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单词 Shark
1. The movie 'Jaws' is about a man-eating shark.
2. We could see the fin of a shark as it slowly circled our boat.
3. His arm was ripped to pieces by a shark.
4. Shark numbers have dwindled as a result of hunting.
5. The shark is a masterpiece of evolution.
6. The shark snapped its jaws shut.
7. They were killed by a man - eating shark.
8. The shark sounded to catch food.
9. The shark described a circle around the shoal of fish.
10. The shark was writhing around wildly, trying to get free.
11. A shark can smell blood at a distance of half a kilometer.
12. A shark can crush a boat with its massive jaws.
13. He looked enormous, like a shark on the sand.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. The Great White Shark has struck again.
15. Yes, beaming, grinning like a shark.
16. He smiled, looking more like a shark than ever.
17. Only later did the skin of the shark turn back to its more usual blue-and-white shading.
18. With a thrust of its fins, the shark moved through the water.
19. If a scuba diver is bitten by a shark in deep water, what color does the blood look?
20. His most famous artistic offering consists of a dead shark floating in a tank of formaldehyde.
21. Human remains were found among the stomach contents of the shark.
22. Never as long as I live will I marry that sinister shark who pretends to be so smooth and loyal and hard-working.
23. But with them comes the threat of larger predators(), namely the great white shark.
24. All 21 points Gill scored last year, his first as a Shark, were assists.
25. Therefore it would be these human hormones that the shark would detect and home in on.
26. One might as well expect mercy from a killer shark or warmth from a cube of ice.
27. Kick the front leg vigorously as if you were trying to attract a shark!
28. But the seafood also is good, particularly the California halibut, Cajun mako shark and teriyaki mahi mahi.
29. Their chances of being killed by lightning are 30 times greater than their chances of being eaten by a shark.
30. The skyline, from any part of this magical plateau, was toothed like the jaw of a shark.
1. The movie 'Jaws' is about a man-eating shark.
2. We could see the fin of a shark as it slowly circled our boat.
3. They were killed by a man - eating shark.
31. It was only a small shark about three feet long so I ignored it and began the survey.
32. The shark which attacked Ford was later caught by fishermen but escaped.
33. Deborah Ford told ambulance officers she saw the shark take her husband, John.
34. The titles are stacking up like the poker chips of a red-hot card shark.
35. The great white has a certain notoriety for being the only shark species to attack humans without apparent cause.
36. The faceless presence, thrashing and twisting like a hooked shark, was drawn to its doom.
37. The street waited for me the way a mako shark awaits limbs hanging from inner tubes.
38. Men are descended from fish, perhaps of the shark or dogfish type.
39. Which premise logically entails the fifteenth day of March and sails - a street of blue-black sails like shark.
40. He fell backward, was dragged along the pavement tearing at his hands like shark teeth.
41. He pulls away, past me, like a shark impatient to get back into the swim of things.
42. The shark can not suddenly twist them to a vertical position to act as brakes.
43. The week after, there was a millpond under a vivid blue sky - with matching hammerhead shark cruising the northern limits.
43. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
44. The incident has triggered what can only be described as a media feeding frenzy about shark attacks.
45. Just like a shark, she thought for the second time that night, and the image didn't entirely displease her.
46. This time its offerings include a dead shark floating in a tank of formaldehyde.
47. The reefs rise, luxurious, from the deeper sandy bed where manta and white tipped shark roam.
48. You would be unlucky not to see shark, but these are no problem if you don't disturb them.
49. The measures are designed to halt the sharp decline in shark populations caused by overfishing in recent years.
50. Local populations of some dolphins have been severely affected by the use of shark nets to protect bathers.
51. That was less than three minutes defenseman Yves Racine scored his first goal as a Shark.
52. It also made other catches on the islands, including shark fins and sea cucumbers, more attractive.
53. Ex-loan shark Sam Gwynne reveals his contribution to the international debt crisis.
54. Trying to escape him was about as feasible as trying to escape a very big shark in a very small fish tank.
55. Fishing Deep Sea fishing offers everything from conger eel to codling, even the occasional shark.
56. The guy we met the other day was a complete shark!
57. Tiger Shark Attack, Hawaii, 1997 Photograph by William R.
58. A tiger shark looking for dinner.
59. She entrusted all her saving to a shark.
60. Your mother is quite the card shark.
61. The card shark is caught by the police.
62. It needs skills to become a card shark.
63. The shark of the Saipan amiability small toy.
64. The hammerhead shark family is a good example.
65. Such as tilefish, swordfish, shark, king mackerel.
66. We saw the whale shark in the aquarium.
67. Was Robin Hood a loan shark?
68. You need the shark repellent of good money management.
69. They just hired shark watcher to avoid sudden death.
70. These include shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish .
71. The next shark that came was a single shovelnose.
72. Joe is quite the card shark.
73. Never do business with a loan shark.
74. A great white shark breaching in False Bay, South Africa(http://), similar to the shark that jumped into a boat in the same area.
75. We need to recognise that, place more value on the sharks , ban shark finning.
76. I asked Jim what he thought about the Congressional move and he pointed out that the Act allows for finning of smooth dogfish shark.
77. In the U.S., a boat found carrying nearly 65,000 lb. (30,000 kg) of illegal shark fins won a court case because it was registered as a cargo vessel, which current U.S. finning laws do not cover.
78. There are various kinds of softhearted and wonderful heaven visitors in it and. a traditional show ?"Take the pearl from the mouth of a shark".
79. The world's largest shark and largest fish. Its enormous, yellow-spotted body is outfitted with 300 - 350 rows of teeth.
80. An hour later he sighted the first shark. It was a fierce Mako, and it came in fast to slash with raking teeth at the dead marlin.
81. Gathering coconuts was a problem because of a dangerous man-eating shark named Doby Dick.
82. Caught in a gill net in the Gulf of California, this thresher shark is among the estimated 100m sharks killed annually for their fins.
83. The most well - known sharks are the great white shark, whale shark, blue shark and hammerhead shark.
84. The male friend takes out a fruit knife from the bosom, say:Afraid, but there is shark, I deal with it with this.
85. These are the animals chosen for the mission: Lynx, Fox, Wolf, Wolverine, Mouse, Pike (a freshwater fish), and Dogfish (a kind of small shark--dogfish is a funny name for a shark, isn't it?).
86. Researchers used a tool called "genetic stock identification" to test samples of 62 scalloped hammerhead shark fins—an endangered species—from the Hong Kong fin market.
87. An oceanic whitetip shark swam near Nyad, but a diver on her team faced it off and it meandered away.
88. The shark will be back and if you can't pay, he'll break your creativity, morale, and good-mannered nature as virtue twigs.
89. Last year, California surfer Todd Endris was on his surfboard when a shark appeared.
90. The FDA-EPA advisory warns pregnant women not to eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish . These are the fish more likely to have high mercury levels.
91. The greatest threat to the grey nurse shark is from fishing and accidental hooking, and shark finning .
92. The scientists, who examined retinas of 17 different species of shark, discovered that the creatures had only one type of colour-sensitive cell, known as a cone cell, in their eyes.
93. Despite the widespread fear of these enormous predators white shark attacks are rarely fatal.
94. They probably get the name "bull shark" 'cause they're so big and stocky. I kinda think of them more as the "pit bull of the seas. "
95. This photo shows a thresher shark caught in a fisherman's net in Mexico's Gulf of California.
96. He's going to harpoon the shark and blow it up?
97. She says the Government must follow other jurisdictions and stop shark finning altogether.
98. For most people, few things evoke fear like the image of a great white shark.
99. The predator had killed two soupfin sharks earlier this year, although aquarium officials weren't sure whether the shark was hunting at the time.
100. Shark cartilage has been used to make artificial skin for human burn victims.
101. Specifically, squalene is the gooey oil squeezed from the liver of a shark.
102. The group were about to leave the deep waters south of the Mississippi River's mouth, when Mr McInnis found himself alone in the company of a tiger shark.
103. They include the hammerhead shark, whose fins are highly prized in China for soup,() with a bowlful selling for as much as $100.
104. Besides large waves, the harsh chafing of salt water and jellyfish, the passage between Florida and Cuba is full of sharks. But Nyad plans to swim without protection from a shark cage.
105. It could have been a marlin or a broadbill or a shark.
106. The most aggressive type of shark is the bull shark.
107. "People see a great white shark on the south California coast, and another hundreds of miles away, " O'Dor said.
108. Among them is the Mekong giant catfish, which is the size of a bull shark, and the Mekong stingray, which can weigh up to 600kg.
109. A female gulper shark, for example, takes between 12 and 15 years toreach sexual maturity. A pregnant female gives birth to a single pupafter a gestation period of about two years.
110. Leviathan among sharks, a whale shark (Rhincodon typus) gains on its small prey in the Indian Ocean off the coast of western Australia.
111. Fisheries are mainly tilapia, crab, soft-shelled turtle, quality carp, white butterfish , white shark, fish, catfish, the United States to fish, Macrobrachium nipponense, eel, loach, such as mussels.
112. For now, he has set his sights on marketing Skyride to fitness facilities and ski resorts for off-season use. And he's banking on his ability to wow ABC's Shark Tank producers.
113. The loan shark sliced off my fingers with a saw.
114. Results shows that there are 13 pelagic sharks occurring in the Atlantic longline catch and dominant species are short mako(Isurus oxyrinchus) and blue shark(Prionace glauca).
115. The surfers called it quits after one was nipped by a shark.
116. There are exciting adventure sports, such as the rope down, fly, flying skateboards (Kite boarding), shark diving, etc. concept.
117. That's right, they actually needed a movie about a giant, man-eating, shark to top Audie Murphy's awesomeness.
118. In this paper, collagen peptide powder from the shark skin was prepared by some biochemistry techniques including proteinase hydrolysis, spray torrefaction.
119. Earlier in the day, a 31-year-old man was attacked by a bronze whaler shark while spearfishing near Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
120. I was so desperate at one point, I even went to see a loan shark.
121. He leaned loose piece of the meat of the fish where the shark had cut him.
122. New Zealand fur seals swim warily above a great white shark, the largest predatory fish in the seas.
123. A tiger shark looking for dinner. In this instance , though , the young albatross succeeded in escaping.
124. "It's definitely a first for Goodna, to have a shark in the main street," Paul Tully, Ipswich councilor for the Goodna region, said in the Queensland Times report.
125. Acaleph, coral, actinia , electric eel, seaweed, shark, whale, seal...
126. This was a close encounter with a lemon shark taken in Bora Bora at 20 meters down at the dive site Tapu.
127. The nationwide biggest shark museum at present, where there are thousands of fierce lemon shark, nurse shark, as well as Whitetip Reef Shark, Blacktip Reef Shark, Suction Shark, etc.
128. Long after natural "cures" such as shark cartilage and laetrile from peach pits flopped comes the first study of its kind to show that vitamin D is a potent cancer stopper.
129. Stewed red shark, baked oysters, clear beef broth Eel Ukrainian ears are the representation of Chaozhou Cuisine's seafood .
130. Aquarium staff released the shark south of Monterey Bay. Its movement will be tracked for 30 days with an electronic tag that was attached before its release.
131. A shark was finning around the surface of the ocean.
132. Any of various sharks of the family Lamnidae, including the great white shark, mako, and porbeagle , having a pointed snout, a nearly symmetrical tail, and a reputation for aggressiveness.
133. The amazing pictures were taken recently at Porthcurno beach, Cornwall,(/shark.html) Britain where the basking shark was cruising just yards off shore.
134. This photo was taken at Shark Reef Aquarium at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada.
135. The Seychelles Maritime Safety Authority issued a swimming ban at the Anse Lazio and Anse Georgette beaches, while surveillance patrols were launched in a bid to catch the killer shark.
136. Among the fish to avoid are shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish , all of which may contain high levels of mercury.
137. In Sydney, some hours later, a kayaker survived a terrifying ordeal after being knocked from his craft by a great white shark.
138. Their private signboards vegetables shark liver oil capsules from unique top-secret formula, adopted more than 10 secret process carefully from the system.
139. The video footage apparently showed the shark circling Kulcsar after bumping him off his kayak.
140. He'd borrowed money for her treatment and had fallen tens of thousands in debt even making the desperate blunder of engaging with a local loan shark.
141. Perhaps the shark just thinks that the person is a kind of sea animal.
142. Many shark species, including makos, blue sharks and thresher sharks, swim in and out of New England waters each year, according to Massachusetts' Division of Marine Fisheries.
143. "What do you mean?" question the loan shark, now feeling a bit dazed by the chocolates.
144. They just hired a shark watcher to avoid sudden death.
145. Doomed by a gill net, a thresher shark in Mexico's Gulf of California is among an estimated 100 million sharks killed yearly for their fins.
146. Ingredient: Natural seawater pearl essence, rich hydrolysed pear liquid, deep-sea shark oil, lauric acid, marine plant compound vitamin C.
147. Despite this distinctive profile, scientists know very little about Rhincodon typus—the whale shark.
148. Finally they tied ropes to the shark's tail fin and behind its pectoral fin, and attached these ties to the rescue vessel, which towed the shark out through the harbour estuary.
149. A new book has claimed that Robin Hood was not as selfless as he is often depicted, suggesting he stole from the rich and lent money to the poor as an early kind of "loan shark".
150. "I'm not interested in a debate, " replied the loan shark, as he ate anotIT piece of chocolate.
151. Near a seal colony in South Africa, a great white shark breaches, leaping for a decoy being pulled across the surface.
152. The shark clamped down his ankle while he was surfing south of the Daytona Beach. He has more stitches than the doctors could count.
153. There are only three sharks that regularly attack humans. The massive great white, the swift, sleek tiger, and the often-ignored, but dangerous, bull shark.
154. But while she was practicing at an isolated cove, a four-meter long tiger shark ripped off her left arm.
155. The third inspiration was a mako shark that Mitchell caught while deep-sea fishing.
156. The story: New England shore community is terrorized by shark attacks; local cop, ichthyologist and salty shark expert determine to kill the attacker.
157. Don't buy products that exploit the oceans, such as coral calcium, shark cartilage supplements, and coral jewelry, and if you take fish oil, you can substitute equally healthy flaxseed oil.
158. Despite the widespread fear of these enormous predators, great white shark attacks are rarely fatal.
159. Do not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish (also called white snapper), because they contain high levels of mercury.
160. But a new look at the fossil suggests that great whites are more closely related to the less fearsome and smaller mako shark, which belonged to a genus that still exists today.
161. Lorenzo Adams is in trouble. While working at a bill collection agency in Norfolk, VA an old debt of his own suddenly comes due when Frankie Gutierrez, an L. A. loan shark, shows up at his door.
162. Although I am a mayfly, I dream to be a White Shark.
163. The good news is(http://), he shot photos lemon shark won the 2008 annual International Best Nature Photography Award.
164. He was just about to dive when he saw the shark.
165. They were documenting the dorsal fins of sharks, as part of an identification program, when a 10-foot-long great white shark suddenly landed on their vessel.
166. Shark to the blood gamey smell very sensitive, if he does like this to fight for time, afraiding of you can never appear is on the boat at this...
167. Mexican marine biologist has discovered a new shark species in the murky depths of Mexico's Sea of Cortez , the first new shark find in the wildlife-rich inlet in 34 years.
168. Any tyro collector entering the fray at Frieze should first read The $12m Stuffed Shark by economist Don Thompson.
169. Here, a gray reef shark swims amid a school of black triggerfish in the waters off Starbuck Island.
170. When they saw the shark, the bathers swam at full tilt to the shore.
171. Don't come to me absolution. You want to be a shark, be a shark.
172. If the shark was small, its meat most probably would be stewed in vinegar, ginger, salt, and garlic so that its gamy taste and smell would be neutralized.
173. A hammerhead shark is fatally caught in a gill net in Mexico's Gulf of California.
174. As a card shark, he must be careful about everything.
175. He said: "I have taken all the sharks, the only surfaced in the sunset, when the 8-foot lemon shark is the only one I think his face with a 'face' of sharks."
176. A dugong forages in the seagrass meadows of Shark Bay, Western Australia.
177. Third, Heil mentioned that great white shark migration patterns take the sharks down the U.S. East Coast during the summer, putting them closer to populated areas.
178. A whale shark tilts upright and yanks on a net, trying to make off with a fisherman's catch.
179. He saw the phosphorescent glimmer of a shark, like a sea ghost, drift sluggishly by.
180. An estimated 700 foreign-owned vessels are fishing regularly in Somalian waters for endangered tuna, shark and lobster.
181. Shark is the only fish in the sea that has no pneumatocyst, which means that it will swim to the bottom or even die if stopping swimming for a little while.
182. For many large coastal shark species, the declines were much greater - tiger, scalloped hammerhead, bull and dusky shark populations have all plummeted by more than 95 percent.
183. Rich brocade pedal vegetable E so on mentioning, seem to be also to a little bit scare into inaction:"That I now does the mansion seek a card shark to see?"
184. The whale shark is the largest fish in the world, measuring up to 20 m in length.
185. A 14-foot tiger shark attacked her, open Xuepentaikou, bit off Hamilton"s left arm."
186. Hammerschlag also nabbed third place in the student category with this photo of an oceanic whitetip shark approaching a tiny fish off Cat Island in the Bahamas.
187. A fish whose skeleton consists mainly of cartilage, especially a member of the class Chondrichthyes, such as a shark, skate, or ray.
188. Their notable finds included a deep-sea shark that swells its size by filling its stomach with water to scare off other predators, and a starfish that eats only driftwood.
189. While that evaluation isn't generally true, our story from 2 Kings supports the negative stereotype. A poor widow is at the mercy of a loan shark who takes advantage of her vulnerability.
190. Gathering coconuts was a problem cause of a dangerous man-eating shark named Doby Dick.
191. "The bull shark is known for its aggressiveness, " Landry says.
192. The boyfriend pulls out from the bosom the fruit knife, said: "Feared, but has the shark to come, I use this to cope with it."
193. We produce and export first quality shark fin from Atlantic Sea (Mexico).
193. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
194. Joined a fishing tour to Waterhouse Tasmania at Easter 2010. We caught plenty of flatheads, gurnards, pikes, kingfish, squids and Katy caught a gummy shark!
195. The other participant in this equation - the tiger shark - is perfectly suited for hunting large prey.
196. Other Ingredients : Gelatin, Glycerin. This product contains fish ( shark ) ingredients.
197. The researchers traced finds from the scalloped hammerhead shark species—collected at the world's biggest fin market in Hong Kong—back to rare populations in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans.
198. Happiness in sharks hasn't yet been studied or proven, but my bet would be that shark bliss occurs at these seamount stations.
199. Due to their high methyl mercury content, limit white (albacore) tuna to 6 ounces per week and do not eat the following four types of fish: tilefish, shark, swordfish, and king mackerel.
200. In this paper, mucopolysaccharide in shark cartilage was extracted and separated and the optimum extraction scheme.
201. As evidence of the river system's health, our skipper points out a 2m bull shark as it leaps skyward and a brahminy kite wheels overhead.
202. The shark meat was hydrolyzed with the enzyme hydrolytic technique in which subtilisin and papain were added simultaneously.
203. Finning as it is called, means cutting the fins off a live shark.
204. However, a proposal submitted by the European Union to extend the same level of protection to the porbeagle shark, critically endangered in the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean, was shot down.
205. The 16-foot shark had clamped down on his back with three rows of razor-sharp teeth.
206. Reports of great white shark encounters with humans have been abundant this summer, with a few harrowing incidents of sharks circling tourist and fishing boats yielding dramatic images.
207. In November, an international conference imposed a ban on trade in whitetip shark from the Atlantic and on the hammerhead shark.
208. The sea was still and quiet and something told us that maybe we should leave too, and we climbed into our boat just as great white shark came into view.
209. In the last few years, 55, 000 reptile skins from India, 19, 000 big-eye thresher shark fins in Ecuador and 23 metric tonnes of pangolin in Asia have all been seized.
210. The freshwater shark, some 20 inches (50 centimeter) long, dates back to the late Permian period, when the Saar-Nahe Basin in southwest Germany was peppered with short-lived lakes.
211. Kids squealed and ran away, as if a great white shark were entering the pool.
212. An oceanic whitetip shark and diver swim in the Bahamas.
213. The shark was threaded into a pipe " T " connection.
214. "The temnospondyl was crocodile-like, " Kriwet said. "The temnospondyls in the gut of the shark were larvae.
215. The accursed shark alone in any generic respect be said to bear comprarative analogy the dog.
216. Chapman and three members of the Riverhead Foundation began cutting up the shark around 3 p. m. , said Robert DiGiovanni, director of the foundation.
217. It should be noted that Benchley himself later came to renounce his novel and to advocate for shark conservation, spending his latter years trying to dispel the myths that it created.
218. The basking shark and whale shark are killed mainly for their fins and meat, and the great white shark for its jaws and teeth, he said.
219. I remember that the most early practicality of shark head was appeared in Mongolia and strips in tumulus from Liao dynasty, its back has two shark apices !
220. The attack comes a day after a 13-year-old girl wrestled with a great white shark.
221. Under blue light, the spots on this shark fluoresce, creating an eerie glow.
222. He connected with Rossmo, a pioneer in that criminal field, and they applied the work of tracking down criminals to sleuthing shark strategy.
223. An ex-con finds his plan to go straight foiled by a loan shark who manipulates his target into taking on one last heist.
224. A great white shark swims in the clear waters off Guadalupe Island.
225. That shark lent me money at very high interest rate.
226. As a public resource,(/shark.html) a Web server is like "shark bait" for some.
227. That's the U. S. S. Torsk, a World War II submarine that's painted to look like a shark.
228. His father's shredded wetsuit was found later, and aerial searches spotted a five-metre great white shark swimming in the area.
229. Perhaps the shark just thinks that the person is a kind of sea animal , or something good to eat !
230. SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Australian swimmer survived a great white shark attack by poking the creature in the eyes as it dragged him through the water after badly savaging his left leg.
231. It provides swallow, ormer, shark fin and other sea food courses of top Guangzhou cuisine for taking honour service to you.
232. In a new study, scientists looked at the retinas of 17 shark species caught off the coasts of eastern and western Australia, including tiger sharks and bull sharks.
233. But the shark came up fast with his head out and the old man hit him squarely in the center of his flat-topped head as his nose came out of water and lay against the fish.
234. However, there are still two other sharks which are fierce. They are the tiger shark and the bull shark.
235. The International Shark Attack File describes shark attacks as either provoked or unprovoked.
236. Though calling the situation critical, one local business owner cited in the South China Morning Post article said he would rather shut down his factory than approach a loan shark for cash.
237. But the shark jerked backwards as he rolled and the knife blade snapped.
238. A chemical found in the dogfish shark could be a safe and potent weapon against human viruses, BBC reported.
239. Any tyro collector entering Frieze should first read The $ 12 m Stuffed Shark by economist Don Thompson.
240. Shark watcher They just hired shark watcher to avoid sudden death.
241. But Nyad plans to swim without protection from a shark cage.
242. A great hammerhead shark will reach an average of 500 lbs. at adulthood.
243. It is I, a poor Tunny swallowed by the Shark at the same time as you.
244. While there are numerous types of sharks, only four are most frequently cited in encounters with humans—the bull shark, the tiger shark, the great white shark and the oceanic white tip shark.
245. The old man withdrew the blade and punched the shark exactly in the same spot again.
245. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
246. Mitchell and colleagues found antibiotic-resistant bacteria in seven species of shark—such as bull sharks, lemon sharks, and nurse sharks—as well as the redfish Sciaenops ocellata.
247. When a great white shark jumps, it can cover some distance. When coming up with great speed, it's not going to worry where it lands.
248. The shark was about thirty yards from the boy, coming in with the same sliding motion.
249. A federally protected sand tiger shark and its entourage of cigar minnows haunt the waters near the wreck of the U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Spar, south of Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina.
250. He heard the tiller break and he lunged at the shark with the splintered butt.
251. After all, this monster of a shark has no interest in chopping a big, gamey human.
252. This image is of the skin of the bull shark, an aggressive species that can tolerate fresh water and is thought to be responsible for many near-shore attacks.
253. That card shark was arrested for his cheating in card games.
254. Unlike the skin of whales and manatees, shark skin doesn't pick up algae or barnacles. This seems to be due to little scales called "dermal denticles."
255. The governor of Egypt's South Sinai region added fuel to the fire, saying, "What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark in the sea to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question.
256. Live Lobsters, Frozen Prawns ( Shrimps ), Frozen Tuna, Dried Sea Cucumber and Shark and Nutsand Refractories.




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