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单词 Sculpture
(1) What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul. 
(2) What is sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul. 
(3) Tom teaches sculpture at the local art school.
(4) All the parts of the sculpture have to be welded together.
(5) Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.
(6) The plastic arts include sculpture, pottery and painting.
(7) Anne's sculpture took centre stage at the show.
(8) His sculpture of a horse won first prize.
(9) Many pieces of sculpture are dotted around the house.
(10) He wanted to sculpture when he grew up.
(11) Sculpture is a tangible art form.
(12) I take no real interest in monumental sculpture.
(13) This sculpture must be centuries old.
(14) This 25-foot-high sculpture is her latest creation.
(15) Henry considered the sculpture with an expert eye.
(16) A night's labour brought the sculpture one step nearer perfection.
(17) Before creating this sculpture(/sculpture.html), she studied all the masterpieces of classical antiquity.
(18) There is an abundance of fine sculpture, both on the exterior and inside.
(19) A significant exhibition of contemporary sculpture will be on view at the Portland Gallery.
(20) The sculpture of a group of heroes in the centre of the city square shows a master hand.
(21) The sculpture was badly mutilated in the late eighteenth century.
(22) His 'Beethoven' sculpture is seen as the crowning achievement of his career.
(23) For many years the sculpture was incorrectly thought to be by Donatello.
(24) She has built these scraps of metal into a sculpture.
(25) The place is stuffed with whacky memorabilia like a sculpture of the Seven Dwarfs that Walt Disney gave to Debbie Reynolds.
(26) It is a first for New York. An outdoor exhibition of Fernando Botero's sculpture on Park Avenue.
(27) Those were the halcyon days of Athens ( fifth century BC ) when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.
(28) The museum has been heavily criticized over its acquisition of the four-million-dollar sculpture.
(29) Fine Arts is a generic term for subjects such as painting, music and sculpture.
(30) This concept has been applied successively to painting, architecture and sculpture.
(1) Tom teaches sculpture at the local art school.
(2) All the parts of the sculpture have to be welded together.
(3) Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.
(4) The place is stuffed with whacky memorabilia like a sculpture of the Seven Dwarfs that Walt Disney gave to Debbie Reynolds.
(5) His sculpture of a horse won first prize.
(6) Sculpture is a tangible art form.
(7) Those were the halcyon days of Athens ( fifth century BC ) when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.
(31) The sculpture stands in the centre of the flower terrace.
(32) The gallery is playing host to an exhibition of sculpture.
(33) There is considerable disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture.
(34) Those were the halcyon days of Athens when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.
(35) There is disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture.
(36) Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpture and architecture.
(37) There's a new exhibition of sculpture on at the city gallery.
(38) Rodin's sculpture 'The Thinker' is of a man sitting with his head in his hand, sunk in thought.
(39) He collects modern sculpture.
(40) Henry Moore is considered to be the father of modern British sculpture.
(41) A similar programme for sculpture should soon be available.
(42) A parody, a surrealistic sculpture in green slime.
(43) It includes drawing, painting, design, sculpture and textiles.
(44) A megalith forms a giant sculpture.
(45) Teachers soon recognized and encouraged his talent for sculpture.
(45) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(46) Sculpture adds that human touch to the garden.
(47) Sculpture workshops are potentially dangerous work sites.
(48) A perfect sculpture of the living flesh.
(49) Your sculpture class counts as a Humanities credit.
(50) The sculpture is made entirely of old car tires.
(51) A wooden sculpture titled "Abraham" reeked of anti-Semitism.
(52) A maths teacher showed her sculpture.
(53) Other elements include installations, sculpture, text and posters.
(54) The value of the sculpture was estimated at $500,000.
(55) The cathedral possesses some fine capitals and sculpture.
(56) The gallery exhibits mainly contemporary sculpture and photography.
(57) A rigid metal framework supported the sculpture.
(58) It looked like a modern sculpture.
(59) Ivanova has received a commission from the bank for a sculpture.
(60) More recently, she has built a giant sculpture garden of threedimensional Tarot cards.
(61) Margarett photographs the sculpture in profile and the soldier in profile just behind it: a double image.
(62) As he watched her, he set about encouraging that quality in her sculpture.
(63) The two forged blocks set up a visual field where the entire space becomes a manifestation of sculpture.
(64) Shaw ordered a sculpture of his champion fox terrier, and Bayard Warren a portrait of his champion Sealyham.
(65) Once moved by sculpture, she had a glimmer of its purpose.
(66) His body was a sculpture of muscled perfection; his expertise in what he did with it had her breathing with wonderment.
(67) In many ways the Aphrodisians were the direct descendants of Hellenistic and, more specifically, Pergamene sculpture.
(68) Second, the sculpture was made by the sculptor on a fixed-price contract.
(69) Now the group has helped pay for a bronze sculpture in memory of the navvies.
(70) We have tried to avoid repeating the formula of the ubiquitous open-air sculpture exhibition.
(71) By contrast, the image of woman does undergo a transformation within the aesthetic of the New Sculpture.
(72) It is, however, for his accomplished monumental sculpture that William Stanton is best known.
(73) Other schools will be designing and painting wall murals, creating an environmental sculpture, working with video and poetry.
(74) The athletic director renewed his efforts to force the university to remove the sculpture.
(75) What video art, video sculpture, video installation, video performance return to the moving image is space.
(75) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(76) The Yorkshire Sculpture Park is publishing a booklet with interviews with the artist.
(77) It's a life-sized sculpture of an elephant, and it's destined to become a millionaire's garden ornament.
(78) The thicker shelled species often carry a distinctive sculpture, which is also important in identifying fossil species.
(79) There will be space devoted to prints and drawings, as well as sculpture and the decorative arts.
(80) Heroes of change, locally and internationally, will be honored in a gallery of photography, artwork, paintings and sculpture.
(81) Though with its own entrance, the photographic Salon occupied an area tout a cote that reserved for painting and sculpture.
(82) She refrained from plopping any sort of silk flora or abstract sculpture atop her well-coiffed head.
(83) It calls for creating a skateboard park, a picnic area, a sculpture to climb on and an amphitheater.
(84) What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a human soul. Joseph Addison 
(85) Possibly the beginning of marble sculpture should be brought down.
(86) Early modern artists, generally speaking, did little to overturn this convention in painting or sculpture.
(87) How much more pertinent is this observation when applied to sculpture rather than the two-dimensional illusionism of painting.
(88) The famous sculpture of the Marines struggling to raise the flag on Iwo Jima serves as a backdrop.
(89) One of the pieces in Greene's sculpture collection is valued at $12,000.
(90) The sculpture received a fresh coat of paint in 1975 and will be repainted if it is scratched or damaged.
(91) The Eighties were an important decade for sculpture when many contemporary artists turned to three-dimensional work.
(92) Miller is known for her whimsical paintings and sculpture, both emanating from her unique take on the Southwest desert.
(93) The shutters protecting the sculpture are opened only during Holy Week.
(94) This is not a high art, like painting or sculpture.
(95) It's a sculpture garden above the eye-level of the birds.
(96) And not just because there is no extant reference to the sculpture from the first three centuries after the warrior's death.
(97) Limewood is contrasted with oak, and the chapter finishes: The properties of the material made limewood sculpture a special medium.
(98) But this sculpture remains an isolated example, emphasizing the fact that in its earliest stage Cubism was primarily a pictorial revolution.
(99) For the first time, she did not show sculpture, just pastels and watercolors.
(100) A special subcommittee is expected to meet later this month to begin discussing potential sites for the sculpture.
(101) The austerity and uniformity of much modern architecture made sculpture superfluous.
(102) This is the cue for interactive sculpture by contemporary artists and computer-generated visual effects.
(103) This aesthetic can obscure Formal art appreciation as it often resorts to exclusivist ideas about painting and sculpture which are highly philosophical.
(104) It has a high altar with fine gilded carving and a sixteenth-century sculpture of Our Lady of the Rosary.
(105) A sculpture memorializing the fall of the Berlin Wall was dedicated on December 18, 1992.
(105) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(106) It dates from the mid-18C and is decorated with sculpture by J. A. Quitainer.
(107) The public inscription, like public sculpture, is in a tricky political position today.
(108) She is exciting a lot of comment with a one-woman exhibition at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
(109) Long-term projects connected with the event include the commissioning of new pieces for sculpture parks around the country.
(110) This revolution, however, was not launched until a generation after that in sculpture.
(111) The way paintings were hung, how sculpture and furniture were placed across the vast expanse, suggested landscape rather than decor.
(112) Again, this is where sculpture is closely aligned to social and political history.
(113) For him, critical writing has to take up wider issues than enjoyment of a picture or a sculpture.
(114) The future performance of the sculpture index is linked with the international status of contemporary sculpture.
(115) He was impressed with her big white slab of a body like an unfinished sculpture.
(116) Whatever the short-term problems in this area, the outlook and for twentieth-century sculpture in general remains bright.
(117) Only the interior ribbed vaults are Gothic, and the abundance of fine sculpture both on the exterior and inside.
(118) Big can be beautiful, and surprisingly few of the buildings here display the empty pedantry conspicuous in contemporary paintings and sculpture.
(119) When she arrived in Oregon in the late spring of 1993, the sculpture was old news.
(120) A modern sculpture workshop on the road between Carrara and Torano.
(121) He heard tourists go past his door talking about the sights, the beautiful subway stations, amazing bronze and marble sculpture.
(122) She emerged like a piece of sculpture from the white tide - the first woman, born of rock.
(123) For modern sculpture, galleries use a tall wooden box, stained or painted.
(124) It is the first time a sculpture from the period has fetched such a sum.
(125) At one end, she placed her sculpture of Pilgrim, so he could gaze into the water at his reflection.
(126) Even when they are blanks, sightless as in sculpture, they focus the attention hypnotically.
(127) They seemed strangely modern, suggestively effective as a sculpture by Picasso; they lived in the now.
(128) In the early 1860s 400 MacPherson photographs of Roman painting, architecture and sculpture were on view and sold in London.
(129) The sculpture is made from objects he found on beaches in Mexico.
(130) This is the first of a series of biennial exhibitions which will include painting, sculpture, photography, installation and video.
(131) Sam MacDonald, who works out of Orkney, has submitted an unusual metalwork sculpture.
(132) The cultural move from an autonomous and independent sculpture back to the public sphere inevitably raises the spectre of popular culture.
(133) Much fine sculpture of the period has been found on Paros and Naxos as well as other islands, especially kouroi and korai.
(134) Also on until 20 March is sculpture at Gilles Peyroulet.
(135) The remains of the sculpture slipped through his arms, and he sank on to the sharp iron prong.
(135) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(136) At first glance it could be mistaken for an ornately carved stool, its black and white surfaces for a kind of sculpture.
(137) The 8-foot-tall granite sculpture was commissioned at a cost of $16,000.
(138) When a painting, sculpture or other item of craftwork is sold the ownership of the copyright remains with the artist.
(139) His work in stone is some of the finest sculpture of the century.
(140) The amount and quality ofthe sculpture unearthed was not entirely unexpected.
(141) It is his achievement to have related the medieval science of vision to the practice of sculpture and painting.
(142) Brancusi sought an authenticity that neo-classical sculpture seemed to lack.
(143) Her ambitious hairdo curved and swirled like a Henry Moore sculpture.
(144) As stated elsewhere, formalism evolved in line with developments in modern painting and sculpture.
(145) And six or seven years ago they started showing sculpture.
(146) A notice in Nature the following year described his representation of the attitudes of human locomotion by means of sculpture.
(147) But I should like to make poems that are about space and order, in the same sense as some modern sculpture.
(148) A perfect sculpture of the living flesh. Wake up, he thought.
(149) Abstract painting did have an equivalent in sculpture but it was largely unsuccessful.
(150) The application form encouraged artists to submit proposals for installation, murals, outdoor sculpture. film, video and performance work.
(151) But it has been seen that Picasso was also attracted to tribal sculpture because he admired its conceptual quality.
(152) I missed the door, however, and became impaled on the Frederick Hart sculpture.
(153) The molten metal sculpture of the universe on the far wall is stunning.
(154) At the sculpture class she expressed a wish to carve in hard stone.
(155) There were flowers, some handsome furniture, one or two pieces of sleek modern sculpture, good lighting.
(156) Likewise a bronze sculpture is considered an outgrowth of the wax or plaster model from which it is cast.
(157) Chardin's paintings of people also find an echo in some of today's best figurative sculpture.
(158) Lasers are also being used to vaporise the dirt from limestone and marble sculpture.
(159) It is this destruction that has given the wealth of shattered archaic sculpture from the city.
(160) For instance, they created highly original relief panels to decorate the Sebasteion as well as other sculpture that adapted earlier models for different purposes.
(161) Because she has caught the subtle variations of movement and behaviour within the general flow, the sculpture has life and drama.
(162) The primacy of monuments and monolithic sculpture in the new Communist epoch was acknowledged and debated.
(163) Although so far no one has succeeded in interpreting the Etruscan language we can fully appreciate their sculpture, painting and craftsmanship.
(164) Built like a Roman sculpture, Brown has never had his body let him down.
(165) The store's bronze sculpture gives customers an insight into the history of Frome.
(166) The final pop-up is a wire sculpture which, with a small battery, becomes a game to test dexterity.
(167) A sale of nineteenth- and twentieth-century sculpture usually caters for all tastes and pockets and this is no exception.
(168) A beautiful lake is inhabited by many species of waterfowl and the delightful formal gardens include herb and sculpture gardens.
(169) Proudly perched on top is a huge sculpture of a caged dove.
(170) Others designed the sculpture for a specific viewpoint, which can sometimes be reconstructed by looking up into the figure's eyes.
(171) The sculpture was first exhibited at the Canadian National Exhibition.
(172) An array of sculpture is also on view, revealing the influence of mythology and foreign culture in classical antiquity.
(173) Epic poetry, like sculpture, is an Apolline art, and all such art involves a quite different creative process.
(174) The plinths below the columns, the arch spandrels, friezes and entablatures were enriched with carved ornament and sculpture.
(175) Another greeting card photographer has claimed Koons has based a sculpture on her work.
(176) The upper floor of the Monitor Building, with its distinctive windows looking towards Central Park, will be reserved for sculpture.
(177) The Gallery hopes to generate increased revenues through special activities in the original Beaux-Arts court and the new glass-enclosed sculpture atrium.
(178) Another went to the bakery warehouse, loaded her car, and created a pastry sculpture in the middle of her kitchen.
(179) The museum contains Roman sculpture and inscriptions from many sites along the Wall.
(180) Much additional information can, however, be learnt from sepulchral sculpture, prints and drawings, paintings and memento mori jewellery.
(181) Rottweil's fine collections of medieval Swabian wood sculpture and Roman antiquities is now on display in the new Dominikanermuseum.
(182) Self-guided tours will take you through a smorgasbord of galleries, from ancient sculpture to '60s pop art.
(183) We have more archaic sculpture from Athens than from anywhere else.
(184) Made of bronze, brass and stainless steel, it is the artist's largest, most monumental sculpture to date.
(185) Parler's hallmarks lay in decoration: vaulting and sculpture poured from his workshops.
(186) His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.
(187) She studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College.
(188) To Noguchi, all this was sculpture.
(189) Master-hand of Clay Sculpture—Zhang Chongren's Art Life, P104.
(190) Rather, a more informed interpretation understands that the woman in the pool mirrors Maillol's embrace of the tradition of fragmentary classical sculpture and its definition of beauty.
(191) All kinds of Granite and Marble for building and construction like : Floor tile, Vanity, Counter top, fireplace, pavings , small cubes, curbstone, garden decoration , sculpture etc.
(192) This paper, taking the sight sculptures in Chengdu as an example, holds that in the public environment sculpture serves as the prolocutor of the public culture of the city.
(193) The new impression industry limited company is a fail designer develops, the production manufacture, the trade sale in a body specialized sculpture art company.
(194) As stated in Yanzhou Shihfang Minyan, according to Local Chronicles records, but also from sculpture "Day Activity Days praised" Square Hacken Lee, Li Kejian brother's hands.
(195) Like a surrealistic melting stone, the sculpture blows up, exaggerates, and even overthrows the communicative relationship of the nature and its subjective.
(195) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(196) For various arts plastiques, sculpture distinguishes itself from other ones with its validity and solidness .
(197) LAVA's process of optimized minimal surface design and CNC (computer numeric code) fabrication technology allows the sculpture to reveal a new dimension in sustainable design practice.
(198) The changing sunlight casts upon the sculpture, leaving the natural and visional shadow of a butterfly, which also has added the aesthetic spark to this piece of art.
(199) We stand in awe before Michelangelo's touching sculpture, La Pieta , which depicts Mary holding the dead Christ in her arms.
(200) The sculpture is part of an exhibition of work by Swiss-born artist Alberto Giacometti that have primarily been drawn from the Aime Maeght Foundation in Southern France.
(201) In addition, a teacher pays regular visits to the hotel, teaching the little guests paper cutting, clay sculpture and the like, which have largely aroused their interest.
(202) But tour operators also say one lesser-known site very important to Chinese visitors is the 'Charging Bull' sculpture in Bowling Green Park.
(203) A large exceptionally well carved Huang-Yang ("boxwood") sculpture of Damo seated in meditation on a rockwork base.
(204) This article discusses the application of veined pattern[], color and modeling of Fengxiang Clay sculpture to modern design.
(205) It can be concluded that caryopsis ventral shape, sculpture, and foveola are very useful characteristics for the identification of species and the inference of interspecific relationships in Eleusine.
(206) In the late 1950s, a go-getting mayor, Philip Givens, commissioned a major Moore sculpture, The Archer, for its new City Hall.
(207) This fibreglass sculpture, designed by Giorgio Gurioli, is a halogen light on top and an unusual, well-ventilated resting place below.
(208) Portal of Evolution is a sculpture based on the female reproductive system.
(209) A sculpture of a faun by Rembrandt Bugatti sits on a windowsill in a conference room where transactions are discussed.
(210) Osama's Galatea is a sculpture whose ivory is an eschatology and exegesis plated with a Salafi-Wahhabi interpretation of Islam.
(211) A gigantic brown sculpture of figures - revolutionary heroes in a typical propaganda pose - stood on top of an interminably wide flight of concrete steps.
(212) Isamu Noguchi was one of the few people who tried to combine sculpture with garden in the first half of the 20th century.
(213) A way of expression as modern sculpture has given a rebirth to Chinese characters to reflect its beauty and position as the paving stone of our every footstep.
(214) THE HAGUE.- Princess Maxima (C) of The Netherlands opens a sculpture exhibition, titled Den Haag onder de Hemel (The Hague under the Heavens) in the centre of The Hague, The Netherlands, 06 June 2011.
(215) The Augustanera sculpture of a life-size male in a toga was secured on a foam-covered wooden frame to cushion its rescue.
(216) On Saturday, the chanteuse received a gift sculpture from Zhao Dongming, director of the cultural activities department of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG).
(217) Visitors look at an ice sculpture, as fireworks are lit in the background, during the 26th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival.
(218) The visible space of sculpture focuses on analyzing the visible forms and representation skills of Chinese and Western sculptures.
(219) Until the beginning of modernism, the most admired quality in Western art was mimesis—objects in painting and sculpture closely resembling things in real life.
(220) Galliano: almost like an abstract artist would, or a Moore sculpture .
(221) Here, there, everywhere ... Henry Moore's Reclining Figure sculpture outside the OCBC Centre, Singapore.
(222) Northern Wei sculpture:Chinese sculpture, dominated by simple images of the Buddha, dating from the era of the Northern Wei dynasty (AD 386-534/535).
(223) The garden sculpture and architectural oddments are the wonderful part of garden planning construction.
(224) The outstanding representatives were Lingnan style, Cantonese (Guang) Embroidery, faience (painted porcelain), sculpture, and canton music.
(225) Fa?ades, floors, walls and ceilings of the tower were completely covered with large slabs of red Indian sandstone hand cleaved, making the image of a monumental stone sculpture.
(225) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(226) Desolately sit over there, Air Jordan Retro 5, an on each occasion, like a sculpture of carve carvings.
(227) The Maijishan grottoes' 7200 clay Buddhist statues and 1000 square meters of murals reflect he unique style . of ancient Chinese clay sculpture , called China's sculpture palace.
(228) Fengxiang clay sculpture receives in the tradition, is demonstrating sincere history culture in the Guanzhong area, and contains many esthetic ideals, the philosophic thinking and the modern value.
(229) VARIOUS LEATHER PICTURE, It's a high classic decoration , made by hand, use nature color and veins of leather to make design, it shows obvious stereoscopy like relief sculpture but softly .
(230) The Optic Garden functions as a sculpture on a traffic island celebrating the 2010 World Cup and marking one of the major routes to the inner-city match venues.
(231) This body of work interrogates the mechanisms underpinning the global economy, using sculpture, video, drawing, installation and a pinch of humor.
(232) But we can easily find that the ancient Greek architecture, sculpture, painting and other art forms bottles oriental tradition.
(233) Whether or not the ray in the series of"Extention" is inspired by the golden light of the Bernini sculpture West Baroque times?
(234) Clever ground placed sculpture of a sheep after screen, stealthily smell head comes, make artwork unapt in the home appear too abrupt.
(235) Application range covers indoor, building, exterior wall, waterscape, riverbank, shopwindow, piazza, mark, sculpture, park, bars, stage, etc.
(236) This sculpture is in Glasgow's Church of Saint Mungo, named for the city's patron saint.
(237) The picture on the next page depicts the sculpture of a female heel-and-toe walking athlete, titled Walking into the World.
(238) The machine can be applied to aluminum panel, aluminum-plastic plate, heterosexual cutting, sculpture, anaglyph.
(239) Making this transition can feel like changing from being an accomplished oil painter to doing welding sculpture.
(240) Abstract: One method to make casting sand mold directly from the bozzetto(mud-draft) of the sculpture is introduced.
(241) Therefore, it can meet the needs of designing a sculpture surface using interactive display, as well as many o...
(242) The computer company has CNC machine wood shavings, to undertake a variety of outsourcing services to sculpture.
(243) Dallas honors its cowboy past with a bronze sculpture of a cattle drive at Pioneer Plaza downtown.
(244) In greco-roman architecture it is a horizontal Band, often decorated with relief sculpture , Between the architrave and cornice of a Building.
(245) What is unusual about the sculpture is that although the woman is not an active participant of the love feast, her pose clearly signifies an expression of surrender.
(246) In particular style products, picturesque writing boards, Choi clay sculpture shell packaging, students with plastic ruler, Dart matching plastic parts, children's educational toys and so on.
(247) Wall, above Tower, a sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha do missionary work.
(248) He managed to track down the man responsible for the find, who took him to the very cave-in the Judean desert not far from Bethlehem - in which the sculpture of the lovers had been discovered.
(249) There were certain differences in pollen extine sculpture and germinal pore.
(250) Yoga can remove fat, reduce hypertelorism, sculpture body, lithe body and reproducible thin physique!
(251) Yeah. Whose "life goal" is to create a sculpture of Princess Diana entirely of bougainvillea.
(252) Clay sculpture, figurines, masks, paper cutting, mirrors, shadow, pyrography, paintings, embroidery, blue prints, batik, etc.
(253) Fengxiang Clay Sculpture has been used by modern design as a symbol, which represents the return of traditional folk handcraft.
(254) Finally, on the basis of combining with practice of Nanjing Modern Sculpture Center, we propose the necessary measures to guarantee the implementation of marketing planning scheme.
(255) The collection includes ceramics, sculpture, paintings , calligraphy, textiles, and metalwork.
(256) The sculpture shows the Trojan priest Laocoon and his sons being crushed to death by sea snakes.
(257) Based on anatomical structures and kinetic structures, we try to figure out the standing posture of Eros of Centocelle, a bust sculpture of Praxiteles, the renowned ancient Greek artist.
(258) Were they perhaps influenced by the angularity of the nearby street sculpture, Vertebrae, by Henry Moore?




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