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单词 Frontier
1. He is using theories on the frontier of astrophysics.
2. He wrote a book descriptive of the frontier provinces.
3. The incident on the frontier touched off a major war.
4. Lille is close to the frontier between France and Belgium.
5. Troops established a road block on the frontier.
6. They lived in a town close to the frontier.
7. There was an army checkpoint at the frontier.
8. There's a lot of smuggling across this frontier.
9. They massed well - equipped troops on the frontier.
10. The frontier has worked him over inside.
11. Troops are massing on the frontier.
12. Many people travelling across the frontier were illegal immigrants.
13. They were forced to retreat back over the frontier.
14. Space is the final frontier for us to explore.
15. They lined the north-western frontier with soldiers.
16. Until very recently Texas was an unsettled frontier.
17. The village straddles the frontier.
18. The rebels control the frontier and the surrounding area.
19. They didn't have permission to cross the frontier.
20. The frontier was pushed westward.
21. The frontier is patrolled by border guards.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. Beyond the frontier lay very real dangers.
23. The frontier station was starved for food and water.
24. It wasn't difficult then to cross the frontier.
25. The frontier town boomed when gold was discovered nearby.
26. Our car was turned back at the frontier.
27. The geographical position of the frontier fluctuated with the fortunes of war .
28. The army crossed the frontier in the middle of the night.
29. Neither country would guarantee the integrity of their common frontier.
30. There have been large - scale military manoeuvres on the frontier.
1. He is using theories on the frontier of astrophysics.
2. He wrote a book descriptive of the frontier provinces.
3. Lille is close to the frontier between France and Belgium.
4. Neither country would guarantee the integrity of their common frontier.
5. There have been large - scale military manoeuvres on the frontier.
6. They massed well - equipped troops on the frontier.
7. The frontier has worked him over inside.
8. Troops are massing on the frontier.
9. The village straddles the frontier.
10. The frontier station was starved for food and water.
11. There were very few border controls on the southwestern frontier.
12. Areas near the frontier were rough and lawless in the old days.
31. There were very few border controls on the southwestern frontier.
32. Warehouses at the frontier between the two countries fill up with sacks of rice and flour.
33. The frontier ranges from the northern hills to the southern coast.
34. Areas near the frontier were rough and lawless in the old days.
35. At the frontier, there were people pestering tourists for cigarettes, food or alcohol.
36. But all points on the frontier are Pareto-efficient.
37. It's all very casual these days at the frontier.
38. Two new pieces of frontier work are being pioneered.
39. The situation was very different on the northern frontier.
40. The government closed the frontier between Lithuania and Poland.
41. Alaska is known as the last frontier.
42. Climbers see the Himalayas as the final frontier.
43. Education i. guardian of ideals Western frontier.
44. To Powell(), the frontier was a rapturous experience.
45. All points on the frontier are Pareto-efficient.
46. He was questioned by soldiers at a frontier post.
47. Ears cocked, we can hear Screams beyond the frontier.
48. Exercise and fitness has become the final frontier.
49. In 1871, Niagara Falls was virtually on the frontier.
50. They fled in terror back across the frontier.
51. They are the charts of a new frontier, modern-day versions of the maps made before ships circumnavigated the globe.
51. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
52. Is there not now a good case for strengthening the frontier wire, as a matter of urgency?
53. Earlie is one of a small but growing group of urban pioneers whose frontier is the central city.
54. We stayed in a frontier hotel about 6,000 feet up, in a night of freezing cold.
55. Some of those who travelled across that frontier were illegal immigrants.
56. Physically he had been just one millimetre closer to Doreen than ever before, but emotionally he had crossed a frontier.
57. On the frontier, where he welcomed the hospitality of the poor, Woolman often slept on cabin floors.
58. The frontier is watched - an undeclared war going on.
59. The Basqueness that is in abeyance in Biarritz returns in full as you drive south from there towards the frontier.
60. They liked the rugged frontier side of it and redneck anti-intellectualism.
61. The political parade was grafted onto the Frontier Days celebration.
62. Their most remarkable expression is the earthwork which an eighth- century king of Mercia constructed on his western frontier.
63. An incident on the frontier near Myitkyina confirmed my judgement.
64. Their devotion to simple lifestyles and preserving the frontier character of their town is heartening.
65. The Elves of the old frontier province had taken a far different path from the High Elves.
66. The frontier of the Agenais ran right through the middle of the town.
67. And a quick look back at third-quarter winner Frontier Equity Fund provides further evidence of the risk of chasing short-term performance.
68. Reports of the battle of Gettysburg took a year or more to reach the outlying frontier territories.
69. Something similar may happen soon in the new frontier of cyberspace.
70. Like everything else, they had their own meaning on the frontier.
71. The great historian Henry Jackson Turner had just decreed the official closing of the frontier.
72. Frontier areas with low population densities attract particular kinds of exploitation of natural resources.
73. Fernand Braudel was serving as a lieutenant on the Rhine frontier and became a prisoner of war.
74. The northern area from Rijeka to Zadar was incorporated into the military frontier, which was under the control of the Habsburgs.
75. Powell, like the mountain men, was compulsively drawn to the frontier.
76. The new instruments should help push back that frontier of time and distance even further.
77. Painting the frontier, either as it was or as it is, hardly remains an exclusively male domain.
78. Through the vicissitudes of life in a frontier province, Our Lady of Sion has remained the tutelary patroness of Lorraine.
79. Sometimes the frontier is crossed by musicians and writers, sometimes by visual artists.
80. Part of the northern frontier of the Roman Empire of Hadrian's Wall.
81. In the chair of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a lobbying group, she wields considerable influence in the Valley and beyond.
81. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
82. Nearly all have stemmed from this small, poor village one mile outside the frontier town of Peshawar.
83. It can take days to process the paperwork required to move a load across the frontier.
84. The frontier post spotted him from the photos we rushed to the western frontier.
85. Word of the commission reached Joe while he was away on the frontier visiting a friend.
86. Wilder's novel is about a family's struggle on the American frontier.
87. The internet revolution has moved east, and Scandinavia is the new frontier.
88. The western flank of this high frontier is the Golden Triangle, legendary for its opium crop and warlord law.
89. The deadline of 1992 for the removal of frontier controls is therefore unlikely to be met.
90. Several governments, particularly from the larger states, sought co-operation on immigration and frontier controls and also closer police collaboration.
91. Like any other frontier, California was born out of a society of men.
92. This increased the importance of exploration and development projects in frontier areas.
93. Additional forces were sent to these frontier outposts to give them protection insofar as limited resources would permit.
94. It marked a return to the general store of frontier days.
95. As noted, the frontier and the West had their own expansive mood.
96. And once they made it to the frontier of engineering, the trek to a degree would be even more perilous.
97. The fugitive slave problem on the southeastern frontier dated back to the colonial period.
98. It was possible to feel the antagonism and hatred of the two sets of guards facing each other across the frontier.
99. The electronic frontier requires its pioneers to be resourceful in defending themselves in the absence of binding rules and regulations.
100. Exercise and fitness has become the final frontier. Whatever next?
101. San Vicente del Caguan is a bustling frontier town of 20,000 people.
102. This tradition persisted even after the dissolution of the military frontier in 1881.
103. The study of the brain is often described as the next intellectual frontier.
104. But his aspirations go beyond the global: he envisions outer space as his next frontier.
105. After a brief stay in the frontier capital, Smith was back on the Santa Fe Trail, guiding pioneers westward.
106. Western defenders of the deal claimed that the frontier question was not a legal matter but simple recognition of an existing reality.
107. To the settler or trapper or cattleman, the western frontier was both promising and dangerous.
108. One of my other favorite games was playing outlaw, riding the range on the Wild West frontier.
109. We are perfect machines built to defend colonists on frontier worlds.
110. In the following chapters I survey this unified bionic frontier.
111. Want a glimpse of frontier lore without the commercialism and crowds?
112. But an out-of-work military leader more often found a war-ridden frontier where he could operate without needing to consult his king.
113. His next triumph was to secure agreement from important Frontier leaders to an agreed constitutional solution.
114. Every diplomatic effort was made to get him and his army to retire back over the frontier, but without success.
115. He is an example of some one who has become lost or disoriented on the new frontier.
116. Consequently, frontier controls were necessary to ensure that cross-frontier trade in goods adhered to the various national requirements.
117. It is a world unexplored by many-a new frontier in contemporary gastronomy with enormous potential.
118. They were the pioneers willing to accept the rough edges of life on the technological frontier.
119. Andrew Jackson, the first president from the western frontier, was unjustly accused of bigamy and derided as an unschooled ignoramus.
120. These are national quotas and must be removed or harmonised once frontier controls are eliminated.
121. I mean, this was still virgin territory, there were no tube lines running to this part of the frontier.
122. The hottest frontier right now in software design is the move to object-oriented software.
123. One thing which it is difficult to deny is that military strength was vital for Muscovite survival in this massive frontier land.
124. Brownson went west to Detroit to teach school, but the old debates about Calvinism followed him even there to the frontier.
125. According to one such report Richard's chief concern in the autumn of 1178 was with his southern frontier.
126. In frontier areas they are critical to our ability to win access.
127. So long as frontier zones of the empire remained insecure, the tsar had to eschew an ambitious foreign policy.
128. Some of this money went to pay the states along the northern frontier for lands ceded to the United States.
129. Many of the cars crossing the frontier were stopped and searched.
130. The drugs in these areas were not at the frontier of medical science and acceptable generic drugs existed.
131. Audubon had not been the first naturalist to describe the frontier.
132. When the country was young, the Western frontier was the Appalachian Mountains.
133. Since no Pareto gain is possible, every point such as C lying on the frontier must be Pareto-efficient.
134. Initially, they will all choose different efficient portfolios on the frontier according to their risk return preferences.
135. How far is it from Belfast to the nearest and furthest points on the frontier with Eire?
136. That I maintained my usual composure was to me a miracle, and once more we were on our way to the frontier.
137. Lindsey was lost and the Humber restored as Northumbria's southern frontier.
138. Khan is a Pathan, the predominant group in the Northwest Frontier, although he grew up in Punjab.
139. They settled in Ronco, a picturesque village near the Italian frontier.
140. Meanwhile the frontier between liberalism and socialism remained open, both ideologically and organizationally.
141. Security along the frontier would be strengthened and information likely to lead to the capture of criminals and deserters would be exchanged.
141. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
142. Such tech gangs held the frontier between the tangled civilization above and the bestiality beneath.
143. The Customs officer opened my case at the frontier.
144. Inner Mongolian frontier trade is no exception.
145. The Frontier Corps paramilitary force in Pakistan.
146. That is the question of the New Frontier.
147. The final frontier in conspicuous consumption: space.
148. The third one is China - Myanmar frontier route.
149. He worked at the frontier of brain science.
150. Ecoenvironmental geochemistry is a new frontier science.
151. Richard wished that he had lived in frontier days, but he can't turn back the clock.
152. Frederick Jackson Turner's famed 1893 work, "The Frontier Thesis, " was nostalgia for a past world: all of the new industries were concentrated in urban centers.
153. Photochromic materials are widely used in optical information storage, optical switching devices and optical switches and other frontier areas.
154. The effects industry is emerging as an exciting new frontier for mathematicians, one that uniquely combines mathematical insights with the art of moviemaking.
155. I fancied him to be an Indian chief, a 'red-skinned warrior' in the romantic frontier sagas of my childhood.
156. The recent inflow of capital has provided a cheaper source of credit for the development of frontier regions, but has also brought important know-how.
157. We are reaching out for a new and boundless frontier.
158. Mixing butter, red mineral pigments, and sometimes incense, Hamar women roll their hair into thick, ropey strands. See more photographs from the March 2010 feature story "Africa's Last Frontier."
159. I want to go to the lecture badly. It is about Frederick Jackson Turner and his research on the frontier.
160. Software delivery process automation and optimization is quite possibly the "final frontier" left for modernization in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).
161. The history of the frontier service provides a very important and hitherto unstudied example through which we can understand the changes that Christian missionary activities underwent in modem China.
162. Deeper in the desert, you can fossick for opals in the quirky underground town of Coober Pedy or in the frontier town of Andamooka.
163. The environmental radiochemistry is a new frontier discipline. So?it is very important to study the system of this subject.
164. Mainly includes: one is enlarges to the frontier trade development financial support dynamics.
165. Frontier trade is one of the special trade form between the adjacent countries, and is the important content of the foreign trade in a country.
166. The Los Angeles that greeted these pioneers who disembarked after their four-day train ride from the east was part boomtown, part frontier.
167. The tale of the building of the transcontinental railroad, the steel band that wed the metropolitan East to the frontier West, is among the greatest in American history.
168. The life of the Reindeer men was a frontier life.
169. The Wild West frontier arrest and treatment of DSK, the lynch-mob mood, the media orgy, and his public humiliation make the US look like a nasty third world state.
170. Or, as John Perry Barlow of the Electronic Frontier Foundation predicted last year: "We're going back to the city-state.
171. The submicroscopic domain , inhabited by elementary particles(http:///frontier.html), is probably the most fundamental frontier of physics.
172. The Republicans believe that the wagon train will not make it to the frontier unless some of the old, some of the young, some of the weak are left behind by the side of the trail.
173. Behavioristic geography is a newly emerged branch of science, and also a frontier science between geography and psychology.
174. Some parameters such as molar refractivity, frontier orbit energy, dipole moment, atom net charge of triazines were obtained by using the method of quantum-chemistry calculation.
175. These frontier men were the precise opposites of the tidewater aristocrats.
176. As one of the common frontier technology of IC manufacturing, micro-manufacturing, and robot manipulation, microassembly and micromanipulation have been researched widely recently.
177. The Web may have opened up and democratized the once top-heavy world of publishing, but the next frontier in digital publications is still young.
178. Syria has also closed all border crossings on its southern frontier with Jordan as the crackdown intensifies, a security official told Al Jazeera.
179. Yunnan is a beautiful and amazing culture of rich ethnic customs frontier provinces.
180. We deal now not with things of this world alone, but with the illimitable distances and as yet unfathomed mysteries of the universe. We are reaching out for a new and boundless frontier.
181. There is also a feed method is relatively high - end system on the frontier.
182. To Mongolia frontier trade is Inner Mongolia's foreign trade of importance constitute part, will directly influence the stability of the foreign trade of Inner Mongolia and can keep on a development.
183. At preset, the main reason for the rapid development of Xinjiang's foreign trade is the regional advantage. The most important trading form is frontier trade.
184. Johnny Appleseed is the nickname of a man whose real name was John Chapman, an American pioneer who planted large numbers of apple trees along the early frontier.
185. Locals confirmed that Pakistani soldiers were given a send-off party this weekend here in this town along the Afghan frontier.
186. It mainly means that the government must carry out uniform trade system, policy and fundamental measures in the customs frontier.
187. Besides, as a frontier problem in accounting theory. there's also need to discuss it. "
188. But the government dispatched paramilitary forces to root out militant strongholds near Peshawar, the capital of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province.
189. But the Turkish border with Greece introspection Frontier Province Edirne is that this wall may be no effect.
190. That said, Ms. Wilderotter of Frontier believes women are better at multitasking than men.
191. Wang Changling (698 - about 756), the poet of the Tang Dynasty, Yang (Taiyuan, Shanxi Province today) people. Poems written by military frontier fortress forceful momentum, and high style.
192. And without--the frontier warfare; the yearning of a boy, cast ashore upon a desert of newness and ugliness and sordidness, for all that is chastened and old, and noble with traditions.
193. As a frontier science, the industry design is the perfect combination of science and art.
194. The Pakistani military has preferred to leave policing militant activity in the tribal areas to the Frontier Corps, a locally recruited paramilitary force. The U.
195. In the part three, based on the analysis above two parts, the paper discusses the concrete route of economic maturity in three frontier counties.
196. The first hyperpolarizability and molecular frontier orbit properties of barbituric acid derivatives are studied at HF/6-31G level by coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock(CPHF) method.
197. The official wharfs of such departments of customs, frontier defense and public security may not engage in port business operations.
198. Nanotube bio - technology has become the frontier and hot issue in nano - technology.
199. The midwestern state of Missouri is called The Show Me State. The people of that frontier state were once famous for not believing everything people told them.
200. The frontier orbital theory was used to explain the soft hard acid base principles, and the soft hard acid base principles were used to explain the stabilities of supramolecular chemical compounds.
201. The creativity thought is a part that human intelligence activity inside have most the frontier spirit( ), the strange characteristic and the Creative power.
202. Frontier Missions and reaching the unreached is the heart and soul of our base.
203. Palaeontological behaviour study is a new field, and Sarah Harding is on that frontier.
204. The seller must carry out, where applicable, all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods to the named place of delivery at the frontier and for their transit through any country.
205. Taliban insurgency is spreading in its north-west frontier region, fuelled partly by a similar Pushtun uprising against NATO and American troops in Afghanistan (see article).
206. In general words, the formation of the Ming frontier in its northwest territory was an outcome of the triangle geopolitical situation of the Ming, the Northern Yuan, and the Eastern Chagatai Khanate.
207. Later, Reactionist writers took the view that frontier women were lonely, displaced persons in a hostile milieu that intensified the worst aspects of gender relations.
208. He was an original pioneer into the dark frontier of chaos before it gelled into a scientific theory and faddish field of study.
209. Objective In order to develop the surveillance against the West Nile virus at frontier port in China, and prevent the spread of its virus into the country.
210. To date Frontier has supported the likes of TechColumbus, Ohio State University and the Cleveland Clinic.
211. Mere centuries ago, Europeans settled a vast, relatively unpopulated continent, where they enjoyed unprecedented freedom and opportunity as their government mobilized them to settle the frontier.
212. Inspection" means that the Frontier Health and Quarantine Organ( hereinafter referred to as the" Health and Quarantine Organ") carries out medical inspection and sanitary inspection.
213. Volcanic sedimentation is a frontier realm between volcanology and sedimentology.
214. By 1700 the Virginia frontier had been pushed as far west as the fall line—the point upstream at which the rivers emptying into the Atlantic became unnavigable.
215. They possess the autonomy of setting up foreign trade ports and developing frontier trade, and they enjoy the trade management autonomy from state preferential policy.
216. Frontier trade is centered on the low - cost consumable supplies and consignation trade.
217. But if we have credit markets, then people can individually choose to be off the production possibility frontier and at a higher level of consumption than otherwise would.
218. Article 44 The management of export license under the item of frontier trade is implemented in accordance with related current regulations.
219. This paper analyses the course and reasons of Russian financial crisis, its impacts on the frontier trade between China and Russia and China's corresponding countermeasures.
220. Using RS information to do the RS digit image map have many advantages: macroscopical, real time, no limited of frontier and political position when catch information, short cycle, high quality.
221. Ltd is a professional foreign trade company holding the rights of general trade and frontier trade authorized by the National Department of Commercial Affairs.
222. And considering the force of Ming and suzerain - feudatory system some officials in the frontier are actually adopt the policy of supporting Li' s to oppose Mo' s.
223. Man was a professional soldier and all that. You should have seen him on the Frontier. Or how we fought shoulder-to-shoulder through the Khyber Pass. That's where I picked up that Jesail bullet.
224. Sam quickly adjusted to the rugged life of a frontier mining town.
225. As a special way of international trade, frontier trade means the economic connections and communications on the frontiers among neighbor countries.
226. This "proof of concept" ISRU experiment—even if it produces only one milliwatt of power – will mark a critical milestone in the advancement of humankind on the space frontier.
227. This topology is intended to give you some notion of the location of the point of disjuncture and conjuncture, of union and frontier, that can be occupied only by the desire of the analyst.
228. The frontier humor employed in The Best Short Stories of Bret Harte (hereafter BSSBH) helps to deepen the thematic understanding of Harte's works.
229. In the ashes of World War II, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's science advisor, Vannevar Bush, wrote "Science: The Endless Frontier, " a report on the state of the nation's research efforts.
230. The Pakistani military has preferred to leave policing militant activity in the tribal areas to the Frontier Corps, a locally recruited paramilitary force.
231. Pripyat is an abandoned city. It is in the north of the Ukraine capital Kiev's scattered region, approaching the Belorussia frontier.
232. The establishment of frontier ports and the healthy and rapid development of the frontier trade have promoted the process of urbanization in frontier areas.
233. "In the past, natural resources were abundant, " says Robert Costanza, Director of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics at the University of Vermont. "We've used up all the frontier.
234. By utilizing the project analysis on DEA efficient frontier, the adjustment quantity of inefficient DMU input indexes are ensured, and it can provide reliable basis for optimizing materiel cost scale.
235. The art troupe is always on the move in frontier guards.
236. China, perennially sensitive to frontier threats, launched a shock counteroffensive to save its communist neighbor.
237. The application of GIS and computer technology in building SIS has been the focus as well as frontier of pedology in terms of foreign or domestic in recent years.
238. Currently, the Chinese people have less understanding and insufficient use of the significant economic value of the frontier land power.
239. The research of artificial brain is a frontier research in the world, and has been already made certain progress in some countries.
240. China ERLIAN CITY SUOLUN FRONTIER TRADE IMPORT AND EXPORT CO. , LTD. is a comprehensive foreign trade enterprise specialized in international trade in China Inner Mongolia.
241. After the magnificent frontier crossing by the Paso San Francisco, we enter Argentinian territory, racing smoothly down the Andes Cordillera high plateaux.
242. Bret Harte is a prominent American Western short story writer, renowned for his refreshing frontier humor infused in enriching Californian literature.
243. The bionics is a subject of a colligated frontier study.
244. Despite the best efforts of web architects, the web has always been a wild frontier of messy, confusing, and sometimes just diabolically broken markup (nicknamed tag soup).
245. The poem Shizhisaishang was a frontier fortress pome. It was written by Wangwei by the style of landscape poesy .
246. Complex industrial process computer control is a frontier of information and control science.
247. The frontier has been an active source for American folktales dealing with characters such as Paul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed, John Henry, and Mike Fink.
248. The attack was aimed at an official of the Frontier Corps, a federally controlled paramilitary force that is battling militants.
249. The sea is the realm of inner space. It is our last frontier.
250. The German war machine had lumbered falteringly over the frontier and come to a standstill Linz.
251. Customs, maritime supervision, commodity inspection, health quarantine, plant quarantine, frontier inspection, vessel inspection and readily available.
252. Coincidently a few months ago we sent our written questions of Frontier Visionary Interview for Evan Williams.
253. Since China entered the WTO, the frontier trade has constantly kept a fast development.
254. There remain many literature materials through history. To hackle these materials may serve as a foundation for the soon coming frontier archeology and cultural investigations of the ancient road.
255. The only downside of this train, which offers connections to Athens from Thessaloniki,(Sentence dictionary) is that you have to disembark at the Turkish frontier at two in the morning to get your visa.
256. Steel and aluminum cans, tires and other reclaimed materials are all used in Earthships, but they are far from primitive frontier cabins.
257. This article has used SCL-90 and Eysenck's reality-illusion test as the tool to investigate 984 university students of two universities or colleges in the south frontier minority area in Yunnan.
258. The recent progress of car gasolene engine is generalized and the frontier research trend proceeded on gasolene engine is presented in the article.
259. The recent progress of car gasolene engine is generalized and the frontier research trend proceeded on gasolene engine is presented ...
260. Then the diversification benefit would be visualized by comparing the efficient frontier and domestic stock index' s risk-return point on the return-variance plane.
261. The frontier orbital is mainly formed by atomic orbitals of azido group, so it is the most reactive part of the molecule.
262. Commercial banks, being at the frontier of anti - money - laundering, play an important role.
263. Born in September 1789 in Burlington, New Jersey, Cooper grew up in Cooperstown, New York, a frontier settlement that he later dramatized in his novels.
264. The Bank's initial funding will be redirected from projects in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province and Azad Jammu and Kashmir and amount to about US$40 million.




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