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单词 Conception
1. I have no conception of what you mean.
2. He's got a pretty strange conception of friendship.
3. We now have a clearer conception of the problem.
4. The plan, brilliant in its conception, failed because of inadequate preparation.
5. He has no conception of how difficult life is if you're unemployed.
6. Love is absolute. But the conception of love varies with the individual consciousness.
7. My conception of a garden was based on gardens I had visited in England.
8. Sex identity is fixed at conception.
9. This conception has been rigidified.
10. His work is strikingly fresh in conception.
11. I have no conception of what he means.
12. The new play is a brilliant conception.
13. Conception occurs when a single sperm fuses with an egg.
14. She has a conception of people as being basically good.
15. They have no conception of what women really feel and want.
16. The plan was brilliant in its conception but failed because of lack of money.
17. You have no conception of what her life is like.
18. The conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a year.
19. A child is born about 40 weeks after conception takes place.
20. Six weeks after conception your baby is the size of your little fingernail.
21. He has absolutely no conception of how a successful business should run.
22. You have no conception at all of how difficult my life was in those days.
23. Conception was external proof of masculinity.
24. This procedure most accurately reflects normal conception.
25. Conception and disgrace somehow eluded her.
26. Rheinhold argues that life does not begin at conception.
27. Affection is like water, so that all become pure filtered; it makes the flat family, by burning the more edges; the family is poetry, so boring after modified reached a kind of artistic conception. The family, life eternal power.
28. Man is tempted to live up to woman's idealized conception of himself.
29. Man is tempted to live up to woman's idealised conception of himself.
30. I see him as someone with not the slightest conception of teamwork.
1. He's got a pretty strange conception of friendship.
2. We now have a clearer conception of the problem.
3. He has no conception of how difficult life is if you're unemployed.
4. My conception of a garden was based on gardens I had visited in England.
5. Man is tempted to live up to woman's idealised conception of himself.
6. The conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a year.
31. At the turn of the century, he had been excited by his conception of the Mystic Hussars routine.
32. My conception of postmodernist de-differentiation via an aesthetics of desire was also in large part dependent on Lyotard's work.
33. Some of these are tied up with the conception of crime itself; and will be dealt with in the next section.
34. Except not the end of the episode if there were a failure of a birth control measure and the result was conception.
35. How then are we to find a conception of mental states other than that on which the sceptical argument trades?
36. The following day, the feast of the immaculate conception, there was a closing ceremony in St Peter's Square.
37. It inquires whether the conception of community has undergone any change as a consequence of the crowd phenomenon.
38. The rate of conception is, however, considerably higher than this, possibly 1 in 200 conceptions.
39. There could be no miracle of the virginal conception without the work of the Third person of the Trinity.
40. Bukharin rejected Preobrazhensky's whole conception of primitive socialist accumulation, and with good cause as we shall see.
41. I shall argue that this conception is not only philosophically problematic, but also has an implicit politics which is potentially damaging.
42. Yet despite all difficulties, conception is successful in the majority of people.
43. If we try to analyse the conception of possession, we find two elements.
44. In some respects there seems not much room for argument about our conception of standard effects and their causal circumstances.
45. But it has a radically different conception of the forces that empower achievers.
46. Hodgskin expounded a minimalist conception of the state, insisting that government tended to shackle the energies and liberties of individuals.
47. But for the members of these schoolroom societies it is a test within the framework of the official conception of school.
48. A constructivist would deny the existence of anything that corresponds to this conception of a phenomenal screen.
49. Intellectual work of design, conception and communication would be differentiated from manual work.
50. One has a duty to uphold and support authorities if they meet the conditions of the service conception as explained above.
51. In the early 1970s the normal response to a pre-marital conception was marriage; abortion or illegitimate birth were less favoured alternatives.
52. My conception of Il trovatore is that here are what Jung called archetypes.
53. Its functionalism was at least tempered by a grand conception of space.
54. Such ideals were grandiose both in their conception and in relation to the practicalities of post-war reconstruction.
55. Galileo's conception of biblical authority will be examined later in the chapter.
56. Instrumentalists also claim that poulantzas' conception of the state as the factor of cohesion in the social formation is equally unhelpful.
57. According to this conception,[] ideas may be internal sensations like pain; they may be perceptions of external objects and their qualities.
58. Straczynski is responsible not only for the conception of the show, but for most of its scripts.
59. It is now time to call attention to an incongruity in the conception of the rational man from which this chapter started.
60. Beccaria's attempt to avoid the issue while retaining the conception of tree will was, perhaps, asking for trouble.
61. Their original conception involved a great railway station in one of the most important sites in the capital.
62. Such a conception allows for a greater fluidity between the two modes than has hitherto been found acceptable.
63. But there has also been a wider questioning of the whole conception of a transition to socialism.
64. Quite clearly the conception of the company explicitly adopted by the legal model is the contractual one.
65. So much for the doctrine that life begins at conception.
66. The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey's adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.
67. Apart from their conceit, these diverse yet inter-dependent groupings share a statist conception of antiracism.
68. Thus, up to age twenty-one, men were charged with the responsibility to prevent conception.
69. And in historical terms, many societies have no conception of a distinct political order.
70. This point had become confused and lost in the over-socialized conception of man which had developed in modern sociology.
71. Rather, the focus on shareholder interests results from a private conception of the company and company law.
72. Alice herself was deaf and dumb until - she claims - she saw a vision of the Immaculate Conception.
73. And, indeed, his theory is firmly rooted in his conception of equilibrium.
74. This has moulded a dominant conception of what social research should be.
75. With the volume level edged up to the danger zone, Rattle's conception clicks into place.
76. A good arrangement should sound as though it were an original conception, and not an arrangement at all.
77. The female adopts a more passive role in conception than the male, and physiologically she has less to do.
78. At the level of legal reasoning these developments can not be accommodated within the traditional contractual conception of the company.
79. In rabbinic canon law, the rabbi explained, human life does not simply begin at conception.
80. A scientific conception seems demeaning because nothing is eventually left for which autonomous man can take credit.
81. Theories of motivation A number of theories are built upon some conception of human nature.
82. They construct it in the sense of developing a conception of the real as being the refractory limit of their own actions.
83. The independent ethic they had courted so successfully since their conception was beginning to fall hopelessly apart.
84. The reader's conception of the text in this case is the worst possible communicative situation.
85. Opening to the power of intention, you begin knowing that conception[sentence dictionary], birth and death are all natural aspects of the energy field of creation. Wayne Dyer 
86. Education is part of the developmental process in which families are engaged from the date of conception of a child.
87. For in fact, Co-operation does not fit comfortably into the Webbs' conception of Socialism.
88. The conception about reacting mechanically to events is not a purely materialistic one, as it may seem at first sight.
89. He himself had aspired with eminent success: the conception was a self-educator's dream.
90. Until you have known it you will have no conception of what it is to be truly lonely.
91. Conclusions- Increasing waist-hip ratio is negatively associated with the probability of conception per cycle, before and after adjustment for confounding factors.
92. Given the conception we have, are mental events as we have conceived them excluded from being physical?
93. This allies closely with the contemporary conception of the professions as among the most stable elements in society.
94. What, then, to pick up our last theme, is the carry-over of this conception into the culture of society?
95. A principle of inquiry can not be something that may keep us from recognizing a clear and settled conception.
96. Hayek views the growing dominance of the conception of law as thesis as posing a grave threat to liberty.
97. Hasn't he any conception of the devastation caused to this planet by burning fossil fuels?
98. They disliked this egoistic conception of man, and they suspected that egoistic motives might not be sufficient to underpin morality.
99. It is true enough to say that we would have no conception of it.
100. Since its conception, two of the airlines that used the old airport as a hub have disappeared.
101. If they can do so before conception, the period of pregnancy will be much less stressful.
102. Bereavement counselling - where there is no hope of conception or repeated attempts at treatment have not resulted in conception.
103. In others, abortion was treated matter-of-factly, with the products of conception disposed of unceremoniously.
104. Definitions are useful only in so far as they encapsulate a particular conception or theory of the phenomena one wishes to study.
105. Gilligan sees this as a morality of responsibility that stands apart from the morality of rights underlying Kohlberg's conception.
106. Poulantzas therefore develops his theory by elaborating his conception of the capitalist state and tracing its connection with the class struggle.
107. Indeed it would be difficult to imagine how children were able to use language to communicate if no such conception were present.
108. The grouping demonstrates Henry's clerks' clear conception of the administrative geography of the county.
109. Meaning, as the most simple and most common conception has it, is displaced from one word on to another.
110. The grant of a patent can too often assume a talismanic significance for those closely involved in its conception and development.
111. It is through the conception of historical time as a continuum that the past becomes a coherent object.
112. They gave information, instruction, and medical advice to married persons as to the means of preventing conception....
112. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
113. We do have a clear and settled conception of standard effects.
114. It is a grand conception; whether it is a useful one may be a matter of opinion.
115. The first and traditional conception of the company might be labelled the fiction/concession theory.
116. Some women sense a change from the moment of conception and know they are pregnant before they miss a period.
117. These watercolours are actually very close in conception to the heavenly scenes of her decorations.
118. The human touch, the intuition and a more abstract conception of reality were now considered fundamental to art.
119. The main elements of this conception can be set out very briefly in the following way.
120. Here, it scarcely needs stating, we have in mind a traditional, negative conception of liberty.
121. Changing our conception of international law could therefore have a bearing on our capacity tor achieving peace.
122. The particular conception sees both processes as necessary features of a social representation.
123. The recent trend toward cognitive approaches to metaphor provides a means of formalizing such a conception.
124. If we adopt the more expansive conception of democracy which has been used throughout this book, the case is even stronger.
125. The great bells of the Immaculate Conception chimed the hour.
126. The difference is that the first is based on a spatial conception and the second on a temporal one.
127. Third, Rawls' conception of the person does not lead to unanimity of moral views.
128. It overrides all conception, all preconceived ideas of what you think you want or need.
129. We have no mental conception of what it is like to perceive the world through antennae.
130. The researchers studied levels of cotinine - a product of nicotine - in women undergoing assisted conception.
131. The cell cycle at conception and in young embryos A new life begins with the fusion of sperm and egg.
132. Conception of oneself as a housewife or not is liable to influence a woman's behaviour in a variety of ways.
133. Even if we do find such conventions, the appeal of the conception still depends on the political ideal of protected expectations.
134. At the bottom of Rover's long-term failure is a hopelessly crude conception of what constitutes enterprise and business success.
135. Until you've seen them, you have no conception of their courage. Bob Hope 
136. The other constraint on the absolutist interpretation of the sovereignty concept arose from Dicey's normativist conception of law.
137. In our study women who smoked had lower conception rates, though this did not reach significance.
138. Since its conception, the Format has been winning hearts and minds as a useful mechanism.
139. The entire physical universe in this conception was only a few times larger than the distance from Earth to the Moon.
140. It evokes a fact, i.e. an object of conception, rather than an object of perception.
141. There will also always be accidental occurrences during the period from conception to birth, and errors during and after birth.
142. It does not infuse itself at conception - or any other magic moment.
143. Some see in it the girdle ot hymen and the promise of the immaculate conception of a Messiah.
144. You seem to have no conception of where we stand!
145. The trenchant symbolism of his pictures is essentially alien to the Dada conception of randomness and fortuitous juxtaposition.
146. A different conception of collective bargaining in terms both of its character and role is applicable in socialist countries with centrally-planned economies.
147. We have no conception of the interconnections that influence us in our associations of words and meanings.
148. Further research showed that problems with conception and miscarriages were more frequent among societies where low levels of wheatgerm were consumed.
149. Our everyday language reinforces the conception of the womb as a permanent space,[] an empty lodging waiting for a tenant.
150. You may not agree with your child's conception of how her room should look.
151. But in this new conception of death people found a new conception of life, prized anew for its own intrinsic worth.
152. But the simplicity of Blake and Mouton's original conception has probably been the main reason for its success.
153. The universal conception envisages social representations as functioning through anchoring, but not necessarily through objectification.
154. These people here have so little conception of our world that sometimes I feel myself as if I must have dreamed it.
155. Cells in the tumour seem to resemble the body's own cells soon after conception when a baby is still developing.
156. Whether this assumption is properly made depends ultimately upon one's conception of meaning and on questionable premises concerning legislative intent.
157. But such a conception is to overlook a fundamental distinction about the two activities.
158. In this conception of the social and political world, the established order is not permanently fixed.
159. In the Management Matrix model there is an even broader conception of the range of decisions calling for specialization and delegation.
160. This, and many similar references, suggests that this remains the popular conception of an internal market.
161. The degree to which the entire godhead is evoked as a unitary spiritual conception depends upon the circumstances.
162. Of course they will, but in hard cases judges must make controversial judgments of political morality whichever conception of law they hold.
163. In other words, the child has progressed to the conception of thinking as something mental, behind any verbal expression.
164. Pragmatism as a conception of law does not stipulate which of these various visions of good community are sound or attractive.
165. Important projects include the development of advanced mechanical ventilation and heat recovery systems, right through from conception to full commercialisation.
166. We can take as one starting point Tocqueville's conception of democracy, which I have already briefly sketched in the Introduction.
167. Is a conception of self as housewife in fact articulated as part of the self-image?
168. It is important, however(), to distinguish his use of the conception of human freedom.
169. This is what he's done to the venerable game of golf and our conception of what is and isn't possible.
170. So, the selected conception was implanted, and the pregnancy went to full term.
171. There is more than just an element of truth in this conception.
172. The most popular story concerning her conception was that a golden egg tumbled out of Chaos in the beginning of the world.
173. The original conception of review is indeed that set out above.
174. After his ordination in 1953, he spent three years as assistant priest at the Immaculate Conception Church, Glasgow.
175. They claim that the prohibition in fact merely equalizes people's ability to pursue their own conception of the good.
176. His conception of the aristocracy was an exalted one; so was his conception of empire.
177. It is along this line that one must trace the thread of the new conception of the world.
178. Physical education is highly valued and forms part of a fully integrated educational programme based on a unitary conception of man.
179. An enactment which threatened the essential elements of any plausible conception of democratic government would lie beyond those boundaries.
180. Nevertheless, not withstanding the adoption of an analytical method, the dominant tradition is both anti-rationalist and anti-formalist in conception.
181. Waist-hip ratio, age and body mass index were separately related to probability of conception per cycle.
182. Accordingly, he formulated a new conception of drama to suit his own inclinations.
183. His thesis on the division of labour itself lacks an adequate conception of power.
184. I have no conception of what you are saying.
185. Based on the current achievements in philosophy of mind and neuroscience, the author explores the brain death problem by the conception of self-consciousness.
186. While Lin Fengmian creates the art of modern ink painting, in the aspect of constitutes, colors, themes, artistic conception, tools and lines, innovating in regard of amalgamation.
187. The development of private economy can lead to the solution of many obstinate problems, such as shortage of capital, insufficient job position, and unawareness of market conception.
188. I have levied on many writers for my essential conception of American culture.
189. "The truth" is a real conception, and "the absolute truth" like "pure gold", "perfect gas" etc. is an ideal conception.
190. This article begins with introducing the conception of refrangibility, and then the relation between refractive index and density of the gas is established.
191. The plan, currently under development, tackles the double burden of undernutrition and overweight and focuses on the window of opportunity between conception and the second year of life.
192. The assistance of IT to the deaf-mute students is greater than the normal one in learning the conception of physics and the ability of solving questions.
193. The fuzzy time series forecasting differ from classic time series forecasting is lead in the conception, named membership function which contribute much to figure the method.
194. We introduce the conception of involutorial anti automorphism over distributive pseudolattices, define and get some properties of M-P inverse of matrix.
195. A method of current boundary control which has an application prospect was advanced. The conception and contents of advanced control-flow were presented.
196. In this paper, the conception of the standard well ordered set is introduced and ten theorems of the standard well ordered set has been proved.
197. Fromm's conception of freedom is formed on the base of pondering upon the irrational behavior of human beings and reflecting on the people's morbidness and spirit of contemporary western society.
198. Furthermore, by allowing the selection function to take values in an interval, the conception of random selection is generalized.
199. United classification and codification, standard of metadata and metadata base provide the means of integration of center and sub-center of metadata base from conception layer.
200. Counting-type analog quantity(CAQ), a new conception, is introduced in this article. CAQ possesses some features of analog quantity and digital quantity, that is to say, it has double features.
201. The argument is made according to such aspects as historical periodization, objects and range of study, historical conception of arts, and research methodology.
202. The second part, the author introduce the common risk, conception of the common risk, the estimate model of risk,[http:///conception.html] the means of apron string .
203. It does not overcome the paradoxes between asserting on one hand the functional analyses of law and affirming the integral conception of culture and unilinear evolutionism on the other hand.
204. In this paper, the conception of SWR is introduced, and the structure of digital IF receiver system is discussed including its core technology.
205. Products of conception are removed from the endocervical canal and uterus with a ring forceps. Immediate removal decreases bleeding. Curettage is performed after vital signs have stabilized.
206. In the last part, the paper presents that, as a philosophical conception, alienation is not incompatible with anagenesis, affirms active effect of Chinese blog.
207. Based on this, the thesis finally emphasizes the importance of changing conception about surmounting the trend of legislationism and making for restricting right of property by the rule of law.
208. The simulation game helps the managers to know and understand the conception, basic principle and the tools of Six Sigma, and how to performance in enterprise.
209. In terms of plant species selection, plant configuration, and plant landscape artistic conception creating, religious garden landscape specially showed its uniqueness in religion space organization.
210. Based on the conception of the discrete modal filter, a force identification model is proposed to emend the classical modal model method.
211. Bring forward big block pattern's conception and a new noise "Three rule". This dissertation adopted a new block pattern analyze algorithms to design simulation software.
212. Simon Brown, a Software Architect, commented on Uncle Bob's conception regarding the "delivery mechanism", calling it " an annoying detail".
213. It explains importance and development trend of hospital conception, and its presentation forms and methods of courtyard, family environment, artistic and residence tendance.
214. Let's search after the other kind of artistic conception of the life in Mr. XX's poem.
215. The confusion is solved in conception and manufacture of single and actual pitch diameter.
216. To that new order we oppose the greater conception the moral order.
217. The defects in traditional drive circuit existing in availabele EL monitors are pointed out Matrix drive circuit system for EL monitor is designed using the conception of "balanced drive".
218. In this paper, the conception of the model recognition-tracking-coordinate transfer data processor in HF skywave OTH-B Radar is described.
219. Intuition is the undoubting conception of a pure and attentive mind, which arises from the light of reason alone, and is more certain than deduction.
220. In addition, traditional conception of technology is still prevalent , which has seriously limited the research and development of soft technology.
221. In this article, the conception of sustainable development (short for SD) and the conception of district materials flow were introduced.
222. Started with the conception of equipment renewal, several equipment renewal methods are introduced briefly, including lowest-fee method, MAPI method and economic lifetime method.
223. Daily supplementation with folic acid for 1 month prior to conception and during pregnancy may reduce the incidence of neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly in the child.
224. He influenced a generation aesthetic judgment fashion with unexpected and dangerous artistic conception and innovative format and humoristic art style.
225. In addition, the paper advances the conception of program generating program automatically.
226. A new inequality probability sampling-adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) is presented, which includes the conception, characteristics, the two basic estimators of ACS and some reviews.
227. In the later wisdom literatures, the conception of wisdom was turned from phenomenalism to ontology, from epistemology to ethics.
228. In order to make sure highway safety audit procedures, the paper expresses the conception and aim.
229. The conception of mass subset is proposed for aerosol which also has been extended to the equivalent mass subset corresponding to counting signal channel.
230. The common conception of the city as a dense grid of masonry buildings dates to early desert oasis civilizations such as Mesopotamia but was uncharacteristic of many other environments.
231. Designers will succeed in developing the integral design more efficiently-from the emersion of conception, the architectural design, the detail design, shop drawing to the on-the-spot construction.
232. The conception of relative entropy is put forward, and signification of the entropy conception in life science, is discussed.
233. The conception and algorithm simulation of lattice digital filter in electronics are transplanted into optical filter, with a novice algorithm to resolve optical lattice array concrete parameter.
234. The first chapter summarizes the conception of Valueing Stateliness and explanates preliminarily the historical value and the practical significance of The Great HanWu Emperor.
235. His profound thinking and broad scope of spiritual conception contribute to the historic massiveness and epic-like extensiveness in his music.
236. This text introduces basic conception of the firewall and operation principle mainly. We provide an application instance of PIX firewall in the campus network.
237. Relativity had the most profound effect on our conception of time.
238. In this paper, we describe the conception of orthicon, orthogonal function set and completion of orthogonal function set conception and compared to them.
239. In this paper, the conception of train-running limit state under earthquake is proposed, and the corresponding optimum reliability is studied.
240. Therefore, it is crucial issue on how to comprehend the designation theory and method of logistic system, the management conception of logistics organization, logistics rationalization and so on.
241. SIRS was a conception first brought forward in America in 1991 referring to the uncontrolled systemic inflammatory cascade induced by infectious or noninfectious factors.
242. Moreover, in IDDT diagnosis, the conception of fault feature curve and feature space is proposed to diagnose the fault in the analog and mixed-signal circuit.
243. On the foundation of the conception of orthonormal basis in finite dimensional Euclidean space, this paper provides the theory of completely orthonormal system in infinite dimensional Euclidean space.
244. The conception "almost perfect arrays" is proposed and it is shown that the existence of an almost perfect binary array is equivalent to the existence of a certain divisible difference set.
245. Alfred Tennyson's short poem Crossing the Bar has beautiful, peaceful artistic conception and its images are full of wisdom.
246. This philosophy derives its name from the fact that it was a combination of the romanticist theory of truth with the idealist conception of the universe.
247. In this paper, the influence of glass bead diameter on single bead and property of retro-reflective fabric is discussed. Besides, the paper brings forward the conception of maximum glass coverage.
248. In my research, I will argue that utilitarianism, contrary to its critics' (mis)conception, has theoretical resources to take full account of commonsensical moral rules.
249. Firstly, the basic conception of the formation of the beam is summarized, and also discuss some usual formation of beam-basic formation of beam, zero-point of beam and optimized formation of beam.
250. In this paper, the influence of glass bead diameter on single bead and property of retro-reflective fabric are discussed, moreover, it brings forward the conception of glass coverage.
251. "Then on the four small beads say the "Hail Mary", adding after each, "Blessed be the pure, holy and immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
252. Chapter Two analyses the endogenously increasing factors of industry clusters, and puts forward the conception of the endogenous agglomeration force.
253. Based on Euclidean algorithm, this paper gives a new method that can judge similar zero and pole points of a system model and conception of similarly.
254. Her conception of the character was as heavy and uncompromising as her diction.
255. The paper discusses the conception and existing condition of hybrid library, in the meantime, analyses differential medium form collection and differential structure collection form of hybrid library.
256. The GVG system is a new solution, with the conception of sampling lineage instead of the traditional sampling point or sampling area, to extracting crop acreage information.
257. Based on the principle of First-order Packing of GRIB code, this artical's discussion centre on the conception. principle and methods of Second-order Packing of GRIB code.
258. In a similar vein, some people may feel that the claim that God created the world ex nihilo (from nothing) is irrational since we have no conception of nihilo.
259. In 1854, Pope Pius the Ninth proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.
260. It sums up the history evolvement of the unaccomplished crime theory, the conception and the establishing conditions of it.
261. This paper propounds basic conception of reliability in system scheme design of pump station, analyzes basic factors affecting the reliability of pump station system.
262. The coupling here means that the conception and philosophy of runoff generation and routing scheme in hydrology are introduced to land surface model.
262. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
263. Chapter One is summary about standard form contract. It introduces the conception, features and economy source of standard form contract.
264. The theoretic innovations of this thesis include the advance of the conception of grotesque merry-andrew and the analysis about it's functions and it's aesthetic contributions.
265. About 21 days post conception, the primary villi are invaded centrally by allantoic mesenchyme, derived from the embryoblast, transforming them into secondary villi.
266. This paper briefly introduced the basic conception of Marekove shift matrix forecast method and put forward the formation procedure and running method of Marekove chain forecast model with Language C.
267. The design conception and principle of damageable substitute, and its practical applications in aircraft structures are described in detail.
268. Finally based on the results of rockfall trace calculation combined with the characters of safe net system, the authors presented the conception and method of design of safe net system.
269. In the second chapter, the basic conception , characteristic as well as the average design method about built-in system are presentation one by one.
270. The conception of crustal isostasy produces a great effect to the geo-scientific research; especially take an important role in the studies of Geodesy and Geodynamics.
271. It is the general name for methods of preventing conception.
272. It is oriented to denying the totalizing homogenous foundational power, and to pursuing heterogenic conception of power, hereby to result in actively advocating micro-politics.
273. Maoism, thus, inverted the Marxist (and Leninist) conception of the relationship between town and countryside in the making of modern history.
274. Yet his human journey exhibited many divine elements such as the immaculate conception, his fulfillment of many prophecies about the Messiah, and his performance of many miraculous signs.




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