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单词 Administer
(1) The plan calls for the UN to administer the country until elections can be held.
(2) Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many, not to those of the few.
(3) They had the right to administer their own internal affairs.
(4) The Council has plenary powers to administer the agreement.
(5) The courts administer the law.
(6) The nurse will administer the correct dose.
(7) The priest was called to administer the last rites.
(8) Only a judge is allowed to administer the oath.
(9) The teacher has the authority to administer punishment.
(10) The courts administer the laws.
(11) Paramedics are trained to administer certain drugs.
(12) He thinks the tax is impossible to administer.
(13) I administer the oath to him.
(14) It takes brains to administer upon a large corporation.
(15) This unit teaches students how to administer First Aid .
(16) She was so kind that she came to administer the medicine to the lonely old sick woman.
(17) The Council has plenary powers to administer the Agreement.
(18) Faldo's disqualification was a simple case to administer.
(19) Our couriers are trained to administer this policy.
(20) Third, the time and resources taken to prepare(), administer and mark the tests are better devoted to real education.
(21) A crisis centre was set up to administer supplies and hard-currency deals were being negotiated to buy in supplies from abroad.
(22) It was the captain's job to administer punishment on the ship.
(23) The prison staff member will then begin to administer lethal doses of three chemicals.
(24) Local government finance officers found the tax very difficult to administer.
(25) It is not the job of the police to administer justice; that falls to the courts.
(26) His arrogance made him virile and masculine, his stubbornness gave him the character to administer his centuries-old responsibilities.
(27) Money is usually important. Postal questionnaires are cheap to administer, and can cover very large numbers of people.
(28) This week it is sending out instructions to members not to administer or mark the tests.
(29) The laws often also mean that specific committees and specific departments are set up within local authorities to administer the services.
(30) We are there to salve their conscience and to administer their guilt money.
(1) The plan calls for the UN to administer the country until elections can be held.
(2) Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many, not to those of the few.
(3) They had the right to administer their own internal affairs.
(4) The courts administer the law.
(5) I administer the oath to him.
(6) It takes brains to administer upon a large corporation.
(31) The companies that administer the warehouses keep details of their contents a closely guarded secret.
(32) Institutions administer the access funds under general guidelines provided by the Department.
(33) One is its complexity, both for the authorities to administer and for ordinary people to understand.
(34) The auditor is not concerned with policy, which is the responsibility of elected politicians and public servants who administer their directions.
(35) There was no apparent reason to administer the drug, although the quantities involved were not above the legal limits.
(36) But Gorlin and Packer said doctors have been well aware for 20 years of how to administer the drug safely.
(37) So the Local Authorities would be left to administer only those schools that nobody wanted to go to.
(38) It also established the first Crofters Commission as a permanent body empowered to fix fair rents and administer crofting legislation.
(39) Major Burrows had dealt with the matter so effectively the father did not need to administer any further punishment.
(40) Rolly single-handedly attempted to apprehend the youths, put out the fire and administer first aid to barman Wheeler.
(41) None saw his executioners spend several minutes hunting for a vein to administer the lethal drugs.
(42) These rarely seen specialists administer local and general anesthesia, handle pain control and monitor your vital signs during the operation.
(43) Their greatest joy was to have a priest with them to administer the sacraments and say Mass.
(44) He has signed an agreement that allows the United Nations to set up and administer humanitarian centres all over his country.
(45) I think the people who administer the Boston school system do.
(45) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(46) It is the function of the courts to administer the laws which Parliament has enacted.
(47) Our staff are trained to administer the policy on page 53, which costs £17 per person for 18 days.
(48) Mr Brown is responsible for marketing strategy, programme development and quality control, while Mr Morse will administer day-to-day operations.
(49) At stake was a fundamental challenge to the soccer bodies' authority to administer the sport without intervention from civil courts.
(50) The judge also ruled that medical staff could administer a painkilling sedative to assist him in the process.
(51) In terms of spending, it now cost £12 million to administer an annual expenditure of only £17 million on the grant.
(52) She can count out and administer her own drugs and explain her own needs during visits to the doctor.
(53) It is unhelpful to send a team of administrators when there is administer!
(54) Many social services staff care considerably about the inadequacies of the policies they administer.
(55) This vaccination was no easy one to administer, for the necessary dose had to be given intra-nasally.
(56) The first step was to administer an extensive survey to find out which students suffered from work inhibition.
(57) All personnel appointed to administer the Compact should be responsible to this committee.
(58) The law provides that they may administer indoor relief; they may not touch outdoor relief!
(59) They are concerned with grievances held by individuals against the two Government Departments who administer social security benefits.
(60) If lump sum taxes are straight forward to levy and cheap to administer, the first course is the best.
(61) What happened there represents a frontal challenge to how the courts, the states and the federal government administer justice.
(62) To administer torture while within the warp - to a talented Astropath of all people - would be plain lunacy.
(63) During that time three solicitors were, he alleges, unlawfully granted powers to administer the estate.
(64) The balance of creativity and business skill needed to smoothly administer the operations would in fact always elude the pair.
(65) Others administer substances by intradermal injections and record the size of the cutaneous weal.
(66) Eventually pentecostals-some of them-did organize denominations, establish mission boards, found colleges, and administer vast, sprawling missionary enterprises.
(67) And the state agencies that administer the funds are running out of money.
(68) Whilst these local authorities were developing in form, other bodies were set up to administer special functions.
(69) They have a staff of three to help administer Koraloona.
(70) This insurance plan will be too hard to administer and will encourage fraud.
(71) The general director, Evvy Edwards, was recruited to administer the Halls in 1990.
(72) He was the only nurse qualified to administer drugs, though care assistants were on duty.
(73) What is the ratio between those who teach and those who administer and manage? 7.
(74) The last thing the Profitboss will do is stay in the office to administer the paperwork on these projects.
(75) The delay was the result of a change in the way that we administer the grants.
(76) The test may be used as a screening device( ), although it is relatively time-consuming to administer compared with other tests.
(77) What he really wanted to write was: Henry Farr wishes some thallium to administer to his wife.
(78) Bilateral agreements may hold out more promise, if only because they are easier to administer.
(79) Keep an eye on it though, and only administer treatments carefully if necessary.
(80) The company had fallen into the habit of using George to administer a sort of organizational shock therapy.
(81) The Commission's primary task would be to recommend policies and to administer the Treaty of Rome.
(82) In an attempt to know how well students are learning these basic skills, school systems administer standardized achievement tests.
(83) What a doctor can not do is administer a drug for which the sole purpose is to end life.
(84) Indpeendent trustees have been appointed to administer the pension fund.
(85) The second advance was the training of nurses to administer the drugs.
(86) Paramedics have extra training to help them to administer on-the-spot treatment to patients.
(87) A property tax is essentially unfair unless so many qualifications are built into it that it becomes complicated and expensive to administer.
(88) The Navajo administer their own territory within the United States.
(89) When a priest arrived to administer the last rites, Mansell sent him away.
(90) Capsules were cut open, if necessary, to administer the contents to children.
(91) A defibrillator can analyze the heart rhythm of a cardiac arrest victim and administer an electric shock.
(92) Judges administer justice and punishment.
(93) He administer a large hedge fund.
(94) It takes brains to administer a large corporation.
(95) We hope that they're going to administer justice impartially.
(96) Can the allergic rhinitis administer well?
(97) They simply administer justice without fear or favour.
(98) Intravenous infusions are also used to administer medications.
(99) If the victim is not breathing, administer artificial respiration.
(100) To administer the religious rite of confirmation to.
(101) to administer the last rites to sb.
(102) Mr. Russell have the right of administer the school.
(103) He administer a large pension fund.
(104) Which government department . or departments. should administer it?
(105) Administer this draught, therefore, with thine own hand. ".
(106) Ideally, according to the investigators, an effective calmative would be easy to administer and be adaptable for use in a variety of forms, fast-acting but short-lived, and reversible.
(107) You must know the pressure points in order to administer shiatsu.
(108) Moreover, the act established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to administer its provisions, to punish unfair labor practices, and to determine which union should represent workers.
(109) Could we administer a satin as an agent that slows the progression a stenotic aortic valve?
(110) She was given an electronic pump containing a four day dose of two chemotherapy drugs, 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin, to administer to herself at home.
(111) This system includes the leakage current detect unit and the remote computer control and administer center.
(112) Injection and sublingual therapy are common ways to administer this relief.
(113) The "Twelver" Shi'a, Sunni, and Druze each have state-appointed clerical bodies to administer family and personal status law through their own religious courts, which are subsidised by the State.
(114) The court appointed a receiver to administer and liquidate the assets of an insolvent corporation.
(115) Milgram's studies of obedience show that people will administer dangerous electric shocks if told to by a white-coated authority figure.
(116) If the stimulation Delgado plans to administer is electric, the shaft is an exceedingly thin steel-wire electrode coated with insulation except at the tip.
(117) The regular doctor will administer a dose containing ten thousand times as much of the mother drug as the homeopath .
(118) Does chronic quinsy have Chinese traditional medicine to administer a law?
(119) She used an eye dropper to administer medication to the eyes.
(120) Specific tariff is relatively easy to apply and administer, particularly to standardized commodities and staple products.
(121) The sanctity power, lavation my soul , administer the serenity to me!
(122) The Cape Girardeau Crash Retrieval called for a local minister to come to the scene and administer last rites to several dead aliens.
(123) Administer company insurance matters in conjunction with the locally appointed insurance agent.
(124) Cervical vertebra coping, of the belt headache. Left prothorax aches, it is how to return a responsibility, what disease be? How to administer?
(125) It marks the beginning of a long-term plan to make JXTA peers more manageable and easier to administer.
(126) Administer and keep tack the operating expense for shuttle bus and staff dormitory.
(127) The chronic pancreatitis whole nation family hospital is not bad administer?
(128) Circuit bureau place administer railroad line opens to the outside world, collection circuitry uses fee.
(129) To administer the national prize appraisal and awarding for teleplays.
(130) In order for you to administer these different resources, the appliance provides both a graphical user interface and a command line interface.
(131) They are very important to reinforce administer in construction technology of corrugated bream steeled protection fence, to enhance the construction quality and beautify environment.
(132) Fast forward to 2011, 45 years later, you would think that medical science would have figured out how best to use furosemide – what doses to give – how to best administer it.
(133) Concept, Establish quick effective administer flow and science honest product strategy.
(134) Allow undissolved power to settle, usually several hours. Pour the clear solution into separate container used for dosing device. Use a drip method or dosing pump to administer solution into tank.
(135) The letting characteristic of HC and CO when gasoline engine using carburettor in idle speed, studying the way of administer,( ) a new purify device had been designed.
(136) Preparing another of database and purview administer make the communication more safer.
(137) Administer several vials of 10% aqueous calcium gluconate orally. (Calcium carbonate, Maalox, Mylanta or Milk of Magnesia may also be used.
(138) The third part discussed the ways to run and administer schools, and focused on the united front, the mass movement, the democratic centralism, the semi- militarized and militarizational management.
(139) For example, by GIS thematic map and overlaying analysis every factor is visualized to administer to sample design of isotope investigation.
(140) To establish, administer and operate the fire protection equipment and fire protection safety management operating procedure.
(141) As Dooku was about to administer the deathblow, Anakin leaped forward and saved his master.
(142) To administer the cost standards for railway project construction, formulate railway project quota, estimates compilation methods and expenses standards.
(143) Prepare, administer(), and implement the annual marketing department budget in conjunction with the General Manager.
(144) Meanwhile, Cole and Brennan administer an angiogram and she starts groping Cole and convulsing.
(145) The Court will administer the punishment of the criminal by law.
(146) A progressive tax is far harder to administer than any flat tax.
(147) We name the actions which colleges administer and inculcate the students as restraint actions.
(148) This dramatically reduces processing costs and creates economies of scale to administer your master data effectively.
(149) Which does the periodontitis symptom have? Can the periodontitis administer well?
(150) Deng Run Long professes:"The passenger is eager to thinking our apprehensibility of homing temper, but they protect engine driver enlarged our administer justice difficulties like this."
(151) Pediatric Dose Administer as in adults; adjust for body weight 3.
(152) Screen a several great features for helping you administer your server more productively and safely.
(153) The ofid form is used to administer the near end office data.
(154) You must administer them slowly, allowing the child to swallow between sips.
(155) To administer the number coding of the import and export business institutions and their computer database.
(156) Using a proxy server with a super cluster topology is convenient because there is no need to manually edit and administer a static route configuration file.
(157) Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many.
(158) It is the osteopathic physician's highly developed sense of touch that allows the physician to palpate (feel) this motion and, through skilled hands, to administer osteopathic manipulative treatments.
(159) Do not administer to children under six years old, pregnant women or to individuals with high blood pressure, cardiac insufficiency or diabetes.
(160) Multi-Remote Shutdown Manager is an easy and screamingly fast way to shutdown the computers you administer.
(161) To be responsible for the taxation publicity; to administer tax receipts and certificates.
(162) Next summer's exams would be straightforward to administer and mark.
(163) A progressive tax is far harder to administer than a flat tax is.
(164) But, unfortunately, more people have heard of Heimlich maneuver than actually know how to administer it.
(165) To administer centrally the law popularization and education in the customs institutions.
(166) Governance is a fundamental form for human societies to administer public affairs,( ) to solve public problems and to provide public service.
(167) Some are prescribed injectable epinephrine that they can administer themselves in an emergency.
(168) Accordingly, to administer unemployment to must increase manpower capital investment.
(169) The court appointed a bankruptcy trustee to administer the property a debtor.
(170) Between 30 May and 2 June, these vaccinators will go house-to-house to administer polio vaccine to all children under 5 years of age across Yemen.
(171) What if the system administer failed to update the latest system leaks or as a experience-shorter or just cursoriness .
(172) The last one is the judicial practice of trade usage. It can affect to distribute the right and duty between the parties of the contract and to administer the adjudication of the court.
(173) Conclusion It is a better way to administer combined midazolam and propofol and maint - ainenance of anesthesia.
(174) The NGO is helping administer oral rehydration salts and educate Somalis about the illnesses.
(175) to administer the investigation and punishment of major accidents of import and export food safety and quality, and the disposal of food-borne pollution sources.
(176) At the moment , The calculating machine is living to administer the territory by the wide-ranging application .
(177) And cannot to to lodge a complaint of town court of justice , disobey a court so administer principle, the court does not grant to accept.
(178) The legal power to administer the country is the basic mode under the new historical condition.
(179) Because of the draggle of the administer conceptions , the lacuna of legislation and the defects of the remedy mechanism, the clash between the administration and educated rights is increasing.
(180) Increased congressional use of federal executive agencies to administer federal statutes and to promulgate regulations which effectuate legislative policies.
(181) We worked with Itracks, a world-leading expert in online market research and the patent holder for online qualitative applications, to host and administer the survey.
(182) Administer employee compensation, benefit, allowance, insurance, pension and savings plans, working with insurance brokers and plan carriers.
(183) Houses numbered 2, 5, 8, and 11 are called the Succedent Houses. This is where you develop administer, and enjoy the things you start in the angular houses.
(184) The drainage is a common measure of landslide administer. Suitable drainage measure can effectively prevent landslide activity, but the effect is not well if unsuitable.
(185) The doctor, having observed this for a while, asked the nurse to administer a cardiogram, and then quickly gave his new patient a shot of a tranquillizer.
(186) Familiar with company operation policy, procedure and effectively implement and strictly administer them.
(187) Christians, from beggars to princes, believed passionately in the saving power of sacraments, which only the church could administer, and in the sanctity of the holy sepulchre.
(188) The public finance is to control fiscal affairs by politics, to administer public affairs by finance.
(189) We shall administer it prudently with foresight and in the best interests of the people.
(190) The sanctity power, lavation my soul, administer the serenity to me! ―― spiritualization!
(191) The drugs are relatively inexpensive and easy to administer, and nevirapine is typically given as a single pill as the mother goes into labor and as a liquid to the baby just after birth.
(192) We are happy to prepare Wills, set-up and administer Trusts, carry out the Administration of Estates and prepare and administer Powers Of Attorney.
(193) We need the best men to administer the affairs of the state.
(194) Administer the salve to the sunburned area with a cotton swab.
(195) To administer the collection , allocation ,(http://) budgets and final accounts of railway construction funds.
(196) Conclusion Strict indication of vaginal delivery is safe to administer analgesia in cicatricial uterus, it shortens the first stage of labor; decreased rate of forceps delivery, cesarean section rate.
(197) The competent department of postal services under the State Council shall set up regional administrative organs of postal services as required to administer postal services of each region.
(198) Each patient requires daily dosing and the blood is monitored daily for an INR level to determine the appropriate dose to administer.
(199) Set up an Employee Information Database by using MS EXCEL and administer internal personnel files to maintain a consistent and updated file filing system.
(200) It has a lot of high disposition administer to make its total production normalizable and scientific .
(201) These ideas provided the people with use for reference about how to administer the country and promote the social harmony, their luciferous ideas became the human eternal fortune.
(202) A declaration made in a prescribed form before a justice of the peace, notary public, or other person authorized to administer an oath.
(203) The body of all the cardinals that elect the pope, assist him in governing the church, and administer the Holy See when the papacy is vacant.
(204) The law establishes the United States Patent and Trademark Office to administer the law relating to the granting of patents and contains various other provisions relating to patents.
(205) The sanctity poer, lavation my soul , administer the serenity to me!
(206) Free port is to point to do not belong to custom administer haven or harbour area.
(207) Can the brain injury or wound falling sickness disease administer well?
(208) Administer the last unction.
(209) Conclusion Tribendimidine is highly active in the treatment of hookworm, Ascaris lumbricoides infections, free of major adverse effect and easy to administer.
(210) Does chronic quinsy have Chinese traditional medicine administer a law?
(211) The administer of government raised a rumpus that accommodated lobby to watch the game.
(212) A commissar retains the absolute right to administer justice both on and off the battlefield.
(213) Did you actually see her prepare and administer the heparin?
(214) Does the varicocele use traditional Chinese medicine to be able to administer well?
(215) A person appointed by a probate court to administer the estate of a person who died intestate (without a will).
(216) This short demonstration explores the consolidation of volume management with a file system and shows how easy it is to administer ZFS (even in the face of failures).
(217) With some common pediatric illnesses,() doctors have essentially no choice but to administer unscreened medication.
(218) Can amblyopia administer child 10 - year - old ?
(219) Conclusion It is considered as an auxiliary therapy in severe chronic periodontitis to administer dental floss or interdental brush.
(220) Operate linear accelerators, cobalt 60, X-ray and other radiation therapy equipment to administer radiation treatment prescribed by radiation oncologists.
(221) WorldCom. None of the companies concerned is particularly active or debt-laden and the beleaguered company describes the filing as a formality to enable it to administer its whole business in one go.
(222) It was the advent of a new day, however, when the activist decided to help administer the treatment for the adolescent and help the Admiral fight this adverse situation.
(223) A passing priest rushed into his church for holy oil and ran out again to administer rites to the charred bodies.




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