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单词 With respect to
1. With respect to your proposal, we are sorry to say that we cannot agree to it.
2. With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet.
3. Parents often have little choice with respect to the way their child is medically treated.
4. I am writing with respect to your letter of 15 June.
5. With respect to your request, I am not yet able to agree.
6. The two groups were similar with respect to income and status.
7. This is true with respect to English but not to French.
8. With respect to your other proposals, I am not yet able to tell you our decision.
9. The Moon does not rotate with respect to Earth.
10. The thesis comes into its own with respect to industrial policy where significant discontinuities in policy can be attributed to the government changing hands.
11. Each curve of reduced modulus is shifted with respect to the curve at T o until all fit together forming one master curve.
12. The United States further reserves to these provisions with respect to individuals who volunteer for military service prior to age 18.
13. The availability of accurate information with respect to the current sales enables sophisticated marketing capable of responding to consumers' preferences.
14. Second, services were grouped together with respect to the scale upon which they needed to be provided.
15. Because the welfare state is not neutral with respect to gender equality, it also takes sides on the question of language.
16. This also provides a method of categorising new driving protocols as central or peripheral with respect to risk.
17. Psychology has recently gained the respectability it should always have had with respect to pain, for two completely irrelevant reasons.
18. The comparative static propositions listed above can be tested with respect to these particular optimal values.
19. Thirdly, estimate the elasticity of the constrained labour demand function with respect to the real wage rate.
20. Clearly, however, we are never going to settle our religious differences with respect to education through the political process.
21. The contradictions that remain are challenging - not only with respect to de Beauvoir's life but also in relation to our own lives.
22. The weights are modified by an amount proportional to the first derivative of the error with respect to the weight.
23. Nozick develops a model which enables him to make primary a principle with respect to entitlement.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Assets are imperfect substitutes because they possess different characteristics with respect to liquidity, marketability and profitability.
25. In the philosophical tradition there have been two tendencies with respect to epistemological concerns and concerns about the social order.
26. For now Aristotelians were faced with the same problem with respect to Jupiter and its moons.
27. The major differences in rift characteristics relate to their position with respect to plate boundaries and the intensity of volcanic activity associated with them.
28. It is interesting to ponder how the values of planners are formulated with respect to determining aesthetic criteria for decision-making.
29. Tense, therefore, can be deictic in as much as it can be used to encode specific temporal relations with respect to the encoder.
30. Fairly consistent patterns are evident in the location of the volcanic activity with respect to the fringing trench.
1. With respect to your proposal, we are sorry to say that we cannot agree to it.
31. However, others did not satisfy the requirement and the section did apply with respect to those particular transfers.
32. The Administration accepted the obligation with respect to pregnant women.
33. This is a problem in making an ordered sequence with respect to time from different fragments or partial records.
34. These conformations influence the position of the phosphate group with respect to the grooves of the double helix.
35. A great deal of research has been carried out with respect to the effects of ageing on physical and mental capacities.
36. Nevertheless, there are differences in the ways that the speakers express their views, particularly with respect to the justifications they offer.
37. Anomalies are also regarded as serious if they are important with respect to some pressing social need.
38. Modern theories of justice and equality have never been carried to their logical conclusions with respect to the family.
39. Fifty consecutive referrals in 1988 were compared with 50 consecutive referrals in 1990 with respect to demographic characteristics and patterns of drug misuse.
40. We support whenever we can the interests of museums, both with respect to the tax laws and otherwise.
41. Despite such important differences, these two political ideologies nevertheless share certain affinities with respect to their visions of law and government.
42. It is also a politically neutral location which is vital with respect to some of the datasets it contains.
43. Mrs. Bottomley With respect to my hon. Friend[], I do not believe that it is ever possible to cut a hard-and-fast line.
44. Analysts produced a detailed report, particularly with respect to the system's cost.
45. But they tend to diverge into two types with respect to the information about features that is thought to be important.
46. Nor is science concerned with just the kinds of generalization that make up a theory of determinism with respect to our lives.
47. One reason is that the lithosphere is not divided into small discrete blocks able to move freely up and down with respect to each other.
48. All these children are mutant children of the same parent, differing from their parent with respect to one gene each.
49. If he or she is successful, equilibrium is attained for the moment with respect to the particular stimulus.
50. With respect to insider trading in particular, the necessity for appropriate supervision to prevent violations is evident in view of the special opportunities in this area.
51. With respect to desire, they insist on the equal value of products of the hunt and products of the garden.
52. This species is not exacting with respect to light and soil composition, but disappears in tanks with a high nutrient content.
53. On a Lacanian account, what makes women different from men is the different position they take with respect to the phallus.
53. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
54. This is because the making of a residence order with respect to a child in care discharges an existing care order.
55. The Committee believes that these adequately address any potential problem which might arise with respect to this area.
56. First I checked the lone pines, by orienting them with respect to the sun.
57. I have structured the book to give you a similar experience, particularly with respect to the ten new management principles.
58. Crystallizable polymers consist of a mass of tiny crystals, usually mis-oriented with respect to one another and embedded in non-crystalline material.
59. The furnishings are of a high standard and show considerable flair in innovative design and good taste with respect to choice of modern materials.
60. All lysosomal enzyme assays were linear with respect to time and protein concentration.
61. Individuals differ with respect to the contribution of each of these variables in their development.
62. With respect to your second question, it's still too early to tell.
63. The activities of delinquent fans might be more intelligible if they can be related to particular roles and positions with respect to other fans.
64. These represent segments of small circles concentric about the pole of rotation with respect to which the diverging plates are moving.
65. Mere negligence on the part of the recipient with respect to the safe custody of the thing will not make him liable.
66. The gain with respect to coal-oil mixture is due to the much greater reliance upon coal energy.
67. Other differences have been previously described with respect to the generation of other inflammatory mediators.
68. Contractual arrangements should be made with respect to freelance workers and the ownership of the copyright in anything they produce. 2.
69. The purpose of introducing another function here would be to allow the outputs to vary with respect to time.
70. In addition, Lacan feels that taking up a position with respect to meaning structures is inextricably gender-linked.
71. Or a conflict of interest can easily develop with respect to current dividend policies.
72. How is it that observers moving with different uniform velocities can be equivalent with respect to Minkowskian geometry?
73. We propose to have a meeting with Adshel with respect to the two bus shelters.
74. With respect to the dilemma over short-term and long-term information needs, the problem is one that underlies every aspect of user education.
75. More-over, the effects of imitation on performance seem to differ with respect to phonological abilities and grammatical abilities.
76. Monetarists argue that the demand for money is inelastic with respect to interest rates and also fairly stable over time.
77. Second, close relatives must resemble each other with respect to such a character more than do distantly related individuals.
78. One has only to think of the variety of positions that can be taken with respect to qualitative and quantitative research.
79. The treatment groups were compared at baseline with respect to more than fifty characteristics.
80. With respect to other aspects of colonial administration, his proposals were a little bolder.
81. Amnesty International performs a similar function with respect to the treatment of political detainees and the international prohibition of torture.
82. With respect to the distinction between historical and theoretical genres, my concern here is with theoretical genres.
83. Approved modules do not behave in this manner with respect to inheritance.
83. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
84. Acedia firm. How good with respect to the mood!
85. There is a second point with respect to specialisation.
86. The International Bill of Human Rights establishes basic principles of equality and nondiscrimination with respect to the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
87. Painterly theory follows with respect to remnant canvas if wanting to learn.
88. These adjectives mean unsparing and exacting with respect to discipline or control.
89. Derived from Anglo - American Equity, trust is a fiduciary relationship with respect to specific property.
90. With respect to rural development character, population cardinal number is large, the task is very formidable.
91. Message personage week is shown, yahoo is undertaking negotiating with respect to as amalgamative as AOL coetaneous Wanner.
92. The ideal S ( a ) is called the saturation of a with respect to S.
93. These effects appear to be negligible with respect to aerodynamic coefficients.
94. APSS is nondiscriminatory and nonpartisan with respect to politics, race and religion.
95. Upper-level management lacks knowledge and experience with respect to modern methodologies and therefore does not support a move to MDD.
96. Polymeric micelle has its own unique advantages with respect to drug delivery.
97. Realistic simulation data are presented to support these findings and to compare algorithm performance with respect to the improved extended kalman filter as well as the pseudo-linear filter.
98. Professor Walt said: 'We need to make some additional advances with respect to more colours, different "ciphers" and demonstrate long term storage before one could consider such an application.'
99. The time that uses two many months only succeeds with respect to development trial-produce a new model, it is rare that this makes trade in derv mechanism.
100. In railroad car, air is foul, packed, brawl also with respect to unavoidable.
101. Pass this jussive detailed information, the join that we get on with respect to computer of OK and complete monitoring, achieve the goal that controls the computer thereby.
102. Do pair of hackers trade on stockjobber net with respect to impregnable?
103. In this case an anomalously high oxidation rate is observed with respect to the model.
104. There is also some diversity among FLASH memory products with respect to the programming method.
105. With respect to analogue data ; to place it in digital form.
106. It is proved that triple implication algorithm is P - reductive with respect to FMP and FMT models.
107. Robustness with Respect to Small Delays for Exponential Stability of Pritchard - Salamon Systems with Admissible State Feedback.
108. And will look with respect to countrywide market, eider down takes sale to show ascendant trend.
109. There is also some notable controversy with respect to using 1990 as a "base year" with which to measure an increase or decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.
110. Had bill to hand in taxes with respect to the delegate?
111. The chain rule tells us, so we will want to differentiate - -- the formula for a with respect to theta holding a constant.
112. A property owner should enjoy the freedom to make a contract with respect to his property.
113. Inspired moment bends over to pile up a word on clavier, inspiration disappears, take the world with respect to one rat, in " demon animal world " Li Ao swims, seek material and inspiration.
113. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
114. In truth, I found myself incorrigible with respect to order.
115. Unlike true interrupts, they occur synchronously with respect to program execution.
116. Q . Is Collagen of benefit with respect to Degenerative Joint Disease?
117. The basic stress - strain relations are defined with respect to an axially loaded member.
118. if a party of two or more persons have no common rights and obligations with respect to the object of action, the act of any one of them shall not be valid for the rest.
119. Based on the theory of electron current collected by probe, that the maximum derivative of electron current with respect to probe potential corresponds with the plasma potential is presented.
120. About lowermost cash deposit, I cannot publish a comment with respect to financial clause.
121. Already passed 5 years insensibly in carrying water everyday with respect to such time.
122. With respect to numerical values, it is suggested that to adopt methods of matrix block structure and sequential orthogonal triangularization, can save computer storage.
123. If do not have, explain with respect to perusal software.
124. With respect to factual issues, the standard of review depends on the type of proceeding.
125. It makes banger finished product come with respect to head of can automatic wherefrom!
126. The mortgagee shall have the priority of compensation with respect to disposal of the mortgaged property.
127. Data plotted logarithmically with respect to time is shown in figure 2.
128. The image processing section is for carrying out an image process with respect to image data, and writing, into the memory, the image data that has been subjected to the image process.
129. This is because Oracle uses a lot of virtual memory, particularly with respect to its System Global Area (SGA).
130. You should come again, I with respect to the auditive scissor you!
131. The global Fourier transform can also be obtained by switching(up to sign) the multiplication by a coordinate of the affine line and the differential operator with respect to this coordinate.
132. There are few established behavioral conventions for them, particularly with respect to terminating commands.
133. With respect to a particular computer installation , a person or organization for which it performs processing.
134. The article does an abecedarian analysis with respect to this one problem.
135. Logarithms are defined with respect to an arbitrarily chosen constant.
136. Slowly, his line of sight went up to small companionate body with respect to move.
137. The state is actually serialized to the client, so this construct is extremely robust with respect to multi-window operation and the back button.
138. The CICPA has helped us to become clear-sighted with respect to the needs of developing countries and has provided meaningful and respected input on standard - setting initiatives.
139. We build with respect to the hope dedicated, professional tripartite cent sells terrace.
140. Finally, some new viewpoints with respect to the conventional ideal cooling curve and cooling velocity below the martensitic t...
141. With respect to the Second Beneficiary ( ies ) who rejected the amendment, the Credit will remain unamended.
142. This alleviates step is very fast with respect to invalidation.
143. Figures of sampling error are calculated at 95 % confidence level with respect to whole sample.
144. This study proposes an alternative procedure to find an appropriate budget allocation ratio with respect to each military investment objective.
145. The question regarding is taken applicable only with respect to genetic drift.
146. The velocity is with respect to a fixed frame of reference.
147. What are your responsibilities with respect to the Council on Legislation ( COL )?
148. Before orange hotel is submitting petition to the court also never with respect to this matter datival Linhaotai has had any negotiation,(/with respect to.html) communicate or check.
149. Firstly, a fused weighted factor is constructed with respect to the noise and fuzzy degree distribution variances of the neighboring image region.
150. This is especially true with respect to the group of Chinese P.L.A. navy ships going through the 'first island chain' to conduct a medium-sized exercise.
151. Girl bate: Talk nonsense again, I with respect to crumb your egg!
152. The somebody in children wants money to use, hid with respect to spirit away pen rack.
153. Management has two conflicting objectives with respect to the accounts receivable.
154. With respect to combination therapy, it is virtually impossible to get a diabetic patient normotensive with monotherapy and even the combination with a diuretic is most frequently not sufficient.
155. Of or relating to the biogeographic region that includes Europe, the northwest coast of Africa, and Asia north of the Himalaya Mountains, especially with respect to distribution of animals.
156. Basically contradict to make some of proximate analysis with the problem with respect to its now.
157. I begin 18 years old to live together with respect to disaccord parents, the first it is independent character already nurturance .
157. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
158. With respect to the rich variety and rapid developing car wheel bearing tester, the bus still hasn't the corresponding equipment and test methods.
159. With respect to fleet of longline fishing of our country tuna development makes an abecedarian discuss.
160. In other coordinates it will involve second and possibly first derivatives with respect to time.
161. Goalkeeper clap, laugh to them, leave with respect to habitual ground beetle - crusher next piece.
162. Clearly developing improved humans will create great social and political problems with respect to unimproved humans.
163. The micro / macro distinction is also important with respect to the conceptual origin of behavioral relations.
164. Oh, change your job, such you ambulate more with respect to can organic ambulate.
165. Be in so rely on Baidu to suck after drawing discharge, can precipitate even these discharge, this has with respect to the station that needs you enough agglutinant .
166. The feature used in the algorithm is invariant with respect to flat fading, and can resist multipath fading of frequency-selecting channel in quite a few degree.
167. The authors demonstrate how basic chemotaxis is to life and how widespread it is, and presents the state of the art with respect to its molecular and physiological mechanisms.
168. Genetic algorithm is used to solve the optimization problem with respect to C, and deterministic algorithm is used to obtain the constraints of problem.
169. There are several solution concepts with respect to di ? trent rationality, such as core, nucleolus, etc.
170. This article mainly expounds the rationality of spheroid - bed structure with respect to thermometallurgy theory.
171. It was found that the apparent rate orders with respect to both initiator of ethyl 2-bromoisobutyrate (EBIB) and catalyst of cuprous bromide are 0.8985 in the ATRP of DMAEMA.
172. Generally speaking, KS-algebras are reflexive, maximal triangular with respect to its "diagonal subalgebra".
173. This also indicates some damping nature of caster angle with respect to yaw rate overshoot.
174. With respect to the textual themes, the Chinese research article abstracts were dominated by conjunctive adjuncts (59.4%), whereas English ones were dominated by conjunctions and relatives (82.9%).
175. Di - , tri - and tetra - substituted material show even more regularity with respect to the appropriate typical patterns.
176. Opti-mal comfort is defined as a minimum root mean square value of a stationary Gaussian random process weighted with respect to human sensitivity.




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