done on a national scale we would wipe out this disease.
32. His purpose was more forthright than mine, looking for a new war to wipe out the stain of defeat.
33. A spokesman for Bond Corporation admitted the action could wipe out the entire group.
34. And the new interest rate rise could wipe out retail businesses who have cut profit margins to the bone to survive.
35. In the last few years, attitudes have changed and society now expects smokers to wipe out 70 years of brainwashing overnight.
36. Use it to wipe out opponents! Hang foes out to dry!
37. Nothing was ever going to wipe out the memory of tonight.
38. And in trying to wipe out these risks, we actually create new risks.
39. Even better: The host governments might be moved to wipe out the child slavery necessitating the ban.
40. The loss of profit in the punishment phase must be enough to wipe out the gain from reneging.
41. The idea that a virus could wipe out an entire city so quickly seems a little implausible.
42. He would have his vengeance on this meaningless universe, and in the banality of his imagination he would wipe out humanity.
43. They would wipe out the shame of their ignominious defeat!
44. Lendoiro secured a loan to wipe out the club's debts and give the club some clout in the transfer market.
45. But it doesn't actually wipe out the text of that file.
46. One atom bomb can wipe out thousands of people.
47. He cites the outbreak in the early 1970s of yellow dwarf virus, which threatened to wipe out the world's barley crop.
48. So, if a meteor helped to wipe out the dinosaurs, does this mean we should be terrified of the skies today?
49. The nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek's vicious crackdown in Shanghai in 1927 threatened to wipe out the party completely.
50. The best way of self-cultivation is to wipe out the coxcombical mirage, so as to return to the syncretism of inside and outside.
51. Automatic ending paper smoothing equipment, wipe out the wrinkling or air bubble after rewinding.
52. Mimi, war, astonishment torpor, slavery, will daily wipe out those holy principles of thine.
53. I guarantee that you will personally wipe out homelessness in America.
54. Investors fall into a special category as news consumers; they tend to operate on a hair trigger so they can profit from breaking news before other investors act and wipe out their advantage.
55. We must pick an opportune moment to wipe out the enemy.
56. The first drawdown string of losses would wipe out all the trader's money.
57. An asteroid splashdown in one of Earth's oceans could trigger a destructive chemical cycle that would wipe out half of the ozone layer, according to a new study.
58. Many gave their lives in the gallant effort to wipe out rascism.
59. Shortly after the Obama administration took office, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu warned the public that climate change could wipe out farming in California by the end of the century.
60. The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour.
61. They have decided to cut the Gordian knot to wipe out the enemy at a blow.
62. Your last payment will wipe out the arrears of rent.
63. One lovable leading character in a novel , your mission are to wipe out all hubble-bubbles (hubble-bubble being air bubble) , you require that patient ability is successful.
64. Don't concentrate on high pip wins or high % trade wins. They do not indicate low risk. One bad trade can wipe out profits.
65. The best way to wipe out a friendship is to sponge on it.
66. And that is inevitably influenced by footage of his spiritual mentor hollering damnation on America and speculating that the government is trying to wipe out blacks with AIDS.
67. That creates the risk of a sudden reversion that could wipe out earlier profits.
68. they tend to operate on a hair trigger so they can profit from breaking news before other investors act and wipe out their advantage.
69. These substances act nonspecifically, meaning they wipe out almost every type of microbe in sight—fungi, bacteria and some viruses—rather than singling out a particular variety.
70. Above all, the government wants to wipe out the senior Tigers, including Velupillai Prabhakaran, a vicious supremo it reckons to be still alive and on the battlefield.
71. The whole community turned out to wipe out the four pests.
72. A saxophonist playing at Bethesda Terrace, a newly designated quiet area, could wipe out the gentle sound of the Bethesda Fountain for everyone else.
73. Wipe out any dust or dirt and install the provided dust cap after disconnecting hose.
74. A bad crop year due to such factors as weather, disease, or market conditions could wipe out the narrow margin of profit on which small farmers operated.
75. Life is like a mop,(http:///wipe out.html) using today to mop up yesterday and wipe out tomorrow.
76. It found that using these interfering drugs — including Prozac, Paxil or Zoloft — can virtually wipe out the benefit tamoxifen provides.
77. The issue, it will be seen, is a perfectly sharp one, which no eulogistic terminology can smear over or wipe out .
78. It is hoped the procedure will trigger an immune response that will wipe out HIV-infected cells while leaving non-infected cells unharmed.
79. We'll wipe out any enemy that dares to invade our territory.
80. At issue was whether the bankruptcy court, which awarded Smith millions of dollars, should be able to wipe out the ruling of the Texas probate court, which ruled for J. Howard Marhsall's son.
81. In Future, World fulls of danger. Luckily you armed with space craft to wipe out enemies.
82. To wipe out , rub off, or erase ( writing or other markings ).




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