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单词 In danger
1 All is not lost that is in danger
2 The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf. 
3 The plant is now in danger of extinction.
4 Some animals feign death when in danger.
5 The sick man is in danger of death.
6 Many species of animals are in danger of dying out.
7 Children's lives are in danger every time they cross this road.
8 The doctors pronounced that he was no longer in danger.
9 Their economy is in danger of imploding.
10 The refugees believe that their lives are in danger.
11 The nation is in danger of falling into anarchy.
12 His life could be in danger.
13 The country's economy is in danger of falling apart.
14 His life was in danger.
15 You are in danger of catching cold.
16 He was in danger of becoming priggish and opinionated.
17 His business was in danger of collapse .
18 Your life is in danger.
19 I don't want to put you in danger .
20 At one stage his very life was in danger.
21 The bridge is in danger of collapse.
22 The bridge was in danger of collapsing.
23 She's in danger of burning herself out.
24 The building is in danger of collapsing.
25 When we have gold we are in fear; when we have none we are in danger
26 When peace has been broken anywhere, the peace of all countries everywhere is in danger
27 A famed person and a fattened pig are alike in danger.
28 The forest has been so heavily logged that it is in danger of disappearing.
29 He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.
30 Unless we can supply our forward units, the advance is in danger of running out of steam.
1 The plant is now in danger of extinction.
2 The forest has been so heavily logged that it is in danger of disappearing.
3 He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.
4 Children's lives are in danger every time they cross this road.
5 You are in danger of catching cold.
31 They are in danger of losing the government's goodwill.
32 Public interest in the environment is in danger of petering out.
33 In trying to protect the queen, Howard had put his own life in danger.
34 He was in danger of making a real cock-up of this.
35 Many schools were in danger of closing because the children were bused out to other neighborhoods.
36 Don't apply for that job: you're in danger of overreaching yourself.
37 Once being in danger of life, he would hit on the way to escape.
38 The union is in danger of overplaying its hand in the current dispute.
39 You must keep sight of one fact: your life is in danger.
40 Britain's university system is in danger of falling apart at the seams.
41 All of us will struggle fairly hard to survive if we are in danger.
42 The party is in danger of being defeated in the next election.
43 The doctors pronounced him to be/that he was no longer in danger.
44 Some animals are in danger because their native habitat is being destroyed.
45 These birds are in danger of becoming extinct as their forest home disappears.
46 The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying out.
47 At one point he was in danger of being lynched.
48 The government is in danger of becoming a mere puppet of the military.
49 Scotland's wild salmon population is in danger of being overwhelmed by the farmed variety.
50 If found guilty, she is in danger of losing her liberty.
51 The red squirrel is in danger of becoming extinct in England.
52 Sweeping over the room,he realized at once that he was in danger.
53 They were more in danger of having their pockets picked than being shot at.
54 If he carries on like this he's in danger of losing his job.
55 Many plants and animals are in danger of dying out.
56 Both songs are in danger of being banned for their sexy, insinuating lyrics.
57 Many fail to recognize that all these things are in danger of being denied.
58 When Anne didn't arrive, Paul had a premonition that she was in danger.
59 The children were in danger of being trampled underfoot in the crowd.
60 All roads are blocked by the heavy snowfall. The passengers are in danger.
61 Safety reps have the right to stop the job when workers are in danger.
62 The future of our planet is in danger if we continue to plunder it as we do.
63 You must keep the sight of one fact; your life is in danger.
64 We are in danger of exhausting the world's oil supply .
65 The people are in danger; we must help them off.
66 The Democrats are now in danger of giving the whole election away.
67 How many factory workers are in danger of losing their jobs?
68 The conversation was in danger of wandering into forbidden territory .
69 This country is in danger of allowing its industrial base to wither away.
70 We told him he was in danger but he didn't take us seriously.
71 The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented.
72 He's lost a lot of blood but his life is not in danger.
73 The crisis is in danger of boiling over into civil war.
74 The idea of Toni being in danger distresses him enormously.
75 But is this in danger of becoming shtick?
76 Their falsehood puts it in danger of collapse.
77 We are, I fear,(http:///in danger.html) in danger of becoming extinct.
78 They are in danger of losing their spectator status.
79 In fact he was in danger of disappearing completely.
80 Greenpeace believes that whales are in danger of extinction.
81 Dana didn't know Berenice was in danger of losing her child; she was careless, but not vicious.
82 They should be ashamed of themselves that even the rumor that his job was in danger got out.
83 She is in danger of running into violent protests, said an extreme right- wing group last night.
84 If so, the whole edifice so carefully reconstructed by Finnis is in danger of collapse.
85 I did not see him in danger of being offered a clothing deal.
86 To be dexterous in danger is a virtue; but to court danger to show it, is weakness. William Penn 
87 The anti-globalisation movement is in danger of being discredited because of the antics of a small group.
88 His attempted flight involved crashing about an apartment complex parking lot, allegedly putting the lives of officers and residents in danger.
89 I fear we may be in danger of knowing the price of everything but failing to appreciate its true value.
90 This meant that he was constantly in danger of quickening his pace and crashing into Stillman from behind.
91 As the Goddesses become individual they stand in danger of losing their grandeur and mystery.
92 When hedgehogs are in danger, they curl their bodies into tight balls.
93 I see that I am already in danger of becoming side-tracked.
94 Then, just as it seemed in danger of becoming stale and repetitive, it threw up De La Soul.
95 Without them sizable part of its economy would be in danger of collapse.
96 They claim the prison wouldn't be properly staffed and that the public could be put in danger.
97 Even if Netanyahu is not indicted, his coalition government could be in danger of losing partners' support.
98 As a result of this foolish ambivalence the Government is in danger of wasting the credit it deserves for the minimum wage.
99 I am not in danger of becoming too saintly, as you well know.
100 We are however in danger of losing all touch with reality by postulating such a scenario. 3.
101 He had tried to economize with the size and quality and the envelopes were in danger of splitting.
102 Many wild plants and animals are in danger of dying out.
103 It is the people who live without the acknowledgement of death who are in danger of destroying themselves spiritually.
104 Rooted so deep it's in danger of the tree falling on its unknowing pig head.
105 This is the one place in the book where Carter's enviable fluency is in danger of ceding to superficiality.
106 Appendix I of the convention lists species in danger of extinction.
107 But her disappearance hammers home that in modern Britain, even a fleeting two minutes alone can put a child in danger.
108 It also helps if senators are in danger of being made the laughingstock of the sane world.
109 She was admitted to hospital and the baby was induced because the doctors feared both Esther and the baby were in danger.
110 Wine is in danger of suffering the same fate as haute couture: facing a fast-shrinking number of consumers.
111 We were in danger of creating a system which would involve testing over far too long a period of time.
112 If this is not done then the method is in danger of becoming too abstract and distant.
113 Later firemen tackling the blaze were in danger from exploding canisters of acetylene and propane.
114 The ruling Gaullists and the Communists alike were in danger of cracking under the strain of the May Events.
115 By now, Chris was asleep, covered with ice cream and evidently not in danger.
116 However exciting his paper, his thesis seemed in danger of crumbling if it were reworked into a conventional historical discourse.
117 Not only did he needlessly place himself in danger, but no charges were brought against his prisoners.
118 Sharpe has been down with a calf strain this week but he trained yesterday and does not look in danger.
119 They interviewed us both, checked out my house and assured themselves John Leslie was not in danger.
120 It subsequently turned out that it was the sitting tenants who were in danger of harassment.
121 Agencies who intervene are in danger of finding themselves in the role of persecutors!
122 After that, any chief minister daring to build his own political base stood in danger of being turned out.
123 But the emergency relief operation, say the aid-agencies working among them,(http:///in danger.html) is in danger of passing them by.
124 Anyone recording or passing on such a comment is in danger now that records are open.
125 Medical staff, seeing that the child was in danger, decided to perform an operation.
126 Before the car could be moved, rescue workers had to shore up the building, which was in danger of collapse.
127 Many young people did not qualify and were in danger of being caught up in crime.
128 In August that year $ 25 million worth of vaccine was backlogged and in danger of passing its six-month expiration date.
129 Mr Lawson is in danger of striking the market as complacent about the current account deficit.
130 The things that were ruled out were things that would put him in danger.
131 But in the early 1970s it was in danger of total destruction.
132 Even if we did manage to overpower them we could be putting her life in danger.
133 Go directly to your boss, and ask if your job is in danger.
134 Moreover, the tide was ebbing and the cumbrous vessel was in danger of running aground and not getting off.
135 Because of the paralysis of Weimar Reich stags, presidential decrees were rarely in danger of repeal.
136 His father was unemployed, and the family was in danger of losing its home at the time, he said.
137 After all, the inspector himself admitted wondering whether Nicola had learnt or been given something that put her in danger.
138 A dangerous man, and a man who lived eternally in danger.
139 An individual that escalates without assessment is in danger of finding itself in a fight with a much stronger individual.
140 We should look with deep understanding and compassion upon those whose relationships have failed or are in danger of failing.
141 By November 21, the sugar crop was in danger of being completely lost to the cold, damp weather.
142 He believes the council is in danger of giving Darlington a bad image as an unemployment blackspot.
143 He loved his son very much and did not want to put him in danger.
144 Dear me, thought Franca, then perhaps I might be in danger of actually becoming as saintly as I seem!
145 The downward slide is in danger of becoming a drop over the precipice.
146 He has been separated from spiritual consolation in all the time that his life has been in danger.
147 Why is the blue whale in danger?
148 Some animal feign death when in danger.
149 Brazzaville and Leopoldville were in danger.
150 The Jordan River is poluted and in danger of going dry.
151 His life is no longer in danger, but it was a close shave.
152 Burkina Faso has a hotline to the police for girls who feel they are in danger.
153 The Jordan River is pollutant polluted and in danger of going dry.
154 Company of a few food is thinking of Sichuan in danger change(http://), seek new outspread way.
155 When the dyke was in danger, the whole village rushed out to repair it.
156 Everything belongs to the fatherland when the fatherland is in danger.
157 The bureaucrat had not learnt how markets work, and we are in danger of forgetting it.
158 Those elephants'lives are in danger every time cro the road.
159 Jordan River is polluted and in danger of going dry.
160 The modern king have become a vermiform appendix: useless when quiet ; when obtrusive, in danger of removal.
161 Their affection is their strength in danger and their comforter in sorrow.
162 The Jordan river River is polluted and in danger of going dry.
163 Three small reservoirs were in danger of collapse after a strong aftershock.
164 Indeed, some observers fear that the anti - science epithet is in danger of becoming meaningless.
165 He tole me that the girl was in danger, so we went to help her.
166 Indeed, some observers fear that anti - science epithet is in danger of becoming meaningless.
167 Yet that business now looks in danger of unravelling in an atmosphere of rancour.
168 Once complications are allowed to creep in, the outcome is in danger.
169 Critics say he is in danger of being hoist with his own petard.
170 The Jordan River is pollutioned polluted and in danger of going dry.
171 In danger, entreat highly skilled doctor to move to be saved certainly.
172 Everything belongs to the fatherland when fatherland is in danger.
173 He is in danger of being in contempt of court.
174 The cuttlefish spurts out dark ink when it is in danger.
175 Already almost all Californian Native American languages are in danger of extinction.
176 When they remain trapped within a relatively small area , they are in danger of inbreeding.
177 According to the UNESCO classification, the Corsican language is currently in danger of becoming extinct.
178 The firefighter put his life in danger to extinguish the forest fire.
179 The Jordan River is polluted and in danger of going dry.
180 The Gordan Jordan River is polluted and endangered in danger of going dry.
181 Embattled on all sides, it has really become a city in danger.
182 Here I am talking tommyrot about civilization when your Tara's in danger.




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