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单词 So long as
1. Man errs so long as he strives. 
2. so long as you are young.
3. You can go to Hongkong with us so long as you finish your assignment before Friday.
4. It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
5. It didn't take so long as we expected.
6. There is always a solution, so long as you are prepared to use your ingenuity.
7. Going to be a useful boy , so long as you use your loaf.
8. You will do all right so long as you follow my advice.
9. So long as there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there.
10. We are sure to win the match so long as we go all out.
11. So long as we keep level-headed, there is no cause for alarm.
12. My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.
13. The president need not step down so long as the elections are held under international supervision.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. He is a friendly enough person, so long as you don't cross him in his business plans.
15. Bring your friends by all means - just so long as I know how many are coming.
16. So long as we are firmly united, we need fear no aggression.
17. I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.
18. So long as he didn't carry on about it.
19. So long as politics requires donations, donations ensure access.
20. Professional and pecuniary plans meet with success so long as you know what you're aiming for and don't let others undermine you.
21. So long as you leave the money untouched for five years the interest is paid tax free.
22. In fact, they use any means they can, so long as it isn't the recently opened door.
23. So long as the proper dose of insulin is administered on a regular basis, diabetics can generally lead normal lives.
24. So long as selection policies did not come under scrutiny this was acceptable.
25. So long as these suppositions were taken seriously, they were not only reassuring, but frequently effective.
26. Jack wouldn't shoot so long as he'd got hold of him.
27. Jack was not so much interested in making money, so long as he could manage to rub along.
28. I'm surprised that some of these ancient buildings stay up so long as they do.
29. He thinks it's all right to sleep with the girl so long as he doesn't bang her up.
30. And the statutes indicated that you could use reasonable force in terms of restraint so long as there was parental consent.
1. You can go to Hongkong with us so long as you finish your assignment before Friday.
2. Going to be a useful boy , so long as you use your loaf.
3. So long as we are firmly united, we need fear no aggression.
31. Parents with an existing mortgage are eligible, so long as they still own a large enough chunk of the equity.
32. So long as there was no hunt for a missing girl they had felt themselves reasonably safe.
33. There is little danger from a Lionfish to yourself, so long as you keep your fingers clear of the venomous spines.
34. A company can protect information of this kind only so long as it is confidential to the business and not in the public domain.
35. So long as Stravinsky had led the opposition on behalf of tonality, art music had broadened and deepened in expressive range.
36. It does not really matter so long as we accept both points of view.
37. The tape will keep running back and forth through the device so long as further calculations need to be performed.
38. It was an impersonal system; it made no difference who you were, so long as you could master its rules.
39. Dansey did not seek to influence its policy, so long as it kept out of his agents' way.
40. So long as radicals were on the rampage, staying in the centre meant leaning ever farther towards liberal reform.
41. According to my religion, I could, so long as my wife grants her consent.
42. To take an obvious case, modern manufacturing industries can only go on so long as there are capitalists and workers.
43. So long as no viable cause for continental drift could be demonstrated, however, belief in it remained an act of faith.
44. Numeric values may include calculation so long as there are no keywords.
45. If they are lost or stolen, you can recover their value so long as you have kept a note of their numbers separately.
46. So long as the possibility remained that nothing would happen they felt no compulsion to educate themselves.
47. So long as we learn something from every mistake we make, time hasn't been wasted.
48. Clearly, this must be the case so long as it remains the only easily available platform for interactive multimedia.
49. How were these cults to be consolidated so long as freedom of thought was the very basis of domestic life?
50. So long as demand stays at 1,000 units, no net investment will take place.
51. So long as we are in our cars as solo drivers, we do not interact with others.
52. So long as it invested the money in buses, that was all right.
53. So long as he was solvent in law, he could not proportion his payments to creditors according to their respective debts.
54. If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator. George W. Bush 
55. Anyone can do it so long as they are not criminals or kids, and promise to play by the rules.
56. Lesbians, being women, were more or less ignored as in-consequential so long as they were quiet about their sexuality.
57. Meanwhile, the government claims that old currency left in interest-bearing accounts should hold its value, so long as it is not spent.
58. But at least it pays no rent and in practice it is secure so long as it farms the land and avoids bankruptcy.
59. We assumed that so long as we moved along shrewd and cautious and quiet we would be safe.
60. It's good for your conscience to demonstrate - just so long as no one asks you to do anything about it.
61. So long as these remain at the centre of any newsgathering institution, then the risk of episodic and trivial coverage increases.
62. Chicken's feet used to give the lie to my bravura claim to Eat Anything, so long as it was recently dead.
63. This will provide plenty of fun so long as he knows where to point it. 7 Love at first sight.
64. Any word could follow any other word, just so long as it matched the phonetic input description.
65. So long as the correct conditions are satisfied any currency can be used with the prefix Euro.
66. Such goods do not need to be durable or aesthetic, so long as they are hygienic and functional.
67. A unit only continues to operate so long as it is successful.
68. So long as two key sequences do not produce overlapping remainders this can achieve results considerably better than true randomization.
69. He agreed to do homage so long as it was spelt out that Aquitaine should belong to him and his heirs for ever.
70. Just so long as there are decent shows either side of it.
71. That's none of my business so long as I don't have to break any laws.
72. They were bound by it so long as it was not in conflict with their statutory duty.
73. So long as he was in the limelight(http:///so long as.html), he couldn't be attacked or abducted.
74. The subject never developed much traction so long as it was a rhetorical rather than legislative goal.
75. Wetland plants will be in their element, so long as they are given generous mulches to keep the moisture in.
76. I have nothing against thorns and prickles so long as you can admire them from a safe distance.
77. So long as political elites are capable of providing policy leadership, the roles and behaviour of public agency administrators are simple.
78. So long as it hasn't been deleted, you should even be able to recall it on line.
79. It's quite possible you won't even realise this, so long as you each mirror the same changes.
80. Nor are dialects subject to judgment, so long as they meet the basic requirement of having clearly defined rules.
81. The consensus will last only so long as most lawyers accept the convictions that support it.
82. So long as he can block Labour, his own party will stick together.
83. He knows you are sleeping with another man, but is perfectly happy so long as you are there to host his dinner parties.
84. I guaranteed a starting price so long as I got last refusal - he was auctioning the piece.
85. There is no difficulty in this whatsoever so long as you keep the silver piece level with the needles.
86. Apart from the implications of this for prayers and strategy, it was a comforting thought - so long as one was winning.
87. Live yoghurt applied vaginally can often bring considerable relief from the itching, so long as you can contain the mess!
88. The units are expendable and can easily be replaced so long as the tree is healthy.
89. I agreed, so long as the houseman would assure me that he was out of immediate danger.
90. So long as full employment was sustained by government policy, wage inflation was a natural consequence.
91. The coexistence in Francia of Louis and Lothar as co- emperors was possible so long as Lothar remained unmarried.
92. We can not help signing so long as there is another human being who needs to read the signs.
93. People are like chameleons: they can adjust themselves to any environment so long as they've no alternative.
94. And yet, so long as this land contains a politically-aware football manager, Mrs T will not be forgotten.
95. In a population confined to a particular habitat competition for limited resources is an inevitable feature of life so long as reproduction occurs.
96. So long as they are subject to the dominance of the economic imperialism of the West their poverty will persist.
97. So long as he had the support of Sir Rufus Stone, he could thumb his nose at Cotton.
98. So long as they were in favour, they were free to feather their nests, which Andrei did as industriously as anyone else.
99. So long as they remain expensive, conventional air photography will, however, continue to dominate aerial reconnaissance.
100. That it doesn't matter if you cheat on your wife, so long as she doesn't find out.
101. So long as fees rolled in, all this seemed justifiable.
102. So long as the defendant does not communicate his intention, he commits no offence.
103. So long as we're mainly dependent upon oil,() the possibility of high prices and ensuing civil unrest will always exist.
104. So long as frontier zones of the empire remained insecure, the tsar had to eschew an ambitious foreign policy.
105. Clearly, so long as ministerial assurances are honoured, rate-capping can deliver only very limited reductions in total local authority expenditure.
106. Secondly, be prepared to experiment with other typeface libraries so long as the format they produce has compatible printer and screen fonts.
107. It is irrelevant to the Purchaser whether or not the Vendors know the warranties are right or wrong so long as they accept the risk.
108. So long as people can walk out of a room and say they have decided to leave on their terms, they retain their dignity.
109. So long as rocks the boat too much, coexistence can be harmonious.
110. So long as the receiver is in the driving seat neither the owners nor the unsecured creditors can do much to remove him.
111. So long as your investment stays on the books, the adviser receives payment.
112. Why not go along with Luke's expansive mood for just so long as it took to finish her drink?
113. So long as you keep the Looms properly oiled and follow the rules you can't really go far wrong.
114. Borrowing is looked upon as a natural part of everyday life so long as it is kept within bounds.
115. They will grow good cereal crops so long as soil structure is maintained by the return of sufficient organic matter.
116. So long as a tiger stands still or moves slowly, its stripes make it practically invisible in the jungle or among reeds.
117. Anyway, it may not matter whom Dole selects, so long as the person is not a Quayle-style political liability.
118. Any gift or campaign contribution is legal so long as it is reported.
119. The particular colour pattern of a Heliconius presumably does not matter much, so long as it is memorable to the local birds.
120. But this is virtually impossible to establish either way so long as the argument has to depend on reported behaviour.
121. A Cat standard mortgage can include a redemption penalty, so long as it does not extend beyond the discount period.
122. So long as men will accept religious control not based on reason, they will accept political control not based on reason.
123. They discount or even waive upfront sales fees, so long as they have the right to the renewal commissions.
124. So long as he covers every arc of attack by maintaining a good defence, he will be safe.
125. So long as she stayed silent she had a secret weapon.
126. So long as the human species remains at once sentient and vulnerable, fear will influence thoughts and actions.
127. The list of sins, venial and otherwise, was long, but not so long as to come as a surprise.
128. So long as therefore definite base period level!
129. Moreover so long as is occurs between the husbands and wives, both sides can accept the sex act, is the normal sex act.
130. So long as he wishes to have relations with us, we are ready to reciprocate.
131. So long as he is a free agent he can be admired, and serve as hero.
132. It is unobjectionable to inquire into the legitimacy of a community, so long as this question is posed as a political one.
133. Doak, by contrast, is a neo-classicist , and rub of the green, so long as it serves the interest of the strategic variance.
133. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
134. So long as we hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, and hold on to the path of peaceful development, we will surely make new contributions to world peace and development.
135. It was no wonder that so long as the foundation had to be relaid in the full truth of conversion and faith, there was delay in the building itself on the true foundation —a life of sanctification.
136. So long as the extra measures are not delayed by an early election (which must be called by September), Japan's total fiscal stimulus in 2009 could be the largest among the G7 economies.
137. You will never be good students so long as you goof around.
138. Ones life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion. - Simone de Beauvoir.
139. So long as men love liberty and earnest, straight-forward speech, so long will the words of Thomas Paine be read.
140. A deposit paid by the purchaser under it cannot be claimed back, so long as the vendor is willing to perform.
141. So long as target boards make full, accurate and timely disclosure of relevant information, and comply with their fiduciary duties, they are free to use whatever measures they prefer.
142. So long as you're reserving words, go ahead and reserve the not equal sign (), and, or, the left and right parentheses.
143. Really it doesn't matter what the belief system is, so long as you repeat it and drown out the opposition.
144. And because of their self-interested, apolitical pragmatism, they could turn out to be the salvation of the ruling Communist Party — so long as it keeps delivering the economic goods.
145. The darkness moments of our lif will last only so long as is necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us.
146. The higher a country's potential growth rate, the easier it is for the economy to recover after a bubble bursts, so long as its fiscal and external finances are in reasonable shape.
147. You do need a staff - so long as you don't overdo it.
148. Anyone, So long as you go to nitpick, Can find out the shortcoming.
149. Parthenocissus species of people, so long as Parthenocissus the "feet" on the stones or cracks, and then poured some water, and you're done.
150. Oil can be supplied automatically at a definite time and by a definite quantity so long as setting the on-off time and the on-off time space of the time switch as required.
151. He took no heed of the course he pursued, so long as that course led him through the swale bottoms .
152. To some extent , inhere course contents can support the implement of research study so long as it is teached properly.
153. So long as human beings remain curious, there seems no doubt that the whodunit, in all its various forms, will continue to exert its fatal attraction.
154. A ruling group is a ruling group so long as it can nominate its successors.
155. So long as you can maintain moderate prices, your products should have a ready sale here.
156. Faith untried may be true faith, but it is sure to be little faith, and it is likely to remain dwarfish so long as it is without trials.
157. And it will not disarm so long as Saddam Hussein holds power.
158. To start from scratch on everything goes so long as the narrowest opportunity exists.
159. No matter what good, so long as can stop the world-wide scar body, even if will let the tiny soul which will only save be frightened out of one's wits , also did not matter.
160. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young.
161. So long as the government prevents monetary excess, there is little risk of runaway inflation.
162. There is nothing sacred about any initial definition of the gold dollar, so long as we stick to it once we are on the gold standard.
163. In the center of your heart and my heart is a wireless station:so long as I receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite(), so long are you yang.
164. It doesn't matter that the children will watch rubbishy commercials or spectacles of sadism and violence – so long as they are quiet.
165. Bullog is rooted in people, hence we are actually affected by it, thanks partly to the "benevolent Great Firewall" (the national censorship network) that tolerates it for so long as two years.
166. Moussa said the Arabs will not accept direct negotiations so long as Israel continues to build settlements, because that would be tantamount to unconditionally accepting Israeli terms.
167. In VB this is relatively easy to achieve, so long as you understand sub-classing.
168. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer,courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young.
169. The coordinate value of corresponding profile may be obtained quickly so long as the length of the chord of arbitrary oblique section is computed, without solving the complex equation of the surface.
170. Corruption was inevitable so long as businessmen wanted exemption from equitable taxation.
171. I'm ready to accept any job whatever, so long as it is in the interest of the people.
172. In the center of your heart and my heart, there is a wireless station: so long as it receives message of beauty , hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young.
173. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station:so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the God, so long as you are young.
174. Some women will put up with any amount of discomfort so long as they look right.
175. Regardless of you are the tobacco pipe fan or have the interest slightly, so long as you like the tobacco pipe, here can let you satisfy.
176. This might mean (for instance), zero critical defects, at most one "high priority" defect so long as there is a workaround, five "mediums," and any number of "lows."
177. But the violent revolutionists in their midst, led by Robespierre, Danton, and Marat, were opposed to concentrated power only so long as someone else exercised it.
178. So long as I remain alive and well I shall continue to feel strongly about prose style, to love the surface of the earth, and to take a pleasure in solid objects and scraps of useless information.
179. In the center of your heart and my heart there is wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young.
180. So long as capitalism exists, corruption can never be cleaned up.
181. Conclusion: Telescope denture has broad application scope, the merit is emphasized, So long as grasp it's indicatio, good repair effect can be gained.
182. But I eat several times to discover, boss fries the vegetable component are many, but so long as is the apprentice cooks, the vegetable quantity changes few on the obvious synaeresis .
183. Thinking it was going to gnaw at the dead body, he drew his sword and exclaimed:" You shan't touch her so long as I am alive!"
184. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty hope, courage and power from men and the infinite, so long are you young.
185. So long as congenital syphilis early diagnosis, is also may permanently cure.
186. She told me that her producer had agreed to let me use the word "asshole" to describe the title of my book on the air without censoring so long as it wasn't used "gratuitously."
187. In Conclusion, so long as select appropriately time of delay and High-frequency clock, the occurrence of metastability in circuit could be totally avoided.
188. You will never be successful so long as you goof around.
189. A suggested explanation, so long as its correctness is still in doubt, is called a hypothesis.
190. Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are.
191. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from infinite6, so long as you are young.
192. Tom's a good guy so long as you don't cross him.
193. So long as we master the useful skills, we will increase our reading speed and comprehension.
193. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
194. There is a wireless station in the center of our heart, so long as which can receive messages of wish, courage, joy, power and happiness from all things on earth, so long are you young.
195. Play Sports with Your Friends – Racquetball, tennis, kickball, basketball... Honestly, it doesn't matter what you play, so long as it's an active sport that you enjoy.
196. So long as usually is unceasing diligently and the unceasing accumulation, when test certainly can pass at one fell swoop, does not have the pain paying, has how possibly has harvests?
197. Claims will not be invalid for indefiniteness so long as 'those skilled in the art would understand the scope of the claim when the claim is read in light of the specification'.
198. So long as I remain alive and well I shall continue to feel strongly about prose style, to love the surface of the earth, and to take a pleasure in solid objects and seraps of useless information.
199. So long as we make concerted efforts, we will surely achieve substantial results and bring benefit to the people of all member states.
200. So long as this minimization problem is solved, the whole system is asymptotically stable.
201. So long as proper handling is conducted,() the shell theory can be applied to axisymmetric thick shell. Thus the problem of three dimensional elasticity can be avoided.
202. Well, no, I hope it won't, so long as I cover up, slather on the SPF50 and avoid the midday sun.
203. In the center of your heart and my heart, there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from man and from the infinite, so long as you are young.
204. Playbill output file, so long as plan dinking die outer edge line then.
205. You are supremely loyal and protective, so long as your rulership is acknowledged by the rest of the pride, but you do require appropriate ego-massage.
206. So long as the President of Argentina doesn't invade the Falklands, they must be odds-on to lose the next election – provided Labour gets this right.
207. So long as, with reasonable success, I can impersonate "Joyce Carol Oates, " it is not the case that I am dead and done for—yet.
208. He took no heed of the course he pursued, so long as that course led him through the swale bottom.
209. There are some people who will use any kind of argument, no matter how illogical, so long as they can score off an opponent.
210. Courage is the basic virtue for everyone so long as he continues to grow, to move ahead. Rollo · May.
211. So long as we lack a large army or reserves of ammunition, and so long as there is only a single Red Army force to do the fighting in each base area, positional warfare is generally useless to us .
212. So long as there is corresponding receiving equipment, the electromagnetic waves can be received so that the secret information will be stolen.
213. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men from the infinite, so long are you young.
214. That might not be so long as the Marquis supposed.
215. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from the infinite, so long as you are young.
216. So long as men worship dictators, Caesars and Napoleons will arise to make them miserable---Aldous Huxley, English writer.
217. I didn't have to set the focus as I had a wide-angle lens; I knew, so long as I had the right exposure(), the depth of field was enough.
218. Nowadays, from the mid- May to the mid-september, the sunlight would become scorching so long as it is fine. The pitch under the sun would generate surging heat waves smelling tar on the streets.
219. Giles's condescension. Mr. Giles looked round with a patronising air, as much as to say that so long as they behaved properly, he would never desert them.
220. So long as he can discern every star in its place upon that ensign.
221. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from infinite, so long as you are young.
222. Causes for disquietude there are none so long as this blessed sentence is true.
223. So long as one is perseverant, hard working and up-to-date, I am sure success is near at hand.
224. The Huanghe River is not so long as the Changjiang River.
225. Nowadays, from the mid- May to the mid- September, the sunlight would become scorching so long as it is fine. The pitch under the sun would generate surging heat waves smelling tar on the streets.
226. This time at the net abundant meeting, plays the family, so long as participates in the field activity, has the opportunity obtains "Charm Treasure preciously 2" the account number.




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