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单词 Calculation
1. There's an error in your calculation.
2. Perhaps you have made a mistake in your calculation.
3. Your calculation is way off beam.
4. I spent hours doing that calculation and I still got the answer wrong.
5. Leonard made a rapid calculation: he'd never make it in time.
6. We cannot make a precise calculation of the price until we have all the costs.
7. did I go wrong in my calculation?
8. The calculation was difficult, but we finally cracked it.
9. She did a rapid calculation in her head.
10. His actions were clearly the result of deliberate calculation.
11. Our guess was confirmed by calculation.
12. That little mistake has put the whole calculation out.
13. Her calculation was out by several orders of magnitude.
14. How did your calculation arrive at this figure?
15. He is quick at calculation.
16. She made a rough estimate/calculation of the likely cost.
17. It took us two hours to complete the calculation, so we logged off at 4 o 'clock.
18. His calculation was correct.Sentencedict
19. Even a rough calculation shows that you have spent too much.
20. After much calculation they decided to give him the position of manager.
21. By my calculation, we made a profit of £20 000 last year.
22. We used different methods of calculation, but we both got the same result.
23. He is absorbed in the calculation of that difficult maths problem.
24. A student over sixteen reckons as two under eleven in the calculation of school building costs.
25. The cost of the film and the processing were all accounted for in the calculation of the cost of the service.
26. These days, scientists use computers to help them to get out the difficult calculation concerned with space travel.
27. They found their computers producing different results from exactly the same calculation.
28. The machine will print out the results of the calculation and the names of suitable books on this subject.
29. The machine will read out the result of the calculation.
30. This new computer will read out the results of the calculation in 0.001 second.
1. There's an error in your calculation.
2. Perhaps you have made a mistake in your calculation.
3. A student over sixteen reckons as two under eleven in the calculation of school building costs.
4. I spent hours doing that calculation and I still got the answer wrong.
5. Leonard made a rapid calculation: he'd never make it in time.
6. We cannot make a precise calculation of the price until we have all the costs.
7. She did a rapid calculation in her head.
8. His actions were clearly the result of deliberate calculation.
9. He is quick at calculation.
10. It took us two hours to complete the calculation, so we logged off at 4 o 'clock.
11. The machine will print out the results of the calculation and the names of suitable books on this subject.
12. The machine will read out the result of the calculation.
13. He is absorbed in the calculation of that difficult maths problem.
14. My calculation is based on notional figures, since the actual figures are not yet available.
31. There's an element of calculation in his behaviour that makes me distrust him.
32. My calculation is based on notional figures, since the actual figures are not yet available.
33. A simple calculation will clarify the point.
34. Cathy did a rough calculation.
35. All Major's appointments display careful calculation.
36. How could the brain perform such a calculation?
37. As always, political calculation based on self-interest.
38. Other considerations, however, enter into the calculation.
39. The Reds dropped a few small bombs, killed far fewer people than calculation suggests and ignored militarily-attractive targets.
40. A rough calculation can, however, be made based on the rate of fluid absorption observed in the control rats.
41. The calculation of the scan score from these images provides a reliable and objective indicator of disease activity.
42. Before calculation of the explained variance, both simulated and observed temperatures have been adjusted to have the same 1861-1900 mean.
43. She finishes with a chapter on pattern calculation using a calculator for the basic block shape.
44. The variables with a skewed distribution were therefore log transformed for statistical calculation.
45. This type of calculation may also be helpful in assessing trade-offs between alternative strategies open to one firm.
46. Nearly all the items answered correctly by 40 percent or more of the bottom third pupils require straight forward counting or calculation.
47. Interestingly the commercial value of the site did not play a part in the calculation.
48. A calculation is made of the percentage of non-arrivals,[] cancellations and guests that terminate their stay earlier than expected.
49. President Clinton, whose every brain cell is employed in calculation of political numerology, understood the implications.
50. Leibniz plans a system of characters capable of such precise calculation that mental error would be equivalent to an error of computation.
51. Behind all foreign policy there lurks, or ought to lurk, careful political calculation.
52. Robert Eisner, a University of Chicago economist, uses a simple calculation.
53. Cast off a calculation determining how much space copy will take up when typeset.
54. The sheer quantity of calculation and printing required for this stretches the modest administrative processor to its limit for two days.
55. We created this music together without any calculation, in the purest spirit.
56. Mr. Beggs Was the significant increase in the number of temporary and part-time teachers included in the calculation of pupil-teacher ratios?
57. Even the most primitive computer can outstrip the human brain in certain types of calculation.
58. About everything he writes hangs a faint savour of calculation.
59. Even a spreadsheet that does a great deal of calculation will only speed up by around 25% or so.
60. Politicians often claim that human life is beyond economic calculation and must be given absolute priority whatever the cost.
61. The sceptical economist peter Bauer did a simple calculation, reversing the World Bank's growth-rate.
62. This calculation excludes any consideration of time costs, which evidence suggests are considerable.
63. This reduction was achieved by a change in the calculation of the uprating of these additions.
64. Numeric values may include calculation so long as there are no keywords.
65. However, it may give rise to the necessity for a fairly sophisticated mathematical calculation if a conversion table is not published.
66. The calculation is valid for the innermost layer of the wall at a constant transmural pressure and at steady state conditions.
67. First, the explanation for Labour's return to type-beginning with hard political calculation.
68. An inverse method for the calculation of stability boundaries is also discussed.
69. By far the shakiest part of the calculation is the average mutation rate.
70. If you do this calculation for each year, you should find something worth commenting on.
71. Finally, he made a calculation, the nature of which eluded Dougal, and scribbled a number on the pad.
72. Even when such a calculation is not followed through, the insight obtained from the Fourier series concept is often helpful.
73. In this situation, the calculation of minority interest gives rise to a debit balance in the balance sheet.
74. For my rough calculation this comes to about one in 250 trillion.
75. I am sure also that, in the light of our education reforms, most children will eventually be able to do that calculation.
76. Labour's agnostic compromise was too clumsy and seemed more like cynical calculation to voters.
77. Quantifying the compensatory award Unfortunately, but perhaps inevitably, the calculation of the compensatory award is highly speculative.
78. This would facilitate the calculation of peristaltic velocity and the speed of contractility of gut smooth muscle with high temporal resolution.
79. There's a straightforward calculation for working out how much tax you have to pay.
80. All this changed in the agricultural civilizations, whose rhythm of existence was directly related to the functions of measurement and calculation.
81. The simple calculation of cold bridging based on the fractional area of the cold bridge is likely to underestimate its effect.
82. Male passengers seemed to outnumber women about three to one, by my rough calculation.
83. In his original model McKenzie assumed, for ease of calculation, that the lithosphere is stretched instantaneously.
84. The importance of production is central to his scheme of economic calculation.
85. The calculation of the heat loss from structures in contact with the ground is a complex procedure.
86. Where no allowance is made for this depreciation in the calculation of investment, the resulting figure is called gross investment.
87. But in terms of add-on cost the calculation is simple.
88. The string of binary digits that the machine has now produced at the left is the answer to the calculation.
89. And the more complex the route, the more complex the calculation.
90. A calculation of this sort may be illustrated by the following hypothetical example.
91. Needing to do something, anything, he rapidly tapped the spoon against the saucer as though preoccupied with a mathematical calculation.
92. His apparent change of heart afterwards might have been the result of calculation.
93. The calculation proceeds for as many time-moments as will preserve the desired accuracy.
94. This type of calculation would take several hours without a computer.
95. These awards are not alternative; different principles apply to their calculation.
96. That is, a question involving calculation was deemed to be practical only if it involved a real-life situation.
97. Be able to select from the calculator display the number of figures which is appropriate to the context of the calculation.
98. In this case speed of calculation will make little difference to the performance.
99. Stupidly, without calculation, she was seized by the need to retaliate.
100. Population data For the calculation of incidences we needed population estimates for five year age groups for each of the years 1963-90.
101. Such a calculation is unlikely to produce a sum of money anywhere near the true cost of disturbance.
102. The calculation will, of course, vary, depending upon the plaintiff's circumstances and the nature of the new accommodation.
103. The body surface area will not be used in the calculation since the clearance is being done on an average size adult.
104. All she would need to do would be to ask the subject to perform some very complicated arithmetical calculation.
105. For the provincial press, any calculation is complicated by questions of market boundaries and different types of publication.
106. Suggest a set of sequences of assignment statements, which you would expect to be typical of programs involving arithmetic calculation.
107. Still less can I will the death of some one I love on the calculation that the bereavement will be a rewarding experience.
108. It's important that the calculation is done in a particular way,[] that it is managed and owned by the department.
109. The calculation has been made by the Edison electric Institute, Department of Energy and electric car industry officials.
110. You could write something similar to the following example anywhere in your program where you wished this calculation to be carried out.
111. The calculation is quite complicated, as I am sure the hon. Gentleman knows.
112. However, the abolition of unfree labour can not be analysed simply in terms of economic calculation.
113. Try to break down the calculation and get the students to do it in stages.
114. However, calculation of the anion gap will lead the clinician to the correct diagnosis.
115. For some pupils it will not be appropriate to attempt detailed calculation.
116. Having decided upon the items to be included in the calculation, the next step is to obtain the monthly price quotations.
117. Benefits calculation packages are especially popular with inexperienced advice workers to ensure that they have followed every avenue of enquiry.
118. This final property is useful because it simplifies the calculation of general relativistic orbits.
119. More problematic than issues relating to the calculation of these statistics are the assumptions upon which they are based.
120. All of these are complicated factors and the general effect on an orbit requires careful calculation.
121. Furthermore, race is not a significant factor in the minimum wage calculation.
122. The interpretation of the data is simple and requires a minimum amount of calculation.
123. Some pupils did not appear to understand method two but recognized its value when the calculation was to be carried out mentally.
124. By any rational political calculation, the timing of this move could not have been worse.
125. This calculation, often used in arguments about screening for prostate cancer by those critical of screening and early detection measures.
126. They are used to trying to control systems where accurate calculation of the best solution is either impossible or takes too long.
127. Firstly, gains from share options in the final year of employment were no longer allowed in the calculation of final salary.
128. It requires calculation of the number of years required to pay back the original investment.
129. Calculation of the curvature of the center manifold shows that this periodic solution is an attractor.
130. Economic evaluation and the calculation of comparative costs per quality-adjusted life-year gained is one way of providing such an explanation.
131. Calculation of the sums is complicated but producers effectively receive a headage payment on ewes.
132. Calculation How is food to be rationed - on the journey; expedition; during the siege?
133. The calculation is limited to the 20 most recent years with the employer and subject to a maximum week's pay of £205.
134. The methods of calculation for the Cornfield confidence intervals and the population and relative attributable risks are given by Breslow and Day.
135. These figures form the basis of the following calculation for battery capacity.
136. The discounting calculation is the reverse of the compound interest calculation.
137. Only marks gained on the Course are used in the calculation of honours.
138. B : Our price calculation could hardly admit that.
139. Analog calculation of az eo tropic rectification tower in the process of anhydrous alcohol was done.
140. Because of the lagging calculation of GDP contraction coefficient of statistical data, we still adopt CPI indicators to measure inflation.
141. When the tube method is employed to estimate production index, fast calculation and high precision can be achieved.
142. Structure calculation: include the static, dynamical and flection stabilization computation of bridge' s superstructure and the substructure.
143. Under the new buildings through the gob roof stability calculation and evaluation of new buildings under the gob roof stable critical thickness could be determined whether to deal with.
144. The paper analyses the concept and the role of "four calculation", and compares item cost analysis of construction enterprise with general cost analysis.
145. The second one, it defines some methods of calculation for some key variables and establishes the calculation model of the adaptive value.
146. The establishment of matching vector set and the conoept of standard vector can reduce the calculation time greatly.
147. So then a spreadsheet is like a huge calculation sheet.
148. In order to study the stress and deflection calculation methods, the stress characteristics of castellated beams were obtained through overall and local stability analysis by ANSYS.
149. The calculation is based on recent laws that encourage the development of renewable energy in China and a guaranteed price of 7.6 US cents per kilowatt hour of electricity for the next ten years.
150. Based on this, the pourable parameters of paste and more rational calculation of the theoretical maximum density of grouted composite materials were proposed.
151. Quantum dots (QDs) have great electrical, optical properties and wide potential applications on nano-electronics, opto-electronics and quantum calculation in future.
152. Secondly, the kinematics calculation algorithm is designed by matrix calculation module.
153. Finally through analyzing the of fracture pressure, caving pressure and pore pressure, three calculation models are building and explanation cut plane of land facies of typical well is formation.
154. This paper presents a method for creep life calculation of steam turbine parts.
155. The results showed that using the boundary point method to calculate seepage problem has the advantage of easy calculation program, high calculation accuracy, and easy to master and extend.
156. Such configurations, obtained theoretically by calculation, are called models of a star.
157. Based on the calculation of exchange rate volatility by GARCH model, this paper compared RMB with US dollar, Japanese Yen, HK dollar, Philippine peso, Malaysia Ringgit and Singapore dollar.
158. Meanwhile, through contrasting and analog calculation, a feasible evaluation method may be provided for the research on the estimation of reserves.
159. The Distributed Calculation is used to deal with cosmically datas.
160. If an anchor block is high and its foundation is far away from the resultant point of pipe, the checking calculation of stability against overturning shall also be performed.
161. By using high-speed buffers and do-loop unrolling technique, it reduced memory complexity and improved average time of floating-point calculation.
162. Calculation results show that the solid-fluid coupling field has an influence mainly on the modal frequencies of the impeller, and less on its modal shapes.
163. Reporters have no of knowing based on the calculation of reserves.
164. A numerical calculation of enhanced heat transfer efficiency of LFT is finished in this paper by the boundary element method.
165. We offer a variety of services, including ground plan , cost calculation, income analysis, suggestions for architecture plan , gardens and insights, project promotions and sales control execution.
166. This article introduced the Pieces, length pattern, packing strip theoretic length calculation and trim size of the steel pipe hexagon packing.
167. Further simulation calculation was done by MIDAS software , and construction monitoring was done during tension.
168. The model makes the calculation simper than load-shedding strategy by neighbor.
169. Presents the selection and calculation method and quantity determination of the circulating water pumps,[] and the operation characteristics of the pumps in parallel.
170. An approach for the calculation of the worst-case dispersion penalty of multimode fiber links was derived. The approach is expressed by 10%—90% rise time of the system.
171. On the basis of author's theories and calculation method, we made a evaluation program of determining thicknesses of thin films on substrates.
172. Such estimation method can be regarded as a theoretical basis for the calculation and protection of the impulsive force in practical engineering and also for the safety assessment in blasting.
173. The results based on deal of calculation with computers are used to analyse block coefficient of containership.
174. The most responsibility and the contribution to the failure probability for each component are determined and this short-run calculation will be easily computerizable.
175. In this paper the graphic calculation, CBL system and force sensors used to measure the maximum of static friction between two objects are introduced.
176. Discussion and design of the method and Hall sensor of speed test are keystone, and an adaptive method of rotation calculation is presented.
177. Based on the analysis of the factors affecting port throughput capacity and calculation of throughput of port, the effective means of improving port throughput capacity are put forward.
178. The firms can logout the shares or hold them as the treasury stock after repurchase. But these shares can't participate in calculation return per share and distribution proceeds.
179. Their key functions are data collection, calculation, modeling, result display, record tracking, and data interaction between production machines and online production management systems.
180. Their scalar product formula is used for the calculation of trajectory deviation.
181. By analyzing transmission pathway and mode of VLF wave, calculation formula of intensity is given.
182. This paper simplifies the gear change calculation and machine adjustment in machining equiangular helix conical milling cutter with non-circular gear method.
183. The improvement project for aerator of zincification building is discussed. At the same time, the design and calculation is carr ied through.
184. Calculation results show that the many parameter losses of importance for analog recording existed in the reproducing voltage.
185. According to one homemade combinable multi-axle trailer's steering system, the calculation in the paper proves this design method is reasonable and practicable.
186. The analytic solution equation can provide a useful geometrical model and a new calculation way to design and manufacture the unfolding roller (or carrier roll)or the superfinishing machine roll.
187. Property management fees paid to the starting point for those who purchase qualified acceptance housing start date of the calculation.
188. We put forward the theories on designing the phase difference - calculation displacement transducer and correlation displacement transducer.
189. The output power and optical efficiency of different resonator parameters and pump power have been analyzed with numerical calculation.
190. When manual design calculation must undergo many times the iterative computation, very troublesome time-consuming, but using computer time, the design calculation is very convenient effectively.
191. The matrix method and axial tracing method were applied in the calculation of the measurement of buildings which had quadrature axes.
192. The interconnection matrix of the banyan network was obtained and simulation calculation was carried out, which accords with experimental results.
193. A general finite element ANSYS of power module is used to calculate wave load against semi-submersible platform. The way of its analysis and calculation processing is also shown in the paper.
194. Mahjong is a game of skill, intelligence, calculation and luck ? and is usually played by four people.
195. In the mechanism analysis of consolidation of foundation soil by heavy tamping method, the dynamic contact stress calculation of hammer bottom and foundation surface is the key technical problem.
196. This paper deals with the calculation of the templet curve of an automatic steady rest using microcomputer.
197. This paper intends to introduce briefly the calculation of the warping coordinates of multicell thin-walled mixed sections with both open and dosed parts.
198. In this paper introduce the calculation method and example of processing the big prime number straight gear apply the method for calculating the logarithm dispart tooth in Y54 gear shaper./calculation.html
199. The result of an assignment, calculation, or data type conversion is too large to be represented within the range of values allowed for that type of variable.
200. In this thesis, the writer takes advantage of ACIS triangulating fuction and takes rounded corner tool for example to discuss calculation and elimination of interference.
201. The research results provide the available references for the calculation of multibody dynamics.
202. The analysis of stability of a slope by limiting equilibrium criteria reduces to the search for the critical slip line, giving the minimum safety factor, and to the calculation of this value.
203. The calculation results of scour depth and stabilization of riprap are consistent with the actual situation.
204. The effect of reactive load to resonance frequency of horn is analyzed by numerical calculation.
205. Owing to his error in calculation, bankruptcy of his enterprise seems inescapable.
206. This software can be not only used for the design calculation of full system, but also can be used for the calculation of single subfile system by calling the subprogram in it.
207. In this article, on the base of the theoretical calculation in vertical and horizontal bending, the amplification factor formulas of deflection and moment with the axis - load increment is deduced.
208. It also illustrates with examples that the error margin calculated by arithmetic operation can establish more complicated calculation error margin.
209. The authors participated in the calculation and evaluation and proposed measures of I-type steel beam spans, bearing in mind the principle of safety, quickness and economy.
210. The hydraulic calculation method of probability limit state of rainwater pipeline is put forward.
211. The calculation can be performed with standard transfer matrix technique computer programs. The procedure provided here can avoid the calculation difficulty met in the procedure of some literatures.
212. By means of adjusting the distance from homogenizer to receive screen, the optimal position of uniform section is determined which agreed with the theoretical calculation.
213. The kind of finite element model of the frame of a semi-trailer was established based on ANSYS and stress calculation and experiment validation simulating the actual working conditions were performed.
214. In this paper, the advantages of afforestation by blasting on two sides of highway are outlined, the blasting digging of tree pits, calculation of charge mass and charging structure are expatiated.
215. In this thesis, the Finite Element Method is applied to the solution of the Laplace equation formulated by means of stream function for the calculation of the static hydraulic thrust.
216. Determination of blasting scheme, selection of blasting parameters, calculation of charge weight, priming network, safety precautions and others were presented in this paper.
217. The result of calculation shows that the Doppler sideband near-resonance method is preferable.
218. Debris flow loss assessment is the synthetical calculation and statistics of the disaster loss and it is one of the most important contents of disaster assessment.
219. The energy functional is then written and the plate is discretized into the finite element method format on a small computer for performing the calculation.
220. The design and calculation of close planetary transmission of power diffluence is discussed in detail in this paper.
221. The calculation models of the effective area, the rate of change of the effective area and the rate of change of the effective volume are established for the diaphragm air spring.
222. According to the calculation of heat exchange and heat exchange area, and low-order heat energy of recovery of wet chlorine gas or dechlorination dilute brine with heating filter brine was feasible.
223. Secondly, as food safety regulation in rural circulation of under-developed areas needed, it builds food safety evaluation index system and provides specific calculation methods and application cases.
224. Data calculation should be presented in detail. The results must meet statistical quality control requirements.
225. The minimal path sets (MPS) are achieved by Boolean algebraic simplification calculation. The authors put forward the analyzing result of the structural significance of the basic event.
226. GLEAMS model was introduced to calculation of nitrate leaching in an agricultural catchment in Southeast China.
227. The paper gives some new opinions on the calculation of financial analysis's new indicator-" sensitivity coefficient" in the guideline of investment project feasibility study.
228. The calculation process of the strap-down inertial navigation system is studied.
229. The author demonstrated the time depth conversion method in detail by using geometry and gave practical calculation steps,[] and this fulfilled the conversion from seismic image to geological image.
230. The declines dimension algorithm presented in this paper avoids the blindness in begging to hand over, increases speed and omitts the need for excessive affixture calculation.
231. On the basis of the Blackman window and spectrum characteristics of the data, the method that the simple trigonometric function is designed to realize the phase calculation is put forward.
232. Discuss in detail the torque characteristics of hoister double-fed cascade adjusting speed system and the designing calculation of starting torque of hoister shearing resistor.
233. A general calculation method to obtain the transmission spectrum of Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter (FADOF) is presented.
234. Then the constitution, cause, theoretical calculation method of power loss and the coil temperature rise characteristic are analyzed.
235. A study is made in the paper of the self-adjustment of the antenna of a satcomship station A. Also studied here is the calculation of TDM carried level.
236. An equation is established for the calculation of the increase in fetal body weight to fertilization age.
237. Combination of the probabilistic power flow and the quadratic continuous power flow(QCPF) approaches makes it possible to consider the dependencies of load variations in the QCPF calculation.
238. The heat calculation would be different because of dissimilar thermal calculation in the turbo-compressor when the boiler load was changed.
239. By adapting matrix calculation method for using MATLAB drawing graph technology, 2D and 3D function graphs could be drawn, which is widely applied for science research and engineering technology.
240. An efficient and simple calculation method is pro-posed for the simulation of the startup process with base load, which can greatly save computation time.
241. Calculation results indicate that the vibration acceleration of beam and pier can be more effectively reduced with steel spring bearing.
242. Compared the space curve data from the two methods and formula's calculation by hand, the result indicates the system which held is higher precision and effective satisfied with practical application.
243. A computerized model has been developed which allows the calculation of the absorbed energy profile in materials exposed to particulate radiation.
244. A calculation model of the coefficient of heat transfer between gas and stave body and inlaid refractory is built based on the substitution method of boundary condition.
245. The calculation methods for the burst pressure of gas bottle, thicknesses of the steel cylinder and the fiber reinforced composite cylinder are given.
246. It successfully meets the need of these large communal greenbelt projects through integrating computer automatic graphing and earthwork valure calculation into a uniform system.
247. For the sake of computational intensity, the normal mode methods meet difficulties in the calculation of transmission loss fields at high frequencies.
248. The calculation of a complex-multinomial is discussed and a new optical method performing truth-table look-up processing is proposed.
249. Linear optimization is often used in the calculation of earth adaptation, the calculation is a huge operation by human if there are many excavation areas and placement areas in it.
250. Special thanks to professor Meng to my calculation of the casting ladle shaft and maximum torque, check calculation.
251. The results of calculation show that the bonds between lanthanum and coordination atoms have certain extent covalency.
252. For qualified test results, process and calculation must be conducted in the following sequence: scanning the recording chart, calculating the pressure from the strain and filling-in the test report.
253. In this paper, by using finite element method, the stress calculation and strength analysis for the location of the rectangle opening in the dye jigger were carried out.
254. The towline parametric design and calculation conducted by these equations are reliable, fully satisfying the requirement of the engineering design of the TW-1 target.
255. The paper enumerates section calculation formula of sprocket hob grinding abrasive wheel and its calculation process.
256. Based on the analysis for combined cycle plant and its heat gain, a cost calculation model on thermoeconomics is put forward.
257. By this method, reliable temperature data can be gained for temperature stress calculation of masonry structure.
258. NPDMC is a three dimensional Monte Calor code for multigroup neutron and photon coupled transPOrt duct calculation.
258. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
259. Analysis methods are also given for the fixed point calculation errors of general WFTA an...
260. By this method, the formula for the coherent backscattering LRCS of cones is developed, and the calculation results are given.
261. Grasp the concept of nozzle efficiency, isentropic stagnation and their calculation.
262. The Scctorial geometrical properties and the stress calculation formula of the thin box beam with different thicknesses are given in this paper.
263. The results of calculation on theoretical models indicate that this is a handy quantitative interpretive method that provides stable calculation results and directly figured spatial positions.
264. This article describes the calculation method on the tilting failure slope proceeded form the forces ana-lysis exerting the slope and applied at the south slope, TSQ Power House. It also intro...
265. So I asked him: "If you had to make a rough calculation, right now, and no one's going to hold you to it, how much water do you think we have on earth?
266. The overhead rate is of utmost importance for the right and reasonable calculation of production cost.
267. Based on the limit equilibrium of the soils′ thin-layer elements in the back of retaining wall, calculation formula of the active earth pressure for the clayey soils is suggested.
268. The calculation through an example shows that the revised formula can significantly enhance computational accuracy.
269. The article introduces structure and design of parallel machine tool track , and calculation of ballscrew.
270. On the basis of the presentation of components of communication project installation fee, the calculation and selection methods of each fee are analyzed.
271. Calculation results and aberration evaluation on objective system, equivalent eyepiece system, CRT imaging system and CCD display system are reported. Key problems are discussed and summarized.
272. Calculation of theoretical tool setting position is presented which resolves the problems such as deviation on tool setting point and machining interference.
273. The detained calculation methods and steps are introduced on technology of flangeless cylindrical part. It possesses much better applicability in production and teaching.
274. Based on the calculation results of beam-spring model, the logical value range of segment ring's effective ratio of bending rigidity and increasing rate of moment have be made out.
275. By utilizing the determinant calculation rules, the asymptotic behaviors of the dispersion curves at the short wavelength region were studied.
276. The calculation shows that the increase of heat gradient, over the depth of isostasy, will cause the negative gravity anomaly.
277. On this basis, the statistical calculation and correlation analysis between the passive SLF electromagnetic exploration sample data and the coal-bed gas contents were processed.
278. The establishment of a matrix calculation of template classes, can be combined matrix, subtract, multiply, transpose, inverse, such as computing.
279. He achieved better concordance between observation and calculation than had the most elaborate previous scheme.
280. There are three states in the analysis and calculation of cable truss such as zero state, initial state and working state.
281. The assessment grade of eutrophication state of lake is given by calculation and comparison of the fuzzy degree values of these fuzzy sets.
282. The diagonal trimming technology of unrevolution type drawing workpiece is analyzed. The structure of diagonal trimming die, work principle and calculation of major working parts are elaborated.
283. As no trigonometric function in the formula results in easy and accurate calculation result, it is especially suitable for workshop applications.
284. Normally, if you need some minor function within the BPEL processes, such as a simple calculation, you can embed this code in a Java snippet inside the BPEL process.
285. The above results provided reference and technical support for the calculation of capacity level and the analysis of service level on particular longitudinal sections.
286. The calculation of the call duration exactly a second based on the data of the application protocol.
287. A generalized error of economic calculation has been committed and sooner or later it will be discovered and corrected spontaneously by the market.
288. Two different thickness calculation formulas of ellipse head presented in the"Application Manual of Calculation Standard of Boiler Strength"was analyzed,[http:///calculation.html] and a united formula was put forward.
289. By using Boolean calculation to carry on the model analysis according to the present DEM data, we find that the Meilinggou mining area still has an enormous room for development.
290. Calculation of resonant frequencies of sloshing in a container have been achieved by FEM with calculus of variation, which is able to solve sloshing in variety complex containers.
291. The digital output is pre-calculated and no extra calculation is required.
292. In view of a certain type of laser guided aerial bomb, conclusions are drawn from the simulation and calculation of aerial bomb attack area in typical condition.
293. The above achievement has raised the level of application of penstock ( spiral case ) with elastic layer from engineering experience to a theory with a uniform analytical calculation.
294. Thermal stress calculation of no-crack concrete frame structuresThermal stress was compared with load stress and characteristic of thermal stress was analysized.
295. Finally based on the results of rockfall trace calculation combined with the characters of safe net system, the authors presented the conception and method of design of safe net system.
296. There was one man impervious to obstacles, impatient with petty calculation, undisturbed by latent tensions: the father of the European Community , Jean Monnet.
297. It deals with the operation, calculation principle and steps in the application of transit polar setting-out in highway constructions.
298. A calculation model of accelerator beam envelope has been developed. It can predict beam envelope in linear induction accelerator from the injector to the final focus region.
299. Results The result of calculation proved that nervosin had an anticancer active zone against cancer, the activity of newosin was apparently higher than rabdoepigib...
300. Building block model is the key problem that should be solved in mine 3D calculation of reserves.




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