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单词 Tenderness
1. I like her tenderness.
2. He felt a brief wave of tenderness towards his old teacher.
3. She spoke with loving tenderness.
4. She smiled, politely rather than with tenderness or gratitude.sentencedict .com
5. There is still some tenderness in her tummy.
6. She felt great tenderness for him.
7. There was tenderness in his face as he looked at her.
8. Symptoms of PMS include breast tenderness and a craving for sweet food.
9. The gesture awoke an unexpected flood of tenderness towards her.
10. He can combine tenderness and humour without becoming mawkish.
11. Tenderness is the repose of Passion. Joseph Joubert 
12. I see your tenderness in the bureaucratic print.
13. The book shows the tenderness and strength of children.
14. Every frenetic gesture engendered tenderness in hir heart.
15. Quality refers to the characteristics associated with tenderness, juiciness, and flavor of lean meat.
16. His tenderness was replaced at first by a shuddering revulsion.
17. She conveys Giselle's love for Albrecht with a tenderness that grows into an ache.
18. Recognising the tenderness inherent in the small caresses, Luke looked momentarily distracted.
19. Midlands men also believe that women want tenderness rather than dominance, and a man who treats women as equals.
20. Kindness reveals concern and respect for others. Tenderness brings happiness and inner peace to the heart. Dr T.P.Chia 
21. Is there any tenderness over the sinuses or evidence of ear or dental disease? 7.
22. Within 24 hours Unexpected swelling, pain or tenderness in the groin or insides of the tops of the thighs.
23. As she gazed down at the baby, her face was transfigured with tenderness.
24. I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness.
25. Single men, though they may be many times more charitable, because their means are less exhaust, yet, on the other side, they are more cruel and hardhearted, because their tenderness is not so oft called upon.
26. He put out a hand and caressed her hair, her head, with tenderness and, she thought, curious detachment.
27. Usually of use after the most marked initial swelling and tenderness has begun to decline.
28. Regretfully I see in him a nature inclined to harshness and rigour, with little tenderness and forthrightness.
29. For once, Beatrice's eagle eye failed to detect the tenderness in Timothy whenever he spoke to Topaz.
30. She reached over and pressed against me with a tenderness that touched.
1. As she gazed down at the baby, her face was transfigured with tenderness.
2. I like her tenderness.
3. He felt a brief wave of tenderness towards his old teacher.
4. She spoke with loving tenderness.
5. There was tenderness in his face as he looked at her.
31. Methods of cooking such as braising and stewing are used to increase tenderness in tougher cuts of meat.
32. He looked tired, a little subdued, and suddenly she was stunned by an almost overwhelming shock of tenderness.
33. The denial of tenderness cuts them off from communication with wives and children.
34. It is the suffering of ambivalence: the murderous alternation between bitter resentment and raw-edged nerves and blissful gratification and tenderness.
34. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
35. Not the faintest line of humour or tenderness, even of sarcasm, on his face.
36. He looked after his wife with infinite care and tenderness.
37. He had had visions, striding back to Bedford Square, of proper love-making, of tenderness, perhaps some tears.
38. Shortly after admission abdominal distension and tenderness over the transverse colon was noted.
39. With tenderness, with a steady hand, he began to stroke me there in the room.
40. Literally, it is merely a bride's song of farewell, full of pathos and tenderness and deeply moving.
41. They uttered unfamiliar words, exchanging for their long-held tenderness their new-found passion.
42. Their loving was wild and tempestuous, with no time to spare for tenderness or softly spoken promises.
43. I no longer feel any tenderness or attraction towards my husband and can only think of this other man.
44. Yet with me, and only me, he showed other qualities, like tenderness, true brotherly love, genuine affection.
45. A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them. Victor Hugo 
46. He is a woman in tenderness.
47. There is adamancy in tenderness!
48. Adnexa tenderness suggests an inflammatory process.
49. She was all tenderness and kindness.
50. My heart overflowed with tenderness.
51. Main body is asked for is epigastrium tenderness.
52. Costovertebral angle tenderness may be present.
53. Tenderness palpation is also important to assess.
54. Rebound tenderness is noted on physical examination.
55. A tenderness spread over Grace like a dew.
56. The little prince to the earth, when he understood her ridiculous trick behind Embrace in tenderness, when he's sad, such as sinking, soaring on the planet monkey bread tree.
57. To detect tenderness in the metacarpal phalangeal joints, squeeze the patient's hand between your thumb and fingers.
58. The symbolical setting focusing on the protagonist Amiyou reflects the writer's thought of the real world and the ideal world, implying of the writer's longing for human tenderness.
59. The Olecranon process, lateral, and medial epicondyles should be palpated for tenderness.
60. Mama is love, tenderness, devotion and fostering, but also music.
61. F . Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease is characterized by uterine tenderness or cervical motion tenderness.
62. However, the pain persisted with direct and rebound tenderness over the whole abdomen on the 4th day after ablation.
63. B . Palpate auricle for texture, tenderness and presence of lesions.
64. The twenty-six-year-old director has a preternaturally precise and poetic camera eye as well as tenderness for and understanding of the complexities of everyday lives.
64. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
65. Sign presented as tenderness at interspinal areas , sensory disturbance at 1 or 2 nerve root(s) distributing areas and occasionally at posterosuperior medial aspect.
66. He always found these details touching, it always evoked the tenderness he needed to make love.
67. I think of August 1991 with great tenderness and nostalgia.
68. Mechanical tenderization can destruct muscle tissue, reduce shearing value and improve the sensory tenderness of a product.
69. Pity, reverence and tenderness seemed struggling together in her breast.
70. Results The common physical signs were tenderness in knee, positive grinding test of patella, McMurray sign, fricative, muscular atrophy of quadriceps femoris, and stretch or flexion limitation.
71. She felt for him an incipient tenderness, but scarcely any passion.
72. Objecting to the tenderness and aloofness of humor and the vulgarism of humor, Lu Xun advocated a new concept of humor to criticize the reality, improve the work, and enliven life.
73. The USDA bases each grade on the tenderness, juiciness and flavor of the meat.
74. Low birth weight is associated with enlarged muscle fiber area and impaired meat tenderness of the longissimus muscle in pigs.
75. Tenderness of exit of pillow big nerve, have radiative painful, sensitive to pinprick or cervical skin is slow, cervical and aching provisionality reduces drawing.
76. Pericarp thickness is an important quality trait of sweet corn, which decides seed tenderness directly.
77. Status Offline And tenderness, too—but does that appear a mawkish thing to desiderate in life?
78. Through the straight into the heart estrogen chapter, is no longer a psychedelic balderdash, ten interlocking fingers, some resonance, pour the vow, instant, tenderness with, unchanged forever.
79. The tarsal joints, ankle joint line, and subtalar joints, should all be palpated for tenderness.
80. The clinical symptoms of infected patients include high fever, myalgia, weakness, conjunctival suffusion, lymphadenopathy and calf muscle tenderness.
81. The musculature should be examined for size, strength, and tenderness.
82. Sodium restriction may minimize bloating, fluid retention and breast swelling and tenderness.
83. The sudden access of tenderness left her feeling more savage toward Henry.
84. Good. -Observe the movement of the jaw, feel for swelling and note any tenderness or crepitus.
85. His heart , that loved and pitied, is a heart of unchangeable tenderness.
86. He was a good man, full of tenderness for everyone.
87. Peritoneal irritation. Abdominal tenderness and tension, and rebound pain sometimes.
88. Antique thoughts are interwoven below gray eaves, crimson Chinese tallow trees exude a quiet tenderness, and refreshing spirituality flows in lush bamboo groves.
89. Physical examination is unremarkable except for tenderness over the left lower quadrant.
90. In an imposing directorial debut, fashion designer Tom Ford brought tenderness, wisdom and a gorgeous Pacific palette to his adaptation of Christopher Isherwood's 1964 novel.
91. And I think the tenderness is their primary Mozartian quality.
92. Abdomen: Fundal height presentation. Estimated fetal weight ( EFW ), tenderness, scars.
93. More common and severe in light-skinned people, it ranges from mild redness and tenderness to intense pain, edema, and blistering, sometimes with shock, fever, and nausea.
94. Mr. Trier shares this new love with unembarrassed tenderness and an attentive hand-held camera, and then, with equal economy, gently picks through its remains after Phillip's breakdown./tenderness.html
95. This vitamin, taken in 400 international units daily, may ease PMS symptoms by reducing the production of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that cause cramps and breast tenderness.
96. And tenderness, too—but does that appear a mawkish thing to desiderate in life?
97. Results The main clinical presentations of PM/DM included amyosthenia, muscular tenderness, elevation of serum enzymes, accompanied by abnormal electromyography and muscular pathology.
98. Inwrought marriage gauze suits the female that temperamental tenderness gracefuls and restrained quite, can foil better the attractive temperament that gives a bride.
99. It may have a wide range of shoulder tenderness and spread to neck and elbows, but also shows different degrees of deltoid muscle atrophy.
100. Abdomen was soft, no tenderness and rebound tenderness; Liver and spleen were impalpable.
101. She felt that his tenderness, his passion, and his love were real.
102. The mass should be evaluated for size, shape, texture, tenderness, fixation to skin or chest wall.
103. There was a husky tenderness in his tone. " Daisy? ".
104. Patients with myopathy generally have muscle pain, tenderness or weakness, and an elevation of a muscle enzyme in the blood (creatine kinase).
105. Even the little tenderness that at the beginning of her married life would have overjoyed her.
106. Obvious aflexion deformity of the hip may be seen. Obvious scars should be checked for, and the greater trochanter should be palpated for tenderness.
107. The old feeling of indulgent tenderness overcame her vexation, and she grew thoroughly moved and alarmed.
108. Nurtured and reshaped a little, however, that milquetoast quality becomes that tenderness that you, as a man, sorely need.
109. Amid the glare and noise of battle our Anzac Fathers added Compassion and Human Tenderness to the noble list of Australian Values.
110. DIADEMA Rosso IGT Toscano and Champagne Cuvee Rose DIADEMA Selected are perfect combination, embodying male's masculinity and female's tenderness.
111. In this article, the factors that have effect on the tenderness and the tenderization technology usually used are presented; the future prospect is put forward in the end.
112. Tenderness and dysphasia could be used to observe disease activity.
113. On examination the main physical sign is tenderness in the epigastrium or right hypochondria , but between attacks this may be absent.
114. Hanging Gardens of Fragrance is also tenderness mist cloud drift, Norman conquest of the hurricane has swept through the sea side.
115. Pleasure without joy is as hollow as passion without tenderness(Alan Jay Lerner.
116. The compassion and tenderness of a young girl have a truly magnetic force.
117. Side effects can include headaches, change in menstrual flow, breast tenderness, and slightly increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and blood clots.
118. The body of gastric ulcer is asked for in alleviate period much not apparent, if fit period does not have complication, can ache at epigastrium the area has tenderness to nod only, general lighter.
119. Physical examination confirmed that the patient was jaundiced and had mild epigastric tenderness.
120. Not by bread alone, but by the fragrance of roses, the scent of orange blossoms, the smell of new-mown hay, the clasp of a friend's hand, the tenderness of a mother's kiss.
121. The main symptoms and signs at admission were abdominal pain, weight loss, anorexia, epigastric tenderness, jaundice, abdominal mass and hepatomegaly.
122. There was one other person. Every time Chueh - huf thought of her, his heart melted with tenderness.
123. Again if big gland of urethral caruncle, vestibule is phlogistic, perineal ulcer, Hymen is phlogistic wait, as a result of coital tenderness, can produce defence sex reflex.
124. His face crinkled in tenderness, and his hands cupped around an invisible object.
125. The genetic variability was quite high for intramuscular fat content, moderate for tenderness and low for flavour and juiciness.
126. May all the days belong to you like a flower which overflown with sweetness, tenderness and happiness.
127. Patients with orbital floor fractures present after facial trauma with periorbital edema and ecchymosis associated with tenderness to palpation along the inferior orbital rim.
128. Vitamin E. This vitamin, taken in 400 international units daily, may ease PMS symptoms by reducing the production of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that cause cramps and breast tenderness.
129. Action and Uses Red clover is used for menopausal symptoms and hot flashes, cyclic breast pain or tenderness (mastalgia), cancer prevention, indigestion, whooping cough, cough, asthma and bronchitis.
130. If you do this right, she should feel the tenderness and protectiveness behind your touch.
131. The pain threshold of CIA rats foot tenderness and hot-plate test mice were remarkably improved by Nanhu Gelata.
132. Methods:Through the mice hot plate test and tail pain tenderness test, compared to the control group and the positive drug Voltaren group to study the drug's analgesic effect.
133. "I felt a great tenderness when I met her," Mora told me, in his office.
134. The thicker pericarp and higher crude fibre content seem to mean a worse performance in tenderness.
135. Mostly includes the tenderness non-ionic or the amphoteric surface active agent, can clean up the cerebral cortex temperately, lets the flesh prepare for the absorption following ingredient.
136. There are no CVA masses, not is there any tenderness.
137. A 52-year-old male patient had complaints of right flank pain and scrotal tenderness for two days and was diagnosed with epididymitis . Antibiotics were given for his epididymitis .
138. The hard lines in his aunt's face relaxed and a sudden tenderness dawned in her eyes.
139. Local signs of wound infection consist of pain and tenderness, swelling, warmth, and erythema.
140. The abdomen flat with marked tenderness over the right upper quadrant, where muscular spasm and rebound tenderness were present.
141. Experience the romantic, to France in the north of Europe, China's implicative, elegant Japanese tenderness, India's mysterious.
142. Presence of tenderness when probe was pressed on the affected side in some cases, fluid accumulation of uterine rectal cul de sac.
143. In the long and exhilarting history of human life, people always pursuing perfectness and tenderness and making effort to create harmonious life for future.
144. From the safety of the woods, she had seemed more or less the same as all adult humans, but in person, she assumed a singu-lar tenderness, though she smelled faintly sour, a perfume of milk and yeast.
145. Bellyacke often is in left next abdomens or complete abdomen tenderness are apparent, companion bowel cries phonic hyperfunction.
146. Research now going forward in flavor, tenderness, and restructuring will be helpful.
147. Headachy happening and transmission accord with arterial trend, radiate to mandible namely, terminus is inside canthus, and face artery has apparent tenderness.
148. Meat quality is normally defined by the compositional quality (lean to fat ratio) and the palatability factors such as visual appearance, smell, firmness, juiciness, tenderness, and flavour.
149. He poured out words of gratitude and tenderness with impulsive ravishment.
150. She looked up, and Nettie's eyes resting on her with tenderness and exultation.
151. The meat color is really good, and the nutria meat have lowest tenderness than beef, mutton and pork.
152. Physical examination. The physician should palpate for a fixed, retroverted uterus, adnexal and uterine tenderness, pelvic masses or nodularity along the uterosacral ligaments.
153. The tenderness of lovers can ill brook the least jesting with the names of their mistresses.
154. The girl betrayed in her smile and half - averted looks the bashful tenderness of her sex.
155. In this city, the women's romance and tenderness seemed to be deep-rooted, which makes the women here have a special charm.
156. You can't substitute material things for love, gentleness, tenderness, or for a sense of comradeship.
156. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
157. Many of the phenomena of Winter are suggestive of an inexpressible tenderness and fragile delicacy.
158. Manifestations include edema and swelling, pain and tenderness, muscle spasm, deformity, ecchymosis, loss of function, and crepitation.
159. Papain, trypsin and acid bacteria make good effects to the tenderness of mutton.
160. A. Assess pain, lungs, cardiac status, fundal height, lochia, passing of flatus , bowel movement, distension, tenderness, bowel sounds, incision.
161. Epileptic nature of the performance of a variety of pain, such as the oppression of pain, rebound tenderness, needle-like pain and electric shock-like pain.




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