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单词 Openly
1. They remained openly sceptical about her promises of improvement.
2. Extremists were openly advocating violence.
3. He openly boasted of his skill as a burglar.
4. He openly criticized the plan as impracticable.
5. The people wept openly when his death was announced.
6. The bereaved parents wept openly.
7. The firm openly traded in arms.
8. Sarah talked openly about her problems.
9. He openly shoplifted from a supermarket.
10. He's openly contemptuous of all the major political parties.
11. She has openly criticized the government.
12. He openly boasted of his talents.
13. She was openly hostile towards her parents.
14. Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly.
15. She became openly critical of party policy.
16. Many parents feel reluctant to talk openly with their children.
17. In some areas, drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.
18. The Prince had shocked society by living openly with his mistress.
19. They seemed devoted to each other and were openly affectionate.
20. Dealers are openly plying drugs in school playgrounds.
21. The union had openly flouted the law.
22. They openly accused her of dishonesty.
23. He openly crawled to the boss.
24. He answered openly and honestly without hesitation or equivocation.
24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
25. We discussed our reservations about the contract quite openly.
26. He was openly critical of his colleagues.
27. They are free to practice their religion openly.
28. The men in prison would never cry openly .
29. She talked openly about her unashamed love of money.
30. He stated his own views quite openly.
1. They remained openly sceptical about her promises of improvement.
2. Extremists were openly advocating violence.
3. He openly boasted of his skill as a burglar.
4. The people wept openly when his death was announced.
5. The bereaved parents wept openly.
6. The firm openly traded in arms.
7. Sarah talked openly about her problems.
8. He openly shoplifted from a supermarket.
9. He's openly contemptuous of all the major political parties.
10. She has openly criticized the government.
11. He openly boasted of his talents.
12. She was openly hostile towards her parents.
13. She became openly critical of party policy.
14. Many parents feel reluctant to talk openly with their children.
15. In some areas, drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.
16. The Prince had shocked society by living openly with his mistress.
17. They seemed devoted to each other and were openly affectionate.
18. She answered me very directly and openly.
19. He speaks more and more openly about his problem.
20. He became openly abusive.
21. The issues were openly aired and discussed by the group.
22. Our economy continues to grow, our financial foundation remains solid, our society remains pluralistic , and our politicians continue to debate openly on all the topical issues.
31. He was openly contemptuous of his elder brother.
32. They drove around in Rolls-Royces, openly flaunting their wealth.
33. He is now openly gay.
34. Prostitutes solicited openly in the streets.
35. They were openly contemptuous of my suggestions.
36. Can you talk openly about sex with your parents?
37. She answered me very directly and openly.
38. They are openly scornful of the new plans.
39. She openly flaunted her affair with the senator.
40. He openly declared himself as an atheist.
41. Phillips openly admits to having an alcohol problem.
42. The Bundesbank has openly criticised the German Government.
43. This problem has never been discussed openly before.
44. He openly accused his opponents of cowardice.
45. We talked openly and honestly.
46. He speaks more and more openly about his problem.
47. The prostitutes solicit openly here.
48. He spoke openly about his involvement with the actress.
49. Many people were openly hostile to the idea.
50. He expressed his anger openly.
51. The protesters have openly flouted the law.
52. Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talks.
53. Carr wouldn't meet Feng's stare, which was openly hostile .
54. The senator was forced to avow openly that he had received some money from that company.
54. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
55. Grace ought to be ashamed of herself , hurling herself at that boy so openly.
56. Drug dealers openly plied their trade in front of children.
57. Sylvia tossed back her dark hair in a gesture that was openly defiant.
58. The dentist left his wife of 15 years and openly cohabited with his receptionist.
59. She coveted his job so openly that conversations between them were tense.
60. At that time, it would not have been thinkable to openly criticize the government.
61. We talk more openly when we feel easy and relaxed.
62. Cancer is a taboo subject and people are frightened or embarrassed to talk openly about it.
63. They openly revised Marxism.
64. Parents should talk openly to their children about the dangers of drug abuse .
65. When he couldn't get what he wanted openly and honestly, he resorted to low cunning.
66. Questions and problems that were once taboo are now discussed openly.
67. He became openly abusive.
68. The issues were openly aired and discussed by the group.
69. The hostages spoke openly about the terrible ordeal they had been through.
70. Our economy continues to grow, our financial foundation remains solid, our society remains pluralistic , and our politicians continue to debate openly on all the topical issues.
71. The people talked openly about the government's new measures against environmental pollution.
72. Her mood became openly aggressive when his name was mentioned.
73. He spoke openly about the war without a trace of rancour.
74. Ideas are expressed freely and openly. 8.
75. Some extremists are now openly advocating violence.
76. General have been openly hostile toward Doctors Community.
77. Overall(), the number of openly gay psychologists remains low.
78. Defiant party members openly challenged the leadership.
79. He was openly contemptuous of supply-side theories.
80. Gates openly admits his biases, or opinions.
81. Barney Frank, D-Mass., one of three openly gay lawmakers.
82. Students openly expressed their opposition to these orders.
83. Many of them wept openly as his favourite music was played to the congregation.
84. These often reviled one another bitterly and openly attacked the government beyond the bounds of reason.
85. The report openly admits that this is the most ambitious assessment scheme ever attempted in the world.
86. Lydon was openly hostile to any kind of criticism of the project.
87. She also said she would try to communicate more openly with her close relatives and friends.
88. However,[] the educational team took a more openly critical view of the community development process and the philosophy underlying it.
89. Jess, though, is openly bawling even before the announcer calls her name.
90. The group endorsed 32 openly gay and lesbian candidates in state and local races this year; 27 of them were elected.
91. Graff acknowledges the problem and proposes an openly dialectical and adversarial form of teaching.
92. Many hospitals deliberately tried to avoid challenging or openly discouraging the parents' hopes and expectations for a perfect or near-perfect recovery.
93. While the confederation is technically illegal, it has been allowed to function openly.
94. This could have been problematic among competitors, but was openly aired and dealt with by the group.
95. The prison hero is the one who most openly shows anger and contempt for the staff.
96. People like Ybreska were too afraid to have a commitment, even to openly express doubts.
97. Moreover, it is perhaps doubtful whether many delinquents hold openly oppositional views or values as Cohen suggests.
98. But equally they have to be in a position to justify openly what they do and to accept constructive criticism.
99. Later in the war, they openly admitted that perimeters were used as bait.
100. Human beings are funny. They long to be with the person they love but refuse to admit openly. Some are afraid to show even the slightest sign of affection because of fear. Fear that their feelings may not be recognized, or even worst, returned. But one thing about human beings puzzles me the most is their conscious effort to be connected with the object of their affection even if it kills them slowly within. Sigmund Freud 
101. She is so cool and indifferent, so enclosed and private - when she's not openly defiant, that is.
102. The opposition parties had mostly been unenthusiastic, if not openly hostile, about parity legislation.
103. Of course Jack knew that he was taking a considerable risk sitting openly in a restaurant with her.
104. Troops openly disobeyed orders, refusing to use force against their own people.
105. At the next table a beefy father was staring at me openly.
106. But some priests and nuns openly allied themselves with the rebels.
107. Gutfreund openly criticized what he considered the overweening greed of the younger generation.
108. How could she, even fleetingly, entertain such a thought for a man who despised her so deeply and so openly?
109. But we really don't feel it should be done as openly as this within a community of young families and children.
110. Rather than being openly confrontational with his parents, he just quietly-and perhaps unconsciously-refused to comply with their demands.
111. A modern capitalist state can not openly use coercive powers to help one class accumulate capital at the expense of others.
112. A lecturer at a police training college published essays written by officers in training which showed them to be openly racist.
113. He caused many an offence during the Christmas period by openly stating his hatred of the Geldof coup.
114. But their influence did not last,[http:///openly.html] very likely be-cause nobody was allowed to teach their ideas openly or write about them.
115. It was because he openly flouted racist conventions of the time, which said he had to stay in his place.
116. Dub reggae had themes dealing with the overthrow of Babylon and which were openly hostile to the white world.
117. Restoration often depends upon the willingness of both to communicate openly. Professional help may be needed.
118. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.
119. Moores was openly critical of task force members who did not attend.
120. And under the aegis of the Duke, a powerful protector, Strayhorn was able to live an openly gay life.
121. There may also be ways in which the church could discuss the topic more openly.
122. He had been openly critical of his own archbishop's defence of discrimination against homosexuals in church employment.
123. The paradox is that the passive-aggressive person does express anger, but not openly.
124. She was annoyed with herself for not stating openly what was really worrying her.
125. Until recently, Dole was openly contemptuous of the supply side economics espoused by Kemp and other conservatives.
126. Many guards are members of the death squads and openly discuss their activities in loud voices.
127. That, as pressure groups, they are free to campaign openly for the changes, Mrs Whitehouse accepted.
128. Cell I illustrates the situation where the government chooses continued hard-line rule and the opposition openly confronts the government.
129. The city population was not openly hostile but the humans were watched silently as they made their way through the streets.
130. For many of us, communicating openly and sympathetically does not come naturally.
131. But the question still rankles: Can a participating Olympic athlete be openly gay today?
132. Richard at that time was openly delighted at the prospect of posh motors.
133. Between the 1740s and the 1820s, Romney Marsh was openly terrorized by armed gangs of smugglers.
134. Maybe behind the gush there was something she wanted to say but wasn't brazen enough to bring out too openly.
135. Mrs Kershaw was now weeping openly without the formality of a handkerchief.
136. The government of a free country must conduct its business openly to the greatest possible degree.
137. During that time Clint openly lived with blonde Sondra and fathered an illegitimate daughter Kimber in 1964.
138. But the relationship with Pataki deteriorated precipitously in recent days as McCaughey Ross openly defied him.
139. None of the existing forms of political reflection-conservative, liberal, socialist, Gandhian-have faced this problem openly.
140. He had been as openly astounded and as privately elated by Collingridge's bombshell as the rest of his colleagues.
141. Of course, there are no longer bawdy houses, where these unfortunates are displayed openly to debauched satyrs.
142. Scientists even begin to express openly their discontent with and unease over the reigning paradigm.
143. More and more the sworn enemies of Tokugawa political power openly flouted Bakufu authority.
144. Zingale also said he hopes for the appointment of an openly gay Cabinet secretary.
145. Most women find it very difficult to express anger openly and honestly[Sentence dictionary], particularly to men.
146. For some, the use of an avatar frees them from shyness and allows them to interact more openly and honestly.
147. He gave art an openly political meaning and did not appreciate the artist as an individual dissenting voice.
148. Opinions were expressed openly and freely without any breach of confidence.
149. They feel betrayed by the Church, they are deeply hurt and often openly claim to have lost their faith.
150. After that I felt free to express my anxieties more openly.
151. Now Taylor is openly inviting him to become so in what is a sign of both player and manager coming of age.
152. No one knows what society would be like if everyone acted on the advice of those who openly advocate it.
153. Billy defied his mother, and smoked openly in the house.
154. They made me welcome and gave up their time to talk freely and openly about everything that had happened to them.
155. The children were encouraged to express themselves freely and openly.
156. There was a reluctance among some teachers to say openly that a particular answer to a question was wrong.
157. As it was, those legislators owed black voters nothing and were therefore free to take positions openly hostile to them.
158. I must say this openly: d'Aubigny I liked immediately, a gentleman born and bred, a true courtier like myself.
159. Jacques Chirac has openly attacked the government and prepared the ground for a single rightwing presidential candidate-himself.
160. Passive-aggressive people cannot openly express angry emotions and deny feelings of resentment and anger.
161. Complaints Police have received scores of complaints about dealers openly plying their trade in front of small children on street corners.
162. But the pair, openly hostile by the end of last year, will patch up their mutual differences.
163. She liked the way she had not openly offered reconciliation yet had managed to imply that forgiveness would not be unreasonably withheld.
164. He felt free to stare or even lift the binoculars openly.
165. They agreed to continue their efforts to improve their social life and to discuss openly any disagreements or suspicions which cropped up.
166. Some priests and nuns openly allied themselves with the rebels.
167. If this is the case, presumably you can openly express your concerns about any aspect of work to him.
168. They will consult widely and openly among their communities to ensure that their programmes meet the needs of the poor.
169. Many of the smaller cities are openly hostile toward the City of Los Angeles.
170. In close communities like mines, the workers have been able to express both grief and anger openly.
171. Aubrey sipped his brandy, nursing the balloon in both hands and studying Langford openly.
172. He continues to campaign for the right of Catholics to be openly gay.
173. The Soviet leadership openly proclaimed the illegitimacy of military bases on foreign territories only after the death of Stalin.
174. If the United states Navy had operated Sheffield, Congress would have openly debated the affair and heads would have rolled.
175. But as her relationship with Eric deepened, he'd grown wary, sometimes openly hostile.
176. He has openly said that he favours decriminalizing soft drugs.
177. Indeed they seemed to invite persecution by preaching openly in public places.
178. Still others claim that they lack the rhetorical or interpersonal skills to communicate honestly and openly.
179. Party leaders will be making efforts to ensure that Mr Lawson is not openly attacked at the conference.
180. High-level ministers have talked openly about increasing aid to agriculture and shifting economic policy from one of stabilization to one of growth.
181. During the inter-war period birth control was discussed more openly than ever before.
182. She too endured harsh criticism and partisan pressure for becoming openly involved in public affairs.
183. She is smiling plainly and openly, without a trace of irony.
184. The ability to openly evaluate the wares offered is a fundamental principle of a viable marketplace.
185. Several of the neighbors had become openly hostile to one another.
186. He will become the most powerful openly gay man in the world.
187. Booth angered conservative Republicans by openly opposing the party line.
188. These spoke openly of ropes being thrown over high beams and tar and feathers brought into play.
189. But people began celebrating Nowruz more openly again after the militant group was toppled by the 2001 U.S.-led invasion.
190. "An American Family" was a hit, and Lance Loud, the oldest son, became a celebrity, perhaps the world's first openly gay TV star.
191. At the same time we should be aware that there are some people, who, with their evil intention, openly advocate the splitting of sovereign states under the cloak of self-determination.
192. The pope has made a openly declared and unshakeable anti-Semite a legitimate bishop[]," Politi added.
193. The shot was taken in Gabon's capital city, Libreville, where sea turtles, crocodiles, porcupines, antelopes, and other protected animals were openly on sale.
194. Rather than blindly insisting there is zero error in fingerprint matching, we should acknowledge the obvious, study the errors openly.
195. The Jewish Theological Seminary first began admitting openly LGBT students to its rabbinical and cantorial programs in 2007.
196. As a result, he’s a typical baby boomer — openly critical of Japan’s obsession with capitalism.
197. Have a conversation with someone of another race, a different culture, a different religion, with different political views, and listen to their perspective openly without comment or argument.
198. The Honey Bee Network in India, for example, openly shares information between a broad, informal group of grassroots entrepreneurs.
199. Many of your campestral tribal societies interacted openly with 'Star Beings" and indeed with the inner Earth LeMurians."
200. Captain Smollett, the squire, and Dr Livesey were talking together on the quarterdeck, and, anxious as I was to tell them my story, I durst not interrupt them openly .
201. Public-key encryption makes it possible to purchase things online without sending sensitive information such as credit-card numbers openly on the Internet.
202. And though openly opposed to the wars, he did not express anti-American sentiments, they said.
203. Based on these learning, the mayor developed a participatory budget process where citizens were openly engaged in making hard choices.
204. She only wished that it were less openly shewn; and once or twice did venture to suggest the propriety of some self-command to Marianne.
205. Common requirements, similar issues, shared data,[http:///openly.html] and reusable functionality all should be openly discussed and coordinated.
206. Westerners may no longer subscribe so openly to the nonsense of Japanese inscrutability .
207. The Veterans' Administration openly admitted that psychosurgery was a standard procedure for treatment and not used just in experiments.
208. As a relatively new mom to a biracial boy, I'm trying to get a head start on speaking openly and simply about race.
209. Likewise, Stuart Townsend plays a nebulously likable best friend who flirts openly with Frank's wife, but has his back when things get rough.
210. Online virtual worlds, few real-life rules, here, people can be discharged real-life mask, can openly and without a people who have never met talk, talk heart.
211. And though the maidens did show themselves thus naked openly, yet was there no dishonesty seen nor offered, but all this sport was full of play and toys, without any youthful part or wantonness.
212. S. automobile industry instituted a cross-licensing agreement whereby patents were shared openly and freely amongst manufacturers.
213. Like, favor, I ain't intentional to violate openly your army's luster, the Royal marine ambition fight shoulder to shoulder with you.
214. If Google truly wants to design a new "windowing system on top of a Linux kernel", there should be nothing to stop the search giant from collaborating openly with the best in the business.
215. " The word for "appeared" in the Greek text simply means "to show oneself openly, to come forward.
216. Many openly question their involvement in the Imperial trap at Endor.
217. RARELY in Communist China’s history has such an important government policy been debated so openly for so long.
218. The typical munitions from the arsenal of political lobbying are deployed more and more openly: one expert opinion on the tail of another, one position statement quickly followed by the next.




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