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单词 hobnob
释义  hob·nob /ˈhɒbnɒb $ ˈhɑːbnɑːb/ verb (hobnobbed, hobnobbing) [intransitive]  informalSOCIALIZE to spend time talking to people who are in a higher social position than you 〔与比自己社会地位高的人〕交谈,攀谈hobnob with He spent the first day hobnobbing with the management. 第一天他就和管理层交谈套近乎。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushobnob• He had a special sympathy for the underdog, and he enjoyed hobnobbing with all and sundry.• In Lisbon hobnobbing with Liam Devlin.• Winning meant post-race parties, hobnobbing with well-meaning sponsors.hobnob with• Benech liked to hobnob with local politicians.nHobnob trademark  na type of British biscuit made from rolled oats and produced by the McVitie’s companyOrigin hobnob (1700-1800) drink hobnob “to take turns in drinking” ((18-19 centuries)), from habnab “in one way or another” ((16-19 centuries)), probably from Old English habban “to have” and nabban “to have not”hob·nob verbHobnobLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  who Corpus talking people to time to spend




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