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单词 Consumed
(1) He consumed much of his time in studying.
(2) His old car consumed much gasoline.
(3) According to the rules, no alcohol can be consumed on the premises.
(4) Arguing about details consumed many hours of the committee's valuable time.
(5) He had consumed the best years of his life in prison.
(6) He was consumed with jealousy.
(7) She consumed away with grief.
(8) No alcohol may be consumed on the premises.
(9) Paperwork consumed much of the committee's time.
(10) Carolyn was consumed with guilt.
(11) A big fire consumed the whole house.
(12) The fire quickly consumed the wooden hut.
(13) They are consumed with jealousy at her success.
(14) He was consumed with guilt after the accident.
(15) He had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.
(16) Alcohol may not be consumed on the premises.
(17) The fire soon consumed the wooden buildings.
(18) Perishables need to be consumed as quickly as possible.
(19) She was consumed with guilt.
(20) The hotel was quickly consumed by fire.
(21) They consumed all the hot dogs and hamburgers.
(22) She was consumed with curiosity.
(23) Before he died he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.
(24) It was work which consumed most of his waking hours.
(25) The fire had consumed half the forest away before it was stopped.
(26) Many people consumed the poisoned oil without ill effects .
(27) Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away[], nor stolen nor consumed
(28) Many people experienced a drop in their cholesterol levels when they consumed oat bran.
(29) I knew that the next day I would be consumed with guilt.
(30) There were glasses of champagne and cigars, but not many of either were consumed.
(1) He consumed much of his time in studying.
(2) His old car consumed much gasoline.
(3) According to the rules, no alcohol can be consumed on the premises.
(4) Arguing about details consumed many hours of the committee's valuable time.
(5) Many people experienced a drop in their cholesterol levels when they consumed oat bran.
(6) He had consumed the best years of his life in prison.
(7) I knew that the next day I would be consumed with guilt.
(31) Alcohol should be consumed in moderation, and this is particularly true for pregnant women.
(32) We consumed vast quantities of food and drink that night.
(33) The memories consumed him.
(34) As a teenager, I was consumed by passion for the boy next door.
(35) This product should be consumed on the day of purchase.
(36) The whiskey can be distilled in Lynchburg but not consumed because the town is in a dry county.
(37) Arguing about such details consumed many hours of their valuable time.
(38) Fire crews worked to douse hot spots left by two fires that consumed acres of forest.
(39) The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighbourhood.
(40) We recommend that this wine should be consumed within six months.
(41) I am suddenly consumed with a ridiculous curiosity.
(42) You can hardly claim she was consumed by passion.
(43) Those in the Peck case consumed months.
(44) Like most coaches, I am consumed with my work.
(45) Fat represented 37 % of the calories consumed daily.
(46) Vast quantities of beer and food were being consumed.
(47) Max consumed his parkin hastily and left.
(48) More actual cheese will be consumed than ever before.
(49) Although most farmland is privately owned the landscape is publicly consumed.
(50) This way rather a lot of calories can be consumed; the chart gives the number of calories per ounce of dried fruit.
(51) Her tragedy was that she was consumed by the creature she created.
(52) This may refer to the menstrual blood and semen consumed sacramentally by some Gnostic groups.
(53) Game officials would tack on to the end of the game additional minutes consumed by injury time outs.
(54) The pathologist at the inquest said that Zyban could have reacted with the alcohol James had consumed.
(55) Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace(),(/consumed.html) and gratitude. Denis Waitley 
(56) Gin was, after all, commercially produced and consumed only by the lower orders.
(57) A thousand million fast foods are being consumed in Britain alone every year.
(58) During the bacterial reduction of one mole of sulphate, four moles of hydrogen are consumed.
(59) This didn't last long, however, as one customer thought it was there to be consumed!
(60) Some of his competitors are still selling their 1993s, a good vintage but one that should be consumed without delay.
(61) Patients assigned to receive steroids consumed an unrestricted diet and were asked to record their food intake during the first four weeks.
(62) The symbols of the body and blood would certainly not have been consumed until the thanksgiving prayer had been adequately consummated.
(63) Bertha vividly remembers the conflagration that consumed her childhood home.
(64) Traditional drinks are consumed only in social settings, as evidenced by the large pot where they are stored.
(65) The thing I liked best about Teravainen was that he was consumed with factual accuracy.
(66) Despite their foreignness, the objects these words signify are coveted and voraciously consumed.
(67) He made her feel shockingly vulnerable when she should have been consumed with annoyance herself.
(68) Rabindranath Tagore had reprovingly warned him that the fire that consumed foreign clothing might also inflame minds, and Gandhi was afraid.
(69) The first primitive forms of life consumed various materials, including hydrogen sulfide, and released oxygen.
(70) Our Christmas food had been consumed and most of the drink had been poured down our throats.
(71) Start with a single piece of dried food as a first course and offer nothing more until it is consumed.
(72) The confrontation ended April 19 with a fire that consumed the compound and killed Koresh and about 80 of his followers.
(73) Such mountain belts develop when the oceanic lithosphere originally lying between two continents is eventually consumed.
(74) Under simple reproduction all surplus-value is consumed unproductively by the capitalists.
(75) Those that are wounded and stunned will be consumed by the swordfish at leisure, circling round any that start to sink.
(76) The unpleasantness had somehow consumed a second on the scoreboard clock, which now read: 01.
(77) How should society make plans today for the quantities of goods to be produced and consumed in the future?
(78) None of the three drives consumed more than 2: 25.
(79) And though she longed to lose herself in the flames, to be consumed and reborn, she was also terribly afraid.
(80) How much extra energy is consumed in pulverizing the coal to say 90 percent through 320 mesh? 2.
(81) Consuming the fruits of the Earth unrestrained, we become consumed ourselves by avarice and greed.
(82) In equilibrium at E the quantity Q is produced and consumed.
(83) He did not consider the quantity of valuable raw materials and energy that had been consumed in the fridge's manufacture.
(83) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(84) Much of the coal mined, however, may have been consumed domestically, or used for iron-smelting or lime-burning.
(85) In 1541 a fire consumed most of the town and much of the castle.
(86) But Summerlee was not to be found, and further time was consumed in writing a note for him.
(87) Much of the new demand will come from a doubling in the amount of gas consumed by electricity generators.
(88) Since caffeine is usually consumed in beverages, the liquid by itself will result in an increased urge to urinate.
(89) They are expected by friends and neighbours to follow the normal passages of grieving, yet often they are consumed with anger.
(90) By 1991, Medicaid consumed 20 percent of Massachusetts' entire budget.
(91) Those, in concert with fiery remains of the ships and tanks, consumed the airship in a sun-like conflagration.
(92) If Cassie had not been so consumed by rage, she would have laughed at this last and patently childish remark.
(93) During the summer term the man had consumed about twenty pints of Young's Special a week.
(94) His whole being had been consumed by a passionate longing to return.
(95) Where the consumed tentacle had rested a mist seemed to be congealing out of nothing as though the hydra was already replenishing itself.
(96) Fortunately, even flawed loaves are usually delicious and can often be consumed with great joy.
(97) Peter became consumed by devotion to his new master and had time for little else.
(98) Vast quantities of food and drink were consumed at the wedding.
(99) She slipped them rapidly into the hot mouth where they were instantly consumed in a shower of Sparks.
(100) Whether consumed in the form of beer, wine or spirits, alcoholic beverages give pleasure to many millions.
(101) This becomes evident when consideration is given to the processes by which these styles are produced and consumed.
(102) Faster than new crust can be added to the plate, old crust is being consumed by the trench.
(103) The second question is whether counsellees want to give up drinking, or at least to reduce the amount consumed.
(104) Other companies are also looking for ways to reduce the amount of energy consumed in the major processes for making polymers.
(105) Once it has been consumed, the Darwinian machine comes to a stop.
(106) It is exclusively produced in tropical countries and mostly consumed in the industrialized North.
(107) I had met Hugo at a party and unforeseen and overwhelming emotions had consumed me.
(108) The discipline is the only means by which these forces are consumed and thus destroyed.
(109) Found very good accommodation - good dinner and several beers consumed.
(110) During the course of the four hours(), twenty-four cups of coffee were consumed and any amount of light snacks.
(111) But the last unspoken question consumed her with fresh guilt.
(112) They're born to be automatons, consumed by baubles and gimmicks.
(113) And it's more fun now than when we were consumed by white-hot passion.
(114) Half of the latter was sent each year direct to the abbey at Battle, the rest consumed on the manor.
(115) These public goods can only be produced and consumed economically on a collective basis.
(116) The weeks were consumed by long talks as well as visits to lawyers, accountants, insurance adjusters, bankers, doctors.
(117) Whether the abandoned innards, which are consumed by coyotes and ravens, harbor the disease is hotly debated.
(118) The more sophisticated variants on zonal systems, which change by time consumed or distance travelled, have far greater possibilities.
(119) In a second the ball of flame had fallen and rolled into the dust, quivering as the flames consumed it.
(120) In ecosystems, plants are consumed by herbivores, which are in turn consumed by carnivores.
(121) In all my fatty, even grotesque innocence they consumed me, wherever I went, on whomever I smiled.
(122) The molasses triggered bacterial growths which consumed all the oxygen, killing virtually all the fish and other water creatures.
(123) IIb produces only luxury goods which are consumed solely by the capitalists.
(124) The meal was consumed as rapidly as was comfortable within 15 minutes or stopped when satiation occurred.
(125) Why mass media, when information can be consumed in individualized packets?
(126) They were healthier, more productive, more innovative than workers who were consumed by jobs.
(127) Hsu Fu consumed rope like no other vessel that I had ever sailed, and the reason was obvious: chafe.
(128) The researchers' aim was simply to measure the amount of oxygen consumed by the camels under various conditions.
(129) Between military exercises, they rested, they smoked, they consumed the madeira purchased enroute.
(130) Out of the surplus-value which is unproductively consumed there will obviously be a portion which goes on personal consumption.
(131) On test with no load the divider chip consumed only 19mA at a supply voltage of 1.8V.
(132) Results All subjects consumed the lactulose drink within five minutes and the rice flour pancake within 15 minutes.
(133) No further food or fluid was consumed, except for the standard meal until the last urine specimen had been collected.
(134) Grazing cattle and sheep eat contaminated grass and plants, while fish eat plankton that has already consumed dioxin-covered microscopic particles.
(135) He arrived at the picnic when even the last hard-boiled egg had been consumed.
(136) It is a powerful protective antioxidant and lavish amounts of the best quality olive oil can be consumed without risk.
(137) By 1910 the inhabitants of Britain consumed a million tons of meat over and above home produce.
(138) Active smoking; active drinking Presently consuming or consumed in the previous 12 months.
(139) Quantitative measurements show that in methanogenic subjects the majority of gaseous hydrogen produced from fermentation is consumed by methanogenic bacteria.
(140) By the time she had consumed apple pie and ice-cream she felt almost restored.
(141) The quantity of food collected from the help-yourself buffet was enormous and the speed with which it was consumed was almost supersonic.
(142) Then the others will be free to burn the oil and coal that might otherwise be consumed in the nuclear nations.
(143) The use of food composition tables is somewhat more precise but still only a crude quantitative expression of nutrients consumed.
(144) He was a modest and inspiring person,(Sentencedict) greatly consumed by the mystery of life.
(145) Economic development is measured using the amount of energy consumed in any given year.
(146) Characteristic is a reluctance to admit the quantity consumed, drinking secretly alone, and taking gradually increasing amounts.
(147) But she was amazed when told how many calories she had just consumed.
(148) This was based on subtracting the calories consumed in food from the calories required to keep the body going.
(149) The emphasis then is on defining that amount which can be consumed without impairing capital.
(150) The ship's route is clearly delineated on the surface of the water and is violently consumed by our advance.
(151) I was inexhaustible, consumed by a happiness that swept me along from one challenge to the next.
(152) Further research showed that problems with conception and miscarriages were more frequent among societies where low levels of wheatgerm were consumed.
(153) The sacrifice is not consumed by the fire David has built, but by lightning from heaven.
(154) My friend Lindsey said I was consumed with earthy desires and unable to reach the higher planes.
(155) Oxygen is consumed during these processes resulting in a decrease in PO2 levels.
(156) The 130,000 tonnes of litter consumed each year has about half the calorific value of coal.
(157) People consumed fewer calories without even trying to do so.
(158) After discharge they were reviewed at weekly intervals and the volume of feed consumed was recorded daily throughout the four week period.
(159) She had been almost in delirium, consumed with an animal desire.
(160) He stood at the sink, washing the supper dishes, consumed with plans for her happiness.
(161) On the other hand there is sadness at the way an entire productive farm is being inexorably consumed.
(162) The only way they add to carbon dioxide levels is through the power consumed in their manufacture.
(163) The algae consumed waste products from the reef and under the intense artificial sunlight they proliferated in stringy green mats.
(164) Although farming seems like an international enterprise, most food is consumed in the country where it was produced.
(165) The key component was Thompson Seedless, which also are consumed as table grapes,() raisins and grape concentrate.
(166) As the ageing body loses its ability to cope with alcohol, the amount that can be consumed has to be reduced.
(167) In 1871 it burned down, 17,000 buildings were consumed, and a third of the city lay in ashes.
(168) I was consumed with envy of the young men and women who drifted together through the streets.
(169) The distant Tower showed no mark of the flames that had consumed its upper floors.
(170) The family managed a narrow escape as fire consumed their apartment.
(171) Beer, wine, sake or other alcoholic beverages should be consumed only in moderation, preferably at mealtimes.
(172) I settled the bill - a pretty useful one, what with the line of brandies I had moodily consumed.
(173) After the shooting( ), they became consumed with the idea that a crime had been committed and deserved punishment.
(174) Consumed with jealousy, he shadowed her for three days, hoping to catch her with her lover.
(175) The remaining six or more days were consumed by handing the form off from one department to the next.
(176) Trash has consumed county government officials' attention for much of this decade.
(177) We arrived back in Gravesend the next morning having consumed a lot of diesel and patience.
(178) Like many consumed by a powerful love, he has been searching since not so much for a replacement as an alternative.
(179) They consumed avocado pears followed by roast lamb followed by a fruit salad and assorted cheeses.
(180) Taken together, the taped conversations reveal a president seemingly consumed with the details of illegal plots against his enemies.
(181) The fire soon consumed the logs, and the rebels planted their colors there.
(182) He was a grim man, consumed with a sense of mission and possessed of an enormous amount of energy.
(183) The vitamin B complex enables the body to make full use of the food consumed.
(184) No more than 0.1% drives the wind, waves and ocean currents and a minute 0.03% is consumed in photosynthesis.
(185) During the show his eccentric machines ran into each other, consumed each other, and melded into broken heaps.
(186) The desserts can be consumed with an utterly clear conscience when you have calories to spare in your daily allowance.
(187) On four continents scientists have consumed the equivalent of billions of dollars trying to capture the dream.
(188) Even so, large quantities of brandy and gin were consumed as the men talked.
(189) Less red meat is being consumed, but people eat more chicken.
(190) What can not be redeemed is consumed in holy fire, to burn as light before his throne.
(191) Clearly, therefore, factors other than the cumulative amount of alcohol consumed are involved in determining which patients develop liver disease.
(192) Charles consumed most of the Valpolicella and tried to steer the conversation away from anything to do with Marius Steen.
(193) By balancing the quantities supplied and demanded(), prices ensure that the final quantity of goods being consumed can be produced.
(194) The mean mass of meal consumed was 557 g for the normal and 308 g for the morbidly obese subjects.
(195) He consumed vile gray philippine ropes.
(196) They consumed a tub of beer.
(197) Millions of tons of ammonia are consumed annually in agriculture.
(198) MSG is a chemical used to fatten up laboratory animals and evidence suggests it will ultimately make you fat when consumed.
(199) I am avoided breath overdraw consumed 60000 yuan, did not remand in time.
(200) Byron's consumed memoirs possessed the merit of being well and entertainingly written.
(201) When the gas volume consumed actually by the users is less than the one predicted, the gas pipeline company can't be guaranteed for taking back the investment and obtaining the reasonable profits.
(202) Achieve continuous balance between produced and consumed steam. This master pressure control approach controls total heat input into boilers, as well as total steam flow into each header.
(203) Everybody, herself included (/consumed.html), fancied she was consumed with grief for her father.
(204) The group that had consumed the beetroot juice also had lower resting blood pressure.
(205) On this same day after he awakens from this dream, Enkidu dies, and Gilgamesh is so consumed with grief he will not bury him until his body starts to decay.
(206) As with cookery, their product is consumed daily , leaving behind only a faint aroma.
(207) As soon as a predetermined quantity had been consumed, the final loser would have to perform a forfeit, which was usually obscenely biological.
(208) Of a source of radiation. Ratio of the radiant flux ( power ) emitted to the power consumed.
(209) Thus, the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) has urged the production of composition charts for food produced and consumed locally.
(210) Men of genius are meteors destined tobe consumed in lighting up their century.
(211) The smaller application parts are called tiers. Each tier provides an independent set of services that can be consumed by the connecting or client tier.
(212) Pearl was so obviously suffering , consumed with impotent rage.
(213) In an experiment, volunteers who had consumed 'high levels' of caffeine thought they were listening to Bing Crosby singing White Christmas even though the song was not being played.
(214) The current memory area is consumed only by object allocations, so one approach to memory management is to use only a fixed number of objects or avoid them altogether.
(215) Finding herself alone at home, Mumpy consumed Thiodan, a pesticide.
(216) Few enterprises paid dividends to the state; rather they consumed subsidies.
(217) The scarcity of ornithine aminotransferase in the kidney-yang deficiency rats resulted in deficient creatine phosphate which was need for depositing energy and most of ATP was consumed as heat energy.
(218) Please ensure adequate amount of water is consumed to prevent constipation.
(219) A titanic explosion consumed Challenger and its crew of seven.
(220) The accumulation of lactic acid in lowly dissolved oxygen level fermenting liquor made the glucide quickly consumed, as a result,[/consumed.html] the conversion rate of glucose was on the low side.
(221) Subjects ate whatever they wanted on feast days but consumed only calorie-free beverages and sugarless gum on fast days.
(222) At a table he sat and consumed beefsteak, flapjacks, doughnuts, and pie.
(223) Why was the amount of oxygen consumed so much greater than the amount necessary to completely oxidize the added oxaloacetate or malate?
(224) Republican strategists were consumed by heady visions of power without end.
(225) The automaker has consumed about 60 % of the world's platinum the 26 platinum futures gained strength.
(226) However , the HFC —134 a refrigerator consumed about 4% more electricity than the CFC —12 refrigerator.
(227) As we go about our day, it's easy to become consumed by our own reality walking around with blinders on completely unaware of what's going on around us.




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