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单词 Spelled
1 Please circumscribe the words which are wrongly spelled.
2 How I wish,there is one person spelled a life love me.
3 He even spelled his own client's name wrongly/wrong.
4 My name was spelled wrong.
5 The recession spelled doom for many small businesses.
6 You've spelled my name wrong.
7 It looks like it's spelled wrong.
8 The letters spelled a rather rude word.
9 Have you spelled it correctly?
10 The company name was spelled out in gold letters.
11 That word is not spelled correctly.
12 The article spelled "survey" as "servay".
13 She spelled out precisely what she wanted.
14 They spelled each other at watching in on the suspect.
15 Little did I know that this spelled the end of my career.
16 He had to have everything spelled out twice over for him.
17 The report spelled out in detail what the implications were for teacher training.
18 His speech spelled out a clear message to the car industry.
19 The two words are spelled differently, but pronounced the same.
20 Two words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but differ in meaning.
21 Didn't need to have it spelled out.
22 The word went is often spelled yet.
23 The memoranda spelled out clearly the fronting scheme.
24 This needs to be spelled out in some detail.
25 Have I spelled your name right?
26 Two names in particular spelled trouble.
27 Two words are homonyms if they are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings.
28 He had written the note from memory, word perfect, and spelled atrociously.
29 Did I spell your name right? Rightly cannot be used like this. In formal language correctly is used:Is your name spelled correctly?
30 We held a team meeting and a few home truths were spelled out.
1 Please circumscribe the words which are wrongly spelled.
2 Two words are homonyms if they are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings.
3 Two words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but differ in meaning.
31 So I spelled troublesome words for them.
32 Maybe the letter was not spelled correctly.
33 It was spelled out in large print.
34 Thought it spelled death for her professional future.
35 They spelled my name wrong on the envelope.
36 The letters spelled have fun out doors.
37 The underlying themes have been spelled out already.
38 In this case, childish storytelling could have spelled death.
39 I spelled them out for you, and you agreed.
40 Why isn't the word "phonetically" spelled with an "f"? Steven Wright 
41 Hey, they actually spelled my name right!
42 I need everything spelled out for me.
43 C., that it has satisfied 14 competition criteria spelled out by Congress in the Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996.
44 Determining the shape all these negotiations will take is difficult because few flat tax plans have been spelled out in detail.
45 The general principles of the document were spelled out in some detail.
46 This method should be spelled out carefully in the proposal.
47 She spelled weir, a fence set in a stream to trap fish.
48 But the significance of what was at stake in this shift in terminology needs to be spelled out.
49 These and other jobs rotate through the group and are clearly spelled out on a chart on the wall.
50 Bradley said the bill that passed was much weaker than the original version, which spelled out remedies for job discrimination.
51 Even a danger that spelled immediate trouble was allowed to simmer.
52 Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.
53 These can be spelled out pretty easily on a resume,(http:///spelled.html) but the new qualifications can not.
54 You write up the offered words, correctly, without asking how they are spelled.
55 Lord Justice Ralph Gibson said arguments put forward had spelled out a powerful case for changing the rule.
56 Yesterday's letter spelled out Mr Patten's concern that councils were helping hostile groups fight opt outs with misinformation campaigns.
57 It was spelled out to me what was happening and why.
58 On these less-than-desirable pieces of what some think is folk art, nothing is spelled out.
59 In American English, 'organize' is always spelled with a 'z'.
60 McAllister spelled out what's needed to start plugging the 11-point gap between themselves and leaders Norwich.
61 That they find the way that words are spelled to be intriguing, and that they go through life noticing surprising spellings.
62 Chernobyl spelled out the dangers in letters ten feet high.
63 Her sunken face, straight thin mouth, and square jaw spelled suffering and dedication as well as determination.
64 Ask to have the name spelled and ask for the first name if it is not mentioned.
65 Schools are guaranteed a minimum level of funding spelled out by Proposition 98, approved by voters in 1988.
66 This argument is spelled out in detail in Chapter 19.
67 He has a second reason, spelled out in one of several stagy subplots.
68 Not only was the death of Diego the cause of personal sorrow, it also spelled the end of his family line.
69 Don't worry if this isn't entirely clear; it's spelled out in painful detail during the film.
70 The Chronicle stories spelled out how Upjohn tried to discredit both consumers and doctors who complained about dangerous side effects.
71 Of course, the letters O-W-E spelled a word, but Quinn was not ready to draw any conclusions.
72 Lightning rods, carpentry, and brickwork-all were spelled out, arrayed on legal-sized paper across seventeen numbered sections.
73 Doctors and Opposition politicians have spelled out why Britain can not afford to lose Bart's.
74 The details would be spelled out in a White Paper due out in the autumn.
75 The scale of the catastrophe was spelled out by one speaker after another.
76 This spelled the end of the Brezhnev doctrine, under which Soviet military power enforced the loyalty of its peripheral satellite states.
77 You've spelled my name wrong -- there should be an 'e' at the end.
78 From the beautifully groomed hair to the dark intensity of his eyes he spelled wealth, power and hauteur.
79 In the dictation yesterday, this word was incorrectly spelled.
80 Proper nouns are spelled with a capital letter.
81 He spelt ( spelled ) all the words correctly.
82 Make sure that the procedure name is spelled correctly.
83 This word was incorrectly spelled in the dictation yesterday.
84 That should have spelled the end of the convertible, except for one thing: The open car with its sun-baked, wind-blown passengers became a symbol of youth, freedom, and sexuality.
85 But these new solutions have to fit a clearly defined systems need that has been spelled out in an operational model.
86 Young Luo spelled really! The barb also reappeared the rivers and lakes!
87 Around 30 people have staged a naked protest against GM food. The protesters spelled out "no GM" with their bodies in a meadow at Forest Row, East Sussex.
88 In our Flashcard series, The Atlantic explains ideas you may read about but never see spelled out.
89 Mary Mary had a golden chain link spelled my Jesus'name.
90 Providentially, some words like star and far are now spelled with ar, but in the past they too had er.
91 Mnemosyne, whose name is spelled with some difficulty, is spelled on the lower part of your handout.
92 The Irish name for these lanterns was "Jack with the lantern" or "Jack of the lantern," abbreviated as " Jack-o'-lantern" and now spelled "jack-o-lantern."
93 It was the 2)Algonquian Indians that first gave this island its name, but they pronounced and spelled it Manahatn. Later it became known as New Amsterdam and, finally in 1664, as New York.
94 As recently as 100 years ago our word "show" was spelled and pronounced shew S H E W – just like Ed Sullivan pronounced it.
95 He then went to the blackboard and spelled out a parting message: "You are the Best and Greatest."
96 Politically speaking, the rise of the feminist movement also spelled decline for the mini.
97 The new labor unions spelled the end of free enterprise.
98 The sound spelled "miaow" is used only in talking to people.
99 These are all very simple, well-defined pieces -- they can simply be spelled out as a simple list.
100 It has the same "ending" as daggard and poniard, but the root, though opaque, is still spelled with an h.
101 Spelled - out numbers from twenty - one to ninety - nine are hyphenated.
102 But then I realized that to him I must sound like a crazy person—like one of those people who claims that he can crack the lotto draw because last night's number was his birthday spelled backward.
103 Kabbalah can be spelled several different ways - each seemingly correct.
104 So I thought it would be important for you to be among the cognoscenti and to know that it is spelled in the way that I just mentioned.
105 Parda, which is also spelled purdah, means "curtain" in Urdu, is the traditional practice of shielding women from men to whom they are not related.
106 We read in two ways: a new or unknown word is spelled out letter by letter.
107 Spelling checker: A computer program that compares a text file with a spelling dictionary and marks any words that are not recognized as correctly spelled.
108 No need to read between the lines, spelled out for you.
109 Just how badly the great recession has struck this fragile New Jersey city, which is currently the poorest in America, was recently spelled out to Gaines.
110 The inefficient use of space along with better-looking four doors and expensive crash requirements eventually spelled the end of the big coupe.
111 If you type All State Insurance in our search, results come back for people who spelled it that way.
111 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
112 But since you've been on the Doc Love coaching program, you instantly knew that those two extra seconds that she took, even before she half-heartedly said "yes," spelled trouble.
113 Saltpetre (or nitre also spelled saltpeter orniter):Transparent, colourless, or white powder or crystals of potassium nitrate (KNO3), found native in deposits.
114 That panicked America's trading partners and spelled the end of the Bretton Woods regime of fixed exchange rates.
115 The start of a war spelled a quick sharp rise in the prospects of naval officers.
116 Lye - - spelled ly - e -- also called sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.
117 Later reissues bear a Medallic Art Company name. Davison's usually spelled out their last name in full.
118 The only sensible choice is to always use correctly spelled, unabbreviated names.
119 If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
120 The genus name is sometimes spelled Necrophorus in older texts.
121 By law, we can't use contractor help during our evaluation unless it is specifically spelled out by Air Combat Command.
122 For Ankita, a non - citizen , divorce spelled deportation.
123 Just as the HP-35 calculator replaced the manual slide rule forever, inkjet technology spelled the end for the noisy dot-matrix printer.
124 Anglesey (spelled Anglesea by mistake in the first edition of PA) is an island off the west coast of Wales, almost due east across the Irish Sea from Dublin.
125 They went to a casino where two bands spelled each other.
126 All of the usage rights are spelled out in the license.
127 His mechanical reaper spelled the end of traditional farming, and the beginning of industrial agriculture.
128 Readers may also wonder what function is served by the editors at Palgrave Macmillan, given that they failed to ensure the names of either Warren Buffett or Paul Volcker were spelled correctly.
129 One cable spelled out a deal that Turkey's leadership was trying to nail down to buy 16 Super Cobra helicopter gunships.
130 Mayer and his minions knew Horne spelled class, even to audiences who couldn't spell; she didn't have to play maids or fools.
130 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
131 The new rules of the road are open and are spelled TCP/IP, Hypertext Transport Protocol, Hypertext Markup Language and now Sun's Java.
132 Wearing a red skullcap embedded with electrodes wired to a computer, he spelled out his missive by focusing on letters flashing before him on a screen.
133 Borscht, which is sometimes also spelled borsch and borshch, is a lovely vegetable soup that is almost always made with beets.
134 Each Job (task) will be spelled out and some sort of mock-up provided.
135 The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A . D . spelled the doom of Pompeii.




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