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单词 Anglican
1. Desmond Tutu became the most famous Anglican archbishop in South Africa.
2. Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours.
3. He belongs to the Anglican communion.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Outside England, the Anglican Church is often referred to as the Episcopal Church.
5. Those who dissented from Anglican teachings could be heavily fined.
6. Many in the Anglican Church are still opposed to women priests.
7. Both of them held high office in the Anglican Church.
8. All over Ireland, a spire proclaims an Anglican church.
9. Among his Anglican friends, Coghill probably went to confession.
10. Even within Anglican evangelicalism fissures appeared.
11. He was ordained into the Anglican Church in 1710.
12. Anglican priests once enjoyed the status of country squires.
13. My informant is the Anglican vicar.
14. I recall another student who was an Anglican clergyman.
15. In the period 1831-65 no fewer than forty-one Anglican clergymen had presided over its various sections.
16. Anglican bishops were not asked to attend or to send observers.
17. Churchill was a sort of Anglican but was as ignorant about clergymen as Lloyd George.
18. Anglican clergymen busied themselves with preaching up theories of divine right and non-resistance.
19. And the Anglican Church still can't bring itself to ordain women!
20. Neither is the attendance at choral evensong in Anglican cathedrals up and down the land.
21. Naturally the overseas extensions of the Anglican way of life were interested to revise their own prayer books.
22. I long for Anglican churches to be more confident in their expression of the Good News.
23. James met with similar intransigence when he attempted to use his dispensing power to break the Anglican monopoly over education.
24. Michael Ramsey was therefore the grandson of a Congregationalist minister on one side and of an Anglican vicar on the other.
25. Originally it met in the hall of the local Anglican Church.
26. Probably foremost among these considerations are the laws of both the Anglican and Catholic churches on marital dissolution.
27. We have considered a topic which is, perhaps regrettably, not at the centre of Anglican attention.
28. The Baptists, for instance, abandoned their sectarianism, and the Methodists their Anglican heritage.
29. From 1829 Marsh was translated to Birmingham to a diocese under the direction of the first evangelical bishop in the Anglican hierarchy.
30. Slowly the other features of the industrial towns were added: Anglican churches, Nonconformist chapels, schools and public houses.
1. Desmond Tutu became the most famous Anglican archbishop in South Africa.
2. Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours.
31. There were even attempts by Anglican groups to prevent the Dissenters from enjoying the toleration they were offered after 1687.
32. This large parish now had two Anglican churches but Nonconformity was as pronounced as it had been in the seventeenth century.
33. They had six sons, one of whom died young and four of whom became Anglican clergymen, and seven daughters.
34. He can't be guaranteed to take the orthodox Anglican view, is what they mean.
35. Not unlike Anglican Bishops, he felt, impressive enough in bulk but with tiny, tiny heads.
36. Temper defeated pity and he attacked her rabidly for, of all things, going to her Anglican church.
37. Both the Anglican and the Roman Catholic archbishops of Armagh were included.
38. Here the boy met the first Anglican priest who interested him in religion.
39. For all, apart from Anglican weddings, you must obtain a certificate or certificate with licence from the local superintendent registrar.
40. It has been greatly influenced by the tangled confusion into which the Anglican Communion has stumbled over the ordination of women.
41. Even more successful in this purpose is the white surplice which happily hangs from Anglican shoulders.
42. The Anglican Church has said it may go bankrupt as a result of payments to former students.
43. In spite of difficulties - and of the fact that eight Anglican provinces already ordain women - official discussions about unity continue.
44. His sudden rush of Anglican devotion remained unexplained and incomprehensible.
45. After the Reformation several were ordained in the Anglican Church while others became active Nonconformists.
46. The not very exacting demands of a theology degree gave him time to make a lot of useful Anglican friends.
47. As Farnham's second Anglican church(), it was never very successful in attracting large congregations and was declared redundant in 1974.
48. But, although a professed and conforming Anglican, he was often reviled as an atheist.
49. His Anglican faith was visible rather than assiduous; he apologises in his diaries for his work keeping him from church on Sundays.
50. From a clerical family background, he also became a leading lay Anglican churchman.
51. James had no better luck in securing the acquiescence of the Anglican gentry.
52. Janice was in Martha's creative writing class and wrote short, bland poetry that resembled vapid Anglican hymns.
53. Others thought that the Anglican Book of Common Prayer restricted spontaneity in worship by prescribing certain set prayers.
54. Several of the winners are well known champions of human rights. Among them: retired Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa.
55. An Anglican diocesan court presided over by a bishop's chancellor or commissary.
56. One who came forward was John Newton, a former slave captain turned Anglican priest.
57. Canterbury Cathedral (th-'th century) is the seat of the archbishop and primate of the Anglican Communion.
58. With the Anglican Communion on the verge of schism, can Rowan Williams learn anything from John Major?
59. John Wesley, when he saw the rising tide of patriotic fervor in America and the trend towards revolution, expressed his strong disapproval. So did the Anglican clergy.
60. The Church of England has come a step closer to agreeing a deal to prevent the worldwide Anglican Communion from splitting over homosexuality.
61. The 650-odd bishops who attended the once-a-decade Lambeth conference went home with open schism between the liberal and conservative wings of the worldwide Anglican Communion averted.
62. The Anglican Church, however, was similar to that of the Roman Catholic Church.
63. Also on the menu is 'One Step Forward One Step Back', created for Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral based on Dante's Divine Comedy.
64. A cleric ranking just below a priest in the Anglican , Eastern Orthodox, and Roman churches.
65. Anglican Church an ecclesiastical dignitary usually ranking just below a bishop.
66. A stipend drawn from the endowment or revenues of an Anglican cathedral or church by a presiding member of the clergy; a cathedral or church benefice.
67. The Anglican church could be a step closer a permanent split.
68. Sand Street South 18th French Credit Agricole bank, the sand Street South 60, the Anglican Communion is neoclassical works.
69. An Anglican cleric with full legal control of a parish under ecclesiastical law; a rector.
70. Jose said the Anglican Archbishop of kvass, the events of Christmas Day has nothing to do with religion, he accused some international media coverage to fan the flames.
71. In the northern Colonies, for example the promotional efforts the Anglican Church met with strenuous resistance.
72. A clerical assembly of the Anglican Church similar to a synod but assembling only when called.
73. REP: Canon Dr Martyn Percy is a historian of the Anglican Church.
74. In 1986, Desmond Tutu was installed as the first black to lead the Anglican Church in southern Africa.
75. Anglican Church a daily evening service with prayers prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer.
76. In 1986, Desmond Tutu was installed as the first black the Anglican Church in southern Africa.
77. The poet-physician Erasmus Darwin and the industrial potter Josiah Wedgwood were close friends among a circle of mechanical-minded Dissenters from the Anglican Church.
78. In England, where the Anglican Church is established by law, nondenominational or inter-faith chapels in such institutions may nonetheless be consecrated by the local Anglican bishop.
79. A cleric acting in the place of a rector or bishop in the Anglican Communion generally.
80. The rock on which the Anglican Communion is breaking is ostensibly the consecration of openly gay clergy, especially bishops, and blessings for same-sex unions.
81. The Anglican church could be a step closer to a permanent split.
82. Anglicanism is the form of church life characteristic of the Anglican Communion.
83. It was called the Church of England, or the Anglican Church.
84. As a devout Anglican, Thomas Hobbes supplements and clarifies his political theory by the Bible and theological doctrine.
85. Here Milton is elaborating on the details of his anticipation of his undying fame. This is a polemical tract about a new way in which the Anglican church government should be organized.
86. Those who dissented from Anglican teachings could is heavily fined.
87. Bunbury Cathedral Grammar is an Anglican coeducational day and boarding school south of Perth, Western Australia.
88. That evangelical Anglican, because he was trusted by the larger evangelical world –endorsed by Billy Graham –introduced a whole generation to a sovereign God and the doctrines of grace.
89. Evening Prayer: a daily evening service in the anglican Church.
90. The Anglican Communion is an international association of national Anglican churches.
91. His conservative reading of the Bible helps protect his Anglican flank against the fast - growing Pentecostalists.
92. The agreement, or covenant, was drawn up after the ordination of an openly gay bishop in the United States threatened the Anglican Communion with disintegration.
93. Zhou Lin, Lin Mingjun and Liu Muzi are studying in Anglican High School in Singapore.




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