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单词 hole
释义  Related topics: Golfldoce_159_fhole1 /həʊl $ hoʊl/ ●●● S1 W2 noun [countable]  1  space in STH solid 固体物中的空间HOLE an empty space in something solid 洞,孔hole in There was a huge hole in the road. 路上有个大坑。 I began digging a hole for the plant. 我开始挖洞种那棵植物。 ► Don’t say there is a hole ‘on’ something. Say there is a hole in something.表示某物上有个洞,不要说 ‘on’ . 而要说 in. →5  See picture of gap 缺口, crack 裂缝, slot 投币口, hole 坑 →4  See picture of 见图 hole2  space STH can go through 可穿过的空间 a space in something solid that allows light or things to pass through 〔可穿过的〕洞,裂口hole in They climbed through a hole in the fence. 他们从栅栏的缺口爬了过去。 These socks are full of holes. 这双袜子满是破洞。 bullet holes (=made by bullets) 弹孔3  empty place 空位HOLE a place where someone or something should be, but is missing 空位hole in Their departure will leave a gaping hole in Grand Prix racing. 他们的离去将给汽车大奖赛留下一个巨大的空白。4  weak part 缺陷 a weak part or fault in something such as an idea or plan 〔想法、计划等的〕漏洞,破绽,问题 The theory is full of holes. 该理论漏洞百出。hole in If you have holes in your game, work on them. 假如你运动技能上有不足的地方,就要在这方面下功夫。5  animal’s home 动物的巢穴HBAHOME the home of a small animal 〔小动物的〕窝,洞穴 a rabbit hole 兔窝6  unpleasant place 不舒适的地方 informalUNPLEASANT an unpleasant place 糟糕的地方 I’ve got to get out of this hole. 我得离开这个破地方。7  golf 高尔夫球 a) DSGa hole in the ground that you try to get the ball into in the game of golf 球洞,球穴 b) DSGone part of a golf course with this kind of hole at one end 球洞区 →4  See picture of 见图 GOLF →5 see picture at 见图 golf8. hole in one DSGwhen someone hits the ball in golf from the starting place into the hole with only one hit 〔高尔夫球运动中的〕一杆进洞9  make a hole in something informalUSE A PERSON to use a large part of an amount of money, food etc 用去某物的一大部分,大量消耗某物 Holidays can make a big hole in your savings. 度假会花去你一大笔存款。10. be in a hole PROBLEMSERIOUS SITUATION informal to be in a difficult situation 处于困境11  be in the hole American English spoken to owe money 负债,欠钱 I was something like $16,000 in the hole already. 我已经负债大概1.6万美元了。12  need/want something like a hole in the head spokenNEED used to say that you definitely do not need or want something 绝对不需要某事物 I need this conversation like a hole in the head. 我绝对不需要这次谈话。 → ace in the hole at ace1(7), → black hole, → square peg in a round hole at square1(12), → watering hole THESAURUShole an empty space in the surface of something, which sometimes goes all the way through it 洞,孔,坑〔有时贯穿整个物体〕A fox had dug a hole under our fence. 一只狐狸在我们的栅栏下挖了个洞。Rain was coming in through a hole in the roof. 雨水从屋顶的一个洞里漏进来。space an empty area between two things, into which you can put something 〔两物之间可置物的〕空间Are there any empty spaces on the bookshelf? 书架上有空当吗?a parking space 停车位gap an empty area between two things or two parts of something, especially one that should not be there 〔两物之间或某物的两部分之间不该存在的〕缺口,裂缝He has a gap between his two front teeth. 他的两颗门牙之间有条缝。I squeezed through a gap in the hedge. 我从树篱的缺口钻了过去。opening a hole that something can pass through or that you can see through, especially at the entrance of something 〔尤指入口处可穿过或可看见他物的〕洞,缺口The train disappeared into the dark opening of the tunnel. 火车从黑漆漆的隧道入口驶入,消失不见了。I looked through the narrow opening in the wall. 我透过墙上的窄缝望去。leak a small hole where something has been damaged or broken that lets liquid or gas flow in or out 漏洞;裂缝a leak in the pipe 管子上的裂缝The plumber’s coming to repair the leak. 管道工会来修理漏处。puncture especially British English a small hole in a tyre through which air escapes 〔轮胎上扎破的〕小洞,小孔My bike’s got a puncture. 我的自行车轮胎扎破了。crack a very narrow space between two things or two parts of something 裂缝,缝隙 The snake slid into a crack in the rock. 蛇钻进了岩石的裂缝里。She was peering through the crack in the curtains. 她透过窗帘的缝隙看着。slot a straight narrow hole that you put a particular type of object into 〔可放某类物体的〕狭孔,狭缝You have to put a coin in the slot before you dial the number. 拨号前得往投币口塞一枚硬币。A small disk fits into a slot in the camera. 小光盘可以插入摄像机的光盘槽中。crater a round hole in the ground made by an explosion or by a large object hitting it hard 〔炸弹爆炸或大型物体撞击地面造成的〕(圆)坑a volcanic crater 火山口nThe meteor left a crater over five miles wide.nthe craters on the Moonnto make a hole in somethingmake a hole in something to cause a hole to appear in somethingMake a hole in the bottom of the can using a hammer and nail.pierce to make a small hole in or through something, using a pointed objectThe dog’s teeth had pierced her skin.Shelley wanted to have her ears pierced (=for earrings).prick to make a very small hole in the surface of something, using a pointed objectPrick the potatoes before baking them.My finger was bleeding where the needle had pricked it.punch to make a hole through paper or flat material using a metal tool or other sharp objectI bought one of those things for punching holes in paper.You have to get your ticket punched before you get on the train.puncture to make a small hole in something, especially something where skin or a wall surrounds a softer or hollow inside partThe bullet had punctured his lung.perforate formal to make a hole or holes in somethingFragments of the bullet had perforated his intestines.drill to make a hole using a special tool, often one which turns round and round very quicklyThe dentist started drilling a hole in my tooth.They won a contract to drill for oil in the area.bore to make a deep round hole through a rock, into the ground etcThey had to bore through solid rock.The men were boring a hole for the tunnel.Examples from the Corpushole• A fox had dug a hole under our garden fence.• I can't wear my green shirt -- it has a hole in it.• The aim is to get the ball in a hole in the ground.• Make a hole in the bottom of each plant pot to let the water drain out.• A shaft of light came in through a hole in the corrugated iron roof.• Troy looked through a hole in the fence at the garden next door.• There are holes in the ozone layer above Antarctica.• a bullet hole• The old mineshaft had left a deep hole, dangerous to both people and livestock.• Construction workers have to dig a thousand foot hole before work can start on the tunnel.• They stared at the gaping hole in the wall.• The sheet was ancient and full of holes.• We made a small hole in the earth, just deep enough to cover the roots of the plant.• She stuck her finger through the hole.• Water trickled in through the hole in the roof.• I have to get out of this hole.hole in• All my jeans have holes in the knees.• How can I fill the holes in my driveway cheaply?full of holes• Levitt concluded that the article was full of holes.Related topics: Golfhole2 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]DSG to hit the ball into a hole in golf 〔高尔夫球运动中〕击(球)入洞 He holed the putt with ease. 他轻松地推球入洞。 →5 see picture at 见图 golf2. be holed HOLEif a ship is holed, something makes a hole in it 〔船只〕出现破洞3.hole out phrasal verb to hit the ball into a hole in golf 〔高尔夫球运动中〕击(球)入洞4 hole up (also be holed up) phrasal verb informal HIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEEto hide somewhere for a period of time 躲藏 in/with/at The gunmen are still holed up in the town. 那几个持枪歹徒仍然躲在镇上。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushole• Even that record has now gone, Sluman holing in one.• That was until Norman Tebbit spotted what he believed was the biggest chance of holing the impenetrable protective layer around the bill.• Then he made his third three at the seventh, playing a nine-iron to four feet and holing the putt.• After holing up for the winter of 2512 the horde descended into the eastern provinces of the Empire.holed ... putt• He still played an exquisite little downhill chip to a yard and holed the putt.• He cut it in and holed the putt from about 12 feet.Origin hole1 Old English holhole1 noun →THESAURUS1hole2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  space in an Corpus something empty solid




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