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单词 Enact
1. The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.
2. Congress refused to enact the bill.
3. They're trying to enact a " nationality " bill.
4. The king could not enact laws without the sanction of Parliament.
5. Congress hurried to enact a $151 billion highways bill.
6. It is the competence to recognize and enact the rules, procedures and forms of understanding of a particular cultural environment.
7. King John forbade the clergy to enact any new decree on the subject.
8. Northern states did not enact legislation prohibiting discussion of slavery, but mob violence often awaited antislavery spokesmen.
9. If the representatives of the people will not enact campaign finance reform now, then when?
10. Under a new law, universities must enact smoke-free policies on their campuses.
11. We must enact as soon as possible the National Human Welfare Act in order to regulate the use of humans in research.
12. Each village has dancers and musicians to enact musical dramas which have been passed down through the generations.
13. Through a high level of devotional art they enact stages of the contemplative game - indeed provide means of play.
14. By necessity changes will take many years to enact a, id consequently the present system will prevail for some time.
15. Neither will this legislature enact taxes that some say are necessary to pay for better education.
16. Being a fanatic nonsmoker and health freak, he made us enact the ritual funeral of a cigarette end.
17. One is the Legislature, whose members are elected by the people to enact laws.
18. This was high statesmanship, since each planned to use a new mandate to enact politically courageous and unpopular things.
19. Extension of the grounds for divorce took even longer to enact and was not achieved until 1937.
20. From Los Angeles to Athens, city authorities have tried to enact measures to limit exhaust emissions.
21. In 1994, New Jersey became the first state to enact a community notification law.
22. It didn't matter to her that Timothy Gedge intended to enact monstrous scenes in a rectory garden.
23. One is that courts are concerned only with the power to enact statutes, not with their wisdom.
24. They migrated to Montana, where legislators as recently as 1963 tried and failed to enact similar controls.
25. And can they then cut through pervasive public cynicism and generate enough voter interest to enact their recommendations?
26. Finding no road, we leave the terrarium on steroids to enact Plan B, which begins in Oracle.
27. After becoming president, Clinton was praised for pledging to enact a measure to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military.
28. The leader then forms a government that proceeds to enact its program into law.
29. Congress has failed repeatedly in the past decade to enact tougher laws.
30. Assume that you are smart enough to decide which candidate will actually enact policies that benefit you.
1. The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.
2. They're trying to enact a " nationality " bill.
31. By 1917 all the pieces needed for Congress to enact legislation regarding leprosy were set in place.
32. The characters wear colorful outfits and enact their scenes center stage.
33. Here Congress has offered relatively mild encouragement to the States to enact higher minimum drinking ages than they would otherwise choose.
34. It was a strangely farcical routine, and must be extremely tedious to enact day after day.
35. Should the United States enact some health plan that covers the entire population?
36. He knows Clinton will not propose and Congress will not enact legislation to seriously weaken provisions of the new law.
37. To enact and amend the constitution of the department.
38. He would like to enact a comprehensive immigration reform.
39. You also enact a part in life.
40. Vigilantes ignore due process of law and enact their own form of perceived justice.
41. It is not the right time to enact permanent reforms.
42. When we enact minimum wage and rent controls, persistent surpluses and shortages can occur.
43. Consequently, the appropriate response is to move quickly to enact a credible, long-term plan for fiscal consolidation.
44. That is increasingly vital as states enact polling place identification requirements and strictures on the voter roll.
45. Article 4 The municipal people's government shall enact standards for the materials and services that the government procures according to the principle of economy.
46. Carbon - based molecules needed protection and assistance to enact this drama.
47. In the process, the enterprises have to filtrate the indices, enact the index weight,(http:///enact.html) evaluate the marketing risks and give an alarm.
48. The NBA is looking to enact a salary rollback as part of its next collective bargaining agreement with the players, which would knock Bryant under $30 million if successful.
49. If Congress fails to pass the package, a so-called "trigger" mechanism would enact automatic spending cuts split evenly between military and non-military programs.
50. He dumped the books at his family's house while he and his brothers went out to enact a blood feud against another man.
51. It is time to stop arguing tax - rate reductions and to enact them.
52. So, it is essential to enact a sound the raising funds of rural endowment insurance law.
53. This is why Obama is right to value bipartisanship, even if he doesn't manage to win a single Republican vote — and even if he doesn't need any to enact his legislative program.
54. To enact related and rules for the Ministry and organize their implementation.
55. The President, in December 1905, had at long last sent a terse message to the Congress urging it to enact a pure food bill.
56. Members of Congress will be fearful of challenging a president who has public backing and greedy to enact popular laws that they can bring to their constituents in the midterm elections of 2010.
57. The U.S. Congress has exclusive authority to enact federal legislation.
58. You are required to fulfill these obligation as by law enact.
59. In order to guarantee judicial proceeding, protect legal interest and lessen the heavy work of court, our civil procedure law should enact the obligation of truthfulness at the minimum limit.
60. To enact ( a feat or role ) before an audience.
61. But a similar suit in Wisconsin spurred that state's legislature to enact a law in April that allowed the Wisconsin Virtual Academy, another K12 partner, to continue to enroll students.
62. To enact, amend or repeal laws, examine and approve budgets, approve taxation and public expenditure etc.
63. The Obama administration and Congress are willing to enact protective trade measure to save jobs.
64. The propensity for tuxedoed birds to enact something like a gay marriage has since provided a memorable skirmish in the culture wars.
65. Seeing that China's construction of market economy has its elementary scale, we should enact law of bankruptcy so as to bring the law into full effect.
66. The accounting profession has lobbied recently to enact LLC laws in more states.
67. For instance, should lawmakers in Washington enact overtly hostile policies that further weaken China's trade-dependent economy, the blowback could be substantial.
68. Switch initial adjustment for the tension control on the MPU panel to enact the appropriate tension value for the Aluminium coil.
69. But he had to pay the private pipers to enact it.
70. Citizen legislatures are made up of elected officials who work in their normal jobs year-round but take time out to attend legislative sessions and enact laws.
71. Fourthly, to carry out the system of equal payequal work and enact special allowance policy.
72. Whatever it is called, however, it typically involves two willing partners who have agreed to enact a sadomasochistic "scene".
73. The group is requesting that the FDA enact a rule that sets a limit on the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons deemed safe for pregnant women and young children.
74. Yet the establishment of the standard of proof is the first step to enact the law of evidence.
75. Our government has to enact better safety regulations in factories.
76. I will do no more to enact the peculiarities of life.
77. This rich soundscape manages to enact a sonic reconciliation between technology and nature.
78. To order by virtue of superior authority ; decree or enact.
79. Mr. Baker, long known as a deal-maker, said Republicans were right to say, “O. K. , we'll increase the debt limit, Democrats, if you will enact enforceable spending restraint.
80. Meaningwhile, this new constitutional principle call to enact our national compensation act.




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