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单词 Embarrassed
1 A parrot can sometimes make you embarrassed.
2 She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze.
3 He always mumbles when he's embarrassed.
4 He embarrassed me with a difficult question.
5 His bad table manners embarrassed her.
6 I was embarrassed by their compliment.
7 She was embarrassed by his exhibitionism at the party.
8 Lori gets embarrassed if we ask her to sing.
9 Paul was looking flustered and embarrassed.
10 Our progress was embarrassed by lots of baggage.
11 I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes.
12 I get embarrassed easily.
13 They wolf-whistled at me, and I was so embarrassed I tripped up.
14 He looked embarrassed for a moment,[] then quickly regained his poise.
15 I'm embarrassed of myself.
16 He became embarrassed when a journalist asked him pointed questions about his finances.
17 I was really embarrassed, but then I saw the funny side of it.
18 She seemed embarrassed for a moment but quickly recovered her poise.
19 I, in my turn, became embarrassed and huffy and told her to take the money back.
20 Stuart gave an embarrassed cough .
21 He seemed a mite embarrassed.
22 He looked a bit embarrassed.
23 The revelations in the press have embarrassed the government.
24 The long sleeves of her dress embarrassed her movements.
25 I said "Sorry", very feebly, feeling rather embarrassed.
26 He was embarrassed by debts.
27 He was embarrassed by many debts.
28 He didn't even have the grace to look embarrassed.
29 Embarrassed, she gathered her things together and left.
30 When I began to sing, he laughed and made me embarrassed.
1 A parrot can sometimes make you embarrassed.
2 She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze.
3 I was embarrassed by their compliment.
4 Lori gets embarrassed if we ask her to sing.
5 Paul was looking flustered and embarrassed.
6 I get embarrassed easily.
7 They wolf-whistled at me, and I was so embarrassed I tripped up.
8 He looked embarrassed for a moment, then quickly regained his poise.
9 When I began to sing, he laughed and made me embarrassed.
10 I'm embarrassed of myself.
11 He became embarrassed when a journalist asked him pointed questions about his finances.
12 I was really embarrassed, but then I saw the funny side of it.
13 She seemed embarrassed for a moment but quickly recovered her poise.
14 I, in my turn, became embarrassed and huffy and told her to take the money back.
15 He looked a bit embarrassed.
16 The long sleeves of her dress embarrassed her movements.
17 They embarrassed her by complimenting her on her beauty.
18 He felt acutely embarrassed at being the centre of attention.
19 Seeing he was embarrassed with his luggage, I offered to help him.
20 His clumsiness embarrassed him.
21 Mary was so embarrassed. She could only hide her face in shame.
31 You have no idea how embarrassed I was.
32 He is embarrassed about the motives behind his decision.
33 He was embarrassed when praises were rained on him.
34 They embarrassed her by complimenting her on her beauty.
35 Her remark was followed by an embarrassed silence.
36 Look, you've embarrassed him - he's gone bright red!
37 To judge by appearances, Roger was rather embarrassed.
38 She looked embarrassed, but then her face cleared.
39 The decline in sales embarrassed our company.
40 He was embarrassed, which made him awkward.
41 Everyone became embarrassed and conversation dried up.
42 I was angry and embarrassed in equal measure.
43 I felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was.
44 Her questions about my private life embarrassed me.
44 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
45 The blood supply to the heart was embarrassed.
46 I've never been so embarrassed in my life!
47 Candida admits to having been "mortally embarrassed".
48 Ken gave her an embarrassed grin.
49 He was embarrassed to admit making a mistake.
50 She felt embarrassed by his persistent attentions.
51 He felt embarrassed at being the centre of attention.
52 He turned away embarrassed, his face flushing red.
53 She seemed almost embarrassed by her own outburst.
54 Charley blushed and looked away, embarrassed.
55 I am embarrassed by my complete ignorance of history.
56 I was really embarrassed by his smutty jokes.
57 He is embarrassed by debts.
58 There was an embarrassed silence.
59 I was embarrassed about forgetting his name.
60 I am greatly embarrassed with this work.
61 He appeared embarrassed and ill at ease with the sustained applause that greeted him.
62 I was so embarrassed when I walked in on them having a smooch on the sofa.
63 She was such a prude that she was even embarrassed by the sight of naked children.
64 He looked embarrassed when I asked him where he'd been.
65 You could tell from his body language that he was very embarrassed.
66 Every time she caught his eye, she would glance away embarrassed.
67 "You can tell that he is extremely embarrassed," Mr Brigden added.
68 Michelle was acutely embarrassed at having to ask for money.
69 I was embarrassed by all the extravagant praise I was getting.
70 John was embarrassed, but it didn't faze Mike a bit.
71 She was acutely embarrassed by his public display of temper.
72 His colour had risen and Isobel felt embarrassed for him.
73 Polly, bewildered and embarrassed, dropped her head and scuffed her feet.
74 She felt embarrassed about undressing in front of the doctor.
75 He felt acutely embarrassed at being the centre of attention.
76 Cancer is a taboo subject and people are frightened or embarrassed to talk openly about it.
77 It embarrassed her to meet strange men in the corridor at night.
78 He is somewhat embarrassed.
79 I was pleased, but somewhat embarrassed,[] when she pursued me.
80 Seeing he was embarrassed with his luggage, I offered to help him.
81 My dad was embarrassed by the bedroom scenes in the play.
82 The young man looked embarrassed, as if he were a spy whose cover had been blown.
83 I could tell from her body language that she was very embarrassed.
84 His clumsiness embarrassed him.
85 I was that embarrassed I didn't know what to say.
86 It embarrassed him that he had no idea of what was going on.
87 Mary was so embarrassed. She could only hide her face in shame.
88 My wife has become crippled by arthritis. She is embarrassed to ask the doctor about it.
89 He looked faintly embarrassed.
90 Some women are too embarrassed to consult their doctor about the problem.
91 People at the party were embarrassed when Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself.
92 I was embarrassed at the time, but I had a good laugh about it later.
93 I was really embarrassed the first time I saw myself on film.
94 As nothing else happened and everything quieted down again, the man put away his gun, looking quite embarrassed, but he soon regained his usual sedateness.
95 Don't be embarrassed by your dandruff problem.
96 Marlon was always embarrassed by his lack of education.
97 He'd never admit to being embarrassed.
98 I feel comfortable about my periods, not embarrassed.
99 She looked embarrassed by this information.
100 I feel very embarrassed about it.
101 She was deeply embarrassed and ashamed.
102 They were very polite, but also very embarrassed.
103 Anyone else would have been embarrassed.
104 It also deeply embarrassed Mr Fox.
105 The embarrassed nomes stood around in a circle.
106 He's not indignant,[] he's not embarrassed.
107 Her effusive thanks embarrassed everybody.
108 I gingerly pressed the buzzer, embarrassed.
109 The people standing around us looked embarrassed.
110 His own closest friends looked embarrassed and avoided him.
111 People just look faintly embarrassed at this bad taste.
112 She's embarrassed about her height.
113 In a strange way I felt almost embarrassed that such things were happening in my name.
114 Mike was thoroughly embarrassed at having exposed intimate details of his life, but his classmates rallied around him.
115 They also need to be embarrassed and confronted by their honest countrymen.
116 Kids get embarrassed if their Mums kiss them in front of their friends.
117 He looked embarrassed when I said it, but genuinely gratified, and then be shuffled off without a single word more.
118 The teachers are supposed to teach us about 'safe sex', but most of them are too embarrassed.
119 He looked embarrassed and said he didn't have the faintest idea.
120 So an embarrassed clerk in the table office wrote to Mr Wilson, advising him of proposed amendments to his motion.
121 She was too embarrassed to admit that they had conned her into buying 100 acres of worthless land.
122 Embarrassed bank officials agreed not to call in police rather than lose the entire haul and face bad publicity.
123 Thomas, who also knew nothing about the affair, was highly embarrassed and could only say that he would make enquiries.
124 It also shows in their embarrassed defensiveness when foreigners wonder aloud whether their public life is in need of change.
125 Also, if I were to try to explain to him the nature of my personal circumstances, he would be embarrassed.
126 She was clearly embarrassed at times by Durkin's bumptious behaviour.
127 The other one was young, chubby, red-faced, with short red hair and looked embarrassed.
128 He felt embarrassed at the thought of walking among the men, assessing them as though they were cattle in an auction market.
129 From there any further travel makes a beeline to confession, the embarrassed monologue in a deserted bazaar.
130 Of course Silas knew she was in love with him, she decided, feeling acutely embarrassed.
131 The chair broke when Tim sat on it - he was pretty embarrassed.
132 The church visitors were intensely embarrassed shortly after we had agreed to have door-to-door visitation for a forthcoming town mission.
133 I kept on sleeping indoors for a while since I was embarrassed to go to bed in public.
134 I am a shy person and I actually get embarrassed when people compliment me for my looks. But when I think about it later[http:///embarrassed.html], I feel good. I don't have any regrets in my life. I am happy with whatever God has given me be it personally or professionally. I get up early in the morning and do yoga to stay fit. I don't go to gym and all. Dharminder 
135 Then, perhaps feeling that his gesture was mawkish, he looked embarrassed, took the flowers out and backed away.
136 In face of what was coming he felt as awkward and embarrassed as a boy.
137 Tony spilled red wine all over their carpet. He was so embarrassed!
138 But when she came up to me after that third seminar I was so shocked and embarrassed that I could barely speak.
139 He seemed embarrassed to be confronted by a woman, stark naked and a good twelve inches shorter than himself.
140 Some young women are too embarrassed to ask their doctors and afraid of being refused, especially if they are under age.
141 After a few embarrassed minutes the mourners slowly departed, leaving Flaubert jammed into the ground at an oblique angle.
142 "I'm not sure if I actually want to marry her," Harry said, feeling acutely embarrassed.
143 If a major crisis occurred the United States might find itself sorely embarrassed and perhaps ultimately drawn into the affray.
144 Don't be embarrassed to be specific, especially if you want to co-ordinate different items.
145 He could see by her awkward stance and darting eyes that she was acutely embarrassed.
146 She says she's highly embarrassed, but the alternative is being homeless and penniless.
147 The bereaved are dimly aware of these feelings, and are equally embarrassed about displaying tears.
148 I was thrilled at the prospect ahead of me but diffident and embarrassed at joining a community so totally unfamiliar.
149 Lori's a good singer, but she gets embarrassed if we ask her to sing.
150 I was yearning to see my brother, but I was embarrassed by the complications in my life.
151 Embarrassed, she paid by cash and wrestled with her conscience all the way home.
152 Wendy and I were at once amused and embarrassed, but also concerned lest he be mown down by a passing train.
153 Her eyes dropped once more to the boxer shorts as embarrassed colour rose to her cheeks.
154 I feel embarrassed, now that I let adult men kneel before me and shine my shoes.
155 When she concluded, she was a little embarrassed at the pride she took in her own words.
156 She was disappointed at the lack of support given by the teachers and she had felt embarrassed by their absence.
157 Embarrassed, she reached for a towel to cover her body.
158 Watching their hand-holding shadows, she was embarrassed at being dressed for church.
159 Madame Czechowska felt embarrassed and it was Zborowski who coped with the awkward moment.
160 He is different, Florence Ames thought, he hasn't anything to say because he is embarrassed to be with me.
161 Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and glanced up at the clock.
162 From time to time he brought them small presents of coffee and sugar, although he was always slightly shy and embarrassed about giving them.
163 I felt embarrassed to ask this busy man for an appointment.
164 Sufficient to say I was deeply embarrassed, and the time has come to put an end to this absurdity.
164 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
165 Naturally most of the more established churches were embarrassed and angered by the unseemly goings on.
166 Well, not exactly no one, she corrected herself, for she knew Tina would not be embarrassed or afraid.
167 Explanations, when called for, are embarrassed evasions and sometimes plain lies.
168 De Gaulle was too embarrassed to make a scene of it.
169 But some of the lasses were too embarrassed to say.
170 Last night he was too embarrassed to talk about his blunder.
171 She suppressed an embarrassed chortle as the men began to chat about the paper.
172 My mother was embarrassed, but I found the situation highly amusing.
173 Smith is embarrassed about the award, believing that it should have gone to Graham Gooch.
174 They had pushed and pushed and bullied their way into a freedom that both scared and embarrassed them.
175 She very seldom looked embarrassed, but there was just a hint of embarrassment about her now.
176 He was embarrassed about the nature of his illness and reluctant to discuss his bowel function with anyone, especially young women.
177 I got very drunk at the party, and I feel really embarrassed about it.
178 He has ducked, bobbed and weaved with it, but he is clearly embarrassed by it now.
179 I was not at all embarrassed : " For my trousseau. "
180 I think the main reason most are untruthful is that they are embarrassed about the truth.
181 As he opened the box, the father embarrassed by his earlier overreaction.
182 Vegetable polyploid breeding is embarrassed by the characters of polyploid plants and backward breeding technology.
183 So he sax on the ground, unwilling to get up yet embarrassed to remain there.
184 As he opened the box, the father was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction.
185 Richards had the embarrassed look of a person who is caught.
186 The opposition Democratic Progressive Party, which Mr Chen used to lead, is embarrassed.
186 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
187 Julia looked hard at the Thessalian for some moments in rather an embarrassed silence.
188 His business was embarrassed for a time by lack of ready money.
189 happened and everything quieted down again, the man put away his gun, looking quite embarrassed, but he soon regained his usual sedateness.
190 When someone asks me what business I am in I become embarrassed stutter and stammer.
191 And the curiosity - dealer, who plainly had not expected his uncouth visitor, seemed disconcerted and embarrassed.
192 She is such a prude that she is even embarrassed by the sight of naked children.




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