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单词 Middle-class
1. He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.
2. Ballet is essentially a middle-class interest.
3. The magazine is very middle-class.
4. These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters.
5. They lived a comfortable middle-class life.
6. He has written a book about middle-class suburbia.
7. They come from comfortable middle-class families.
8. Paula was the product of a sheltered middle-class home.
9. She came from a stable, comfortable, middle-class family.
10. They hold very middle-class values.
11. His informants were middle-class professional women.
12. Politics is still dominated by the middle-class mafia.
13. Reform is popular with middle-class liberals.
14. The middle-class suburbs are growing fast.
15. The area contains a disproportionate number of young middle-class families.
16. Feminism must address issues beyond the concerns of middle-class whites.
17. We drove from middle-class suburbs to a very poor inner-city area.
18. Middle-class pressure for liberal reforms was ineffectual.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. Such as latch-key kids from middle-class backgrounds.
20. Schools, he argues emphasise and embody middle-class values.
21. Donald Dewar was born into a middle-class Glasgow household.
22. Buchanan has tapped into the wellspring of middle-class angst.
23. But consider what has happened to middle-class managers.
24. Most of his friends were from similar middle-class backgrounds.
25. As in egalitarian feminist psychology, white, middle-class, middle-aged, heterosexual women are the main subjects of woman-centred psychology.
26. The government needs to listen to the voice of middle-class Americans.
27. He is rapidly losing the support of blue-collar voters and of middle-class conservatives.
28. They expressed worry about the district's current budget crisis and its vanishing middle-class work force.
29. There is considerable evidence from the eighteenth century of a new concern with childhood in middle-class ideology and practice.
30. Again, there were considerable variations between the townships, the greatest distinctions being between the working-class and middle-class communities.
1. He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.
2. Ballet is essentially a middle-class interest.
3. The magazine is very middle-class.
4. These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters.
31. An officer who spent his career patrolling a middle-class suburb would only in extreme circumstances be involved in a physical encounter.
32. She and her three brothers lived in a large two-story house in a middle-class neighborhood set amid Amish farmland.
33. Various authors have suggested or claimed that working-class women are satisfied with housework while middle-class women are not.
34. The result for the middle-class child was an increased state of dependence, longer than that experienced by the previous generation.
35. It was an aggressive assertion of a predominantly male, working-class integrity against incursions from middle-class intellectuals and foreign influence.
36. The naturalness and energy in Fields' performances made these films popular with both middle-class and working-class audiences.
37. To smoke is to dissociate oneself from the middle-class health fascists, to say no to jogging and yoghurt and yoga.
38. It was also seen, however, by certain middle-class educators such as Matthew Arnold as a means of subduing the masses.
39. World middleweight champions Mickey Walker and Joey Giardello both came from solid middle-class homes, but fought like cavemen in the ring.
40. Its political inflexion contests the middle-class work ethic which is the main purpose of its message.
41. All the great middle-class moral reforms of the age had been achieved at the expense of pleasure and enjoyment.
42. These schools now provided a free alternative to expensive private education - so that the number of middle-class children in them rose.
43. I am not very educated, I am loud. I may have come out of the middle-class but the middle-class doesn’t leave me! Jeetendra 
44. There was Libby, a middle-class city girl who lives in a log cabin in the sub-arctic woods.
45. Irene the heroine is a journalist from an upper middle-class family engaged to be married to an army officer.
46. The middle-class in the center of concern in these novels, as it is in sentimental comedy.
47. I should add that these three incidents happened to intelligent, middle-class patients in hospitals with international reputations.
48. It is not just gang members who get into trouble - it's middle-class and upper-class kids as well.
49. Black children from middle-class or affluent families, they say[/middle-class.html], are more apt to adopt what is commonly called black slang.
50. For many outer-city and middle-class speakers, a raised vowel is already categorical in all environments.
51. In the pre-punk 1970s, before working-class chic peaked, hipsters at art school would have out-posed middle-class Ruby.
52. But middle-class flight destroys a school system because when middle-class parents flee, so does the power base.
53. The most interesting aspect of the Labour campaign was, however, its glossy, middle-class niceness.
54. The effect was to trigger off a largely middle-class uprising designed to break the chains hampering economic growth and professional advancement.
55. Magazines of the day published architectural plans for craftsman bungalows that were affordable to working-class as well as middle-class families.
56. A Ford sedan, the very symbol of middle-class moderation, offers electrically heated outside mirrors, for crying out loud.
57. Many seem to believe that lamenting the middle-class bias of their sample is a sufficient contribution towards equality.
58. This has not consisted simply of middle-class reformers defining the working-class family as problematic, for which there is a long tradition.
59. The magazine exploited popular Catholic themes, such as anti-abortion campaigning and family values to channel middle-class resentment into a political movement.
60. But these positive achievements were enmeshed with the longer history of middle-class women's involvement in social regulation and class disciplining.
61. Working-class women are no less likely than middle-class women to express dissatisfaction with housework.
62. The Left became increasingly middle-class and this reinforced the already strong opposition to it among trade union officials.
63. But middle-class culture would probably prevent you from doing it; both you and he have too much to lose.
64. It is clearly a bourgeois drama and takes place in an upper middle-class home in the environs of London.
65. The hysterical woman was the middle-class woman of leisure deprived of productive labour and imprisoned in dependence on her family.
66. Then there was Marta from Spartanburg, who was fleeing the dead hand of middle-class rectitude.
67. Middle-class families get their investment back in two to three years if they cook half their lunch every day in the cooker.
68. The two central characters are middle-class sisters whose lives have reached a crisis.
69. Already, 1,150 people emigrate each week, draining Hong Kong's talent, wealth and middle-class ballast.
70. Conversely, if middle-class parents stay, if they stay and fight, they can turn things around.
71. Its children taunted nice little middle-class children in school uniform who strayed into its terrain.
72. Paul McGann will star as a middle-class Jewish lawyer in a new BBC drama called 'Fish'.
73. How those middle-class Sorels and Maurrases adored it-the hand that gripped the knife with authority.
74. The middle-class skills - such as public speaking - required to be an effective councillor may also discourage many manual workers.
75. Agents said the women chosen as couriers mainly were in their 20s with middle-class appearances.
76. Yet, although we condescended to those around, middle-class people weren't enthusiastic about us.
77. As Reich puts it: The reactionary middle-class man perceives himself in the Fuhrer, in the authoritarian state.
78. To keep campaign pledges to make education his top priority, Clinton wants two new middle-class tax breaks for college tuition.
78. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
79. The predominantly middle-class character of the suburbs and the commuting population was to have important social consequences.
80. Middle-class families typically spend a lifetime saving, either by investing in securities or by building small businesses.
81. Their strident moralism jarred with both the measured middle-class radicalism of the repealers and the dominant patrician language of high politics.
82. Such techniques are not available to middle-class families with modest savings, or to small business owners holding long-term capital gains.
83. Gbagbo won support in middle-class areas of the capital, and in the north-east of the country.
84. A shifting constellation of part-time jobs is becoming the middle-class norm.
85. The heroine of her latest novel is a middle-class English woman.
86. The expansion of the middle-class was one aspect of the great increase in population marking the nineteenth century.
87. The war and the expansion that followed created a culture of mobility and middle-class affluence unmatched in the history of the world.
88. Most were in their beds when the powerful blast hit the middle-class district of Bowbazaar, said city officials.
89. The search for middle-class allies still inhibited most socialists from attributing militarism, imperialism and the war danger to capitalism as such.
90. Ethnic minority groupings, squatters and welfare rights workers, for example, usually fare badly in comparison with statusquo middle-class groups.
91. The stores, usually located in suburban shopping centers, target middle-class consumers with brand-name clothing, accessories and furniture.
92. Its members brought the same middle-class standards to black adoptions that they used for white adoptions.
93. Her background was middle-class, cultured, my maternal grandfather being a rabbi.
94. Proponents say the program can directly involve middle-class church members in the lives and struggles of the poor.
95. The system was, perhaps irreversibly, biased towards the selection of middle-class children.
96. In giving most people middle-class aspirations it tried to rid the nation of its old-fashioned class structure.
97. Today, the Department approved grant-maintained status for five schools in wealthy, middle-class and less wealthy areas in that borough.
98. Some middle-class voters have supported the Labour Party and about one-third of working-class voters have traditionally cast their ballots for Conservative candidates.
99. Almost the same number are Bengali children of middle-class families, who attend the day school.
100. Whatever their other differences, good middle-class reformers would not countenance such ideological backsliding or remain passive before fashionable aristocratic interventions.
101. The values of privacy and the values of home are closely interwoven, especially in contemporary middle-class culture.
102. In the 1960s and 1970s, psychologists strongly criticized the discipline's predominantly middle-class constitution.
103. The acts were not just reluctant to offend, but even to probe beyond the first middle-class convention they came up against.
104. For middle-class parents at least, however, a new power is taking his place: the equally authoritarian medical expert.
105. This contributed also to persistent readership duplication, with the average middle-class reader in the 1960s still reading about 1.25 national dailies.
106. Gramm and others argue that the mortgage interest deduction is too popular with middle-class families to discard.
107. My wife and I had bought a home and we were ready to settle down into a comfortable middle-aged, middle-class rut.
108. What had she thought, that their purpose led to another hopeless middle-class trap.
108. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
109. They could anticipate earning a decent, middle-class wage there for most of their working lives.
110. He is a wholly conscious arriviste, half proud and half ashamed of both his middle-class background and his upward mobility.
111. I felt intimidated at first because I'd never been in a school with so many middle-class children.
112. But we lived in a middle-class neighbourhood and I met with a lot of disapproval.
113. These types of music also have the advantage of a much wider appeal than jazz, a mainly middle-aged, middle-class interest.
114. Burton had no middle-class expectations, and certainly no desire to ape aristocratic ways he was not heir to.
115. Middle-class hopes ride on a new constitution approved in September.
116. College is more expensive and more critical to middle-class status than in the past.
117. Etiquette and good manners are not a middle-class pastime or an optional extra for nice people.
118. Their reference is to the middle-class norm of the discontented housewife.
119. Many people, who had once been middle-class, who had once had dignity, became irrational.
120. Not surprisingly, the result has been to recruit predominantly middle-class unemployed people into mainstream programmes.
121. In the experience of friends who canvass for the Labour party, old, white, middle-class men are the rudest.
122. This is confirmed by the following table of world-class champions and contenders from middle-class backgrounds.
123. Middle-class living standards here far surpass life in Moscow, where many still live dormitory-style in small apartments.
124. As in the Reich, it seems that they had gained votes at the expense of the middle-class Centre Party.
125. Could this be because ballet lessons are now a very middle-class thing, like ponies?
126. All these conditions make for a higher incidence of illness among working-class than middle-class babies.
127. Sometimes this consciousness developed into a critique of middle-class morality and economic exploitation.
128. The middle-class elderly are a powerful voting bloc, quick to mobilize against any attack on their benefit programs.
129. By contrast the middle-class area has a relatively stable and prosperous population.
130. But in their economic desperation, many business and middle-class people have slipped backward, politically.
131. His proposal fulfilled a 1992 campaign pledge to provide a middle-class tax cut.
132. Middle-class moralists might be ardent, even strident, but working-class patterns continued to be remarkably resistant and independent.
133. As few as one in twenty of the sample could be described as a utilitarian scientist of puritan middle-class background.
134. Divorce or the death of a husband is enough to catapult a middle-class white woman and her children into poverty.
135. The railroads were regulated to prevent the owners from using their monopoly power to reduce the incomes of their middle-class customers.
136. Much of the information the clinics gave people was incomplete and biased in favour of educated middle-class clients.
137. Among middle-class women, early marriage played a similar role in increasing risk of depression.
138. The publishing magnate is challenging front-runner Dole by attracting largely middle-class suburban voters seemingly alienated from the political process.
139. For single middle-class women without dowries there was only the prospect of becoming a governess or companion.
140. It was middle-class votes they were pitching for.
141. He's just a well-brought-up,[ ] middle-class boy.
142. He comes from a completely uncultured, lower middle-class family.
143. He comes from a middle-class Punjabi family.
144. Tripoli might seem a long way from Beijing or Seoul, but the region's global trade linkages and rising middle-class mean that events in Libya will have a knock-on effect.
145. There was a time when any pop star who even admitted to enjoying books was dismissed as a middle-class twat.
146. The ordinary dynamics of supply and demand have certainly played a role: laborsaving technologies have reduced the demand for many "good" middle-class, blue-collar jobs.
147. The left paints the movement as a largely white and middle-class mob – and as including kooks who equate President Obama with Joseph Stalin.
148. The following two passages consider the experiences of middle-class women in nineteenth-century England under the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901).
149. The magazine, which critics have described as middle-class porn, re-launches with its 100th issue this month, and includes an article on Japan's "Festival of the Steel Penis."
150. From an unremarkable middle-class household came a mass murderer. How could this have happened, asks his grand-niece.
151. The demise of the boozy lunch is one more sign of the U. S. influence, which pervades Mexico's middle-class.
152. Health care costs also have outstripped inflation; the cost of a catastrophic illness can quickly knock a middle-class household into another, better-defined economic category: poverty.
153. The additional fact that New Orleans has upper-class and middle-class black populations has been a significant factor in such projects.
154. The move aims at ensuring millionaires pay a minimum rate of tax that at least matches that of middle-class families.
155. He insists that he is doing a service to the men who don't want to hire streetwalkers, and to his middle-class, ambitious and frostily pragmatic college friends.
156. Our social contacts were limited to the middle-class side of it, but the farther scene was sightly and the air salubrious.
157. We became a nation with lifetime employment, a corporate system based on stable cross-holdings of shares, and a large middle-class population in which people are equal and alike.
158. For many poor, young, urban blacks, King was too middle-class and genteel, too Southern, too churchly and high-flown; Malcolm had lived as they had.
159. Those of us subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (don't get me started on this silliness) in the middle-class and in the upper-income class will not have to worry about it for now.
160. Nevertheless, Young has been criticised by opponents on the Left, including educationalist Fiona Millar, for being a typical middle-class parent who wants a grammar school in all but name.
161. The rise of the main character satisfies the wish fulfillment of the mainly middle-class readers.
162. The magazine, which critics have described as middle-class porn, re-launches with its 100th issue this month, and includes an article on Japan's " of the Steel Penis."
163. In fact, this "middle-class" government is not only a subjective product characteristic of apriority and utopianism , but also has extreme strong class-consciousness.
164. But Fellini's characters, who were middle-class and had lusty appetites, at least were hopeful on their way to despair.
165. He felt that, single-minded and self-sacrificing as his parents were, there yet existed certain latent prejudices of theirs, as middle-class people, which it would require some tact to overcome.
166. "They get what middle-class and upper-middle-class kids get," Canada told the television newsmagazine 60 Minutes. "They get safety.
167. Middle-class kids growing up with two biological parents are "socialised for success".
168. The fact of the matter is[/middle-class.html], it's not just about the lowest-income people. It's the average American middle-class family who's being priced out of the market.
169. Of today's middle class, 70 percent had parents who were farmers, and for around 55 percent of middle-class Chinese, their first job was as a farmer or manual laborer.
170. The few jobs now being created too often pay a pittance, not nearly enough to pry open the doors to a middle-class standard of living.
171. In China, the number of urban middle-class households will quintuple; in India it will grow nearly fourfold.
172. Tayari Jones is an African-American woman, southern, middle-class, right-handed writer.
173. Alongside diehard Thaksinite protesters, stand middle-class Thais who do not care for Mr Thaksin but are disgusted by the political prestidigitation that toppled two elected governments.
174. And even that higher income is not enough to embark on the middle-class dream in China of owning a small apartment and subcompact car.
175. Earning $144, 000 in Newport Beach may be affluent in many towns in the U.S.. But it probably counts as middle-class or lower-affluent in Newport Beach.
176. They are also discussing attaching more middle-class assistance to the legislation, even though President Bush has asked lawmakers to avoid adding controversial items that could delay action.
177. As a middle-class writer, Tennessee Williams spends almost all his life in the South.
178. And middle-class buyers are upset because they thought they were buying into the Buick brand and Buick quality but instead received a watered-down car that did not meet their expectations.
179. As the world struggles to emerge from the economic near-collapse, one sub-group in the United States has slid below the waterline in record numbers: formerly middle-class women.
180. The switch to ready-made clothing and the business suit has sometimes made middle-class men seem "inexpressive", "anonymous", and " undemonstrative ".
181. For example, Prime Minister Tony Blair, the next major leader to face an election, plays the personality card and talks about policies, but he represents above all a set of middle-class values.
182. Elmont is primarily a middle-class and blue-collar suburb, but there is plenty of fear and loathing, too, in Huntington, L. I.
183. The terrorism of the Baader Meinhof gang had turned out to be a dead end, but the politics of anti-nuclear protest had a lasting appeal to middle-class Germans.
184. Mei is an only child whose stable, middle-class family life is torn apart as her parents careen toward divorce.
185. About eight years ago, Ms. Primbretova went to work for a Moscow travel agency, booking tours for up-and-coming middle-class Russians to exotic destinations, like Thailand, Egypt, and Spain.
186. A staunch progressive, Shaw joined in 1884 the Fabian Society, an organization of middle-class socialists dedicated to mass education and the legislative reform of England.
187. The new universities are real enough, though they remain middle-class bastions: very few of China's poorer citizens get a look-in.
188. As the trade has grown less risky and more lucrative, it has attracted some middle-class women seeking quick tax-free income.
189. ' ... The middle-class, middle American, suburban, exurban, and rural coalitions who call themselves, now, 'Values voters, ''people of faith, ' 'patriots, ' or even simply, 'Republicans....'
190. Neem contains a mild antiseptic and provides such toothbrushes for millions of poor Indians; even middle-class ones use toothpaste made from it.
191. Having run into trouble as a youngster, Humphrey has "street credibility,[sentence dictionary] " something social workers from more middle-class backgrounds may lack.
192. The tensions of the Nixon presidency were replaced by the plain vanilla administration of a friendly, middle-aged, middle-class man from the Middle West.
193. "Last Man in Tower" depicts a genteel middle-class impoverishment of imagination and hope.
194. Another aspect is that middle-class and upper-class men were expected to be very controlled — to control their emotions, their servants and their women — and women were expected to be submissive.
195. There is a harrowing moment when each middle-class families first starts to undertand that its gilt-edged securities and War Loan will never recover.
196. Luce rues that a middle-class home is crowded—only 700 square feet—and "cluttered with chintzy memorabilia" and heartbreakingly defiant messages on refrigerator magnets.
197. The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle-class child of a small family from a good area.
198. Most of scholars have studied the event from political-historical or constitutional-historical perspectives and considered the suffragist movement as a middle-class reform activity.
199. Lu said the package "is not the be all and end all"; Americans also need middle-class tax cuts and health care.
200. The main objection to this definition is that it excludes many people in China and India who are recognizably middle-class but earn less than $12 a day.
201. For the average American, it was a period when a new kind of middle-class life became possible. It was the heyday of what John Kenneth Galbraith called the "new industrial state."
202. Something to shout about: Due to Dharavi's prime location, Mumbai officials have created a top-down plan for developers to raze the slum and erect office towers and middle-class apartments.
203. Black middle-class neighborhoods are hollowed out, with prices plummeting and homes standing vacant in places like Orange Mound, White Haven and Cordova.




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