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单词 Agricultural
1) Rivers are a blessing for an agricultural country.
2) A century ago, eastern Germany was an agricultural hinterland.
3) France once was an agricultural country.
4) The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
5) Agricultural work is traditionally seen as a male occupation.
6) There's a glut of agricultural products in Western Europe.
7) As a landowner, he was actively interested in agricultural improvements.
8) Agricultural development simply must precede economic development.
9) He was trained for gardening at the Agricultural College.
10) The census undercounted the agricultural population.
11) Our country must drive at increasing agricultural production.
12) Tractors and other agricultural machines greatly facilitate farming.
13) North Carolina is classed as an agricultural state.
14) Agricultural subsidies absorb about half the EU's income.
15) The world's supply of agricultural land is shrinking fast.
16) France is the world's second-biggest exporter of agricultural products.
17) The land here isn't any good for agricultural crops.
18) Shandong province is famous for its abundant agricultural resources.
19) Brackhurst Agricultural College, nr Southwell,[http:///agricultural.html] Notts.
20) We also issued agricultural loans.
21) They were issuing agricultural credits.
22) China is abundant in agricultural produce.
23) Chemical products were used liberally over agricultural land.
24) Jim liked the rhythm of agricultural life.
25) Agricultural run-off containing pesticides is polluting the river.
26) Good agricultural land is in short supply.
27) Climate change could disrupt the agricultural economy.
28) Our bull took first prize at the agricultural show.
29) The agricultural land is hilly and the irrigation poor.
30) She started a movement for agricultural reform.
1) Rivers are a blessing for an agricultural country.
2) A century ago, eastern Germany was an agricultural hinterland.
3) France once was an agricultural country.
4) The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
5) Agricultural work is traditionally seen as a male occupation.
6) There's a glut of agricultural products in Western Europe.
7) As a landowner, he was actively interested in agricultural improvements.
8) He was trained for gardening at the Agricultural College.
9) North Carolina is classed as an agricultural state.
10) Agricultural subsidies absorb about half the EU's income.
11) Shandong province is famous for its abundant agricultural resources.
12) We also issued agricultural loans.
13) They were issuing agricultural credits.
14) China is abundant in agricultural produce.
15) An agricultural lobby is against a law to allow importing cotton from Egypt.
16) Modernization is the key to speed up our agricultural development.
17) He received honours and awards from the government for his contribution to agricultural production.
31) China has always been classed as an agricultural country.
32) As agriculture developed, agricultural ideas diffused across Europe.
33) His analysis of urban use of agricultural land has been proved essentially correct.
34) The agricultural surplus was taken over almost in its entirety by the ruler.
35) Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial and agricultural production methods.
36) On the customs declaration, the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery.
37) The two farmers reminisced about the good old days before the EEC agricultural policy.
38) Successful agricultural reform is also a sine qua non of Mexico's modernisation.
39) A statesman who ought to know better wants to unpick last year's reform of Europe's common agricultural policy.
40) An agricultural lobby is against a law to allow importing cotton from Egypt.
40) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
41) There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world.
42) Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production.
43) Agricultural companies have failed to convince consumers that GM foods are safe.
44) Young people's awareness of agricultural issues is promoted through publicity material.
45) The party's main power base is in the agricultural regions.
46) There are drainage/irrigation channels all over this flat agricultural land.
47) Modernization is the key to speed up our agricultural development.
48) The fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.
49) They persisted with the agricultural reforms, despite opposition from the farmers.
50) Britain's farmers have faced the double whammy of a rising pound and falling agricultural prices.
51) The country is in transition from an agricultural to an industrial society.
52) The dog show was being held in the Agricultural Hall.
53) Post-war economic reconstruction in the country must begin with the resumption of agricultural production.
54) The 19th century marked a watershed between the country's agricultural past and its industrial future.
55) As the eighteenth century wore on, an agricultural revolution took place.
56) Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter and agricultural equipment.
57) Under the agreement, most agricultural prices would be frozen or cut.
58) She's studying agricultural science.
59) He received honours and awards from the government for his contribution to agricultural production.
60) As an agricultural crop, sunflowers are extremely environmentally friendly.
61) In those days, California seemed like an agricultural Eden.
62) Agricultural machinery, can you beat that?
63) Why didn't they go straight to agricultural college?
64) Queretaro also faced an agricultural crisis in 1982.
65) Agricultural emergency committee still haven't lifted the ban.
66) Agricultural open space is disappearing at an alarming rate.
67) The plan was meant to boost agricultural production.
68) Agricultural institutions also began to play a major role in applying biological theory to the problems of agriculture.
69) As long as the country continues to enjoy prosperity sufficient to accommodate both agricultural and industrial sectors large-scale open conflict is unlikely.
70) In addition there is one other institution which symbolizes the continuing dependency of agricultural workers upon local farmers - the tied cottage.
71) Saouma called for fair trade terms to allow developing countries to sell their agricultural products to the industrialized countries.
72) In addition,[ ] farmers can maintain a greater degree of social control over agricultural workers living in tied accommodation.
73) However, the proposal still involves high transaction costs as it recommends an interdepartmental provincial committee advised by agricultural consultants.
74) Graduates are active both in creating innovative opportunities to enhance further agricultural efficiency and in applying scientific findings to production practice.
75) Frazer writes about the ceremonial king of so many prehistoric agricultural societies.
76) They relate in fact much more closely to economic and agricultural units, albeit often within larger estates and holdings.
77) In 1920 she sat the competitive examination to enter the International Labour Office in Geneva and joined its agricultural service.
78) It also privatized agricultural land, giving a huge boost to food production.
79) This has been mostly in agricultural chemicals where tonnages have proved a good fit with Hickson's type of batch equipment.
80) Here the mood is decidedly more downbeat. Structural-adjustment reforms have bitten deep into the agricultural extension service.
81) It is axiomatic that traditional agricultural management of the uplands has maintained and conserved these landscapes and their wildlife.
82) But it was a reminder the supply of agricultural commodities at reasonable prices could not be guaranteed in the short-term.
83) Some of the changes are the result of afforestation and reservoir construction so that not every change is attributable to agricultural development.
84) The revolution, through state control, has given agricultural labourers greater security and better wages by turning them into state employees.
85) The main beneficiary of it was the agricultural worker and the principal loser the landowner.
86) However, the key factor has been domestic agricultural policies which protect indigenous agriculture for security or political reasons.
87) The agricultural labour force continued its long term decline to just under 27,000, nearly two percent fewer than in 1991.
88) Aanderud is a 1984 graduate of North Dakota State University with a bachelor's degree in agricultural education.
89) The agricultural chemicals and the fuel are no longer available.
90) The other serious agricultural problem for the Common Market lies in the disparities in production and prices as between different member States.
91) The topsoil could then be pushed back across the site and to all appearances undisturbed agricultural land was left.
92) On a raised dais in front of large windows looking out on to the agricultural college gardens sat the Inspector.
93) Her predecessor, Karl-Heinz Funke, was himself a farmer and an enthusiastic supporter of intensive agricultural methods.
94) Sussex geology has imposed an extensive regional pattern on the agricultural crops.
95) The techniques refer to new or modified agricultural practices to reduce soil degradation and erosion.
96) Introducing renewable limited-term tenancies for agricultural land, encouraging new entrants to farming.
97) The mechanism would apply to manufactures and processed agricultural products and capital goods, but not to agricultural raw materials.
98) The note was signed and dated by the chief agricultural officer, Mr Samuels.
99) In the absence of agricultural support, the women and children become dependent on government.
100) The Act gives protection, if sometimes uncertain protection, to most full-time workers living in agricultural tied cottages.
101) For Cargill, one of the leading agricultural and commodity companies, the problem was entirely different.
102) He said it would be necessary for the agricultural producing nations to use biotechnology and hormones to meet the growing demand.
103) A serious drought in early 1989 affected agricultural crops, in particular paddy rice and jute.
104) That cost the country the proceeds of a tobacco harvest and the income from other agricultural commodities.
105) Under the Agricultural Labor Relations Act, elections are by secret ballot.
106) With the new set-aside agricultural policies, there is a possibility that cultivated parks can be put back to pasture.
107) In any case the government's desire to redistribute without compensation has stripped most agricultural land of any value.
108) This is sold, alongside Omega cat food, through specialist outlets such as pet shops, garden centres and agricultural merchants.
109) Perhaps it would have been better for them if they had gone straight to hostels or agricultural training camps.
110) Meanwhile, local amateur photographers are having a field day trying to capture the agricultural cloth of gold on film.
111) He received a master's degree in agricultural economics and a doctorate in economics and marketing from Cornell University.
112) The effect of exchange rate policy has been reinforced by agricultural pricing policy.
113) Our efforts in agricultural science are thus, at best, temporary expedients.
114) Kika de la Garza, D-McAllen, arguing against the creation of program to admit temporary agricultural workers from other countries.
115) Not all of the losses of moorland and rough grassland to agricultural development are the result of surface cultivation and grass seeding.
116) There were factories in the local towns and agricultural cooperatives in the villages.
117) This will reduce the agricultural surplus compared to if consumption levels had not risen.
118) This way we get rid of several problems at one stroke, including probably reducing the agricultural capacity of farmers in Britain.
119) Phosphates in the water, from agricultural run-off and discharge from sewage works, provide nutrients on which the algae thrive.
120) They can provide extension services for farmers and invest in industries to process agricultural products.
121) Look across the field and you can appreciate why space for storing vintage agricultural machinery on the farm has finally run out.
122) It is relevant to the agricultural sector and there are several references to environmental considerations in the draft proposal.
123) The report also outlined the role agricultural cooperatives, the largest creditors to the mortgage companies, played in the fiasco.
124) But hares were declining before paraquat was introduced, and the effects of agricultural chemicals on wildlife are notoriously difficult to assess.
125) Perhaps an agricultural supplier was giving them away free with every 200 gallons of sheep dip.
126) In fact, innumerable changes will result affecting agricultural, housing, medical, clothing and amusement policies.
127) Developed for carrying coal and agricultural produce a passenger service was rapidly initiated using wagons, open carriages and converted stage coaches.
128) Another change in agricultural practice that has helped to boost food production has been the increased use of pesticides.
129) These should consist entirely of high upland in which no agricultural or forestry activities would take place.
130) The report, co-drafted with the agriculture ministry, also outlined the amount lent by agricultural cooperatives to the jusen.
131) Dawson emphasized the importance of combining agricultural and urban for building a strong society.
132) Agricultural and industrial demand, amplified by population growth, often greatly exceeds the rate of natural recharge.
133) Hydrogeochemical maps are being developed as an aid to interpreting environmental problems such as acidification and agricultural and mining pollution.
134) Legislation may therefore have done relatively little to help tied cottagers or to improve low cost agricultural housing.
135) Rural areas supplied not only agricultural products but also a considerable proportion of manufacturing output.
136) The only possible scope for early development is in association with its agricultural use, for example living accommodation for farm workers or owner-occupiers.
137) He went to agricultural college in Ireland and took a trip to New Zealand.
138) Other agreements were concluded concerning border crossings, agricultural, scientific and cultural co-operation, recognition of educational qualifications and road transport.
139) Extensive use of agricultural chemicals has driven out many animal and plant species.
140) Towards the end of the decade, with elections looming, land distribution decreased in favour of greater emphasis on raising agricultural yields.
141) Loans and extension services have to be run in support of private commercial, industrial and agricultural enterprise.
142) Agricultural land and buildings have been completely free of rates since 1929.
143) Relevant sections cover development near highways, agricultural engineering operations, mineral exploration and industrial and warehouse extensions.
144) Since almost all are high mountain areas, agricultural development is anyway unlikely but traditional agriculture for conservation objectives is supported.
145) Concern is expressed that agricultural methods and the widespread introductions of honey bees are reducing the populations of bumble bees.
146) Only those who can afford to ignore these constraints feel capable of exercising a choice to retain a more traditional agricultural landscape.
147) Those economies which have successfully switched underemployed agricultural labour into manufacturing and service activities have generally achieved significant real economic growth rates.
148) Work experience is regarded as beneficial for students of Agriculture and beneficial for those following the Agricultural Science/Economics degree.
149) Duck himself as a thresher in Wiltshire engaged in an ordinary form of agricultural labour.
150) Want the agricultural shows filled with fairs and cheap sideshows so they can enjoy themselves? 9.
151) Gradually coffee came to replace maize as the main agricultural produce of the community and foodstuffs were bought with surplus cash.
152) This is mainly concerned with economic restructuring and agricultural development, a considerable part of it linked to the environment.
153) The other was an agricultural revolution based on chemical fertilizers, irrigation, and improved seed strains that dramatically expanded food supplies.
154) He received a call on his mobile phone while he was attending an agricultural fair.
155) But even the theme of agricultural distress is subordinate to the attack on Godwin's belief that property is evil.
156) Greater agricultural mechanisation has led to considerable modification of this landscape and larger arable fields now occur in the area.
157) It assesses the evaluation of agricultural structures, the impact of structural policies and the extent of multiple job-holding amongst farm families.
158) Trade in agricultural products would be covered by bilateral agreements.
159) For 1995, agricultural exports rose 50 percent, while mining exports increased 53 percent.
160) The Victorian/Tudor style mansion is set in eight acres of mixed agricultural land, woodland and gardens.Sentencedict
161) In desert and hilly regions, where agricultural production is low, people obtain two-thirds of their energy from firewood.
162) Glyphosate, often sold under the brand name Roundup, is one of the world's most widely used agricultural chemicals.
163) In an agricultural world, annual incomes rise and fall dramatically depending upon the weather.
164) This would be a radical departure from the subsidy system that has dominated the agricultural economy for more than 50 years.
165) The new guarantee is designed to help farmers establish a base farming income, needed to secure agricultural loans.
166) He arrived at a decision, threw the cigarette away, and turned towards a small depressing row of agricultural cottages.
167) The problems faced by the agricultural sector were offset by continued growth in the non-traditional manufacturing areas such as garments.
168) With less and less agricultural land to divide among heirs, the economics of having large families has been altered.
169) Other changes meant that agricultural workers became less dependent on their employers for lodgings and could therefore marry younger.
170) Thus conservation programmes must involve integration between upland and lowland agricultural systems.
171) The primarily agricultural work blends in with the liturgical calendar of the church.
172) Hence sustainable agriculture could replace unsustainable agriculture, reducing the impact of erosion and flooding on downstream agricultural areas.
173) The initiative will allow the entrepreneurs to test new approaches to agriculture or develop new agricultural products and activities.
174) Although the party had a strong aristocratic and agricultural interest, by the 1930s it was becoming closely connected with industry.
175) He is an agricultural science graduate from Oxford University and feels competent to assess evidence and act logically.
176) Drought has caused further problems in the agricultural sector, both for domestic consumption and exports.
177) Think how slowly the agricultural world faded from dominance in dais country.
178) Mather draws some interesting parallels between the development of agricultural systems and that of forestry.
179) This includes agricultural data, socio-economic data and data on the natural environment.
180) An agricultural commune was established at Lindfield but seems to have been short-lived, and Lord Chichester helped 300 people to emigrate.
181) As agricultural specialization increased and farmers became less self-sufficient they, too, had consumer needs to be catered for.
182) At this time the agricultural techniques and crafts seen in the Early Minoan period were developed further.
183) It is an agricultural area, growing roots and grain, with milling facilities on the modern industrial estate.
184) Agricultural production fell by 10.8 percent, largely due to the effects of the country's worst drought in 50 years.
185) The third untruth is that world prices are a valid criterion for deciding the direction that agricultural production should take.
186) In the morning the minister received a deputation from the National Union of Farmers protesting about the government's plans to cut agricultural subsidies.
187) In the long term, the loss of genetic diversity will reduce the gene pool available for agricultural crops.
188) After addressing a public meeting in support of extending the franchise to agricultural workers he had caught a severe cold.
189) One day, this planet could become an agricultural export world.
190) Mechanization has increased the autonomy of the agricultural worker and has rendered close supervision difficult, if not impossible.
191) When economic crisis and agricultural crisis coincide labor really gets squeezed.
192) In Stuttgart in 1983 the so-called Stuttgart Mandate was issued calling for a brake upon agricultural expenditure.
193) The Maya were an agricultural people who had to contend with a capricious climate.
194) Agricultural subsidies and a thoughtless disregard for natural processes are washing away the commonwealth of land, its soils and wildlife.
195) He advocates forming private foundations and approaching agricultural and manufacturing businesses to help bridge the gap in state financing.
196) Guaranteed prices for agricultural products have created a knock-on effect resulting in high land prices and high food costs.
197) The Green Party co-leader's new ministry combines agricultural responsibilities and consumer protection departments taken from other ministries.
198) Similarly,[] cereal production per acre of arable land is indicative of the comparative efficiency of agricultural practices.
199) It appeared that, in terms of weight, it was roughly the equivalent of an agricultural labourer's daily intake of rice.
200) As a man with agricultural interests you will appreciate the importance of living in harmony with nature and of conserving the environment.
201) The agricultural films were of special interest to us.
202) Piggery wastewater is a significant agricultural pollutant resources.
203) Let's take a look first at perishable agricultural commodities.
204) Among them, plate glass, agricultural industry car, soda ash already began to implement industry self - discipline price.
205) Dryland farming is such an agricultural type fed by annual rainfall in arid and semiarid area.
206) Iran will also raise the level of Zanzibar's agricultural technology to establish the Office of Agriculture.
207) The Yalu Zangbu River valley area is an important agricultural zone in Tibet.
208) Prachanda, the party's leader, has ain agricultural science and also taught science in a prep school.
209) The main agricultural products rich in Ziziphus jujube, Skyhawk pepper, cotton, sesame oil.
210) The right to use agricultural land is an independent usufruct of immovable property.
211) It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century.
212) From the 1920 s through the 1980 s, America's agricultural problem was overabundance.
213) Shortage of water resources restricted agricultural production in arid and semiarid region.
214) Mechanization of farming is based on an excellent agricultural machinery popularization system.
215) Agricultural production has changed to relative overproduction from product shortage in China.
216) Pumping station project plays an important role in industrial and agricultural development of China.
217) Law of the PRC on the Popularization of Agricultural Technology.
218) Oil - exporting countries commonly experienced declines in the rate of growth of their agricultural sectors.
219) Products wanted: PVC spray hoses, agricultural sprayers, sprayer nozzles and sprinklers.
220) People still use old agricultural techniques as scientific agriculture is costly and even unknown.
221) Several subsidiary agreement were also ready for signature - on agricultural cooperation, transportation, oceanography[/agricultural.html], cultural exchanges.
222) Unlike perishable agricultural products, oil can be stored in the ground.
223) LBX screw pump applies various to, agricultural irrigation water pumping station, urban drainage project, etc.
224) Star child prefectural since an agricultural county, it is one is short of can county.
225) That is the double significance of quadrupling our industrial and agricultural output.
226) This base aims at developing agricultural biotechnology and its relevant industries, bio - pharmaceutics and its relevant industries.
227) In the flourishing southeast region of China, agricultural non - point source pollution is extremely serious.
228) Teams get ready for an old - fashioned ox pull at the Adams Agricultural Fair in Adams, Mass.
229) Christmas trees are another important agricultural product, and Michigan forests produce large quantities of pulpwood products.
230) So, that pedologist tells Russia , agricultural herd should be united in wedlock.
231) Agricultural production of wheat, cotton, rich persimmon, apple(), apricot Baishui specialty Zhuo.
232) These parasitical wasps help the farmers a lot. They can control the breeding of agricultural insects.
233) In addition, agricultural products, soybeans, soybean oil is also missing in a straight line after midday.
234) Agricultural non - point source pollution is driven by dynamical factors, water character and landform characteristics.
235) Optically active cyanohydrins are important intermediates lor the synthesis of agricultural chemicals.
236) It is therefore an important thing in system innovation to remodel agricultural micro - economic organizations.
237) Agricultural non - point source pollution had no certain pollution source which had obvious potential, complexity and invisibility.
238) The rectification has to be conducted in every factory and agricultural co - operative .
239) Development of chemical industry near future is oriented one, agricultural chemical ( one ) nitrogenous fertilizer industry.
240) The Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala is in charge of the project.
241) Some of the most energetic protectionist measures are erected against agricultural products in all countries.
242) Is the Agricultural Bank of China Beijing District bank telegraphic money order code a number?
243) Third, devising project of organ setting and personnel outfitting to village - town fiscal abatement of agricultural tax.
244) The resettlement fee shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled.
245) The salinity is a major environmental factor which affects agricultural production.
246) Liaocheng is a major agricultural areas, resettlement has a long history, is an important grain areas.
247) But prices of agricultural commodities are low because of overproduction.
248) The neoclassical theory is used to analyze the mechanism of taking Pigon policy to agricultural mechanization.




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