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单词 Heal
1, Her mental scars will take time to heal.
2, The wound on your hand would heal over soon.
3, A physician's sacred duty is to heal the sick.
4, This will help to heal your cuts and scratches.
5, Nothing could heal the rupture with his father.
6, Can he heal the deep divisions among Republican ranks?
7, How many days you heal the wounded and rescue the dying, fighting in the first line.
8, It took three months for my arm to heal properly.
9, Efforts to heal the rift between the two countries have failed.
10, He could heal you of your pneumonia,[http:///heal.html] you'd better go to see him as soon as possible.
11, It was a chance to heal the wounds in the party .
12, This kind of ointment will heal the scald.
13, As they heal, the bones will fuse together.
14, The wound was slow to heal.
15, Your wound will heal up nicely in a week.
16, She wanted to help heal the breach between them.
17, A broken heart takes a long time to heal.
18, The plaster cast helps to heal the broken bone.
19, That cut is taking a long time to heal.
20, His injuries will take a long time to heal.
21, Our main goal must be to heal the divisions in our society.
22, The prime minister's speech will attempt to heal divisions within his party.
23, He set out to heal the rifts in the party.
24, The wounds may heal cleanly or they may ooze a clear liquid.
25, A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life, a timely word may level stress, a loving word may heal and bless.
26, You are the patron saint of life, your wisdom and sincerity to hold up the sun life, your selfless sacrifice life, heal the wounded bear bitter hardships, pain.
27, It took a long time for the wounds to heal.
28, Minor cuts and grazes can usually be left uncovered to heal by themselves.
29, I've broken my leg, but the doctor says that it's a clean break, so it should heal easily.
30, She stitched up the cut and left it to heal.
1, Her mental scars will take time to heal.
2, A physician's sacred duty is to heal the sick.
3, This will help to heal your cuts and scratches.
4, Nothing could heal the rupture with his father.
5, Can he heal the deep divisions among Republican ranks?
6, It took three months for my arm to heal properly.
7, Efforts to heal the rift between the two countries have failed.
8, It took a long time for the wounds to heal.
9, Minor cuts and grazes can usually be left uncovered to heal by themselves.
10, It was a chance to heal the wounds in the party .
31, She has been so deeply hurt it may take forever for the wounds to heal.
32, It took several months for his wounds to heal .
33, It was a hurt that would take a long time to heal.
34, She was never able to heal the rift between herself and her father.
35, Peace talks were held to try to heal the growing rift between the two sides.
36, After a serious argument, it can take some time for the wounds to heal.
37, The injury was only a flesh wound and would heal in ten days or so.
38, It's quite a bad break, which will take several months to heal.
39, The cut is no longer weeping and is starting to heal.
40, Ann says the only way to heal after rape is to talk about it.
41, Do stop picking at that scab or the cut will never heal.
42, It will take much longer for the mental wounds to heal .
43, But it seems their wounds will never heal.
44, The mental scars will eventually heal!
45, When they were injured,[] their wounds failed to heal.
46, Those psychic scars would never heal.
47, Music has the power to help and to heal.
48, But the wounds inflicted by the media will, it appears, take a long time to heal.
49, That is supposed to create scar tissue which helps the tendon to heal.
50, Pain will come with time, but time will heal the pain. Anthony Liccione 
51, The scars of Bosnia will take a long time to heal.
52, It is the only emotion that takes time to heal.
53, On the face and neck this usually takes 2-3 days as these areas heal quickly and early removal helps to reduce scarring.
54, Was that branding so early and deep that nothing would heal over it?
55, As a pastor, my job is to help and to heal the hurting person, even if you disagree with him.
56, This is presumably because it is seldom possible to heal the breach that is usually created by fighting a legal battle.
57, A slash from Siban's talons would have inflicted a wound which would have taken weeks to heal.
58, Harrick said he may hold Dollar out next week if doctors think it will allow his injured hand ligaments to heal completely.
59, We stop for the night in the middle of this scar tissue that will never heal.
60, Doctors hope Christina's face will heal quickly and that she will be able to avoid plastic surgery.
61, As they begin to heal, will they regain their faith in humanity?
62, And he now enjoys a walk again ... though until the mental scars heal, nowhere near the traffic.
63, But finally, she would make of it an ulcer, a running sore that would never heal.
64, We are trying to heal the divisions, put the past behind us.
65, Understand the lesson in this for you, and heal the rift between you.
66, Relationships once broken in this way may take a long time to heal.
67, It coincides with the launch of his Heal the World foundation aimed at helping youngsters.
68, Laurie Mains is at the centre of efforts to heal the rift between players and media.
69, It would take much more to heal the wounds to her heart.
70, This is the humour that does not heal, the sort that encourages hatred of outsiders.
71, He told them that new relationships could help them heal.
72, It also lies behind such developments as the medieval conviction that a monarch could heal by the laying on of hands.
73, A: It is going to still be difficult to heal the wounds that the war left.
74, Many based on tried and trusted therapies heal the mind as well as the body and are back in fashion in a big way.
75, Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word. George R.R. Martin 
76, Our parents search for strict guidelines to help heal their confused feelings towards us.
77, They should take note of medical studies, which show some form of forgiveness is needed for scars to heal.
78, Howard was regarded as a working fulfilment of the three-fold commission to teach, preach the gospel and heal the sick.
79, There was no way his face would heal by her birthday.
80, Madame Bernice claimed to be able to heal people simply by laying her hands on their bodies.
81, Fibrous tissue replaces this, the capillaries heal and contract down over a period of months to leave a linear scar.
82, The police investigation had passed, the wounds had begun to heal, normality had returned.
83, Music is a magician who has the power to talk to, heal and strength the soul, heart,mind and body of a human being. Classical music is the best and most powerful musical tool in communicating with the soul, heart, mind and body. Dr T.P.Chia 
84, For her things would never heal, but for Marguerite time would lessen the pain and her memories would help.
85, President Eisenhower set out to heal the divisions in the nation.
86, Should he try to heal the breach between Andrew Neil and Lamont?
87, We are swamped to-day with books and articles about the power of positive thought to heal our physical or our emotional ills.
88, Today they were busy removing the bandage body stocking that had been used to help the wing to heal.
89, We started with the best of intentions, to heal the new wounds of an industrial, urban society.
90, Without women men revert to animals, without men women could heal and restore to harmony a world raped and ravaged.
91, It is your hope that because of your faith in St Francis he will help you and heal your donkey.
92, We have to continue to heal the racial divisions that still tear at our nation.
93, The physical wounds are beginning to heal, but what about the mental scars?
94, Theo's visit was intended by both brothers to heal a rift which had developed between them.
95, Even so, it's only a flesh wound and will heal in ten days or so.
96, In aquarium conditions such attempts are usually doomed to failure due to bacteria attacking the severed portions before the wounds heal.
97, I have failed to heal him with my compliance; all my efforts have not been good enough.
98, In other words, if we could get our lives together, our bodies might heal themselves.
99, A sprain usually takes longer to heal than a broken bone.
100, But heal they do as we have seen from those lines who have been to the brink demonstrate.
100, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
101, It will also help to heal mouth ulcers and prevent the onset of gingivitis.
102, He's currently on a nationwide lecture tour called Heal the World.
103, Heal Farm delivers all types of meat and meat products - from lamb burgers to ready-marinated chunks for casseroles.
104, Many in the legal profession hoped that the Committee would help heal the rift between the two branches of the legal profession.
105, A magnanimous gesture from the founders of the Open Software Foundation is needed now to heal any lingering breeches in the industry.
106, They lack independence, may develop stiffness or even feel a failure because their ulcers do not heal.
107, But then it took broken bones longer to heal as age crept into them.
108, A few weeks later, the two old and broken men moved to heal their twenty-year rift.
109, Some new networks can heal themselves when a break occurs, without any involvement from a repairman.
110, He has to find a way to heal a broken heart and help hold his family together.
111, Receding or inflamed gums will need good nutrition to heal.
112, The seventh son of a seventh son has traditionally been able to heal conditions such as eczema and asthma.
113, By speaking out about envy between women(), comedy can play a part in helping us to heal it in ourselves.
114, Heal thyself White says the technology could be used to toughen common devices like mobile phones.
115, Homoeopathy, on the other hand, stimulates the body to heal itself and its use can be truly curative.
116, The doctor recommended frequent salt baths to help the wound heal.
117, And as for last night's embarrassment, hurt pride could heal, if she set her mind to it.
118, The wound would immediately heal, the waste land become green, and the saving hero himself be installed as king.
119, They have succeeded in business and are using their unique gifts to help and heal a wounded nation.
120, He said the nerve may take several weeks to heal.
121, Madra's wounds began to heal, but her voice did not come back.
122, Will it heal up during my stay here?
123, My broken heart is hard to heal up.
124, Is it to heal all these wounds?
125, Time is said to heal all wounds.
126, I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand.
127, The lesions will "bleach out" and become clean wounds that will heal after a molt.
128, The plate has always been a great fortifier. Soup to heal, stew to comfort, escape delivered in a good piece of chocolate.
129, Botanically based, this light and fluffy cream contains the active ingredient of Calendula (kal'len'dula), which has been used to heal skin for centuries.
130, When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself?sentence dictionary
131, The wound in his arm would take weeks to heal over.
132, Now I'm well aware that time alone does not heal all wounds; consider the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
133, Allantoin and Panthenol help heal, rebuild, and add suppleness to your skin.
134, It's the science of manipulating the human foot to heal or stimulate certain parts of the body.
135, With a background in the region's history -- so marinated in discord it gives us the word "balkanization" -- you begin to understand how hard it must have been to heal after the war.
136, We should not try to heal the historical part of trauma, it is a person's choice whether to forgive and forget or to demand compensation.
137, The results showed that the tendon which was nourished by synovial fluid not only could survive, but also could heal.
138, It avoids second time injury and helps the wound to heal. Absorbent and breathable: Made of absorbent high-molecule materials, the burn dressing can absorb extravasate immediately.
139, Mrs. Smith placed Susie's Band Aid in the frame to remind herself to heal a little every time she sees it.
140, Guardian Spirit will now heal the target 50% of their maximum health.
141, Acupuncture can help heal sports injuries such as sore knees, tennis elbow, lower back pain and sprains.
142, Time will heal all things almost. Please give time a little time.
143, A subdermal implant refers to a kind of body jewelry that is placed underneath the skin, therefore allowing the body to heal over the implant and creating a raised design.
144, Some people recommend taking L-lysine tablets as instrumental in how to heal a cold sore.
145, For example, epoxy compounds can heal surfaces if they get cut-in just the same way that a scab forms if skin gets cut.
146, Hopefully, the contrasting flaws in our twin States balance and heal over time.
147, The external environment and psychological environment will place on the role of the mental health, trauma can not heal in time the disease can make obsessive-compulsive disorder.
148, Gerrard returned to Merseyside yesterday, where it is claimed a scan revealed that there was some minor tearing in his adductor muscle - an injury usually taking at least seven days to fully heal.
149, Ultrasonic therapy is to make ultrasonic sound's energy act on human bodies with pathological change, in this way to heal sickness and restore human to health.
150, When you think that they have nothing, at least you still have time, time will heal all wounds, so please do not cry.
151, The generic name stems from the Latin solidus , "whole, " probably in allusion to the reported properties of the goldenrods to heal wounds.
152, Two tapes are recommended to patients: "The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers, and "Why People Don't Heal and How They Can" by Carolyn Myss.
153, Fasting certainly bring benefits to physical well - being, but for believers, it is, in the first place, a "therapy" to heal all that prevents them from conformity to the will of God.
154, The Fed also has committed to buy $600 billion in debt and securities issued by the government-backed mortgage finance agencies to help heal the crushed housing market.
155, I don't even think porn and malt liquor can heal the damage that you have inflicted.
156, Whether the landscape seen too many after he had been slowly heal all wounds, so deep down, a clarity?
157, Methods:Total of 134 mastocarcinoma patients underwent modified radical mastectomy. Different incisions were used randomly and discuss heal and complications.
158, Corneal abrasions typically heal without serious complications over time with supportive care: ice compresses and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops.
159, Yarrow has a spicy floral scent that is useful to stimulate regeneration and heal skin ailments .
160, Alric: Milord, there is an ancient fountain shrine nearby. Legends say that its holy waters can restore health and heal grievous wounds.
161, In addition, nutrients such as DGL licorice, goldenseal have a tradition of helping heal aphthous ulcers.
162, Most long duration Damage and Heal over time spells have the bonus divided amongst every tick.
163, Unlike typical mammals, which heal wounds by forming a scar, these mice begin by forming a blastema, a structure associated with rapid cell growth.
164, Results all flaps heal well except part of pectoralis major myocutaneous flap necrosisConclusion Organ reconstruction and defect repair using flap is practical.
165, Guardian Spirit: It is no longer possible for simultaneous killing blows to trigger the heal from this ability multiple times.
166, Exoneration: The heal portion of this ability will no longer be capable of critically healing.
167, Producing haematoma of tumour, head is caused when childbirth, do not require any treatment, heal of metropolis proper motion.
168, "I don't know how long it's going to take to heal, " said Zeng Defang, 46, touching a leg wrapped in a bloodstained bandage and swollen to three times its normal size.
169, A test was carried out by using electric current pulse in order to heal a through thickness precrack in steel.
170, You know, when they asked me, back in January, if I would host the Oscars , the first thought that came into my mind was, would there be enough time for my face lift to heal.
171, If skin damaged is confined to skin, the dissension that can carry a cell is proliferous and cicatrization, and any scar do not leave after heal.
172, Protector of god's good light, surround me in the light of heaven, help heal all those seeking help in their lives.
173, Acute soft tissue injury is a kind of clinical common disease, anti-inflammatory and pain-killer drugs are often used to heal it in clinic.
174, Flexible and sharp , it can incise, expose, exenterate and heal.
175, The voices of the nay-sayers are in the ascendancy, questioning the US's ability to reinvent itself, to heal its wounded economy and sustain its leadership in the face of a burgeoning China.
176, Patroness, Pinseng shallow cultivation, still can not heal ... offended every clothing.
177, It is a source within the depth of our soul which connects to infinite intelligence and the capacity to heal all our wounds.
178, The research and development of anti free radical pharmacon will make a new way to prevent and heal altitude diseases.
179, A metal-polymer coating can heal its own scratches by liquefying when exposed to UV and then resolidifying.
180, Ever been in the midst of battle, and find yourself without the time to uncork that heal potion?




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