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单词 Atop
1, She sat atop a two-metre high wall.
2, The children piled atop one another in the sand.
3, There is a seagull perched atop the mast.
4, Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.
5, Fruit and vegetable prices rose 1.3 per cent atop a 2 per cent gain last month.
6, Coca-Cola is atop the list of best-selling soft drinks in the US.
7, Atop the gas station at Everett, Washington State.
8, Cowboy hats churn like whitecaps atop the crowd.
9, A mockingbird trilled from atop a telephone pole.
10, Atop a government building, it is an act of brazen humiliation.
11, From atop one pile on the desk under the window, a very fat long-haired black cat gazed impassively at Agnes.
12, A red-haired girl, her hair piled atop her head beneath a hat the shape of a butterfly, noticed him watching.
13, The shuttle was then loaded atop a converted 747 jumbo jet and flown back to Kennedy.
14, Mounted atop the upswept rear of the hull was a large biplane tail unit with triple fins and rudders.
15, They were launched atop a pillow of water covering a rock, slid off,(http:///atop.html) then rode out a landscape of haystacks.
16, Trashmore, a local toboggan hill built atop a garbage dump.
17, Litchfield perched atop a stool he had pulled close to the bed.
18, Atop a mountain he slew his daughter, then was immediately struck dead by a bolt of lightning.
19, Camouflaged anti-aircraft batteries atop almost every hill belied the peaceful appearance of these islands.
20, It is the towering, 103-foot cross atop city parkland that landed the measure on the ballot in the first place.
21, This new private account would be imposed atop the current 12. 4 percent payroll tax.
22, Seeing those lofty settlements atop the sheer rocks fires the imagination.
23, A straggling line of women and children on the move with their meager possessions atop their heads.
24, The same dish can be prepared as a summer salad,() served atop greens that have been drizzled in a light vinaigrette.
25, She refrained from plopping any sort of silk flora or abstract sculpture atop her well-coiffed head.
26, Dennis Sherman learned that harsh reality over the winter when he came across two large groups of illegal immigrants atop Mount Laguna.
27, It is sited unusually, on flat land rather than atop one of the encircling hills.
28, Since last July, the Confederate battle flag no longer flies atop South Carolina's statehouse.
29, Lucky are those who have old fashioned duckboards for laying atop the snow.
30, The three largest ocean liners in the world could have sat atop its crest like bathtub toys.
1, There is a seagull perched atop the mast.
31, A bleak untitled work from 1979 has two of these nightmare creatures wrestling to the death, one atop the other.
32, That, in any event, is the way it appears some days from atop Mulholland Drive.
33, Another appears to be a satellite transmitting antenna built atop a two-story platform.
34, A half-eaten meal sits on its paper plate atop a picnic table, cold and buried in dust.
35, It used to fly atop the State Capitol in Alabama until 1993.
36, He speaks emphatically, does Robert Bruck, his bald head bobbing atop a thickset frame.
37, Wasson said a steel truss weighing about 2 million pounds will be raised atop the northeast and southeast towers on May 20-21.
38, The antenna was stored in a large box atop Spartan.
39, For 45 years, the land atop South Mountain belonged to the Physioc family.
40, Atop the charred ground, white ash marks the shadows of fallen trees that burned so hot they disintegrated.
41, Place a cube of Gorgonzola atop each serving of polenta and mushrooms and warm under broiler.
42, Massive coils atop the building hissed and cracked through the day, but the doors never opened.
43, Another option being considered is building a makeshift boardwalk with large wooden mats plunked down atop the muck.
44, Lustful travellers came from all over the world to watch him dance, naked except for a silk cap atop his curls.
45, It is over for the mature trees atop Mount Mitchell.
46, The passengers were perched atop sacks of rice piled high in the back of the vehicle.
47, But like the people of Hawaii, our communities are also perched atop a constantly shifting platform.
48, In one scene, giant grasshoppers swarm atop the Wrigley Building in Chicago.
49, Cars were perched atop trees that had snapped like wishbones.
50, Outside, on the front lawn hoisted atop a wooden flagpole, an eternal blank check waves bravely in the breeze.
51, Some insomniacs sleep best with two twin mattresses placed atop a king-size frame.
52, Now I dropped my jacket on to the lawn and fell atop it.
53, Hardy sprinkles little gold flakes that simultaneously float atop this buzz-maker and match the spectacular, cavernous Art Deco ambiance.
54, The system uses microphones that are mounted atop utility poles and buildings to record gunshots and immediately relay a signal to police.
55, Perched atop a rock or coral head, propped on their fins, they look like lords of all they survey.
56, Two men who were trapped atop their car for more than a hour were rescued by a National Guard helicopter.
57, Huge umbrellas of black vitrodur atop turrets ... umbrellas that could, and indeed were closing up into cones and steeples.
58, Middenheim stands atop a sheer-sided pinnacle of rock that rises out of the surrounding forest.
59, Doris Allen of San Francisco arrived wearing a silver silk floral wreath atop her head.
60, It is also found pressed into clarified butter atop p t s and terrines, adding flavour and decorative value.
61, On the night stand was a translucent orb atop a triangular clock.
62, The cerebellum, atop the brain stem, has many more, thanks to so many little granule cell neurons.
63, Saunders' block was flanked with attenuated brick turrets, each peaked with a red wooden globe atop a large blue triangle.
64, Those who preceded us on this crossing had been swathed in white robes atop lurching camels.
65, It sits atop the ignition switches for the rocket thrusters.
66, He had just heard the full story from Nigel Cramer in his office atop the Home Office building.
67, Jinju lay curled atop a pile of grass and weeds, neither crying nor complaining, a grin frozen on her face.
68, South Florida Water Management District specialists at the site measured muck at 3-5 feet deep with 12-18 inches of water atop.
69, From here the water was pumped to a tank atop of Stanton Avenue and gravity fed to householders.
70, Crimson plumes bloom atop long white tubes that emerge from cracks in glossy black lava.
71, They can either be shaved atop a sauce or studded in it to add complexity and fragrance.
72, Atop their pillars round the Sheldonian Theatre, the busts of Roman emperors cast classically guarded looks at his retreating figure.
73, Purdue swooped in and got it instead, and will sit atop the West bracket.
73, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
74, Dog Sled Camp atop Juneau Glacier in Alaska.
75, The picture shows us atop a high hill.
76, Or a reader perching atop a recumbent hippo?
77, A TV satellite dish sits atop a sunroom.
78, a flag high atop a pole.
79, Earth's crust is like an ice field floating atop the ocean.
80, Software running in this system sees a computer that can be quite different from the host system—for instance, you can run a PowerPC Debian system atop a real x86-64 openSUSE computer.
81, Atop Victoria Peak, reachable via a funicular , are great views as well as Peak Tower, a shopping complex.
82, Yuan and colleagues used the giant Keck II telescope atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii to measure the galaxy's metallicity at several different points.
83, Another was at a newly established weather station atop Mauna Loa in Hawaii.
84, Perry's Cartier engagement ring boasts an estimated 3 - carat round diamond set atop a yellow gold band.
85, So RCC is also re-entrant and this recursive aspect is a great advantage for creating components that re-use and build atop other components.
86, Get atop of that there seat, and look at the crowd.'.
87, The world's largest landfill gas plant sits atop the Puente Hills landfill—the largest in the U.S.—which accepts trash from Los Angeles County.
88, Forty white roses were strewn atop the granite stones that mark his grave site, left by Kennedy family members during a private early morning prayer service.
89, A three layer of aluminum exposed to atmosphere is identified: the aluminum and its native oxide, the corrosion layer atop oxide aluminum, and a surface contamination layer.
90, An air-monitoring station atop a California mountain has detected wind-borne particles that drifted across the Pacific Ocean from coal-fired power plants and smelters thousands of miles away.
91, He'll be replaced atop the seedings by three - time tournament champion Andre Agassi.
92, The twin giant Keck telescopes are situated at 4, 150 meters atop Mauna Kea, one of the world's best astronomical observing sites, and each has a primary mirror that is 10 meters across.
93, Inside were a comfy couch and easy chairs, a tall fabric houseplant in a corner, and a large high-definition television set atop a credenza.
94, Life in Color: Green A green frog sits atop a large lily pad in the waters of Atchafalaya Delta.
95, Now that the banks aren't on deathwatch, Ken Lewis's perch atop Bank of America (BAC) looks secure.
96, Bedouin guides wrapped in blankets rest atop Mt . Sinai in Egypt on Aug. 3, 2007.
97, One of her hands curved atop the other to form a pink, freckled molehill her desk.
98, Atop Athena's helmet, between winged griffins, crouched an inscrutable sphinx.
99, A green frog sits atop a large lily pad in the waters of Atchafalaya Delta.
100, An internal DSL builds new languages atop a base language, whose syntax it borrows and stylizes.
101, Another complicating factor is that studies from Earth, using large telescopes such as the Keck Observatory atop Hawaii's Mauna Kea, have not found any sign of sodium in the E ring.
102, Man on Camel, Giza, Egypt, 1966Sporting a kaffiyeh and robes, National Geographic photographer Dean Conger poses atop a camel near the pyramids of Giza, Egypt.
103, Surgeons transplanted about 80 percent of Culp's face using facial tissue from a dead woman that was placed like a mask atop her own.
104, An unforgettable view of Bangkok greets diners at open-air Sirocco Restaurant,(/atop.html) atop the 64th floor of the State Tower.
105, He is a virtuoso at every endeavor — at least in his daydreams atop his doghouse.
106, My banner will fly atop your keep before this day is out.
107, I for one look forward to enjoying a "Vostok" atop Mars' Olympus Mons (but I promise to recycle the empties).
108, The X-band radar sits atop a modified floating oil platform and provides information about incoming missiles so military officials can launch a response.
109, Help your partner get comfortable in the traditional lotus position, with his legs crossed and each of his heels atop the opposite knee.
110, Past carbon nanotube transistors were typically constructed atop silicon composites common in the electronics industry.
111, He looked the part wearing a shalwar kameez atop a flak jacket.
112, The military was pulsing laser beams at that missile atop the mountain.
113, Keck Observatory atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island suggest a warm polar vortex - a large-scale weather pattern likened to a jet stream on Earth that occurs in the upper atmosphere.
114, In preparation for the June 3 launch, Tycho Brahe is hoisted atop the HEAT-1X rocket engine in an undated picture.
115, Though the next eruption will likely follow a similar path, thousands of homes, shacks of hand-hewn eucalyptus boards and sheet-metal roofs, have been built directly atop the old flow.
116, Investigators found a bloody reciprocating saw on the bedroom floor and a hatchet which was still wet seemingly fresh from a wash atop an upper shelf in the kitchen according to The Herald.
117, It returnedto power in 2002 atop the lip of current PrimeMinister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a gesture of his populist appeal.
118, The volcanic plug might be black Plasticine, the castle balanced solidly atop it a skewed rendition of crenellated building bricks.
119, On Christmas Eve, Jesse and Zee moved their family into a small house atop a high hill overlooking St. Joseph.
120, A 6-week-old Visayan warty pig played king of the mountain atop of an adult at the San Diego Zoo, February 6, 2006.
121, Create a smooth, velvety milk as opposed the foam that sits atop most espresso drinks.
122, His robot, a modified version of the Rovio from WowWee, has a camera, microphone and speakers atop a three-wheeled platform.
123, Sporting a kaffiyeh and robes, National Geographic photographer Dean Conger poses atop a camel near the pyramids of Giza, Egypt.
124, Yet because many of the environmental consequences are hidden from view and from our national income accounts, we sit atop ticking ecological time bombs.
125, On a recent humid afternoon, Jack "Whitey" Knupp stood atop GrandTower's levee, surveying the Mississippi.
126, Pieprz: The University of Balamand is atop a dramatic hilltop site near Tripoli, north of Beirut.
127, Several times a day, Devi drapes a red sari above her blue eyes, hoists a 2.5-gal. (10 L) brass vessel atop her head and walks to the nearest hand pump.
128, "Chicken Tender Salad" - Chicken Tenders atop mixed Greens, Avocado, Scallions, Tomato and shredded Cheddar, tossed in Peppercorn Ranch Dressing.
129, Statues look down on the rebuilt inner city of Dresden from atop Hall.
130, The HTV-2 - shaped like the tip of a spear - took off atop a Minotaur IV rocket from Vanderberg Air Force Base in California early on Thursday.
131, TanDEM-X was carried into space atop a converted intercontinental ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
132, It just happened to sit atop 21,000 tons of toxic industrial waste that had been buried underground in the 1940s and '50s by a local company.
133, Michael : In the swimming medals table, China still atop.
133, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
134, And about halfway through her song, she reached for a matching blue pageboy wig, which was sitting atop her piano, and positioned it on her bare head.
135, Kiba's cute pet dog that can usually be atop Kiba's head.
136, Atop Victoria Peak, reachable via a funicular are great views asas Peak Tower, a shopping complex.
137, In the midday sun, the allure of a golden-globed Orthodox church was matched only by the three blue spires atop the straight-backed cathedral.
138, The Gang advocates abandoning your core language and building an entirely new one atop it, creating your own lexer, parser, grammar, and so on.
139, Saint Joseph's Oratory sits atop Mount Royal, a landmark park that offers panoramic views of the city.
140, Grotesque masks and figures atop twisted columns complete this extraordinary design.
141, Machu Picchu or Old Peak is the name given to the stone ruins of a pre-Columbian Incan city perched high atop the Andean peaks of Peru.
142, The scaly-eyed gecko (Lepidoblepharis buchwaldi)—also a new species—can perch comfortably atop a pencil eraser, even as an adult.
143, 11An Afghan soldier wakes up atop his armored vehicle following an overnight mission with soldiers of the US Army's 27th Infantry Regiment in Shigal, Kunar province.
144, "I lived with a bouffant atop my brain from 1977 to 1979, back when it hadn't been in style for ten years," my mother told me.
145, The Old Cataract Hotel is perched atop a hill overlooking the River Nile in Aswan, Egypt.
146, They have large, black eyes, tapir-like snouts, long flexible fingers terminating in suction cups, twin saucer-like sensory organs atop their heads, and a ridge of spines cresting their skulls.
147, One day he reported finding a fantastic traditional village house for rent, with three small bedrooms and a lush garden, atop a quiet bay on the other side of the island.
148, A meter-and-a-half-long snake is strapped with Velcro atop a small box on a conveyor belt just inches behind your head.
149, Arrange berries atop and around each panna cotta and spoon sabayon over berries. If desired, use kitchen blowtorch to lightly brown sabayon and serve immediately.
150, A tuft of grass atop the wall sways right and left in the wind.
151, The T - shirt ignited when it caught on a line atop pole.
152, Before he could respond, Ayenden's attention was drawn to a commotion atop the Nexus platform.
153, A statue of Angel Moroni stands atop the Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
154, But really, once you've spent thousands to get you and your family atop that mountain, lunch is a mere rounding error.
155, Dark blue sapphires were clustered into intricate floral shapes atop the teeth.
156, Max's even more dismal New York is cast in jumbled patterns of black, white and grey, until Mary sends Max a bright red pom-pom which he wears atop his yarmulke.
157, 'You worry that the same thing is going to happen there as with us,' sighed the jowly 60-year-old, whose gray hair is receding atop a furrowed brow.
158, Parapet applies to any low fortification, typically a wall atop a rampart.
159, Another 50 - megawatt landfill gas plant sits atop another gigantic dump in Incheon, South Korea.
160, Payne and fellow researchers shot this footage in Africa from atop an observation post.
161, Encrusted with verdigris, two statues of the "liver bird", the city's symbol, sit atop a riverside building.
162, Private spaceflight took one giant step forward this week when the Tycho Brahe craft lifted off atop the HEAT-1X rocket engine Friday (pictured) from a platform in the Baltic Sea.
163, Magnetic pulses are beamed into your brain. A meter-and-a-half-long snake is strapped with Velcro atop a small box on a conveyor belt just inches behind your head.
163, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
164, It is a startling sight atop one of the most recognizable structures in Washington: a rope rigger, climbing out on the tip of the 169-meter-high Washington Monument.
165, Grill skewers of lemon-and-thyme-marinated lamb, and then serve them atop a garlicky Sardinian couscous full of cauliflower, currants, and pine nuts.
166, Acrobatic stunts atop steel wires high above the water is another attraction.
167, Defiantly sitting atop a barrel, the woman shouting, he isn't here; I don't hide him.
168, She wore slacks and a belted sweater-jacket, and her hair was piled and pinned atop her head in her trademark upsweep.
169, Chan points at the 30-inch computer monitor atop his desk in MIT's Research Lab of Electronics. "High resolution at 120 frames per second()," he says: "That's a lot of data.
170, Painted Dunes can be seen atop Cinder Cone at Lassen Volcanic National Park in California.
171, A lone arbutus tree perches atop a hill on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia.
172, Donald, a Macgregor's bowerbird, lives in the dark woods of the Adelbert Range of Papua New Guinea. Here, atop a mossy platform and around a young sapling, he has woven his spire of sticks and twigs.
173, The statue stands atop Corcovado Mountain, which visitors can climb by taxi or cog railway to gain unparalleled views of the city.
174, This was the first time I had ever seen a bowhead, and I would have never expected to see one ashore with people running atop it, across its length.
175, The colder South Pole sits atop the massive , frozen continent of Antarctica.
176, Yet Libya and its long-suffering tribal society, sitting atop vast oil riches, faces an uncertain future as it tries to establish a real government in place of the dead leader's personal tyranny.
177, But the neuroscientists believe they have an answer to this scientific riddle, uncovering a distaff preference for red, hidden atop the universal liking for blue.
178, Constructing Ballista Towers atop settlement walls allows a defending force to shower any attackers with iron bolts, a sensible improvement for almost any siege scenario.
179, This photo shows two kinds of electrodes sitting atop a severely epileptic patient's brain after part of his skull was removed temporarily.
180, The children come into the neighborhood in waves, holding the hands of adults or riding atop their shoulders, smiling, laughing, playing hide-and-seek among the police barricades.
181, Two of its high-profile New York debuts -- High Line park, built atop an old rail line, and Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall -- kept even the most highfalutin tastemakers buzzing.
182, Sitting atop the brand new Standard Hotel in New York City's Meat Packing District, The Boom Boom Room opened in September 2009 and was instantly a favorite with models, designers, and celebrities.
183, Do atop flapping about. We'll get the job done in time.
184, Place dessert plate upside-down atop ramekin and invert, gently lifting off ramekin to allow panna cotta to settle onto plate .
185, A lone arbutus tree perches atop hill on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia.
186, The victory the Lakers'winning streak to nine games and kept atop the Western Conference standings.
187, You frivolously throw away the lives of your people while your own king sits atop his throne of lies, nary lifting a finger to help.
188, Researchers put markers atop the ice field blocks in 1962 and Thompson said measurements using satellites show the summit of the ice has been lowered by about 56 feet in 40 years.




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更新时间:2025/3/10 21:03:53