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单词 Delay
1. You may delay, but time will not. Benjamin Franklin 
2. In delay there lies no plenty , Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty , Youth's a stuff that will not endure . 
3. He was champing with rage at the delay.
4. Delay is the deadliest form of denial.
5. His delay made the teacher angry.
6. All these measures must be carried through without delay.
7. The manager chided him for his delay.
8. The long delay had made me quite apprehensive.
9. The six-month delay will be costly for the company.
10. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.
11. The effect of this change will be to delay...
12. Logistical problems may be causing the delay.
13. Don't delay to write to him.
14. The delay is partly explicable by the road works.
15. We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.
16. His face showed his vexation at the delay.
17. Don't delay! Book your holiday today!
18. He specified the reasons for the delay.
19. Donot delay anything that adds laughter and joyt oyourlife.
20. Trevor Steven entreated them to delay their departure.
21. We apologise for the delay and any inconvenience caused.
22. The passengers grew angry about the delay.
23. Sorry for the delay,() Mr Weaver.
24. This task permits no delay.
25. I'm sorry for the delay.
26. The passengers sat chafing at the long delay.
27. We hadn't figured on a long delay at the airport.
28. Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood.
29. We should like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today.
30. Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay.
1. The long delay had made me quite apprehensive.
2. The six-month delay will be costly for the company.
3. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.
4. The effect of this change will be to delay...
5. Logistical problems may be causing the delay.
6. Don't delay to write to him.
7. We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.
8. He specified the reasons for the delay.
9. Trevor Steven entreated them to delay their departure.
10. We apologise for the delay and any inconvenience caused.
11. The passengers grew angry about the delay.
12. Sorry for the delay, Mr Weaver.
13. I'm sorry for the delay.
14. We should like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today.
15. Because of the delay, we were offered seats in first class.
16. For sentimental reasons I wanted to delay my departure until June.
17. The assembly voted to delay the legislation to allow further consultation to take place.
18. We had to endure a nine-hour delay at the airport.
19. If there is a delay of 12 hours or more, you will receive a full refund of the price of your trip.
20. When food comes out of any oven, it should stand a while. During this delay the centre carries on cooking.
21. After a considerable delay, the government has agreed to accept the recommendations.
22. The blizzard forced them to delay their summit bid.
23. I must point out that delay is unwise.
24. They were arguing for a delay in introducing the new mower to the public.
25. The strike caused a great delay in the delivery of the mail.
31. Because of the delay, we were offered seats in first class.
32. The passengers are chafing at the delay of the train.
33. To him I owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I plunge in without delay.
34. For sentimental reasons I wanted to delay my departure until June.
35. The assembly voted to delay the legislation to allow further consultation to take place.
36. We had to endure a nine-hour delay at the airport.
37. If there is a delay of 12 hours or more, you will receive a full refund of the price of your trip.
38. When food comes out of any oven, it should stand a while. During this delay the centre carries on cooking.
39. After a few days' delay the shop refunded my money at last.
40. After a considerable delay, the government has agreed to accept the recommendations.
41. Why was there a delay in warning the public?
42. We can't delay much longer.
43. To what do you attribute this delay?
44. Shut doors to delay the spread of fire.
45. We'll send you a quote without delay.
46. There was a delay before the plane took off.
47. He is anxious that there should be no delay.
48. The kick should be taken without undue delay .
49. The delay did seem unwarranted.
50. A little delay will give one time to prepare.
51. Could we delay the meeting a few days?
52. This decision may delay the process of European unification.
53. Delay is not permissible,(http:///delay.html) even for a single day.
54. I'm extremely sorry for the delay.
55. Trains are subject to delay after the heavy snowfalls.
56. A tight schedule means we can't delay any longer.
57. The matter admits of no delay.
58. The situation does not permit of any delay.
59. If you delay now, the opportunity might be lost.
60. I apologize for the delay in replying to you.
61. All the pas-sengers were fuming at the delay.
62. The delay threw the entire timetable into disarray.
63. The delay lost them the battle.
64. We must delay our journey until the weather improves.
65. Flights to New York may be subject to delay.
66. The smallest slippage could delay completion of the project.
67. Any delay would be fatal.
68. Malcolm decided to delay his return to York.
69. Report it to the police without delay .
70. Don't blame me for the delay.
71. There has been a delay in the book's publication.
72. After a long delay the performance finally started.
73. The situation allows of no delay.
74. Flights are subject to delay because of the fog.
75. This announcement follows months of inaction and delay.
76. There's no time for delay.
77. We would like to apologize for the delay.
78. They were impatient at the delay.
79. We were all fuming at the delay.
80. The accident determined her against further delay.
81. I'm frightfully sorry about the delay.
82. They didn't give any reason for the delay.
83. To avoid any delay please phone your order direct.
84. Kindly remit us the balance without delay.
85. The blizzard forced them to delay their summit bid.
86. It is getting late(), don't delay.
87. Congress voted to delay a decision.
88. This situation needs to be tackled without delay.
89. The delay was due to human error .
90. The announcer apologised for the delay.
91. The clients chafed at the delay.
92. We must leave without delay.
93. He showed no irritation at the delay.
94. They must restore normal services without delay.
95. His advice determined me against further delay.
96. How much delay should we build into the plan?
97. Big companies often delay paying their bills.
98. Several people expressed disappointment at the delay.
99. He hates delay and procrastination in all its forms.
100. Any delay will prejudice the child's welfare.
101. Don't delay - send off for the information now.
102. His illness admits of no delay.
103. Please settle your account/bill without further delay.
104. 'There's been a delay.' 'I gathered that.'
105. This decree obliges unions to delay strikes.
106. All flights are subject to delay.
107. I must point out that delay is unwise.
108. The work should be carried out without undue delay.
109. Don't delay,(http:///delay.html) you're only putting off the evil hour.
110. Please send him the information without delay.
111. Give delay charge to ought to be in its are effective the amortize inside economic life, the amortize that our country sets period do not exceed 10 years.
112. There can be no excuse for any further delay .
113. Severe iron deficiency can cause developmental delay and growth retardation.
114. The long delay had put us all in a bad mood.
115. to delay your departure.
116. It is obvious that even if we can save much energy, we can only delay the energy crisis.
117. They were arguing for a delay in introducing the new mower to the public.
118. The new treatment can delay the onset of the disease by several years.
119. There was a delay in the departure of our plane.
120. The country's fixation on the war may delay a serious examination of domestic needs.
121. The judge will delay his verdict until he receives medical reports on the offender.
122. Delay might open a window of opportunity for their rivals.
123. They offered no apology, just a dry explanation for the delay.
124. Although the tests have caused some delay, flights should be back to normal this morning.
125. There is a five-minute time delay on the bank's safe.
126. The strike caused a great delay in the delivery of the mail.
127. His delay in making a decision could prove costly in the long run.
128. Fortunately the short delay gave him time to gather himself.
129. This delay is a perfect illustration of why we need a new computer system.
130. The conservative coalition could delay further reforms or block them altogether.
131. It is not possible to give a confident answer to the question whether the delay was unreasonable.
132. The receptionist apologized for the delay, explaining that it had been a hectic day.
133. After a long delay, he got around to writing the letter.
134. If there was any delay then the rescue plan would cease to be viable.
135. She soon regretted what she'd done. In the comparative or superlative or in expressions such as as soon as possible, soon emphasizes that something is done without delay:Please reply as soon as possible.
136. My delay in going abroad is due to my illness.
137. It is to your advantage to delay things for as long as possible.
138. Delay is part of the normal process, but I hope we can move things along.
139. He was criticized for his delay in taking care of the matter.
140. Weather conditions were poor, but he did not delay his departure on that account.
141. We apologize for the delay and regret any inconvenience it may have caused.
142. There will be a delay on your request as the parts have to be ordered from overseas.
143. So we set off again, cursing the delay, towards the west.
144. A host of problems may delay the opening of the Channel Tunnel.
145. Their patience was sorely tested as yet another delay to the scheduled service was announced.
146. I must point out that further delay would be unwise.
147. Tempers flared after a three-hour delay at Gatwick Airport yesterday.
148. The flight delay was occasioned by the need for a further security check.
149. Trains may be subject to delay on the northern line - we apologize for any inconvenience caused.
150. My boss is tearing his hair out about the delay in the schedule.
151. He suggested to the committee that they should delay making a decision.
152. You should delay vaccination if you are unwell with a fever.
153. He backed a provision that would allow judges to delay granting a divorce decree in some cases.
154. Under the rules of the International Cycling union, an eight day delay is allowed.
155. After much delay, the plan to build the new hospital finally came to fruition.
156. The original completion date was over-ambitious, so we have had to delay the opening by six months.
157. By now the passengers were getting browned off with the delay.
158. After a fairly lengthy delay, we were able to continue.
159. There will be a delay before the modified machines are operable.
160. From a medical standpoint a week is usually not a consequential delay.
161. A spokesman said that bad weather was to blame for the delay.
162. The chairman accused the committee for the delay in passing his program.
163. These drugs can significantly delay the onset of the disease.
164. They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.
165. After a long delay, he got round to writing the letter.
166. The delay in the programme has dashed Japan's hopes of commercial success in space.
167. I couldn't judge whether the delay was good or bad.
168. So don't delay,(/delay.html) write in now for your chance of a free gift.
169. A delay of two hours did not dampen their enthusiasm .
170. After a delay of one hour, we continued our journey.
171. The legal to-ings and fro-ings could delay the start of the trial for up to six months.
172. You are strongly advised to consult a solicitor without delay to act for you in your appeal.
173. The delay will not affect the outcome of the vote, as the ballot-counting process continues to be monitored by international observers.
174. I did not fret about the delay, because by now I had absolute confidence in the men I was working with.




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