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单词 hog
释义  Related topics: Animalshog1 /hɒɡ $ hɑːɡ, hɒːɡ/ noun [countable]  1. especially American EnglishHBA a large pig that is kept for its meat 〔供食用的〕大猪 → boar, sow2  go the whole hog informalCOMPLETE to do something thoroughly 把某事做彻底 Let’s go the whole hog and order champagne. 我们索性点香槟吧。3. go hog wild American English informalUNUSUAL to suddenly do an activity in an uncontrolled way 无节制地做〔某事〕4  informalGREEDY someone who takes too much of something that should be shared 贪婪的人 SYN pig You greedy hog! 你这个贪婪鬼! → road hogExamples from the Corpushog• Don't be such a hog.• When living high on the corporate hog, you learn to spend as much as possible.• There was my car, like a mad old hog caught in mid-spasm, its snout and tusks crushed and steaming.• The lowland races, though, are not much larger than the red river hog.• And a couple of times a year, they would slaughter the hogs or heifers that provided year-round protein.• Ellen, you want to go to the sheep barn or to the hogs?• He shuddered, reminded for some reason of a debris tIed hog.• And when you've claimed that much land, why not go the whole hog and put a roof over it as well.• The Siemens display goes the whole hog.hog2 verb (hogged, hogging) [transitive]  informalUSE/CONSUME to keep, use, or have all of something that should be shared 攫取,把…占为己有,独占 How much longer are you going to hog the bathroom? 你还要占用浴室多久啊? He’s been hogging the limelight (=having all the attention, praise etc). 他总是抢风头。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushog• It's just that Diana hogs all the photo opportunities.• Mom, Pam's hogging the bathroom again!• Dredge tried to hog the credit, but it's clear to me where it really belongs.• You're presenting a message, not hogging the limelight!• She gave him little room on the seat, hogging the middle.• But Hillary keeps hogging those funerals.Origin hog1 Old English hogghog1 nounhog2 verbChinese  a pig that is for large kept Corpus




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