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单词 Ruling
1. This ruling represents a victory for all women.
2. The Court of Appeal overturned the original ruling.
3. The two judges concurred on the ruling.
4. His ruling passion was ambition.
5. A ruling class clearly existed.
6. The judge's ruling is final.
7. The ruling overturned the court's earlier decision.
8. Goodwin tried to have the court ruling over-turned.
9. The court will make its ruling on the case next week.
10. The company intends to appeal against the ruling that it was negligent.
11. A serious split in the ruling coalition appeared soon after the election.
12. The ruling party think they can ride out the political storm.
13. The radical group in the ruling party is becoming increasingly isolated.
14. The judge cited a 1956 Supreme Court ruling in her decision.
15. The Communists are the ruling party at the moment.
16. The eclipse of the ruling political party was inevitable.
17. The ruling was not fair to everyone.
18. The ruling should be applied retroactively.
19. The company is appealing against the ruling.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Despite the ruling, Boreham was still found guilty.
21. When will the committee give/make its ruling?
22. The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife.
23. His ruling passion is music.
24. The ruling could clear the way for extradition proceedings.
25. The new leaders expatriated the ruling family.
26. Opponents have questioned the legitimacy of the ruling.
27. He was in disfavour with the ruling party.
28. Previous elections in the country have been rigged by the ruling party.
29. We have made no decisions on restructuring yet. We are ruling nothing out and we are ruling nothing in.
30. They were threatening to bring down the government by withdrawing from the ruling coalition.
1. This ruling represents a victory for all women.
2. The Court of Appeal overturned the original ruling.
3. A ruling class clearly existed.
4. The ruling overturned the court's earlier decision.
5. Goodwin tried to have the court ruling over-turned.
6. The court will make its ruling on the case next week.
7. Previous elections in the country have been rigged by the ruling party.
8. We have made no decisions on restructuring yet. We are ruling nothing out and we are ruling nothing in.
9. The company intends to appeal against the ruling that it was negligent.
10. A serious split in the ruling coalition appeared soon after the election.
11. The ruling party think they can ride out the political storm.
12. The radical group in the ruling party is becoming increasingly isolated.
13. They were threatening to bring down the government by withdrawing from the ruling coalition.
14. The judge cited a 1956 Supreme Court ruling in her decision.
15. The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife.
16. We're anxiously awaiting the court's ruling on this matter.
17. Many a tribe and ruling house has survived by intermarrying with its rivals, rather than waging war on them.
31. Football remains the ruling passion of many men.
32. We're anxiously awaiting the court's ruling on this matter.
33. That ruling comes as a blow to environmentalists.
34. Prince Rainier is the ruling prince of Monaco.
35. She is expected soon to hand down a ruling.
36. The ruling set a precedent for future libel cases.
37. There have been several defections from the ruling party.
38. Their ruling passion is that of carnal love.
39. Environmentalists have expressed outrage at the ruling.
40. He was a member of the ruling classes.
41. Despite strong opposition, the ruling party carried the day.
42. Defeat in the by-election is a major set-back to the ruling party.
43. The newspaper said that this was a ruling in favour of freedom of speech.
44. The ruling body wanted to duck the issue of whether players had been cheating.
45. Everything is negotiable at this stage - I'm ruling nothing out.
46. She is one of the ruling party's most outspoken critics.
47. UK immigration procedures will have to be changed to bring them into line with the latest European ruling.
48. There is a powerful body of opinion against the ruling.
49. Ruling parties have lost ground in national and local elections.
50. The new ruling gives effect to the recommendations of the special committee.
51. The ruling committee resigned en bloc to make way for a new election.
52. The judge's ruling has struck a blow for racial equality.
53. The ruling obligates airlines to release information about their flight delays.
54. The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party.
55. That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups.
56. The ruling party is languishing in third place in the opinion polls.
57. We are denied use of the land by the ruling classes.
58. Voters wish to register their dissatisfaction with the ruling party.
59. State officials said the court's ruling clears the way for proceedings to condemn buildings in the area.
60. This EU ruling puts Britain in a very embarrassing position.
61. The media is controlled by the state and acts as a mouthpiece for the ruling party.
62. There are signs of dissension within the ruling political party.
63. The ruling will put extra pressure on health authorities to change working practices and shorten hours.
64. Langdale described the court ruling as a travesty of justice.
65. Many a tribe and ruling house has survived by intermarrying with its rivals, rather than waging war on them.
66. The House of Lords will make a final ruling on the case next week.
67. The court's ruling narrowed the scope of the affirmative action program.
68. The future of the island is bound up with the fortunes of the ruling power.
69. The class which seizes the political power will be the ruling calss.
70. The sport's ruling body gave him dispensation to compete in national competitions.
71. Angola's ruling party was due to get down to brass tacks today with a debate on the party's record.
72. South Africa's ruling National Party has beaten off a right-wing challenge.
73. It's still not clear to what extent this criticism is originating from within the ruling party.
74. He died in 1985 after ruling Albania with an iron fist for 40 years.
75. The ruling party jiggered the election results to be sure they would stay in power.
76. He cautioned that opposition attacks on the ruling party would not further political co-operation.
77. The Liberal leader has announced his party's withdrawal from the ruling coalition.
78. Privatization could become a political albatross for the ruling party.
79. He has been elected head of the country's new ruling body./ruling.html
80. There were many people in the ruling party who were unhappy with his policies.
81. This ruling applies to the ranks of Inspector and below.
82. Kentucky last had a bipartisan ruling coalition in 1920.
83. New ruling administrators owed allegiance to the state.
84. The Supreme Court has affirmed the lower court's ruling.
85. Under Dine, the ruling executive committee tripled in size.
86. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution.
87. In his ruling, Smalkin denied the request for damages.
88. The ruling could mean years of further delay.
89. But the ruling coalition still faces difficulties.
90. Rebiya Kadeer also belonged to this ruling class.
91. If anything, the ruling further diminishes that argument.
92. Delegates at a congress of the ruling Labour Party on Nov. 8 had voted by 183 votes to 106 in favour of re-applying.
93. Investors were concerned that allegations of corruption against the ruling party would hurt consumer confidence and economic growth.
94. The Supreme Court left that ruling in effect by refusing to consider an appeal from the state of Texas.
95. The federal government contends that the trial judge erred on 38 points of his ruling.
96. For the ruling party, the National Assembly elections would provide a chance to extend its considerable power.
97. AD/M-19 leaders accused the government, in accepting this ruling, of letting political decisions be taken by judges.
98. The technicians and experts simply mirror this reality as they squabble over the means to maximize profits for their respective ruling classes.
99. The ruling United National Party does not have the two-thirds majority in parliament required to change the constitution.
100. With no definitive ruling, however, he was quickly sent back to prison without his belongings.
101. Advocates on both sides of the debate voiced some disappointment over the ruling.
102. And typically the forms used for such display are versions of the cultural forms adopted and displayed by the ruling classes.
103. If there were ever an illustration of an effete ruling elite, it is this.
104. The ruling was a major boost for the federal Clean Air Act.
105. But the ruling says they can only pay the bare minimum.
106. This kept alive the nineteenth-century export trade in cadets of major ruling houses.
107. The river was despotic and barbaric, ruling over its subjects without mercy.
108. The court made this ruling after obtaining the original documentation covering the Murcia results and satisfying itself as to their authenticity.
109. Bossi brought down Berlusconi's first government by leaving the ruling coalition.
109. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
110. The ruling yesterday is expected to have an impact on six other states that have legislative term limits with lifetime bans.
111. The judge ruled that the documents were admissible, and this appeal is basically against that ruling.
112. The ruling Kuomintang is desperately in need of reform, including rooting out blatant corruption and severing gangland ties.
113. It is also a potential public health catastrophe and another setback for the ruling Conservative Party.
114. Court of Appeals judges considered the bias issue and also raised concerns about technical aspects of Jackson's ruling.
115. States and ruling orders continually seek to manipulate religion to political advantage.
116. For the second consecutive game, a ruling by the umps helped determine the outcome.
117. The ruling executive wanted a decision postponed to assess a review of benefits and taxation.
118. Once they do, the federal agency has just 20 days to issue its ruling on the proposed deal.
119. The ruling Labour group was accused of making its decision in secret before word of the closure proposals reached other members.
120. Population anxiety among the ruling classes was crystallized during the colonial periods of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
121. L.. Douglas Wilder, ruling the punishment did not fit the crime, granted Iverson conditional clemency and freed him.
122. The ruling dynasties and aristocracies required an essential stability in international as well as domestic affairs.
123. The declining support is causing consternation in the ruling party, which is gearing up for the presidential election later this year.
124. The ruling highlighted the strength of the conservative majority on the current Supreme Court.
125. This was exacerbated by the instability and personal feuding which characterized the new ruling group.
126. Marx maintained that in all class societies, the ruling class exploits and oppresses the subject class.
127. Some members of the ruling class have transferred property to relatives and friends to avoid death duties.
128. Wagenbach deferred ruling on the divorce papers until the state seeks to introduce them as evidence.
129. The ruling came at the end of a five-year legal battle between a divorced couple that cost £840,000.
130. But the agency is proposing the other steps and will seek public comment before making a final ruling.
131. Ruling coalition Both the government and the opposition are supported by loose coalitions consisting of many political parties.
132. The ruling was contemptuous of Microsoft's appeals for more time and of its behaviour during the 79-day trial.
133. In these ruling classes the destiny of women is thus supremely unhappy.
134. It took the Millau Ten less than an hour to digest the court's ruling and decide on a course of action.
135. Massa said the ruling will make hospitals think twice before breaking the law.
136. Others are not employed directly by the ruling class and work in the liberal arts and service professions.
137. The ruling passion, be it what it will, The ruling passion conquers reason still. Alexander Pope 
138. They ran government trading at Salomon Brothers during the 1980s and early 1990s, ruling with swagger, bravado and hubris.
139. Police actions are frequently directed by ruling politicians and the government controls the legislation which grants the army immunity.
139. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
140. Gwinn and Vargas asked whether the ruling meant that crosses should not be used in national cemeteries.
141. A ruling on the temporary restraining order could come as early as Tuesday.
142. The ruling also denies a request from state health officials to have Lake County pay for 24-hour, guarded supervision of Sherrod.
143. Candidates from the ruling Liberal Democratic party won the most seats in last month's Tokyo metropolitan assembly elections.
144. An established order of seeing, of understanding, of ruling, is simply exploded - the Modernist spirit asserts itself.
145. Ruling party President Vassiliou was elected as an independent, and his administration is nominally a non-party one.
146. The ruling was not a total defeat for the abortion clinics.
147. Shinshinto leader Ichiro Ozawa will pepper the ruling coalition with questions on Jan. 24.
148. The ruling party is considering introducing a bill to allow national construction bonds to be used.
149. Judge Mallet wisely decided to postpone his ruling until September 13 in order to give himself time to deliberate on the matter.
150. Other sources claimed that 10 members of the ruling Ba'ath party had also been killed by the demonstrators.
151. The 6-3 ruling was hailed by gay activists as a landmark in homosexual rights.
152. Mr Takemura told reporters following a meeting by leaders of the three-party ruling coalition.
153. On appeal, the Supreme Court affirmed the Lower Court's ruling, but not without some controversy.
154. Within that ruling coalition was an ongoing struggle between two powerful factions.
155. The ruling requires that driftnet fishing be reduced by half by July this year, and cease altogether by December.
156. Two subsequent court decisions reiterated the Court of Appeals' ruling.
157. Any anomalies tend to be accommodated by the ruling paradigm, rather than challenging it.
158. Following the coup the ruling junta made few changes to economic policy.
159. The ruling declared that dying people have a constitutional right to end their suffering.
160. The ruling Gaullists and the Communists alike were in danger of cracking under the strain of the May Events.
161. The Law Lords ruling has advocated inequality resulting in some of Equitable's investors being treated far more favourably than others.
162. The ruling brings together key figures in two other notorious Los Angeles criminal cases.
163. The principal goal of Republican conservatives is to reverse the Roe v Wade ruling.
164. Any apparent fragmentation is a ruling class stratagem designed to divide exploited classes which develop revolutionary or reformist consciousness.
165. Certainly, it is no justification in itself for ruling out ads consisting entirely of words.
166. The extension was unsuccessfully opposed in parliament by deputies both to the left and right of the ruling coalition.
167. When the public prosecutor appealed against that ruling, Pasko lodged a complaint in an attempt to clear his name.
168. The court's ruling should be of interest to every citizen of Texas.
169. Governments are constantly striving to create equality thus avoiding conflict and hardship such as this Court ruling has done.
169. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
170. Members of the ruling Labour group have blamed the Government for the circumstances which led to the closure plan.
171. He argues that capitalist societies remain polarized between two main classes: the ruling class and the working class.
172. The ruling, primarily intended as a safety measure, could lead to a widespread boycott by disabled entrants.
173. The subject class is made up of the majority of the population whereas the ruling or dominant class forms a minority.
174. The immigration case was not one of them, so the lower court ruling stands.
175. Juditha Brown sent a personal letter to the judge chastising her for her ruling.
176. Legislators who supported the right to abortion immediately took steps to negate the effects of the Rust v. Sullivan ruling.
177. Rather the court gave an authoritative ruling on how the statutory definition applies in the case of a motor vehicle.
178. This ruling represents a major break with the policies of the past 35 years.
179. The authorities reacted by ruling that tamper-proof electronic cash registers must be used.
180. However, Marx believed that ruling class ideology could only slow down the disintegration of the system.
181. His ruling may have been an abomination, but it was neither a high crime nor a misdemeanor.
182. This ruling has effectively meant that children under eight are almost never called and no child under five is ever called.
183. The ruling class was clearly visible in terms of its life-style, attitudes, accents and political and social dominance.
184. But the crown prince is 71 himself, and, having only half-brothers within the royal family, may have difficulty ruling.
185. The ruling last week puts the courts on a collision course with Mr Mugabe and the police.
186. There is no previous Supreme Court ruling on this subject, although state courts have made conflicting judgments since the 1970s.
187. But in class terms it marked a split within the ruling bloc, not the totalizing rupture from without that repealers claimed.
188. Black had disobeyed the judge's ruling[], and continued to harass his ex-wife.
189. These differences of interpretation were to become the basis for new divisions within the ruling Party majority.
190. That ruling, however, left open the question of the constitutionality of prayer that students themselves plan or arrange.
191. This cast of mind is easily recognizable as the outlook of the traditional ruling class.
192. The court confirmed a 1989 federal ruling disallowing legal action against the logging brought on environmental grounds.
193. The ruling party will contest 158 seats in Algeria's elections.
194. Coggan said his clients were ecstatic about the judge's ruling.
195. Equally important was the existence of a ruling class willing to put commercial considerations before personal gain.
196. Gen Musharraf has promised to keep to a supreme court ruling that requires him to hold general elections by October 2002.
197. How the bureaucracy relates to the ruling class is more than a matter of origins.
198. A party official said it would obey the ruling, but was considering a court appeal.
199. With decline, such distinctions broke down, and the ruling race was forced to come into closer contact with the ruled.
199. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
200. Mr Kim's ruling Democratic Liberal Party had easy wins in three by-elections.
201. Golding said that, before she reaches any conclusions, she wants a full briefing on the court ruling from Gwinn.
202. Initially, these cribs were designed to instruct new rulers or new ruling classes.
203. This process of clarification may not have pleased the ruling classes or the officials of the religious parties.
204. The historical hostility to commercialism among the ruling bodies of sport is indisputable.
205. Eventually, the old ruling group broke up into a number of political parties.
206. Circuit in Atlanta unanimously dismissed great-uncle Lazaro Gonzalez's appeal of a lower court ruling earlier this year.
207. The ruling of incompetency supported Costa Rica's interests in a way that a holding of material breach would not.
208. Now the ruling, which could open the way for new prosecutions, has thrown the issue into chaos.
209. Norman Lamont compounded the situation by ruling out an early cut in interest rates.
210. But Conservatives in the ruling coalition dislike the idea because they fear losses at the polls next year to the far-right Republicans.
211. Leaders of the parties allied with Janata Dal in the ruling National Front coalition expressed their agreement with the action.
212. The ruling left Irving facing bankruptcy with a total of £2.5m in defence costs.
213. She hopes to exploit the preferential voting system in the federal elections to unseat the ruling coalition.
214. But the ruling party's congress last month promised to establish a multi-party democracy.
215. The Bank has not given a formal ruling on this method of presentation from a capital adequacy perspective.
216. Nor should the bureaucratization of society as a whole be confused with the emergence of the bureaucracy as a ruling class.
217. Read the extract on p. 16 concerning the ruling class.
218. In order to comply with the court ruling the authority was faced with a number of equally problematic options.
219. All the candidates won places on the ruling council.
220. But a Bahraini newspaper linked to the ruling al-Khalifa family reported Monday that a GCC force was expected to arrive in the country.
221. The infinite deviousness of "the ruling classes" and the immense difficulty of the left's task are a given in these halls.
221. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
222. A decade later, however, she went to Clearwater, intending to take some upper-level courses, and was told that the previous ruling no longer applied.
223. "We did not expect anything different," Piero Longo, one of Berlusconi's lawyers who sits in parliament for the ruling PDL party, told reporters after the decision was announced.
224. Q. You have given a ruling that insurance is permissible. But the ruling is stated in general terms. Could you please provide evidence from the Qur'an and the Sunnah in support of this view?
225. By the end of the year, it will reach 1,000 gigaelectronvolts--potentially ruling out some of the most favored variations of supersymmetry theory.
226. In 2006, a court ruling called into question the SEC's long-held determination that companies could exclude shareowner proposals relating to the election of directors.
227. He continues to govern -- fighting off legal challenges to his sovereign immunity and threats to his ruling majority -- until he dies in office.
228. Hades and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans and claimed rulership over the universe ruling the underworld, sky,() and sea.
229. Joseph Heller's novels reveal the absurdity and corruption of the American ruling clique, and the confusion and madness in the American society.
230. But The Carnal Prayer Mat was published at a time when the ruling elite's attitudes to sex and pornography were beginning to change.
231. The Bible goes to great lengths to confirm God's disdain for society's self - ruling ecumenical pursuits.
232. Consequently, Khiva khanate even failed to maintain its complete ruling power in economy at home and indeed was made a semi-colony of Russian Empire.
233. The ruling was interpreted (questionably, but this was the effect) as confirming that there could be no slavery in Britain.
234. Forty - second article at the arbitral tribunal to make a ruling before the mediation should be first.
235. In some of the last dispatches released by WikiLeaks, US diplomats correctly predicted that Russia's "bicephalous ruling format" was fizzling out.
236. A sizable group of lawmakers in Mr. Kan's ruling Democratic Party have urged him to abandon his free-trade drive to placate the nation's farmers.
237. Ruling through democracy is the political orientation, which determines the political directions, political tasks and political safeguarding and so on.
238. The Manchu Dynasty takes full clan as ruling political power organization, the customs and habits of Manchu influenced large China region at that time.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:37:32