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单词 Overnight
(1) Our shares became completely valueless overnight.
(2) We stayed overnight with my mother.
(3) Pam's staying overnight at my house.
(4) An overnight stay at a friend's house disorients me.
(5) The rain has sprouted the seeds overnight.
(6) She stayed overnight in the hotel.
(7) The book catapulted the author into fame overnight.
(8) Don't expect it to improve overnight.
(9) The grass had been saturated by overnight rain.
(10) You can stay overnight if you want to.
(11) After winning the prize she became famous overnight.
(12) The entire city was blacked out overnight.
(13) My back has stiffened overnight.
(14) The lake had frozen overnight.
(15) Soak the beans overnight.
(16) The weather changed overnight.
(17) He became famous overnight.
(18) A state of emergency was declared following overnight rampages by student demonstrators.
(19) She became famous overnight.
(20) Downing Street denied there had been a hurried overnight redrafting of the text.
(21) The meat should be marinated overnight to tenderize and flavour it.
(22) Almost overnight I was cured.
(23) Leave the cloth to steep in the dye overnight.
(24) Leave the pots to soak overnight.
(25) Leave the clay in the mould overnight.
(26) She became a celebrity overnight.
(27) He that will have a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight
(28) It is unrealistic to expect these changes to happen overnight.
(29) He had dared to speak out against injustice(http://), and overnight he became a national hero .
(30) We tied the boat up in a quiet backwater overnight.
(1) Our shares became completely valueless overnight.
(2) We stayed overnight with my mother.
(3) Pam's staying overnight at my house.
(4) An overnight stay at a friend's house disorients me.
(5) Don't expect it to improve overnight.
(6) The grass had been saturated by overnight rain.
(7) You can stay overnight if you want to.
(8) After winning the prize she became famous overnight.
(9) The entire city was blacked out overnight.
(10) The lake had frozen overnight.
(11) Soak the beans overnight.
(12) It is unrealistic to expect these changes to happen overnight.
(13) He became famous overnight.
(14) A state of emergency was declared following overnight rampages by student demonstrators.
(15) He had dared to speak out against injustice, and overnight he became a national hero .
(16) She became famous overnight.
(17) Downing Street denied there had been a hurried overnight redrafting of the text.
(18) The meat should be marinated overnight to tenderize and flavour it.
(19) We tied the boat up in a quiet backwater overnight.
(20) The decision was reached overnight.
(21) But the old ways do not vanish overnight, so the traditional dance has a stronger pull on their hearts.
(22) I'm a realist I know you can't change people's attitudes overnight.
(31) He rocketed to star overnight.
(32) He started the treatment and his symptoms disappeared overnight.
(33) Fear and anxiety aged her overnight.
(34) There were two bomb explosions in the city overnight.
(35) I've managed to get berths on the overnight ferry.
(36) The family's fortunes changed overnight.
(37) You can't expect the world to change overnight.
(38) Hundreds of mushrooms had sprouted up overnight.
(39) The job can be processed overnight.
(40) The show's success made her an overnight celebrity.
(41) She took the overnight train to New York.
(42) The rain will largely die away overnight.
(43) Travel and overnight accommodation are included.
(44) Robyn quickly stuffed clothes into an overnight bag.
(45) Overnight, it seemed, their relationship had turned sour.
(46) We've arranged to stay overnight at my sister's house.
(47) Overnight rain had freshened up the garden.
(47) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(48) Everything she cherished was swept away overnight.
(49) She took only an overnight bag .
(50) The play was an overnight success.
(51) The house was burnt to ashes overnight.
(52) Overnight he had come out in dark red blotches.
(53) Still more snow fell overnight.
(54) The book was an overnight success.
(55) The band became a sensation overnight.
(56) She achieved celebrity status overnight.
(57) The rain overnight had made the water cold.
(58) The rules are not going to change overnight.
(59) Reputations are not changed overnight.
(60) The temperature could fall below zero overnight.
(61) She became a star overnight.
(62) Several of the injured were detained overnight in hospital.
(63) How about staying at Bart's overnight?
(64) I've left the clothes to soak overnight.
(65) The wind had strengthened overnight.
(66) The trip includes an overnight stop in London.
(67) He packed an overnight bag and left.
(68) Overnight all the windowpanes had frosted over.
(69) Some bright spark left the door open overnight.
(70) In 1970 he became an overnight success in America.
(71) I'm travelling overnight so I've booked a sleeper.
(72) Our success is not won overnight.
(73) They kept her in overnight for observation.
(74) Overnight trading caused share prices to zoom .
(75) The ratings went shooting up overnight.
(76) Snow flurries are expected overnight.
(77) Overnight,( ) the gossip begins to mutate into headlines.
(78) I usually soak the beans overnight.
(79) The snow drifted into huge mounds overnight.
(80) Travel is by coach overnight to Berlin.
(81) All the windows frosted up overnight.
(82) The show was an overnight success.
(83) The decision was reached overnight.
(84) Steep the fruit in brandy overnight.
(85) We stayed overnight in London after the theatre.
(86) Their lead in the opinion polls evaporated overnight.
(87) He became a millionaire overnight.
(88) I camped overnight in a field.
(89) The movie made her into a star overnight.
(90) The trip included an overnight stop in Brussels.
(91) He was plunged into debt overnight by gambling.
(92) The currency was devalued 20% overnight.
(93) There was no change in the patient's condition overnight.
(94) A company's fortunes can change overnight.
(95) Things cannot be transformed overnight.
(96) The show was an overnight success on Broadway.
(97) I'm a realist—I know you can't change people overnight.
(98) Overnight, she became the talk of the town .
(99) Overnight return flights cost from £349 including airport taxes.
(100) The meat will keep overnight.
(101) Overnight the temperature fell as low as -30°C.
(102) They are claiming expenses for travel and overnight accommodation.
(103) If using dried beans, soak them overnight first.
(104) Leave the dried beans to soak overnight.
(105) The overnight invasion took the military experts unawares.
(106) Byron became famous overnight.
(107) The overnight train runs every night of the week except Saturdays.
(108) Overnight the sea had washed up a lot of rubbish.
(109) But the old ways do not vanish overnight, so the traditional dance has a stronger pull on their hearts.
(110) He realized he'd left his overnight bag at Mary's house.
(111) Almost overnight, that sweet little child had transmogrified into an anti-social monster.
(112) Change doesn't happen overnight.
(113) Is it all right to leave/put the battery on charge overnight?
(114) She had to stay in hospital overnight, just as a precaution.
(115) Mix together all the ingredients and leave them to macerate in the fridge overnight.
(116) Almost overnight, she had aged ten years and become fat.
(117) He claims that prejudice against homosexuals would cease overnight if all the gay stars in the country were honest about their sexuality.
(118) With its own fleet of trucks, the company delivers most orders overnight.
(119) Leave the beans to soak overnight./Let the beans soak overnight.
(120) We've got a spare room if you want to stay overnight with us.
(121) I'm a realist I know you can't change people's attitudes overnight.
(122) In spite of his overnight stardom he still manages to keep his feet on the ground.
(123) We took the car to France overnight on a channel ferry.
(124) After an inch of rain at the racecourse overnight, the going is described as good to soft.
(125) A trough of low pressure over hilly areas will bring heavy thunderstorms overnight.
(126) He was kept in hospital overnight as a precautionary measure.
(127) I emptied the closet and put my belongings into the black overnight case.
(128) The wind had piped up to half a gale overnight.
(129) You'll need a change of clothes if you're staying overnight.
(130) Someone let the tyres down overnight as a mean joke.
(131) The demonstration outside the embassy landed some of the protesters in jail overnight.
(132) The award for best actress meant that almost overnight she was catapulted into the limelight.
(133) Such is the influence of TV that it can make a person famous overnight.
(134) Success didn't come overnight?she struggled for years before making any money.
(135) Hikers need a camping permit for overnight stays in the park.
(136) Refrigerate the mixture overnight.
(137) She indeed lives in a fool's paradise as she always dreams about making a huge fortune overnight.
(138) There will be no overnight switch away from old voting habits.
(139) Four cows calved overnight.
(140) The company has moved quickly to fill the niche in the overnight travel market.
(141) Mother let us go to the party, but when it came to staying overnight,(/overnight.html) she put her foot down firmly.
(142) The blood on the pavement had been washed away by the rain overnight.
(143) Members of the opposite sex are not allowed in students' rooms overnight.
(144) The movie transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a megastar.
(145) We planned to overnight in Paris and then go to London by air.
(146) I fondly imagined that surgery meant a few stitches and an overnight stay in hospital.
(147) The war began with overnight air raids on Baghdad and Kuwait.
(148) The doctors have decided to keep him in hospital overnight but there is nothing to be alarmed about.
(149) It had snowed overnight and a thick white layer covered the ground.
(150) There will be overnight frost, with the risk of icy patches forming on the roads.
(151) She collected an overnight bag and left.
(152) The tents for the fair were erected overnight.
(153) The letter had mysteriously disappeared from the file overnight.
(154) But there will certainly not be another overnight free-for-all.
(155) The suit dried overnight, while he slept.
(156) Overnight Riley Hanson had become a cautious braggart.
(157) With Chernobyl the foreign market collapsed overnight.
(158) Leave to dry overnight until hard.
(159) Overnight all the windowpanes had been frosted over.
(160) The family were held at gunpoint overnight.
(161) They kept me in custody overnight.
(162) There was a dramatic fall in temperature overnight.
(163) They might overnight you a new battery.
(164) The only chance was to catch the overnight plane.
(165) It holds an overnight conference during the Easter vacation.
(166) Set peel aside in a cool dry place overnight.
(167) Soak the beans overnight before cooking.
(168) Included in the cost is all overnight accommodation.
(169) Let them dry overnight before you switch on the heat again.
(170) Several can offer overnight accommodation to pilots socked-inn by weather.
(171) One such overnight stop was in Allentown, Pennsylvania, to stay with and enlist the support of pilot Dorothy Leh.
(172) New technologies can turn from status symbol to ball and chain overnight.
(173) Last year, Crisis catered for 1,800 people with some 700 sleeping overnight during an eight-day period.
(174) The recession is not going to go away overnight, especially in the most bombed out sectors such as construction and property.
(175) Administration officials said it was entirely appropriate for the Clintons to host overnight guests.
(176) Nothing really worthwhile can be accomplished overnight or without a lot of effort on your part.
(177) On-time is defined as overnight delivery of first-class mail within major cities.
(178) More flexible schedules at a few companies will not transform the workplace overnight.
(179) Reserves traded among commercial banks for overnight use in amounts of $ 1 million or more.
(180) Unroll the carpet and let it get acclimatised to the room's atmosphere and temperature overnight before laying.
(181) We decided it would be best to go straight away and travel overnight, with me and Richie sharing the driving.
(182) But there can be little doubt that such change is not going to happen overnight.
(183) The terrified family were handcuffed, had pillows pulled over their heads and were held at gunpoint overnight.
(184) Bring an extra set of clothes in case you decide to stay overnight.
(185) Except where * indicates that overnight accommodation for 3 nights in Budapest is on a bed and breakfast basis.
(186) When radar was directed toward Mercury in the early I960s the situation changed overnight.
(187) Trim neatly around bottom edge and leave to dry overnight.
(188) The Fed last trimmed overnight bank borrowing costs a quarter of a percentage point, on Dec. 19.
(189) And needs change overnight, as many executives and senior managers have found to their dismay in the past several years.
(190) Landlords were not pleased to find that their apartment blocks had overnight become the property of the tenants.
(191) A positive attitude towards ageing doesn't happen overnight, it comes with age.
(192) Your grief won't disappear overnight. It takes time to get over the death of someone close to you.
(193) I packed an overnight bag and went and checked the street through a chink in the curtain.
(194) He boarded the train for the overnight journey and entered a first-class compartment with his first-class ticket.
(195) Overnight, state banks drastically raised interest rates, and people flocked to deposit their hoarded cash.
(196) A tiny spider overnight built a most exquisite net over my table.
(197) Also, should you require overnight accommodation don't leave the booking until the last minute.
(197) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(198) She gave him five minutes to pack an overnight bag under Dexter's supervision and say farewell to his family.
(199) On a Saturday, supporters driving hundreds of miles from east and west Tennessee could stay overnight without missing work.
(200) Each leg involved an overnight in berths made up by Tokimo and meals he cooked.
(201) Doris Howell recently suffered the shock of losing her sight practically overnight and finds everyday things difficult to cope with.
(202) I at once applied for leave, which was granted, and set off for Edinburgh on the overnight train.
(203) Almost overnight, it transformed this sleepy village on the eastern shores of Baja California Sur.
(204) The overnight unsecured call rate -- what banks charge each other for overnight loans -- traded at 0. 46 percent.
(205) However, hospitals can not be closed down overnight and there is a need for a more positive approach to hospital care.
(206) Mountain rescue teams continued the hunt overnight, and a full-scale search resumed at first light.
(207) Refrigerate the dough overnight.
(208) No civil aircraft now stayed in Phnom Penh overnight, since Khmer Rouge rocket attacks on the airport were frequent.
(209) Allow the graph to dry overnight before hanging it up.
(210) Allow to dry overnight, then buff with a soft cloth.
(211) Overnight, it seems, my felicitous situation ended just as quickly.
(212) The Fed last trimmed its target for federal funds, or overnight loans between banks, on Dec. 19.
(213) Overnight the bond market was transformed from a backwater into a casino.
(214) It is primarily an interbank trading market where banks lend and borrow overnight or up to one year on an unsecured basis.
(215) Day 8 Agra-Khajuraho A morning flight will take you to Khajuraho with overnight accommodation at the Taj.
(216) The overnight clerk puts the codes and account numbers on file cards.
(217) Leave to dry overnight before gently bending back the waxed paper and lifting off the piped outlines with a palette knife.
(218) Bring a friend or relative for moral support and help in juggling insurance forms and your overnight bag.
(219) Cook and then move on across the Canterbury Plains for an overnight on a local farm.
(220) Since the Validation program may take several hours to run(), it is recommended that it is run overnight in batch mode.
(221) Samples can be left in the impregnation chamber overnight before curing under gentle heat.
(222) Parker, who suffered a mild concussion, was monitored overnight by Dodgers officials and by his roommate, pitcher Jim Bruske.
(223) There are also two-day tours involving overnight stays at country hotels as well as delicious food.
(224) Programme lunch 4.11.93 A fishing boat has sunk overnight in the north sea.
(225) He stressed that democratic reform could not be achieved overnight but would take time.
(226) Overnight, in a flash-flood, it will dramatically move its banks, depositing shoals and cutting new channels.
(227) After an overnight fast of at least 10 hours, an 18 gauge catheter was placed in an antecubital vein for blood sampling.
(227) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(228) She received her overnight bag and Rachel's box from Bryn and thanked him warmly.
(229) Overnight, after the election, it changed its policy on coal.
(230) Unless you fall into a frozen lake or get left on the mountainside overnight, this will not happen to you.
(231) Halil Guzel was taken into overnight custody by the regular police at Istanbul airport when he landed on Thursday.
(232) Peter had left yesterday evening and must have traveled overnight.
(233) Overnight the world has opened up and revealed its depth and colour.
(234) People were seen queuing overnight outside travel agents to be able to cash in on a £20 holiday for four!
(235) As a result, many businesses are having to scramble to get the overnight letters and packages they need to do business.
(236) She looked at him, then realised her overnight bag was in the boot.
(237) Clare doubled her income overnight, and felt that she was doing a useful job.
(238) Because their climb to success has not been an overnight one, the boys find fame easy to handle.
(239) We stayed overnight in a motor camp in Picton and continued next day, southwards down the east coast to Kaikoura.
(240) Fifteen years ago a Labour government in New Zealand abolished subsidies almost overnight.
(241) For $ 239, you and your Valentine are treated to the same fabulous dinner, and overnight accommodations.
(242) There's an optional excursion around this historic town before returning to the boat for overnight berth.
(243) Bassett was closely involved in the success of Wimbledon's Crazy Gang, so he is no overnight success.
(244) Among them was a small cuddly bunny wrapped in a plastic bag against the overnight rain.
(245) The volunteers fasted overnight, or for six hours after a light breakfast if the study was carried out in the afternoon.
(246) Teachers who for years had planned in terms of appropriate actions could not overnight apply their minds to appropriate meanings as well.
(247) Leyland fired one off the bar, and the police threw him in jail overnight.
(248) The stabilization of the currency overnight was a remarkable achievement.
(249) Mr. Bell was taken to a police station in Liverpool and detained in police cells overnight.
(250) Wardens, Suninder Gogner and Christine Hoy-Taylor, were detained overnight in hospital and their condition yesterday was comfortable.
(251) The cost of your ticket, plus overnight accommodation and full Yorkshire breakfast, will be £28.50.
(252) One excellent option is an overnight pack ride, with camping equipment carried by mules.
(253) The Nasdaq's overnight gains sparked strong demand for electronic blue chips.
(254) In the last few years, attitudes have changed and society now expects smokers to wipe out 70 years of brainwashing overnight.
(255) So almost overnight, Aarau decided on a major expansion scheme, and work began on the Laurenzenvorstadt.
(256) Much of this money is lent on an overnight basis.
(257) This loss is not renewed overnight, even though the barricades are now down.
(258) Top: The excitement of a new pond will quickly wane if it turns into a disaster area overnight.
(259) On arrival in Edinburgh, the loans will be stored overnight in the Library's Strong Room.
(260) Not at all: King went too far and was out on his ear in an overnight boardroom coup in 1968.
(261) But it does make sense to paint floors last thing at night, giving the paint a chance to dry overnight.
(262) Euston Films' future Christmas Period Stand-By was not an overnight success.
(263) Ultimately, it is expected to provide overnight accommodation for up to 30 volunteers.
(264) Figure 3 shows the relation between acid clearance time after acid perfusion and overnight exposure to acid.
(265) You cannot change your destination overnight. You can change your direction. Jim Rohn 
(266) Many of these huts provide overnight accommodation if you feel like being a bit adventurous.
(267) Food subsidies are reduced or thrown out altogether and food prices may double or triple overnight.
(268) She says your child has been admitted but call back later to see if she is going to stay overnight.
(269) We can not do this overnight, but it can be achieved with gradual development over a number of years.
(270) Banks borrow and lend wholesale funds amongst themselves, dealing through money brokers, for periods ranging from overnight to five years.
(271) They take eighteen hours all told, including the overnight soaking.
(272) Unzipping her overnight bag, she took out a copy of one of Puddephat's books.
(273) An overnight case had been placed carefully on a sheet of newspaper.
(274) Dealer financing rate for overnight sale and repurchase of Treasury securities.
(275) C.,() than paying the added cost of having the entire entourage remain on the campaign trail overnight.
(276) Continue by train and bus to Pitsanuloke for dinner and overnight.
(277) In Johannesburg two men died in overnight bomb explosions at the city's main railway station.
(278) Some time during the afternoon they decided not to go back but to stay overnight.
(279) The overnight explosion not only destroyed the chapel but also sparked a security alert in Dartmouth, Devon.
(280) Never risk parking out overnight without checking the weather forecast for a strong wind warning or the approach of a cold front.
(281) The Fed lowered the key federal funds rate on overnight bank loans twice last year, in July and December.
(282) How can a perfectly well established institution change its name overnight and why should it?
(283) There had been a sharp frost overnight and the ground was frozen hard.
(284) It won't happen overnight, but I can assure you it will one day.
(285) The unwary movement caused her foot to slip on the footpath made muddy by the overnight rain.
(286) Runyon credits his drive to improve overnight mail service in urban areas for much of the shift in attitude.
(287) New events, new information or simply an irrational wave of national dyspepsia can change public mood toward its leaders overnight.
(288) Overnight she'd caught a chill which showed every sign of developing into pneumonia.
(289) It went into the farmhouses where he lodged overnight and where he was known and befriended.
(290) They left the fluids overnight to get rid of the air bubbles trapped inside.
(291) Overnight there was a frost and it went hard and crinkly.
(292) Clean dentures with a soft brush and soap and water after every meal and leave them in water overnight.




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