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单词 Contemplate
1. The possibility of war is too horrifying to contemplate.
2. The thought of war is too awful to contemplate.
3. It's too awful/horrific/dangerous to contemplate.
4. They contemplate trouble in obtaining hotel reservation.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. We don't contemplate his opposing our plan.
6. Jack went on vacation to contemplate his future.
7. The thought of war was too awful to contemplate.
8. Are you prepared to contemplate retraining?
9. Did you ever contemplate resigning?
10. I can't contemplate what it would be like to be alone.
11. We don't contemplate his [ him ] opposing our plan.
12. Downing Street publicly refused yesterday to contemplate defeat.
13. This idea was too awful to contemplate.
14. The implications were too awful to contemplate.
15. He didn't want to contemplate what he smelt like.
16. The city alternative was too horrible to contemplate.
17. The results of that are too horrifying to contemplate.
18. It is very difficult to contemplate going there with all that in one's mind.
19. The pursuer himself will also require to contemplate the not inconsiderable pressure of having to give evidence and face cross-examination.
20. But as we contemplate these bitter internecine struggles we should not be too unsympathetic or complacent.
21. The reasons people contemplate job changes are many and varied.
22. It occurred to her that her inability to contemplate changing her teaching methods might mask an actual inability to change them.
23. No drug company would ever contemplate issuing a medicine which had so many unproven and untested facets to it.
24. The thought that she might be dead was too terrible to contemplate.
25. He goes to the park every day to sit and contemplate.
26. The League clubs found the idea of relegation to what was in effect the Southern League too terrible to contemplate.
27. But the devastation already wrought in it is heartrending to contemplate.
28. Yet this was the last thing the Dominions would contemplate.
29. The rollercoaster stops briefly during each of the loops so that riders can contemplate their own mortality.
30. The whole world is your paintbox, and nothing pleases you more than to contemplate exquisite,() natural things.
1. The possibility of war is too horrifying to contemplate.
2. We don't contemplate his [ him ] opposing our plan.
31. Only those thoughts were too uncomfortable to contemplate so she pushed them back into her mind.
32. He finally turned to her, shook his head slowly from side to side and swung back to contemplate the dusk.
33. Secondly, we shall need to contemplate the various options available for disposing of the company's properties.
34. Often she will be able to sleep with rising superstars and juvenile celebrities who will profess love but never contemplate marrying her.
35. I was not prepared to contemplate such an inconvenient find,[/contemplate.html] so I busied myself elsewhere.
36. Anyway, interstellar travel would be amazingly expensive - perhaps too expensive for most civilizations to contemplate.
37. As for replacement fuels, many people do not like to contemplate the nuclear option.
38. They are the reason I could not contemplate a life lacking a daily sight of hills.
39. But while the Act does not specifically prohibit a constitution on those lines, it clearly does not contemplate it.
40. Nor does it contemplate the knock-on consequences for Labour ministers of attempting to implement their programme while rebuilding the governmental machine.
41. But confession was too awful to contemplate, even with Rose.
42. It seems that our collective wish for this state is so strong that we are quite unable to contemplate the opposite.
43. All Miss Bird wanted to do was to contemplate the Falls in solitude, but that was difficult.
44. Perhaps we should even contemplate some naval action to alleviate the blockade and bring help to the 50,000 civilians still trapped there.
45. And, apart from extradition, States were unwilling for the most part to contemplate co-operation in criminal prosecutions.
46. A night to bring any man to contemplate the dogged scourge of Lady Fortune's whip with a jaundiced eye.
47. Before Mr Lawson's speech the markets had decided that the Government was unwilling to contemplate another increase.
48. Bismarck had refused to contemplate the possibility of Prussian judges exercising a supervision over political decisions.
49. It is interesting to contemplate the effects this widespread automated dealing would have on the stock market.
50. Indeed, modesty forbade him to contemplate too long what he could count a personal success.
51. He never acquires the ability to picture his feelings and is thereby unable to fully contemplate his actions in advance.
52. A man never thinks, when he undertakes one journey, that he may not return from it to contemplate another.
53. Or, does it encapsulate a mystery of crucial importance for the dying to contemplate?
54. Paragraph 11 is objectionable also, in my opinion, in that it appears to contemplate the possibility of a class remedy.
55. Don't join the dots ... Of the stars, one alone can I contemplate without pain.
56. Equalising at 60 is far too expensive for the Government to contemplate.
57. Spell after spell crashed down on the Dark Elves, the carnage was too awful to contemplate.
58. People, they said, would do better to stay at home and contemplate the teachings of the Koran.
59. One can contemplate at least three roles for these chaotic regimes.
60. The latent thought is the notion that Gloucester may be plotting to murder him - an idea too horrifying to contemplate.
61. As for those who did not, it was too soon to contemplate the radically altered life that awaited them.
62. In order to improve the mind, we ought less to learn than to contemplate. Rene Descartes 
63. No army corps commander can ever be sure he has enough authority over his units to contemplate a coup.
64. Given more time to contemplate the nature of his existence, Doug One suffers from a woeful identity crisis.
65. Then came the moment that may yet help to keep Bradford up and leave Wimbledon to contemplate life in the Nationwide League.
66. If he had, how could he ever contemplate marrying another woman?
67. Most were content to contemplate their deliverance, but some were more boisterous.
68. It was degrading even to contemplate that she would feel an obligation towards him.
69. No one could contemplate fame these days without knowing beforehand of its downside.
70. The implications were almost too enormous to contemplate. So enormous it couldn't possibly be true -could it?
71. These are the people who, however, hard it may seem, should really not even contemplate lining up at Blackheath.
72. Does New Labour contemplate relying for the expansion of educational opportunity on tax-free donations to Oxford and Cambridge?
73. Bearing in mind the geographical locations of the superpowers, this is easier to contemplate than achieve.
74. In such circumstances actual results influence judgments of responsibility and culpability even though the agent did not contemplate the result which occurred.
75. It would actually discourage expansion and seems too silly for the Government to seriously contemplate.
76. In all his plans, he had never let himself contemplate an outcome as vicious as that.
77. Paige pushed the thought away; until the day dawned that she had to she refused to contemplate it.
78. But he came gradually to see its viability and to contemplate ways of putting it into practice.
79. In contrast, the sea leaves no marks and man can then contemplate the essentials of life.
80. The evidence is overwhelming that he did not at this stage contemplate a coalition government.
81. Only if public order appeared to be on the verge of breaking down would the government contemplate restricting political liberty.
82. As I contemplate the process of separation / individuation I may have feelings and sensations that I can not articulate.
83. To contemplate death may be scary, but for those with a strong religious faith it can be almost exciting.
84. However, when the unions proved reluctant to make concessions, the employers would have to contemplate the possibility of a lockout.
85. It was a terrible thing to contemplate, but all the evidence seemed to support my conclusion.
86. At £166.75 this was far too expensive for most runners to even contemplate.
87. A firm looking to expand will not simply contemplate recruiting new partners or opening up new branch offices.
88. Bass, for example, requires a tenant to put down a deposit of £1,000 before he can even contemplate arbitration.
89. It's despair that anyone can even contemplate the idea of dropping a bomb or ordering that it should be dropped.
90. It afforded a vista pleasant to contemplate.
91. Contemplate the problem before making a final decision.
92. I do not contemplate any opposition from him.
93. Contemplate your incarnate Delirium Tremens!
94. The consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate.
94. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
95. He could not contemplate anything so desperate as desertion.
96. All day he did nothing but contemplate.
97. What a wonderful scene they contemplate from the heights.
98. Economists were probably too busy watching markets gyrate to contemplate last month's big news in science.
99. It would form the staple of the investigations I contemplate.
100. THE job of the professional astrophysicist is to contemplate the music of the spheres.
101. Diving instructors teach panicky novices to focus on tiny things. Oceans are too vast to contemplate sanely, so reduce the scope of your attention to ease panic.
102. Contemplate the fact that you might have made a regrettable, but somewhat explainable decision then.
103. The best way to enjoy the beauty of the Mauritian landscape is to contemplate it from above.
104. Now contemplate all the saws and trucks and rope and the countless other gear used in harvesting and carting the cedar logs to the railroad siding.
105. It is perhaps pointless to contemplate what might have been changing.
106. The C language definition does not contemplate the question of procedures whose formal and actual argument lists disagree in number or type.
107. When Gene Kelly died last week at 83, he left us to contemplate certain ironies.
108. It is almost unbelievable that one could even contemplate a population where in 13 out of every 100 live births, the child was a cretin.
109. Every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate that it may no longer be habitable.
110. Flora Manhood resisted the temptation to contemplate her own body.
111. Therefore, it is indispensable to contemplate the legal issues arising from the establishment of fund management company.
112. At last the fighting ceases, giving Fleming time to contemplate his experiences.
113. It was fairly easy to contemplate the race issue in the shop.
114. So by using the tabulated data, we can really determined heats of formation for most reactions that you might contemplate, OK?
115. Then her own lips lost their evenness, and she struggled long before she could pluck up courage to contemplate this new disaster.
116. But now she was, and Greg, who often shared about what he called his terror runs, appeared to be planning one, the way some people contemplate a Berkshires getaway.
117. The agreed-upon recoupment principles also contemplate the recoupment of compensation that has not yet been awarded or vested.
118. The alternative of the commons is too horrifying to contemplate.
119. Certainly, you can confront the transgressor, contemplate revenge, or hold a grudge forever.
120. Thus Iran must run into the ground until it takes the reasonable offer on the table and may even contemplate regime change, depending on which analyst's viewpoint you read.
121. Perhaps it is in these ancient and not in our modern myths that we can contemplate how the human might become, in her words, supreme over the unhuman.
122. On Monday, it warned mainland China not to contemplate coercion.
123. Although I know that every floss will work well enough, I still can't help but contemplate the pros and cons of waxed versus unwaxed, spearmint versus wintermint.
124. He may try to blast his way out of trouble, playing attacking shots to balls he would not normally contemplate hitting.
125. "We find it difficult to contemplate any scenario which doesn't see annual average prices going steadily higher," said Kevin Norrish, analyst at Barclays Capital in London.
126. That makes it difficult to contemplate the idea that the present policy may not be sustainable.
127. The destruction of a President with its collapse of executive authority was too staggering to contemplate.
128. FOR the past couple of years many Latin American political leaders have been able to contemplate the world with a certain smugness.
129. Miraculously preserved though she is, she may look to the untrained eye like a roadkill squirrel,[http:///contemplate.html] and she belongs to a time – 47m years ago – too remote to contemplate.
130. So, man is to contemplate on the words of Talbiyah in order to pronounce them with full sincerity and awareness of their meaning from the bottom of one's heart.
131. Both tests really contemplate a standard of " reasonableness, " which no one can define with precision.
132. As I contemplate the achievements of Hong Kong University, I am filled with deep admiration and also, it has to be admitted, with wistfulness.
133. But what a heinous immortaility to contemplate ! Perhaps this is the fate of voldemort.




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