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单词 Speculation
(1) Speculation is rife that he will be sacked.
(2) Mr Wakeham dismissed the reports as speculation.
(3) Speculation centred on a likely bid price of 380p a share.
(4) Speculation was rife as to whom the prince might marry.
(5) Speculation about his future had reached fever pitch .
(6) The minister dismissed the newspaper reports as pure speculation.
(7) As a scientist, I do not deal in speculation.
(8) The report was based on rumours, speculation, and innuendo.
(9) His private life is the subject of much speculation.
(10) It's not wild speculation! It's plain matter of fact.
(11) I am tired of all the speculation.
(12) He was ruined by speculation.
(13) He ventured on a rash speculation.
(14) Speculation about a divorce proved totally unfounded.
(15) He made his money in property speculation.
(16) There is speculation that the president is ill.
(17) Her resignation ends months of speculation about her future.
(18) The president's absence led to speculation over his health.
(19) These reports are pure speculation .
(20) His resignation was preceded by weeks of speculation.
(21) She dismissed the newspaper reports as pure speculation.
(22) He ventured his fortune in a speculation.
(23) The chairman dismissed the report as pure speculation.
(24) Speculation about his future plans is rife.
(25) He exhausted a fortune in stock-market speculation.
(26) The group's problems have led to speculation that heads will roll.
(27) The company moved quickly to quash rumours/speculation that it is losing money.
(28) Chief executive David Prosser said the takeover speculation was wrong and no one was sniffing around.
(29) Whether or not he will get the job is mere speculation.
(30) He was chiseled out of five thousand pounds in business speculation.
(1) Speculation is rife that he will be sacked.
(2) Mr Wakeham dismissed the reports as speculation.
(3) Whether or not he will get the job is mere speculation.
(4) Speculation centred on a likely bid price of 380p a share.
(5) Speculation was rife as to whom the prince might marry.
(6) He was ruined by speculation.
(7) He ventured on a rash speculation.
(8) He made his money in property speculation.
(9) He ventured his fortune in a speculation.
(31) Recent worries over the president's health have prompted speculation over his political future.
(32) No one knew exactly what he had done, but speculation ran rife.
(33) The statement excited new speculation that a senior minister may be about to resign.
(34) This has fuelled speculation that he is about to clinch a deal with an American engine manufacturer.
(35) The prince's words on marriage have prompted a flurry of speculation in the press this week.
(36) The prime minister's speech fuelled speculation that she is about to resign.
(37) Speculation is growing that Grogan will be replaced at the end of the season, and he is unlikely to go quietly .
(38) Despite weeks of media speculation, the president refused to tip his hand about his plans for re-election.
(39) Speculation has been bubbling away for months that he plans to resign.
(40) Rumours that they are about to marry have been dismissed as pure speculation.
(41) There has been much speculation that America might be siding with the rebels.
(42) We are constantly fed gossip and speculation by the media.
(43) There was widespread speculation that she was going to resign.
(44) The result will inevitably fuel speculation about the Prime Minister's future.
(45) He had tried to damp down speculation about the state of his marriage.
(46) Today's announcement ends months of speculation about the company's future.
(46) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(47) In answer to speculation that she wouldn't finish the race, she boldly declared her intention of winning it.
(48) It triggered broad speculation that GM and Jaguar might be talking.
(49) Gossip and speculation are constantly fed to us by the media.
(50) The President's absence has given rise to speculation about his health.
(51) The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest.
(52) Speculation has reached such a pitch that a decision will have to be made immediately.
(53) A lucky speculation in the stock market put him on easy street for the rest of his life.
(54) We won't dignify this kind of speculation with a comment.
(55) There has been increasing speculation over the future of the monarchy.
(56) There was wild speculation among the students as to the reason for cancelling the lecture.
(57) The President has gone out of his way to dismiss speculation over the future of the economy minister.
(58) Her sudden withdrawal from the championship caused a lot of press speculation about her health.
(59) He was dropped from the team amid speculation that he was seriously ill.
(60) The company issued a press release to end speculation about its future.
(61) There was intense speculation 18 months ago that the former foreign secretary might be parachuted into the Scottish Parliament.
(62) His equivocal response has done nothing to dampen the speculation.
(63) Most biblical scholarship involves some degree of speculation.
(64) Kawaja fueled speculation by publicly suggesting that barrels of the by-product were shipped out under cover of night.
(65) And there is speculation that crucial evidence may also be gleaned from a security camera in operation close to the scene.
(66) Those who belittle the value of new integrative speculation are, in a phrase of Bennett's, dogmatically defeatist.
(67) The events of 1971 assume the proportions of a small-town poker game in comparison to the speculation of February and March 1973.
(68) An alternative speculation is that he exists at present under the alias of Robert S.. Fanshaw or another alias.
(69) The tower is fully let, leading to speculation that funds were diverted to deal with its liquidity crunch.
(70) In the mess, speculation had buzzed about in hushed whispers, knowing, secretive nods.
(71) Speculation on their colourful lives and enormous bank balances have provided much needed excitement in a sea of bland, beige tailoring.
(72) Inflation encourages consumption, borrowing and speculation: it discourages saving, lending and investment.
(73) Losses had also accrued from discounts and subsidies to private and public banks, and from exchange rate speculation.
(74) According to another speculation, vocal language gradually evolved from spontaneous cries of pain, pleasure, or other emotions.
(75) They also amused themselves with the speculation that their ancestor had escaped from the Titanic in women's clothing.
(76) Beyond this, there is much speculation but little or no concrete evidence.sentence dictionary
(77) Which one actually did the job once rested on speculation.
(78) There is increased speculation this could be done through bankruptcy or a reorganization under bankruptcy protection.
(79) There is also considerable scope for informed speculation about the feeding mechanisms among the extinct agnathans.
(80) Because of Stagecoach's speculation, the ratepayers of Southampton have had to fork out El 38,000 to provide another coach station.
(81) And Coppell himself gave the Roker manager further cause for relief when he stamped out speculation that he may quit Palace.
(82) Among star performers was the Savoy Hotel where shares soared on the back of speculation that sometime predator Forte group was back.
(83) But a regional health authority spokesman dismissed the document as pure speculation.
(84) It is an interesting speculation whether the reintroduction of such draconian legislation might reduce more recent economic problems.
(85) Speculation that the deputy chairman, Lord Barnett, might also be removed came to nothing.
(86) It is the second type of question which is aimed at arousing speculation about possible solutions.
(87) We hope to bury any speculation that there was a conspiracy.
(88) News of, and speculation about, the creature fills the pages of local newspapers and dominates the airwaves.
(89) Others decided to taste freedom in other fields of social activity: speculation on the black market, opening businesses etc.
(90) Widespread speculation is that several others are enduring serious financial difficulty and may eventually fold or merge with more successful companies.
(91) Today there is renewed speculation about a consumer market comeback.
(92) Composites, which have attracted takeover speculation, were inclined to ease on disappointment that Pearl had been targeted.
(93) Whether they are actually his desires, or those of the devil, must remain speculation.
(94) His face has been the object of as much speculation as any other physical attribute.
(95) As yet, there is only speculation that Charles will relinquish his birthright.
(96) But after weeks of personal attacks on the president, such speculation seems premature.
(97) Long before spacecraft missions first explored the Moon, speculation on the origin of the lunar craters abounded.
(98) How much money Simpson has is a matter of intense speculation and debate.
(99) There had been speculation that Mr Mugabe would be challenged at the congress, but he strengthened his control over the party.
(100) But speculation about whether he had accomplices has run amok.
(101) The speculation might have been premature but Rioch has since applied for the job.
(102) But it did not bring an end to the speculation and confusion which was rending the civilized world.
(103) Further speculation was fuelled recently by the discovery of a huge arms cache in Batman.
(104) The speculation had an even more profound effect on the public sector.
(105) What flows from his pen in this book is a mixture of autobiography, literary theory, and metaphysical speculation.
(106) An inordinate number of barber shops, for some strange reason, seem to deal in this kind of exchange speculation.
(106) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(107) For there was much speculation and controversy among professional taxonomists at the time about the distinction between a variety and a species.
(108) There was speculation that it was going to be in two weeks when baseball owners were scheduled to meet in Philadelphia.
(109) The concept of reason and all speculation about personal opinion would ever after be dismissed as tribal, beliefs fabricated by sects.
(110) The claim of universality of his theory is speculation by others. and adult education.
(111) But he stopped that when there was speculation that she would get a cabinet post if he won.
(112) But no explanation of the most horrendous moment in the history of the Derby can be other than speculation.
(113) Also on April 27 measures laying down sanctions against speculation and the circumvention of price controls were announced.
(114) Merger mania and speculation about a Boeing-McDonnell Douglas combination boosted the shares of aerospace and defense stocks.
(115) Pre-Christmas party gossip was buzzing with speculation that the company was for sale.
(116) It was already being alleged that speculation in bombed cities was going on.
(117) Set too low, it would do little to deter speculation in the event of a crisis.
(118) Yet the commercial is based on speculation that is indeed scary but not unjustified.
(119) He says he will cut interest rates on short-term investments to below inflation, thereby discouraging speculation.
(120) This concludes months of speculation Forte was close to completing the sale of the chain.
(121) Oil speculation proved a natural arena for his skills.
(122) The record company also denied speculation that leak.
(123) The fever of speculation was in the veins of the community before "kiting" began.
(124) Comment boards filled with speculation on the amount of radiation emitted during a full body scan.
(125) Anderson's long-term future at United has been the subject of speculation for the last few weeks after a reported bust-up with Sir Alex Ferguson.
(126) Iknow this is speculation but i hope one day have mora scientifics facts that prove this.
(127) The Arsenal manager takes such speculation with a pinch of salt.
(128) Forecasts of defeat have prompted speculation that the LDP will fracture, sparking a rejig of Japan's political landscape.
(129) With oil prices at historic high, there is speculation that OPEC will decide to increase production.
(130) Because of the more severe information asymmetry and speculation problems, the IPO under-pricing of the minor enterprises board is higher than that of Shanghai main market.
(131) The Daily Mail's market report said there's speculation that a group of U.S. private-equity firms make an offer of 800 pence a share, without citing anyone.
(132) Speculation is rife, for instance, that Qatar and Arab Emirates are about to break their pegs.
(133) At the same time thinking about the answer may suggest that the list of scene and involves the topic, the information in the brain, so that in the next hearing process do with speculation.
(134) Instantly, Twitter was atwitter with speculation about whether the show of emotion by the "weeper of the House" was genuine.
(135) For the citizens of China, Indonesia, and Russia, which together account for over 1/4 of the world's population, a sickly gerontocracy means perpetual speculation and uncertainty.
(136) There is media speculation in Washington that Obama may divert from his Asian trip to Kabul to confront Karzai.
(137) The internet has swirled with speculation in recent weeks about a release date for Apple's iPhone 5,[] and even whether the company will update its iconic smartphone at all this year.
(138) The shares of local retailers soared initially, on speculation they would be takeover targets for foreign firms, with some of which they already have small joint ventures in India.
(139) Secondly, all this stuff about edges increasing strobing and "CPU" speed is pure speculation.
(140) "Despite the various rumors and speculation surrounding this role, there has only ever been one Bilbo Baggins for us," director Peter Jackson said in a press release.
(141) Wade is not sounding worried about what the coming weeks and months may bring. He's too busy right now to be caught up in speculation, anyway.
(142) Program trading and speculation also have a role in shaping prices.
(143) Currency depreciation will also inhibit the Russian capital market development, and intensified speculation.
(144) Yet China's economy, and speculation that the yuan's value vis-a-vis the dollar will soon be allowed to rise, is moving currencies around the world.
(145) Speculation usually as a heat transfer medium oil, which has the speculation, speculation seditious , starch, milk distinction.
(146) Despite rampant speculation — that Hoover was gay, a cross-dresser or had no sex life — the truth about his sex life is nearly impossible to pin down.
(147) Finally the retrospection of the past practices raised the speculation beyond the architectural design.
(148) Through empirical research, the paper gets the conclusion that the speculation is a main reason to IPO Under-pricing.
(149) The head of the American Petroleum Institute, Red Caveney, says there is a simple way to counteract expectations of continually higher fuel prices that drive market speculation.
(150) The spat is set to reignite speculation over the future of Yahoo's investments in Asia.
(151) Burberry Group Plc rallied 3.7 percent to 1,172 pence amid speculation that PPR SA, the French owner of the Gucci and Puma brands, may make a bid for the U. K. 's largest luxury retailer.
(152) As a market of investment and speculation, it influences the income scale and struction of residents through channel effect and diversion effect.
(153) There is still some speculation over whether Kandinsky actually had synaesthesia or was simply influenced by reports of the phenomenon in other people.
(154) As a target of speculation, there is no rational basis for its price, just like the Dutch tulip or northeast with kaffir prices, mainly by speculators gambling psychological decided.
(155) There is much speculation as to who will stay put.
(156) The third chapter is about the basic speculation of carrying out the electioneering system in our country.
(157) Iran is seen as an existential threat, and that has raised speculation that Israel might launch a pre-emptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.
(158) He boasts of his ability to pull off a speculation.
(159) There was much speculation about whether Chinese censors would set restrictions on antiestablishment icon Bob Dylan when he performed in China in April.
(160) Its decision to press ahead now is part of stepped-up efforts since early last year, including two interest-rate rises, to curb speculation in the property market and show the poor it cares.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:41:21