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单词 manfully
释义 Word family  noun man manhood mankind adjective manly ≠ unmanly manned ≠ unmanned mannish verb man adverb manfully  man·ful·ly /ˈmænfəli/ adverb old-fashioned  MANin a brave determined way 勇敢地;果断地 Ed struggled manfully with his case. 埃德勇敢顽强地打这场官司。Examples from the Corpusmanfully• In any case, although the outing was not easy for her she enjoyed it, and stepped out manfully.• My father gazed at me manfully.• He walked on manfully, cutting down Springfield Road towards London Road.• He weeps for her at home instead of, say, manfully getting on the road and chasing after her.• They pose manfully in some anonymous public space.• To expect them to stride manfully towards independence is rather like asking them to dive before they have been taught to swim.• Away in the far comer a three piece band was manfully trying to make itself heard above the din.• Inevitably, although I struggled manfully with the work, I excelled in·ful·ly adverbChineseSyllable  brave a in way determined Corpus




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