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单词 Marketplace
1. The firm soon achieved complete dominance in the marketplace.
2. The marketplace was where commerce was traditionally carried on.
3. I'll meet you in the marketplace next to the fountain.
4. I love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace.
5. The European marketplace offers excellent potential for increasing sales.
6. This marketplace was once a hive of activity.
7. The marketplace was filled with delightful smells.
8. Competition in the financial marketplace has eroded profits.
9. Companies must be able to survive in the marketplace.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. The women stood in the marketplace, gossiping about this and that.
11. The marketplace was jammed with a noisy crowd of buyers and sellers.
12. The marketplace caters to the requirements of advertisers.
13. The marketplace for these products is growing.
14. This is Pabulum's second installation in the broadcasting marketplace.
15. We have to compete in the marketplace.
16. Souk Sebt, a Saturday marketplace, was our overnight stop.
17. In the marketplace he caused no stir.
18. They are rapidly entering the Internet service provider marketplace.
19. It's our hope that we will play an increasingly greater role in the marketplace and, therefore, supply more jobs.
20. The town's main features are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace.
21. Some retailers worry that new regulations will hurt their ability to compete in the marketplace.
22. The advertisements were intended to increase the company's visibility in the marketplace .
23. The company found it hard to survive in a changing marketplace.
24. The company has struggled to maintain its domination in the marketplace.
25. To remain competitive the company has to be able to adapt to the changing marketplace.
26. The company must be able to compete in the international marketplace.
27. The company now has a firm footing in the marketplace.
28. At present, the difficulty lies in understanding how this relates - if at all - to the advertisements' effectiveness in the marketplace.
29. In this sense, economic disparity overrides political equality in the information sphere; the marketplace of ideas has grown severely skewed.
30. It believes the award will give its distributors and installers competitive advantage in a marketplace where quality is very important.
1. The firm soon achieved complete dominance in the marketplace.
2. The marketplace was where commerce was traditionally carried on.
3. It's our hope that we will play an increasingly greater role in the marketplace and, therefore, supply more jobs.
4. The town's main features are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace.
5. I'll meet you in the marketplace next to the fountain.
6. The company found it hard to survive in a changing marketplace.
7. The women stood in the marketplace, gossiping about this and that.
8. The company has struggled to maintain its domination in the marketplace.
31. Never before have societies left it almost completely to the commercial marketplace to determine their values and their role models.
32. The debate over vitamins takes place in a marketplace overflowing with supplemental pills, powders and potions.
33. Here was a textbook example of free enterprise in the marketplace of religion, a competition in which the fittest survived.
34. Both had poor ratings in a crowded marketplace, with almost two dozen syndicated talk shows scrapping for viewers every day.
35. But consumers have a highly competitive marketplace on their side.
36. Such knowledge has stood the test of time, since it could have been challenged and repudiated in the marketplace of ideas.
37. We pick up some cigars and duty-free liquor, then wander through the open-air marketplace.
38. The feminist movement really has to be about liberating the home as well as the marketplace as a choice.
39. Vertical integration of media conglomerates adds pressure to the marketplace and the creative process.
39. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
40. The changing marketplace may have one other useful impact on the culture.
41. In this nascent electronic marketplace only an infinitesimal fraction of business transactions are currently handled on the I-way.
42. By setting the rules, governments can structure the marketplace so it meets public needs.
43. Sun also promises to help Adobe to make its long-awaited Carousel document interchange format software successful in the Unix marketplace.
44. Rumors swirled through the marketplace, fanned by a television report, that Fidelity had put pressure on Mr Vinik to resign.
45. This becomes a threat when the information in the marketplace is about humans, and private.
46. As seen from the following examples taken from the nascent Far East marketplace, numerous opportunities exist.
47. It also increasingly removes one from the contemporary marketplace, and makes it even more difficult to foresee the future.
48. Even eternal salvation has become something sold in the marketplace.
49. He had a theory about how economics and psychology work together in the marketplace.
50. As we have seen, the marketplace itself severely limits the quality of information and diversity of ideas.
51. In other words, the electronic marketplace should be the first place customers go to find the products and services they need.
52. Ideas are everything in a fragmented global marketplace, and great ideas demand a diverse work force.
53. As time has gone on this emphasis has diminished partly as a response to the pressures of the marketplace.
54. He was known for facilitating the process whereby tumor markers, or lab tests for tumors, were brought into the marketplace.
55. The value and integration of the VerioStore plans represents a new milestone for the e-commerce marketplace.
56. With a large population of working Dakotas still ploughing faithfully on, the marketplace for turbo conversions has great potential.
57. Even as her military forces were strengthened and were winning the Cold War, her power in the marketplace shrank.
58. I am writing this article on an old Compaq bought in 1982 and worthless in the marketplace today.
59. In short, the commercialization of the Internet promises to produce profound transformation of business and economic forces in the global marketplace.
60. It is a daunting task in a crowded, segmented marketplace where magazines rear up and expire as quickly as fruit flies.
61. Survival of the fittest Firms unable to compete in the new marketplace will fail.
62. The Internet has opened up a marketplace where sellers and buyers are virtually unknown to each other.
63. El Pueblo brings to the marketplace an innovative gift store with a touch of Latin class.
64. The changes should increase our ability to achieve a strong position in the marketplace.
65. This had enabled the glass company to maintain a cost structure well out of line with the marketplace.
66. Locus believes Microsoft has underestimated the importance of open networking in the marketplace.
67. We live in a global marketplace, which puts enormous competitive pressure on our economic institutions.
68. Video conferencing is expected to continue its penetration into the corporate marketplace.
69. Manage diversity, trainers preached( ), or risk getting clobbered in the global marketplace of the 21st century.
70. The emerging electronic marketplace is expected to support all business services that normally depend on paper-based transactions.
71. Software to support business meetings even without a special aide present is gradually entering the marketplace.
72. Maybe these are the qualities that helped to build the company in the competitive marketplace.
73. Rapid market growth and sector under-capacity encouraged Pilkingtons to expand and attracted new entrants to the marketplace without adverse effects on profits.
74. It is quite impossible to maintain the statusquo, or a steady-state position in the international marketplace.
75. Any marketplace can be structured in different ways by government rules, of course.
76. Smith was realistic about human nature and idealistic about the necessity for the exercise of conscience in the marketplace.
77. The Producers Development Initiative offers help and advice in developing, producing and distributing their work in the international marketplace.
78. The central fault line in modern post-industrial society is that between the winners and the losers in the global marketplace.
79. Suddenly, he felt a warning, just a hint of the sickly sweet odour he remembered so vividly from the marketplace.
80. But the marketplace seems fairly flooded with Grateful Dead recordings this fall.
81. Management, too, has become a commodity that is bought and sold like any other commodity in the marketplace.
82. Many businesses are navigating the electronic marketplace without proper consumer and market research.
83. Not, of course, that such a victory for diligence in publishing will make much difference in the bulb marketplace.
84. When I think of that empty marketplace, and those unpaved streets, my heart sinks.
85. Then they turn around and holler against federal regulation in the marketplace.
86. Women are still relatively new to the marketplace and are more economically insecure than men.
87. The Times presence in the marketplace has been very aggressive recently.
88. Diversity is seen less as a problem than as a simple business reality in the global marketplace.
89. The above reference to large and powerful retail chains implies that they can exert a strong influence in the marketplace.
90. Their philosophy may have seemed reckless and naive but, given the nature of the marketplace, it was understandable.
91. Despite substantial reductions in mortgage interest rates confidence did not return to the marketplace.
92. There never has been room in the consumer electronic marketplace for two directly competing, but incompatible, systems.
93. In effect, municipal efficiency in the production and delivery of services required the discipline of the marketplace.
94. Hopefully, the new marketplace will spark a neighborhood economic revival.
95. Regularly reviewing the marketplace, researching and identifying trends, customer needs, and competitor activity.
96. As mentioned previously, the organization had been in a schizoid state in trying to cope with uncertainty in the marketplace.
97. He went straight into the town and entered the marketplace fearlessly, at the time when the multitude filled it.
98. This would be an unreasonable interference by Congress in the free marketplace.
99. Users, he says, are not prepared to see Microsoft alone dominating the marketplace, and want to retain a choice.
100. The corporation provides travel agents with specialized services that can be configured according to the needs of the marketplace or the customer.
101. Networks shift privacy from the realm of morals to the marketplace; privacy becomes a commodity.
102. Instead, they got theologians mired in debates over questions of justice and morality in the marketplace.
103. After that, things went slightly haywire, but to reach the open marketplace was easy.
104. The choice is not quite as stark as it would be in a competitive marketplace: compete or die.
105. To be sure, the electronic marketplace is still in the very early stages of development on the World Wide Web.
106. We live in an intellectual wasteland where creativity is replaced by the exigencies of the marketplace.
107. Poor country girls running errands in the marketplace were lured by tales of desirable factory jobs.
108. The legal market is being driven by economic rationalisation, demographic saturation, marketplace maturation, consumer-driven deregulation and globalisation.
109. We have a marketplace of ideas, and people can express their ideas.
110. Their hard-won brand equity was swept away by the power of the marketplace transactions.
111. That worry will make you a winner in the marketplace.
112. In the classical liberal view trade unions, like business monopolies(), are impediments to competition among producers in the free marketplace.
113. A viable marketplace must have a recognized mechanism for resolving disputes among buyers and sellers.
114. Doctors' incomes Doctors are generally earning less these days as managed care becomes a larger part of the medical marketplace.
115. The public sphere can not be left entirely to the private marketplace.
116. There is a discipline behind exchange as well, and you understand it: it is the discipline of the marketplace.
117. It is the premier international marketplace for new product introductions, support programs and high-performance technologies.
118. In short, an electronic marketplace is an interactive information service that supports the entire innovation process.
119. Bubbies first became a major brand in the competitive California marketplace and are now eagerly asked for throughout the entire country.
120. The acceptability of legal institutions in the financial marketplace usually depends upon how fair and certain their users perceive them to be.
121. It is essential to bring the marketplace further into the academy.
122. Players will begin trickling into the marketplace by spring, with the biggest push at the Christmas season.
123. If there truly was unarguable proof of conspiracy or lack of it there wouldn't be a marketplace for the publications.
124. Producing quality products is important if the company is to continue to compete in the international marketplace.
125. We made our way through the noise and confusion of the marketplace to our hotel.
126. Yet others say free enterprise should rule and government should not interfere in the marketplace.
127. The fourth stage recognizes the changing nature of the networking marketplace.
128. Or will older people themselves influence the marketplace through their purses, by only selecting those retailers and products which are user-friendly?
129. The ancient seduction of the marketplace is universal,(/marketplace.html) drawing people from across the street and continents away.
130. The ability to openly evaluate the wares offered is a fundamental principle of a viable marketplace.
131. Fragmentation is rampant in the entertainment business. Vertical integration of media conglomerates adds pressure to the marketplace and the creative process.
132. Many companies are pooling their resources and talents through alliances and mergers with other companies to make the electronic marketplace a reality.
133. Next, you should go out into the marketplace and talk to people who have tried something similar to your mission.
134. They also suggest that attitudes about the value of older people and their position in the marketplace may have changed very little.
135. Nothing is more exciting than seeing your ideas work in the marketplace.
136. The transformation of the Inner Harbor included new office buildings, and a marketplace of small shops and food stalls.
137. The woman of the scarlet letter in the marketplace!
138. Identify and locate the wholesaler population in the marketplace.
139. They love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace.
140. There is a marketplace on the City Center Square.
141. Peasants sell vegetables and eggs in the marketplace.
142. Like the internet,() English is uniting the world marketplace.
143. The digital marketplace of ideas that welcomes every blog and tweet is the same one that inspires the next generation of innovators to fuel our economies.
144. "They were drawn by the domestic marketplace," said Zweig. "They have skills and technologies that are not available so they fill-in some shortage in China."
145. The system was so successful that people came to believe in what former US president Ronald Reagan called the magic of the marketplace and I call market fundamentalism.
146. Trade names can be registered through state Secretary of State offices, and for wider marketplace protection, through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO Trademark Search).
147. The ability to continue capital investment and active participation in product promotion to achieve ultimate success in the marketplace.
148. Base Pay: Are you being offered a salary commensurate with your worth in the marketplace?
149. Researcher Paul Ekman, author of Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics and Marriage, contends that the best lie detectors are trained eyes and ears.
150. These are on the average better educated than those in the marketplace.
151. I hope in the marketplace for coverage, people flock to co-ops and other plans with low overheads.
152. These external forces are apparent in many of the segments of the organizations external environment. These include political-legal, technological, economic, marketplace and sociocultural dimensions.
153. For many Republicans, noninterference with the marketplace became an article of faith.
154. After graduating from Chouinard Art Institute(now the California Institute of Arts), he began making a living drawing pen cilportraits on Olvera Street, a historic Los Angeles marketplace.
155. In contrast, in some West African societies, women most often appear in the marketplace.
156. Due to current economic conditions and overcapacity for LDPE in the North American marketplace, Dow Chemical is to close its Poly 2 LDPE plant in Freeport , Texas.
157. For Amelia Heaton-Renshaw, that implausible yarn is the true story of her two-year-old Shanghai business, Amelia's Marketplace, which bills itself as the city's 'jam and chutney hotline.'
158. More than an all-in-one stop for paid translations as some of the competing services in this field, the Google Translation Center looks like it aims to be a marketplace coordinator and tool provider.
159. Both venders and buyer are keen on the decrease of inventory carrying cost by inventory control, in order to improve the core competence in the marketplace.
160. Mass culture also seemed to blur social distinctions, override nation-state boundaries, and spread the capitalist marketplace.
161. products designed to meet the exacting standards of today's marketplace.
162. Ramesh declared that this green marketplace will now be a regular event.
163. Each product or brand needs a marketing plan-a written document summarizing what is know about the marketplace and how the marketing objectives will be achieved .
164. Food ingredients such as recombinant rennet ( ehymosin ) have also been launched in the marketplace.
165. He made his way to the marketplace, as he had been instructed to do.
166. Around 300bce, zeno and his students began teaching their views from a stoa , or porch, in the marketplace.
167. Aakash Ganga, which won the US$200,000 Development Marketplace award in 2006 through project developer Sustainable Innovations, rents village rooftops for a fee.
168. Daan de Vries is with Utz Certified, a program that tries to create a fair marketplace for agricultural products.
169. My guess is that the marketplace will see some additional fall-off in the use of Avandia, but we know that some has already taken place.
170. Will China be able to embrace the hurly burly of the entrepreneurial marketplace?
171. We must not always talk in the marketplace of what happens to us in the forest.
172. The statement said 'a small number' of people 'tried to incite splittism, create disturbances in the marketplace and even trick the masses into an uprising.
173. How many people today really imagine "art" as a privileged category, exempt from the machinations of the marketplace?
174. The company relies on the tremendous economic strength, excellent brainpower, rich managerial experience, acute marketplace insight.
175. Holding hands, they leave the elves' marketplace and climb up the sloping lawn to the heavy old house at the top of the hill, with its low-pitched roof and stout columns and green-painted eaves.
176. Unfortunately, it appears that Diller's own investments in the search space have had vision but not marketplace success.
177. The regular town landed property marketplace sequence was disturbed in form landed property marketplace , To national economy develops the very great minus effect brings.
178. Provide a snapshot of the marketplace today. Are there dynamics that work in client's favor or against client to achieve their marketing objectives? Consider...
179. Primary data is data obtained from primary sources, ie directly in the marketplace.
180. Therefore, resolve foreign currency caution money business marketplace risk, ensure the financial market norm working, to Chinese finance laws and statutes, construction significance is significant.
181. The oral tradition and culture of storytelling's marketplace influence it, as well as the judder of social thought of the the late Qing Dynasty.
182. Over the past 15 years the marketplace for art books has bifurcated.
183. A bug-hunter can use this marketplace in one of three ways.
184. The belief is that this process will reveal the truth, just as the best idea will triumph in what John Stuart Mill called the "marketplace of ideas."
185. This anticipated name change reflects the group's true independence in the marketplace.
186. Before they noticed , somebody actually fed into the marketplace $100 million worth of little pachinko credit slips.
187. The popularity and preference for certified coins and bank notes has allowed the US to grow to become the largest numismatic marketplace in the world.
188. Think about how you can leverage your technological, well-connected selves to bring new skills to the marketplace.
189. A marketplace for food is the basis of all trade, and the beginnings of a merchant class in society.
189. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
190. One of the farmers owned a mare that had foaled in the marketplace.
191. In fact, if we take a hard look at the consumer and personal electronics landscape, we would be hard pressed to find a better hardware, software, services, and retail combination in the marketplace.
192. "So many developers have asked us to build a marketplace, and we might do a revenue-sharing arrangement, " he said.
193. Many of these CEO's have significantly increased their international marketplace value.
194. But Mr. Wu sees the defects: a government prone to “meddling” in the marketplace; a widening income gap; inefficient monopolies; and crony capitalism.
195. "Measuring social media ROI is squishy," Melander explains. "It is very difficult to define how one tweet can effect a company's product in the marketplace.
196. According to the marketplace project, this paper briefly describes the electrical design points in the electrical load estimation, the power supply system, lighting system and air conditioning system.
197. Objective: to establish a fast identification method of procaine hydrochloride injection according to the need of marketplace.
198. A man left a brand-new bicycle unattended at the marketplace while he went about his shopping.
199. This will require a decision-support tool and cost models, which are available in the IT marketplace.
200. According to the model of Hotelling which ascertain the most preferential exploiting of petroleum resource, the marketplace is the most effective mechanism to deploy petroleum resource.
201. So the Android Marketplace will end up with plenty of great apps like Shazam and Foursquare, but it will lack that long tail of "boutique" or homegrown apps.
202. We will show how information technologies ( IT ) shape and redefine the health care marketplace.
203. It also has special seafood restaurant, morning and evening tea, cate shop, bar, professional washhouse, sauna, chess and cards, tea art, salon, marketplace.
204. Where is the An Qing City second - hand book marketplace in?
205. There is a velocity with this capital which can whipsaw a marketplace.
206. First, the economy is changing continuously, as citizens freely express their economic preferences directly in the marketplace and indirectly in the voting booth .
207. Can the dyadic namely hot three big obstacles electricities water heater in marketplace brick sales?
208. One Development Marketplace grantee's clean water project in Zimbabwe leveraged an additional US$25 million in funding to reach an additional 8 million people in two countries.
209. If you want to sell to the Asian electroacoustic marketplace belong at IES 2006.
210. Both the American and Chinese systems of health care delivery are organized around the concept of health care as a commodity in a medical marketplace.
211. The marketplace will start to reward modular books that can be intelligibly split into standalone chapters.
212. And they depend on information—much of it unverifiable—that is supplied by the very institutions whose ranking will supposedly determine their reputations in the marketplace.
213. But Love does not traffic in a marketplace, nor use a huckster's scales.
214. All above will be a catalyzer which makes gate ball step into the marketplace.
214. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
215. Marketplace: Do not have the glib - tongued legend middle mouth, only do not have a monograph heart.
216. The House wants a government - run health care program to compete with in the insurance market marketplace.
217. Its cheap currency gives its an edge in the American marketplace.
218. When they were fairly in the marketplace, their presence was greeted by a shout.
219. Yesterday, Lange steel steel e - marketplace to continue to decline across the board.
220. The marketplace assumed a sound bite mentality, and that suits USA Today just fine.
221. Unless this happens, the transfer agent doesn't have the authority to remove the legend and execute the trade in the marketplace.
222. Economic background of marketplace pattern and effective establishment of the stock market are two prerequisites inarticle.
223. The gun is inside a barrel in the Rivet City Marketplace.
224. In the emerging global marketplace, the need for such streamlined validation should be self-explanatory.
225. Flat World Knowledge is, we are sure, only the first of many new companies in this space that are finding a profit model in this new marketplace that does not rely exclusively on scarcity.




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